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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Shade teleported....


An explosion of magic happened as shade arrived infront of the discord statue..


Scootaloo looked at shade.


"You won't win this changeling, stand down!"


Shade didn't speak... She gave an evil smile as the sun got covered by... Things...

" if I'm out numbered... Then your mistaken... When it comes to me, I'm a different level of CHAOS than discord."



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Yavolin knew it came to this he threw a anti magic amulet around her neck  which would keep her from teleporting , then he picked up the holy book of pony and began to cast out Nightmare Moon, as far he was concerned she was a invading spirit that needed to be banished.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Nightmare Moon looked at the amulet it confusion.  She pulled at it.  She growled.  "Stop!" she screamed at Yavolin.  She flew towards him, turning around and aimed to buck him right in the face.



Discord sighed.  "My life is boring.  But compared to the years I spent like this, a few hours won't be too bad," he said aloud.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin continued to read from the holy book of pony hoping to cast nightmare Moon out of Luna and this time forever, Yavolins set father got nightmare moons legs and held her down carefully  not to harm the foal, he hoped that soon would be over with Nightmare moon.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Nightmare Moon screamed.  "Stop!  Yavolin, stop!" she screamed.  "Nightmare Moon is apart of Luna!  If you banish Nightmare Moon, you banish us both!" she growled.  "To the moon!" she screamed.  She began to get scared.  Not the moon!  I don't want to go back there!  Not the moon!



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade dashed for discord....


Knocking away all the pegasi and went face to face with scootaloo...


"I have an idea"


Shade picked up scootaloo with her magic and tossed her into the discord statue causeing it to tip and fall on it's side... Then shade tossed scootaloo far far away...


shade casted a spell on the statue trying to free discord.

"since the elements of harmony didn't seal him this should be easy"



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Yavolin stopped but he got a beep from darts that he had as an  alert system. It seems some pony is trying to set Discord free. Yavolin knew he had about seconds to set Luna free from Nightmare Moon , so he kissed her again hoping Luna would free herself from this cruse.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord looked around at the blackness as it began to shatter in places.  "What the heck?" he said.  A piece broke off, falling into the blackness, filling the place with light.  Discord rushed over to the light and put his claw and talon into the hole.  He pulled and broke pieces off.  All around him, the blackness was shattering, uncovering light.

The stone began to crack.

Nightmare Moon paused from her screaming.  Luna kissed him back.  Nightmare Moon quickly pushed him away as her hind legs began to go blue.  They changed back to black.  Nightmare Moon looked at him.  "Don't.  Do.  That," she said, breathlessly.  She didn't want to be Luna.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin continued to kiss her."Nightmare moon, i love you and your nights i enjoy them as much as the next pony". He kissed her again hoping for Luna to came to him, he gently began to embrace her this being more like what Luna gave him while he was in jail.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade stopped the spell...


"discord? Can you heir me?"


The sky began to clear up back to pinky cotton candy clouds...


"discord!!! Are you there??? Speak to me!"




Scootaloo was falling and crashed into canterlot castle with a big explosion...


She was knocked out on the floor.



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Nightmare Moon blushed.  "You're lying.  No pony likes my nights," she said, tears coming to her eyes.



Princess Celestia jumped as she heard a noise.  She rushed out of her study.  "Scootaloo!" she cried, horrified.



The stone shattered around him.  DIscord blinked and sat up.  He gave his paw a flex.  "Oh dear Celestia, you have no idea what being turned to stone feels like," he said, looking at her.  "Oh, hey, its you," he said as if he hadn't even noticed.  Though it was pretty obvious that he did.  He gave her a sly smile.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(oc:don't continue without me.)Yavolin looked at her."I am? you know i am not this foal of ours name is going to be midnight to show for my love for the nights , i stayed up meany a night with enjoying the night time with you". Yavolin kissed her again he want Nightmare Moon to give back his Luna.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"and you have no idea how much I want to kill yavolin right now..."


Shade dashed and hugged discord



Scootaloo tried to get up...

"that... Changeling... Is.... Really strong....... How am I in canterlot? I didn't get teleported here"


She fell as she feel some bone grinding in her legs


"I think... There broken"



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Nightmare Moon stared at him with Luna's eyes.  Slowly, the blue rose up behind her.  Her horn disappeared along with her wings.  Her armor faded to dust.  Her mane lost its flow and fell down a light blue.  She hugs him tightly and presses her face into his chest.  "I'm sorry, Yavolin, if I said anything to hurt you," she whispers.  "I'm so sorry."




Discord hugged her back, smiling.  "Let's both kill him!" he says cheerfully.



Princess Celestia rushed towards her.  The poison joke had worn off and she stood tall.   She helped Scootaloo onto her back.  "I'll get you a nurse, Scootaloo," she tells her gently.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"yes! Let's!"


Shade smiled

" I have my minions at full power! And are ready to attack any time!"


"but right now! I'm just happy that your not stone!... Oh and it was scootaloo that freed you, again! Hahaha!"



Scootaloo just moned as the nurse came... She was in so much pain from being thrown



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Discord snickered.  "Ah, Scootaloo...will she ever learn?  Come on then, lets finally capture those annoying elements!" he smiled.  Being stone had actually rested him up well. 



Princess Celestia looked on in concern as the nurse checked Scootaloo's vital signs and then checked for her injury's. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"where too first? I have no idea where yavolin or Luna went, but il have some minions look around for them... So should we go to canterlot?"


Asked shade... As much as she hated yavolin, she still wanted to keep away from him... * how did he turn him into stone? How did he poison me?*




Scootaloo was just lying down as the nurse examend her...


(I think we should throw apple bloom, sweetiebelle, and babs into this... What do you think?)



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(Sure xD I'll be two and you'll be one and Scootaloo to make it even yeah?  You can pick whoever you want to be)


Discord smiled.  "Canterlot.  Most of the elements are there," Discord stood up.  "Lets go," he said, teleporting to Canterlot.  He appeared outside the window of the dining room.  There were only two elements in the dining room.  Electro Dash and Bright Spark.  The rest must have been scattered about.



"Princess Celestia mentioned you think something is broken," the nurse said gently, pouring a glass of water.  "Do you know what might be broken?" she asked, hoofing the glass of water to her.

Princess Celestia was staring at Scootaloo's wings.  She quickly turned her head away in case she noticed.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade teleported with discord... She was right beside him looking threw the window...

"should we discord them?"



Scootaloo tried to move her left fore leg

"I think my left fore leg is broken... I think I landed on it"


"wowsa, word gets around fast! What happened scootaloo?"

Babs ask walking into the room


(I pick babs! She's alot like me!!)



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"Hmm...let's capture them first.  It'll be easy!  I just want to see them terrified," Discord smiled.  He flew straight in.  "Hi, ponies!"

Electro Dash and Bright Spark looked up in horror.  "Discord!" they chorused.



"Ah..." the nurse said, prodding her fore leg.

Apple Bloom pushed open the door.  "Scootaloo!" she said immediately.  "Some guards came and they told meh you got hurt!  Whatd happened?"

Sweetie Belle popped her head in.  "Scootaloo?  What's going on!"


(I love Babs :wub: )



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade watched discord in enjoyment



"ouch... Discord happened, and that changeling shade... We were in this fight while I was protecting the discord statue... Then she slammed me into the statue and threw me all the way over here... Dear celestia it hurts"


Babs looked at applebloom, " heya cuz! "



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"Listen, Discord, it doesn't have to be this way..." Bright Spark says slowly. 

"Yes it does," Electro Dash scoffs, standing up and spreading out her wings.  "Zap him, Spark!"

"But I---"

"Too late!" Discord snapped his talons and teleported them to the cave.  He made a barrier at the entrance so they could not escape.

Discord flew back out to Shade.  "That was so easy it hurt."  He moved from window to window, then paused as he spotted Rose Petal and North Arrow.  "Hey, you don't like that yellow pony, right?" he asked Shade.



"Now, then," the nurse said.  "I'll just fix this right up," she said.  She began to fix Scootaloo's fore leg.

"Bayabs!" (lol) Apple Bloom said.  Sweetie Belle sat down on a chair and watched the nurse fixing Scootaloo's leg.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was about to teleport inside...

"il handel the two ponies here"

She went inside


She caused an explosion of magic as she appeared in-between arrow and rose...


"do you know the true wrath of a chaos changeling when you see it?"


She said as shadows formed around shade and leaked out of her eyes...




"wowsa! When was the last time all 4 of us have been together?"



Scootaloo grunted having her leg being fixed up



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Discord nodded and decided to continue on.  He moved towards a window and peeked inside.  He saw Lightning Dancer laughing at something while Metal Head watched on, looking a bit annoyed.  Discord went in and sat next to Metal Head without a word.  Metal Head gasped.  Lightning Dancer stopped laughing and opened her eyes to smile at Metal Head when she noticed Discord.

"Waah!" she gasped.

Discord snickered and teleported them away.



Rose Petal stood up.  "I'll tie you down, Shade!" she growls, making vines burst from the ground outside and come in through the window.  The vines raced towards Shade.

North Arrow floated into the air.



"It must have been months ago!" Apple Bloom exclaims, grinning.

Sweetie Belle stays silent.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(Occ:Cruse you.)  Yavolin speaks in a soft voice."That wasn't you that was Nightmare Moon but i love you just the same, hows the foal holding up"? Yavolin wanted to know because all of this stress was bad for the foal which means it can be extremely unconformable in there.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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