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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Yavolin waited in the room he didn't care what would happen to him, but did Discord really wanted to kill him. Yavolin knew he wanted to kill discord , he sighed and went to sleep while waiting but also he was worried for Luna who might come looking for him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord looked at the chaotic world he created outside and went down to visit the elements.  First though, he checked on Shade.  He checked a bit of a distance away though, because she seemed upset with him.  He went downstairs.  As he passed by a room, his ear twitched.  He turned to the door and pushed it open.

The last element I need, came to me.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade had been healing... She busted out of the bubble and stormed towards discord... She went downstairs where discord was at...


"Discord... We need to have a talk" she said as her eyes were totally black


"How could you not tell me that yavolin was your... Son???"





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Discord quickly pushed Shade backwards and covered her mouth.  "Ssh!" he said.  He looked into the room again.  He turned away from the door and looked at her.  "That Yavolin came.  Again.  He isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer is---wait...what?" he said, raising an eyebrow at her.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked at discord very annoyed, 


"very well then discord, but dont think il forget about this so quickly, i cant believe you didnt tell me"


shade stepped back as her eyes turned back to normal, she watched what discord was going to do, but she still wanted to give him a peace of her mind. 



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"Wait..." Discord said, holding up his talon and paw defensively.  "What are we talking about...?" he said, confused.  "Repeat...what you just said...?" he said slowly, lowering himself down to her level.  Did she just say that I actually have...like...a pony that's like...related...to me?



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade was passed annoyed by that.. her mane and tail turned into shadow, along with her eyes.


"are you kidding me! how could you not know what im talking about! yavolin is your son! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME"


shades voice echoed as she yelled at him.. but even if she was angery with him, deep down she still loved him.



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Discord twitched.  He slowly remembered back.  He placed his paw over his paw.  "Oh great Celestia!" he said.  He removed his paw from his face.  "Excuse me for a moment," he said.  He got up and went upstairs.  He went over and picked up a random rock.  He turned it into a vase.  He stared at it for a moment and then whipped his tail at it, sending it flying out the cave and hearing a loud crashing and shattering sound.

"That didn't work at all."

He fly slowly towards a tree, made it glass and moved his paw back.  He slammed it into the tree, breaking a hole through it.  He continued doing this until the ground was covered with glass.  He went back into the cave and went down to where Shade was.  He was holding a white cloth and wiped off his bloody paw and talon.  He stared at her.

"This.  Is.  Un.  Acceptable," he said.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade raised and eyebrow, her mane and tail turned back to normal along with her eyes, she looked at discord.


"what is?" she questioned him


"we could have avoided alot if i knew he was your son. that must be why i coudnt discord him, because he is... discord in a way"


"why? why didnt you tell me?"


shades eyes started filling with tears 



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He threw his arms out.  "If I wanted a son, it would be any pony, any pony, but him!" he said, gesturing to the door.  "I hate him!" he said loudly.  Then he watched her for a moment.  "I...didn't know...it must have been after I got turned to stone that he was born...no pony ever told me..." he said.  He lowered himself down again and hugged her.  "I'm sorry."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade hugged discord back as she started to cry. "I'm sorry to discord. I know this must be tough for you. But You know that we must take him down. Snif* I love you discord, your like the dad i never had!"


Then shade had a thought... She never had a father, she grew up in the sewers of manehatten. And she's half changeling half pony.

* could it be possible?... Nah it can't be...*


Shade continued to hug discord



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(OOC: Hnnng!  I'm dead)


Discord felt tears in his own eyes.  Awh geez.  "I don't care if he's my son.  I don't love him.  He tried to kill us both.  I love you," he finally said.  He hugged her tighter.  "And...uhm..." he paused, feeling embarrassed now, but he decided to say it anyway.  "I will no matter what happens."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looks up at discord smiling. "I knew it!"


Shade let's go of discord, "so... I think we should have some fun with the elements of harmony! Just to chear ourselves up, and I have an idea on how to do so!" she said as she makes the elements of harmony appear infront of discord.



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Discord raises himself up.  "Alright," he says, looking down at the elements who looked around confused.

"Discord!  What's up!" Mystical Flow says, looking up at him.

Angel Feather begins to back away.

Metal Head lets out a little growl and positions himself for an attack.

Electro Dash flies into the air.

North Arrow waits.

Rose Petal looks at Shade and growls at her.

Lightning Dancer looks at Discord.  "You look upset.  And embarrassed.  And annoyed."

Bright Spark takes a step back.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looks at the ponies... And brings out the necklesses and crown thing... "hello element ponies! You see your element? Well guess what? It's going to be the last you'll see them for sometime!" shade claps her hooves and the elements disappear. " in order to find your so called elements of harmony, you must do as I say!..."


" ups and downs all arounds, can you see your elements because there not to be found, if you call back to where you began, you may find what you can."


(I'm not a poet or a riddle maker)


Shade said to the ponies.



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The elements exchanged looks.  Mystical Flow went over to Discord and tugged on his tail.  Discord raised an eyebrow at her.  Mystical Flow stared up at him.

"Hello, Discord."


"Where did she put the elements?"

Discord gave her an odd look.  "Uh..."

Mystical Flow shrugged.  "I tried."

Angel Feather backed up towards the stairs.  Her horn began to glow and she made herself invisible.  She turned and slowly went up the stairs, careful not to make any noise.

Lightning Dancer tilted her head at Shade.  "That's the worst riddle I've ever heard."

Metal Head lowered his head and started to run towards Discord.  Discord stepped to the side and Metal Head ran past him.  He quickly stopped and glared at Discord.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"uhg... You ponies are useless, we have one who's playing with discord, one who's charging at him. Fine... I hid them in the canterlot guarden maze. Do you want to go there or not... Too bad you don't have a choice"


Shade said as she teleported everypony to the maze. But angel feather...



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"Ooh!" Discord grinned.  "The maze!  I had fun there last time!" he said.  "Should we take away there wings and horns before they cheat?" he said.


Angel Feather found herself on the top level.  She saw the cave entrance.  She walked towards it slowly.  She looked down and let out a sharp gasp.  She quickly covered her mouth and tested a rock.  She stepped onto it and began to make her way down carefully.

What am I going to do?



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade smiles at discord, "il let you have that honer discord!... Ok everypony! You will find the elements in the maze! Now just a few rules, no magic, no wings!" shade looks at discord nodding her head telling him to take there powers away.




Scootaloo gets back on the bed


Babs looks at her friends/ cousin and princes celestia, "well, I talked to him, and he left! Hehehe" babs said auquardly.



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"Yay!" Discord cheered, snapping his talons, getting rid of their wings and horns.  He watched them freak out for a moment.  "Now, then.  Go in.  Have some fun.  Find the elements.  Every pony has to play and all that," he said, gesturing them into the maze.

He grinned at Shade as the ponies ran into the maze and got separated.



North Arrow called out to every pony.  "Come on!  We'll meet back at the center like the last elements did!  Let's go!" he called, beginning to run.

Rose Petal reared up and started to run as well. 

Mystical Flow said;  "Don't worry every pony!  We can do it!"  She began to race ahead.

Bright Spark started to trot.

Electro Dash looked annoyed.  "I can't believe he took away my wings!" she said as she began to walk.

Lightning Dancer began to hop ahead, she laughed.  "Its a maze!  It'll be fun!"

Metal Head ran full speed ahead.  "Watch out for tricks every pony!"



Princess Celestia slowly nodded and then slumped to the floor.  "What am I going to do..." she whispered.

Sweetie Belle bit her bottom lip.

Apple Bloom ran over to her.  "It'll be okay, Princess!  We'll think of somethin'!"



Angel Feather scurried down the mountain carefully.  This is going to take forever... she realized.  She closed her eyes and made herself float into the air.  She carefully lowered herself to the ground.  She blew out a sigh of relief that she made it safely.  She decided she would have to teleport.

She closed her eyes and teleported to Princess Celestia.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin had enough of this, he didn't know were he was so he called out to Discord again."Discord! i am in your cave come and find me now"! Yavolin had enough of waiting ether Discord came and found him or he'll make his way back to trottingham and hope that Luna was there and forget about this Discord thing.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Angel Feather appeared in front of Princess Celestia.  She was still invisible.  She quickly undid the spell.

Princess Celestia gasped as Angel appeared in front of her and stumbled backwards.

"Oh!  Princess!" Angel says quickly.  "I'm sorry!"

"Angel Feather!" Princess Celestia says, grabbing her.  "What happened to the other elements?!  How did you get here?!"

"I...I...Discord captured us!  I got free!  But the rest are still there!  In his cave...or...or somewhere!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin gets up and heads for the door ,he isn't like Discord but he can feel the family resemblance between him and Discord. But as for him being his actual father Yavolin refused to believe that, he left a little note in Discords cave reading this."If you want to talk meet me at the old oak tree in trottingham and don't keep me waiting". he attached a picture of his mom hopefuly Discord would know who he was talking about.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Celestia paused.  "This is dangerous, Angel...but I need you to find out what he's planning.  Quick.  Go back to his cave and find out."

Angel Feather looked frightened.  "I...I'll try."

Angel Feather made herself invisible again and teleported back to the cave.  She saw Yavolin.  She went over and saw his note.  Isn't Discord here?  Where could he have gone? 

Angel Feather made herself uninvislble and looked at Yavolin.  "Hey!  You're one of the elements aren't you?" she said, not knowing his name.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin replied."Yea so what"?  Yavolin brought up his hood to hide his face mostly because he doesn't wants to be around a useless team who can't get along but it seems they might be strong under Angel Feather, Yavolin let out a long sigh and waited to see what she had to say.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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