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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Yavolin had thought he had lost Luna and his foal as soon as he was freed he'll go far away from equestria to never be seen again. He knew discord could find him but he didn't care anymore , he had stopped caring  the moment shade had killed both Luna and his foal.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Celestia started to run towards Shade. She jumped to tackle him
(him??? Shade is a girl... And happy harthwarmth!!!)


Shade looked at celestia... She was tired and board... She wanted to see what celestia would do to her after tackling her... So she stood there and let celestia tackle her.

* I wonder what celestia would do to me if she dose this... I can't wait to..*


Shades thoughts were cut off by another headache... But it didn't hurt that much she kept her eyes on celestia waiting for the tackle



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(Sorry! I must have typed that wrong xD)

"How dare you do such a thing?!" Celestia snarled as she tackled him to the cold, hard tiled floor. "You must think thats hilarious! But you have no idea how much you could ruin a ponies life by doing that! Do you think the others ever were the same again?!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(Shade is still a *her* BTW)


Shade was on the ground after Celestia tackled her.

"What do you mean by that? And why don't you think of this as a lesson of friendship? Something that the elements need"


"And just because I keep seeing this element dosnt mean I am an element of harmony"


Shades vision was blurred as she could only see the element again


"So what are you going to do Celestia? Now that you have me pined?"



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Yavolin tried to get up but the spell kept him from going anywhere all he wanted to do is go home, he  had lost all faith for this battle with discord and even if he does win he won't have Luna or his foal to look after all he hoped for was that their death was quick and easy.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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(3 days is up! where are you?)


shade was still on the ground after being pined by celestia, she looked at yavolin who was still paralyzed, she shot a beam at yavolin wich de- paralyzed him...


*hes fully discorded now... i can let him go now... no fun if hes sticking around anyways... hahaha!* 



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(I did it again? xD Sorry.

Oh and sorry I'm late.  Busy busy.

And school is starting up again.

So I won't be on as often as before.)


Celestia growled at Shade.  "I'm going to call the guards to come and prison you here in a magic proof cell," she said, raising her head.  "Guards!" she called.

Then she looked over at Yavolin.  "Yavolin!  Fight it!  Fight it for Luna!  And your foal!" she screamed.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"magic proof? Well I don't think that will work... Because with a clap of my hooves, I can disable magic... And tell me... Who keeps the anti magic spell up?"


Shade grined


"I think it's too late for that celestia... His thoughts are stuck on all that he's lost... He has no fath anymore in anything really"


"now where are the other elements, so I can discord them?"

(they all left the RP... You should play as your OCs more often... So Which elements are we missing? Because I could make some OCs to fill in)


"oh wait... Your going to put me in a anti magic cell... Your no fun celestia"



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Yavolin went towards Celestia , his thoughts were nothing more then a distant thunder.  Yavolin decided to side with shade and join in on this mission of destroying Equestria, he quickly bucked celestia in the face in hopes of knocking her out and letting shade get away.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade was somewhat surprised that yavolin did that.


"wow.... looks like he sided with me, but why? hahaha!"


shade got up and walked away from celestia


" well celestia, turns out that you do make friends with chaos! now im off to take back the crystal hart! later"


shade started to walk to cadence's room



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Yavolin called after shade."Lets just be done with this place already it holds nothing more to me". Yavolin decided to grab a night guard uniform , he promised himself that he wouldn't take it off till this job was complete and that discord was good and dead

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"oh dont worry yavolin! we'll be out of here as soon as i get the crystal hart"


shade looked back at yavolin...


"whats with the night guard outfit? oh never mind... but why are you helping me anyways? i thought you hated me? hahaha well i bet you want to get your revenge on discord so.... ha!"


shade was at cadence's door



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Yavolin looked at shade , he went towards her and prepared to open the door.  Before he did anything he spoke to shade out of petty."Shade, i am ... lost without Luna , what i am going to do when all of this is over"?  Yavolin tried to keep his eyes from watering up.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Celestia stared after them, touching her face gingerly as the guards rushed in.  "J-just grab Shade," she told them.  They all hurried towards Shade, their horns protecting them from magic.

Celestia went towards Yavolin.  "Yavolin, listen!  Do you think Luna is dead?  Luna isn't dead!  Discord wouldn't kill her!  Think about it Yavolin!  We would have kept her to use against us!  Can't you feel her?  She's still alive!"



Angel Feather sat at the breakfast table in annoyance.  The princess kept speaking of a plan, but she was seeing nothing of the sort.  She breathed a deep sigh.

Mystical rolled her eyes.  "Let's just plan ourselves."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin didn't say anything but he could feel that there was some truth to her words, he tried to break free of being discorded."Celestia! help me"! Yavolin fell over he was trying to regain control over his thoughts by force which in turn was slowly killing him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade looked at yavolin who was breaking free from being discorded, then looked at the guards surrounding her. She looked for a moment, then sighed * it's no use, harmony just seems to win over chaos... No point in fighting, not yet at least*


Shade sat down, closed her eyes, and held out her hooves as if being arrested



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Yavolin regained control over himself and went over to shade , he didn't know what to do with her at this moment. She was a traitor and seek to overthrow celestia with discord. He prepared to hit her with his hoof, but all he could do  was a hug her. He hated how she and discord took celestia but he figured if he showed her kindness then maybe she wouldn't go back to him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade... still with her hooves out and her eyes closed... then yavolin hugged her...


her eyes shot open in surprise, then seeing yavolin hugging her...


*Whhhhhhaaaatttttttttt!?!?!?!?!?!?! why is he hugging me??? this dosnt make seance*


"why yavolin? why??? shoudnt you be slapping me or throwing a rubber spear at me?"   



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Yavolin didn't reply   he wanted her to find the answer herself. But he thought about hitting her but that wasn't the answer right now.  He looked into her eyes to show that he was sorry for the way he had treated her, but he knew that didn't excuse her from her actions.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade stared back into yavolins eyes with great confusion.


* i still dont get it... why is he hugging me? after all iv done? is he...*


something clicked in shades head... she saw the element again, then she thought...


* he must be trying to... um... hes... trying to turn me over to harmony?? that makes seance right? i dont know... but im sided with discord and iv done too much damage to be with harmony.... or is it possible that i am an element of harmony... this is so confusing*


"its not possible... iv done too much damage to you and celestia and all of equestria to... be with harmony"



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Yavolin just hugged her and spoke in claim voice."that  will be my fault shade, if i would of have made you feel more like you were part of the team then we won't be having to deal with this now, it doesn't matter what you done you are still an element just as the same as you are half changeling". Yavolin  wasn't the best for words or trying to convenience some ponies

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"um... i dont know if you remember... but, 10 ponies... 9 elements, me being the spy... i was never on the harmony side... and i dont know if i am an element or not, but why this? why here? why now?"


shade was really confused and didnt know what to do... join the elements of harmony and fight discord? or go back to discord and rule equestria with chaos and power. she didnt know what to choose 



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Yavolin didn't speak to shade he wanted her to chose herself , he liked her as  a friend. But he knew if discord found out that she was still undecided that he will make her chose by harming her or maybe discording her, Yavolin couldn't allow that to happen so he was showing kindness now.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade didnt know what to do... discord wouldnt be too happy if shade changed sides.... shade liked all the chaos and power... but being an element of harmony, it wasnt possible for her to be an element, what would she be an element of anyways?


"guards... throw me in that anti magic cell... i need some time to think"


shade needed some time alone to think about this, she didnt know what to do, discord was nice to her, she didnt want him to think her as a traitor... but she already is a traitor 



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Yavolin allowed the guards to take her and he may visit her when she makes a choice. Yavolin went towards celestia and hoped that she wouldn't turn shade into stone or send her to the moon for all that she had done.  Yavolin looked out a nearby window and closed his eyes out of sadness.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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