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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Yavolin decided to use another trick smoke and mirrors. he pressed a button to make a dummy come out in view but he masked it to look like him in the dark, yavolin spoke dirctly to them in his best night guard voice."IF thou seeks us then look out side"! Yavolin made sure that the dummy was ready.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Stop towing with me yavolin... I will kill your foal if I half to!"


Shades horn started charging up... She looks around the smoke... She shoots a beam of magic at a shadow in the smoke.


* what is he planning? No matter, il just watch him fail and il let's discord decide what to do with him *



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Discord stood up and reached his paw up to cover his frantically twitching ear.  Princess Celestia stared up at him questioning.  She frowned and looked outside for Shade and Nightmare Moon.

Discord turned and gave his wings a flap and flew outside until he was beside Nightmare Moon in the shadows.  He placed a talon over the back of her neck

Nightmare flapped her wings, ignoring him and looked around the shadows from beside Shade.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin grinned as he saw both of them in the spot that he wanted them in. He threw another fake spear at discord which was made to knock him out with sleeping gas if shade turns it into something else,Yavolin wasn't sure if shade would fall for the same trick twice but he had a back up plan just the same.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade saw another spear going strate towards discord... She knew something was up with this spear aswell and didn't want to fall for the same thing twice... She stoped the spear in its tracks and send it strate back to where it came from...


"Come on yavolin! I'm not playing around here"


She pointed her horn right at Luna's neck



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Yavolin had shade right were he wanted her,he quickly got a spear and flew a shades back. He quickly threw a spear at her back hoping to catch her off guard. He was aiming to kill shade so that discord would began to fear for his life or that he could get Discord to fight him.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shades eyes shrunk...


She quickly investigated herself,


"Good thing my minions are at home"


Shade changed back to her pony self and made a poison joke ball appear, she crushed it on her head and shook the dust around


" under the effects of poison joke, I'm not really a changeling... Right?"


* changeling poison??? Will it work on a halfling?"


Shade wasn't showing it, but she was panicking



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Yavolin laughed and looked at Shade."Are you welling to risk it? you ether give up Luna or you will die in a secound and i have the antidote right here". Yavolin didn't display the antidote because he didn't want shade or Discord to try to steal it m he wasn't sure if Discord wanted to keep shade alive.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Nightmare Moon looked annoyed.  "Why am I always being used?" she gave Discord a pointed look and sighed.

Discord just watched.  "Wait, why are we still here?" Discord suddenly said.  "Why don't we just teleport," he said, raising an eyebrow at the obvious answer.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Um... I might be poisoned here discord"


Shade teleported behind yavolin and bucked him behind the head


"I don't think your poison would work on a halfling... But I'm not taking chances, not with you"


Shade made a poison joke ball appear and threw it right at yavolin



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Yavolin landed on the button to make the poison in shades body to speed up, he wasn't welling for her to die but what is to happen to shade is out of his hoofs. Yavolin hoped that he didn't break the antidote which was in the same pocked as was the button.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade felt something painful inside her


* so it's true... It's all over for me... Unless *


Shade ignored the pain and changed strate for yavolin, she knocked him down and held her hooves on his air way, she choked him as hard as she could.


"if it's over for me, I might as well end you too"



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Discord growled and positioned himself near Shade, ready to attack.  Claws came out of his paw and he curled up his talon.

Nightmare Moon just watched on.  She didn't know why, but her heart was beating quickly against her chest as she watched Yavolin.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was still choking yavolin,


"discord, get the antidote.. Fr... Om..... Him..."


Shade started to have problems breathing, but she was focased on killing yavolin right on tge spot


"come on.... Discord!... Hur... Ri... Up... I... Can..... Feel.... This.... Poison........"


Shade was having a hard time.... But she still held her hooves at yavolins kneck



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"Where is it?!" he growled at Yavolin, slashing across his night guard suit, ripping it off.  He quickly rummaged through it, finding a button and an antidote.  He put the button down carefully and stared at the antidote.  He made a face, shrugged, and then slammed it right into Shade.

Nightmare Moon was breathing heavily as she stared at Yavolin.  She glanced around quickly.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade felt the antidote going to work... She let go of yavolin... She was breathing heavily...


She made a poison joke ball appear and threw it right at yavolins face... She made a white ball appear and crushed in on her self to get her changeling abilities back...


Then made 5 green balls appear...

"don't try anything like that again... It will just come back to hit you"


The green balls were made out of poison oak


She threw all five of them right at yavolin...



Shade was rageing, her eyes went purple and black shadows were leaking out of them... Black crystals surrounded yavolin... Then the crystal hart poped out of shade and it was all black... Shade looked at the hart and then at the black crystals surrounding yavolin... She fell to tge ground and fainted.



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Discord looked horrified.  Princess Celestia looked out the window, raising her head to see over the window sill.  She climbed up and looked at Discord.  Discord looked over.  When he saw her, his eyes changed from horrified to full of rage.  He flew straight for her and shoved her, pushing them both in and pushing her against a wall.

"You hurt her!" he screamed as the other elements watched on, horrified.

"No, I didn't!" Princess Celestia said, struggling.

"Your element did!  You saw!"

"I didn't want any pony to kill her!"

"Well, she could have died!" Discord screamed, pulling her off the wall and pushing her back into it.

"I didn't---"

"Well you need to have better control of that idiot!"


Discord through her into the table where the elements were sitting.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade opened her eyes to see discord throwing celestia onto the table,


"discord... No... Cough* cough*... she's not worth it.... Cough* yavolin won't be getting out of thoes crystals anytime soon. Cough* cough*... just finish the job, flip canterlot or what ever, choke* just do that and take me home... Cough*"


Her voice was really scrachy...


She closed her eyes.



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Discord spun around.  He flew over to Shade at top speed and looked at her.  He turned to the castle.  He glared at it and slowly rose it up from the ground, turning down the gravity, spinning it over as well.  He turned back to Shade who had begun to float up from the little gravity.  He picked her up gently, tired.  He teleported them both to the cave.  Nightmare Moon watched them disappear.  She hurried to follow them, teleporting as well.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade opened her eyes and looked around to see that they were back at the cave...


She looked at the crystal hart that was with her that was all black... She dropped it and hugged discord with the little energy she had..


"you do care about me don't you? Just admit it discord I know you do"


She said softly with a smile



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Discord lifted his arms up as she hugged him.  She's not dying.  Oh thank Celestia!  Oh wait, no.  Don't thank her.  Discord stared down at her, silent.  He looked up as Nightmare Moon appeared.  She took one look at them and walked away.  Discord sighed.  He slowly put his paw on Shade's shoulder, hesitantly.

"I don't know," he said.  But he did.  "Maybe because you don't see me as a complete monster like they do.  Maybe because you're here with me right now.  Maybe because there's no pony else to care," he seemed upset.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"everypony sees me as a monster, even tho I'm not a full changeling. But you know that il have your back in times like theas... But theas times won't last for long because we are Close to ruling equestria!!! All we need to do is discord the elements of harmony and kill of harmony in equestria! But yavolin is one tough cookie"



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Discord plopped down onto the floor.  "You're not a monster.  If any ponies a monster, I am," he said, looking down at his mix-matched parts.  "I don't even know what I am."  He looked at her.  "I'm going to make that foal suffer," he growled.  "I'm going to...to...do something to that Luna and he...he's going to watch!" he said, angrily.

Nightmare Moon watched from the shadows.  She narrowed his eyes.  I'm going to die at the end of this.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"well, if your a monster... Then your the best kind of monster there is!"


Shade smiled


Then listens to discord rage about killing Luna


"Let's just kill Luna infront of yavolin, and be done with it...... Or better yet, we kill one of my minions disguised as Luna and discord yavolin"


The minions hird shade and instantly hid behind a rock in the shadows



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Discord smirked.  He listened to her ideas.  He raised an eyebrow at her.  "You're too smart for your own good," he said, looking around the cave and spying a few hiding changelings here and there.  He also noticed Nightmare Moon.  "Sounds good to me, but you now what sounds even better?" he smirked at her.  "Sleep."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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