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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Yavolin nod his head."We need to stop with this fighting at least for the foal i don't feel like losing him and Luna all in in one day, but for now we need to wait till the foal is grown and is able to take care of himself i don't know about you but i plan on being there for my child".

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"We cause so much pain around equestria... If we have so much power... Why can't we use it for good?"


Shade was getting ready to get slapped or something worse... She didn't really want to talk about this to discord but she knew that it was the right thing to do.





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Princess Celestia nodded.  "You and Luna can stay in the castle.  I'll send Princess Cadence and Shining Armor to the Crystal Empire.  And I...I will look for the elements."

"But, sister, I could help---"

"No, no, no.  Stay with your foal.  He needs you more then I do at the moment," she said.  She then sighed.  "Come on then.  We have to take the train."



"B-because," he stuttered.  "Well, they don't like Chaos!  And that's one of the only things I have!" he said, clearly upset.  "And...that...that," he felt himself getting mad.  Not at Shade.  But at Celestia.  That stupid white alicorn with the stupid constantly flowing mane despite the lack of of wind and that ten feet long horn.  That stupid princess who makes everypony do her work for her.  That stupid pony who turned him to stone with no mercy, twice!  "That stupid Celestia!" he growled, finishing there.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade sighed...


"chaos can be a wonderful thing, a thing that can be loved by everpony if used in the right way... chaos dosnt half to be a thing of destruction... it can be an energy, or a thing to make things right, or even magic... chaos is a magic but it can be a good magic if used right. what if you and i forget about our hating passes and move on, and make a better future?



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Yavolin looked at celestia."And do to that little thing back a the castle maybe you shouldn't be ruling? put me in charge for awhile celestia". Yavolin knew what he was telling her was treason and on top of that betrayal  of his element that represented loyalty but in truth to be loyal to one thing you have to be disloyal to another.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord stared at her.  "I think you should be going to your room, Shade," he said.  But he knew that she probably wouldn't.  And she didn't even have a room.



Celestia stared at Yavolin for a moment and then breathed a sigh.  "Fine, then Yavolin.  You go and find the elements, and I'll just stay and do nothing like I always do," she said.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade raised an eyebrow at discord... "discord... we probably made a big mistake by leaving the elements in the maze.... they probably already found eachother and have bonded by now.... and friendship is a powerful thing.... if we dont make things right... the youl probably be turned back to stone... il probably be turned to shadow... and... and.... total chaos for us..."


shade stomped her hoof into the ground...


"if you dont want to be loved across equestria, then they will probably kill you... or worse... turn you back to stone."



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He smiled then spoke with a commanding voice "elements assemble "! he began to wait for the elements to fall in but he always wanted  to say that scent he was small but he felt a song coming on that his grand father fred always sang to him was his families official song.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Well then I'll discord them again later!" Discord said in exasperation.  "And Luna wouldn't let them hurt you.  And I don't want to be loved across Equestria!  I want to be feared!" he growled.  "And as long as that Celestia is gone, I don't give a fuck what happens to me!" he said, with a wave of his paw.  "Didn't I tell you to go to your non-existing room?!"



The elements quickly lined up, facing Yavolin.  Angel had already knocked some sense into the discorded ones.  It wasn't very difficult.  Honestly, Discord should have tried something new.  But she still didn't have her horn.  None of them did.  Or their wings.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Then I'm sorry that you don't see it my way..."


Fire surrounded shade and her horn was glowing...


" I am a changeling, I can change my forum and the forum of others... If only I could change you discord... If I could... You would be a much better character of chaos... You can forget about seeing me as a dauter... In fact..."


Shades green mane went gray...


"I don't think we will be speaking to one another again"



Shade teleported back to Luna


She fell on the ground with tears in her eyes.



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Yavolin gave stern looks to each of them and gave them a classic war talk."Alright fillies and colts , Discord needs to be stopped and he needs to be stopped today so here is what we going to we are going to find him where ever he is and freaking stone him or kill him as for shade let her chose which side to be on".

Edited by Chaos-Weaver Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord fell to his knees to the cold, stone ground.  He put his face into his paw and talon, feeling the tears threatening to spill over.  He sat there for a moment, filled with hurt and sadness.

But now he stood up and went to bed.  Because now all he felt was fury.

If I die, I'm bringing Celestia down with me.



Princess Luna jumped as Shade appeared beside her.  "Shade?!" she gasped.  "Are you alright?!"



The elements exchanged looks with each other. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at shade."Were is discord hiding so that we can end his rule once and for all". He knew that she knew where the cave was and frankly he had a foal to take care of and he needed to make sure that his future wife was taken care of while she was with his foal.

Edited by Chaos-Weaver Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade looked at Luna with tears falling out...


"With me putting the crystal empire love into the spell to save your colt... And now discords love is cut off... I'm so weak..."


Shade coudent stand... She felt powerless... But it wasn't anything new to her...


She coughed and, " we need to stop discord... There's no talking him into doing good"


"He's in a mountain cave on the edge of the frozen north..."

Edited by villan97



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Discord closed his eyes and waved a paw through the air, speeding up the time.  Then he passed out from weakness.

He woke up after what must have been two minutes in real time, but seemed longer.  He waved his paw again and the time continued to tick at the real pace.  He flew out of his cave, well rested.  He made himself invisible and flew towards the Canterlot Castle.



Luna nodded slowly at Shade, her eyes feel of disappointment towards Discord.  After today, she truly thought he could change.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin was sitting at the royal throne looking at the elements he was watching waiting for any signs of discord so that together they could kill the god of chaos in one final epic battle of good vs evil , his step father had the sword of chaos but that didn't seem to do anything.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade was crawling towards Luna... "I thought I could change him... But I was wrong... He was like a father to me... I don't think I can do anything now"


Shade looked at herself and changed her gray mane back to green and sighed..

"He dosnt see the wonderful things that chaos can do... I think he needs to stopped once and for all"


She try's to stand but is unable to...

She looks at the foal... "He's already stronger than me..."


Shade started to faint...



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Luna reached out towards Shade quickly with her free hoof.  "Shade!  We need you!  You're an element of harmony too!" she said quickly.


Discord flew up to the window, still invisible.  He twitched at the sight of Shade.  But he reached out a talon towards Luna.  He touched her shoulder gently.  Luna looked up, surprised.  Discord teleported himself, Luna and the foal to his cave.


Luna moved back as she saw Discord.  "Leave us alone, Discord!" she growled, clutching at her foal.

Discord was silent.  He stared at her blankly.

"Why must you do this?!  You could have had so much!  You already had Shade!" Luna growled.

Discord looked at the foal in arms.  He reached towards it.

"Get away!" Luna cried, moving it away.

Discord glared.  "I'll send it back home before I change you."

"Change me?!  To Nightmare Moon?!  What's wrong with you Discord?!" Luna hissed.

Discord sighed.  "This is all your sister's fault."

"Oh?  So whats your plan then?"

"I make you both evil.  And then you destory each other."

Luna looked afraid for a moment.  "But...but...that's awful!"

"I know."

Luna began to stand up.

"I'll let them kill me afterwards.  They won't hurt Shade right?"

Luna looked at him. 


She turned to him.

"They can kill me.  She's all I had.  And now she's gone.  All I want now is Celestia tortured and gone.  And this is the best way.  Isn't this the best way?  Come on, Luna, let me change you before they come.  I still have to do Celestia."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade saw discord take luna and the foal...


she instently got energy and teleported to the cave, but remained in the shadows unseen...


as she listened to discord * you never lost me... you just need to find yourself*


she looks over at luna and flashes her eyes at her hoping she would see it as a signal.



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Luna notices Shade and turns away quickly, looking back at Discord.  Do I...distract him or something?

"But...why use me?" Luna asks.

"Imagine it.  If Celestia had to watch from behind her own eyes as she killed her sister.  And then also had to watch as her sister killed her," Discord said unemotionally.  "It's perfect really."


Discord sighed and sat down, wrapping his tail around himself and playing with the fluffy end.  "I was the ruler of Equestria.  You can't just take over and change that.  And you didn't even give me a chance.  You just turned me to stone.  That's worse then death.  And you...you played along..."

"She...she told me to..."

"You could have said something."


"She isn't."

"How do you know?"

"Because I know."

Discord waved a talon at her, asking her to come closer.  "Come on, Luna.  Stop wasting time."

"But..." Luna felt tears in her eyes.  "But I have a foal!" she sobbed.  "I have a foal!" she said, hugging the foal to her.
"Yavolin can take care of him."

"But he needs his mommy!  Think about...think about how Shade ended up!" she sobbed.

Discord looked at Luna.  He sighed.  "He'll have a father at least."

"He needs his mommy!" Luna cried.

Discord sighed again in frustration.  He threw his arms out.  "Fine!  Fine!"

"You're...letting me go?" Luna whimpered.

"Shut up and get out, Luna."

"But why?"

Discord glared at her.  "What?!  What?!  You just gave me a whole frigging speech, why do you think?!  And besides..." he said, calming down slightly.  "I always liked you better then Celestia."

"But...what about Tia...are you...going to hurt her."

"Of course.  Who do you think I am?  The element of kindness?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin had it with Discord taking Luna, using his choatic side he teleported the elements of harmony to the cave."Alright fillies and clots we attack"! He began to lead the charge against Discord he was going to end this mess once and for all. But who will win him or Discord.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade watched the conversation, if discord were to turn Luna into nightmare moon... She would swoop in and take the foal back to canterlot...


But that wasn't needed to be done, as soon as discord was letting her go... She was about to grab Luna and teleport to canterlot, but then yavolin appeared with the elements...


She smacked her hoof to her head...



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Discord growled.  "Oh for Celestia's sake.  Didn't I tell you Luna?" he said, gesturing to the elements, glaring at Luna.  "Didn't I?"

Angel Feather looked uncertainly at Yavolin as some of the others raced towards Discord.  "But Yavolin, I haven't got a horn...and I'm Magic I believe..." she whispered.

Mystical Flow didn't move.  She stared at Discord, almost looking hopeful.

Electro Dash swooped down towards Discord, her hoof held high to hit him.

Discord touched Luna's hoof and teleported himself, Luna and the foal to the Everfree forest.


Luna looked around, her brow furrowed.  Discord teleported himself to the Canterlot castle, leaving Luna and her foal on their own.


Discord slowly went towards Celestia's study, where she always seemed to be.  The door opened as she reached it.  And he found himself looking down at her.  Celestia just stared at him for a moment.  Then she lowered her head and walked towards the steps.

"I see you've found me," she said.  "Well then Discord.  If you want to play this game, I guess that the rest have to play along," she said.  "Might as well turn me right now.  I have very little left to say to you."

"Such as?"

Celestia opened her mouth as Discord touched a talon to her forehead.  She almost immediately turned into Solar Flare.  For a moment, Celestia tried to fight it.  But she was losing the fight.

"Good.  I wanted you to make it harder for yourself," Discord said.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin sighed."Great now hes back at the castle". he facehoofed himself and looked at the elements and whispered."Find Luna and my son take care of them i won't be back for this". Yavolin knew Discord was going to kill him but he had to trust that his friends were going to help the princess any way. he teleported again and this time he saw Discord."Stop now"! he almost growled.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord looked up in annoyance.  So did Solar Flare.  Solar Flare growled.  "You," she said.  Discord shoved her aside.  He never liked Celestia, and didn't like Solar Flare any better.

"Oh come now.  You don't like Celestia anyway," he said.  He glared.



The elements exchanged looks with each other.  "Where would he have taken the princess though?" some pony asked.  They sighed simultaneously. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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