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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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"Where to start?" She said


"Well, when yavolin poisoned me, discord picked me up and cared for me... Twice"


Shade shivered thinking about the poison


"He gave me chaos powers, I can't think of one thing he did bad to me."


"Then when I tried to explain what the true meaning of chaos is... He didn't understand it... So I left..."


"But he's not a bad guy... The best thing that he gave me was love. But it wasn't to last"



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Celestia nodded slowly and looked at Discord.  He didn't look at her, in fact his cheeks with burning out of embarrassment.

"Why are you embarrassed, Discord?" Celestia asked.

Discord didn't answer.  Celestia sighed. 

"You can tell me, Dizzy."

"Don't call me that," Discord said quietly.

"Okay then.  I'll call you Discord.  Are you going to tell now, Discord?"

"I'm not a filly.  Stop talking to me like that."



"Why are you asking me questions?  Why not just kill me.  I'm vulnerable anyway," Discord said.

"Because.  There can't be harmony without chaos."

"Are you hitting on me."

"Discord, are you even paying any attention?"

"To what."

"To the things Shade is saying.  You're not bad, you just make mistakes.  Like me.  I'm not bad, I just make mistakes."

"You sound like Mystical Flow."

Celestia nodded.


(Where am I going with this?)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(where indeed)


shade didnt know what to say she just listened to the conversation...


(im sorry but i have writers block right now... i cant think of something to say or do....)


shade " chaos isnt a thing of terror... its an energy... an energy that can do all of this... this would be the negative side of chaos... but since im the element of chaos... i unified the chaos energy... and that unified chaos can do good things to the world"



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Discord sighed.  "I am the spirit of disharmony.  Disharmony.  The opposite of harmony.  I can't do good."

"But you already did, Discord.  I can tell just by looking at Shade.  But then you did wrong by not listening to her.  And she's saying that even chaos can do good things."

"Like war.  Is war a good thing, Tia?"

"You don't seem to be getting the point here, Discord."

"Where's Luna?  She'll put up good enough an argument for you to destroy me."

Celestia sighed.  "Oh, you want me to turn you back into stone Discord?"

Discord finally looked up at her with cold eyes.  He snapped his tail at her.  "Don't even joke about---"

"What else do you want me to do?  Destroy you after you did some what good?  Discord, I can't do that.  Shade, try to convince him.  I'm sure you'll get through to him better.  I'm probably making it worse."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"i... i dont know... what to do"


shades ears twitched and spoke to celestia in her mind... it was one hard spell but shade pulled it off

*follow my lead... il show you that he cares*


shade pulled out a dart... it was a stone dart that she got from yavolin... and by got i mean stole...


"i just dont know what to do anymore... maybe its best if chaos stays as stone"


shade fake stabed herself with the dart... she quickly changes her form to look like stone...



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Celestia turned to Shade, making her eyes wide.  And rushed towards Shade.  "Shade!" she gasped, hoping she didn't sound fake.

Discord pulled his wrists against the chains.  He pulled himself forward as far as possible.

"Shade!" he cried out.  He pulled harder against the chains.  Celestia heard a snapping sound and looked up to see the chains holding him there snap to pieces.  Celestia gasped.  Discord flung himself down to Shade.  He looked at Celestia.

"Well!  Don't just sit there!  Do something for once!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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* see... he dose care about me... now why cant he care about the rest of equestria like he cares about me? that is what im haveing trouble getting him to understand... he is able do do soo much good to the world if he can unify his chaos*


shade said in celestias mind... 


*but just do something... anything... to make him happy*



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Celestia was unsure of what to say or what to do.  She stared at Shade for a moment and then said to Discord;  "She...she isn't dead you know..."

"She might as well be!"

"It was only a dart.  She'll...wake up..."

"But it's awful," Discord said, looking at her in despair.  "Its so awful in there."

"I know, Discord.  I'm sorry."

"Take her out."

Celestia slowly shook her head.

"Take her out!" Discord screamed.

Celestia looked at him and said nothing.  Discord grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.

"Take her out!"

Discord saw the tiniest bit of fear in her eyes and let go of her immediately.  He hugged his knees to him and began to weep.  Celestia paused.  Well...I didn't make him very happy.

"She loved you, you know."

Discord didn't reply.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was cracking up... It was somewhat funny to see discord like this, but somewhat sad...


She reverted her forum and turned to discord...


Then used chaos energy to force him back into the chair


"Discord... Do you remember the feeling you just had? If you feel that way about me, why can't you feel that way about all of equestria?"



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"Waah!" Discord cried out, as he was suddenly pushed backwards in the air and then into a chair.  Celestia blinked and watched.  Discord looked at Shade and made a horribly annoyed face.  "You...you...you little..." he stuttered.  "That wasn't funny!" he said, pointing an accusing talon at her.

Celestia used her magic to make Discord's chair float in the air.  She spun it around so that it floated upside down.  Discord fell off the chair and onto his head.  He quickly pushed himself up and then raised a paw to hit Celestia.

"Oh, come now, Dizzy!  How could you not find that hilarious!  I'm sure even you like a bit of chaos every now and again!" Celestia said cheerfully.  She made an umbrella appear and opened it up to show it was upside down.  She placed it on her shoulder and smiled brightly.

Discord gave her a look.  He snatched the umbrella from her, closed it, pointed it at her and then began to walk away.

"Answer Shade's question."

"You don't respect me."

"I'm the Princess and you don't respect me.  Deal with it.  Answer Shade's question."


Celestia looked like she was starting to get fed up.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade watched Celestia mess with discord...


It was funny, but shade didnt laugh... "You cause chaos for fun... And that's how everypony feels when you do all this chaos..."


Shade glared at discord, she wanted his answer... And she wanted it now.


And her patience was growing thin... But Celestia was holding her back from doing anything rash.



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"Yes," Discord said, opening up the umbrella.  "But what else do I have?" he said, not knowing how many times he's had to say that.  He looked at the odd umbrella and smirked slightly.

Celestia shot at the umbrella with her magic, turning to to ashes.  Discord held the ashes until they slipped out of this paw and talon.  He ground his teeth together.

"I can't feel anything for Equestria when they will never think any good of me.  No matter what I do, I'll always be known as...this," discord said, looking down at himself, almost disgustedly.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin sighs and teleports in to the cave he looked at celestia and spoke."Might as will stone him or turn him mortal better yet throw him into Tartarous. No pony as ever escaped Tartarous". smiles evilly at Discord hoping Celestia would ether send him to Tartarous or turn him mortal.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade frowned at yavolin...


"But what if you start doing good, then ponies far in the future will remember you as a hero, woudent you like that? Why not forget about the wrong and start the right"


Shade was getting tired, she changed into her changeling forum and casted a spell at the ground, Luna's and yavolins foal came up in a dark blue fire... She took it and sat on the ground, "I gotta stop waisting my energy" she looked at yavolin "I believe this is yours, next time you need a foal sitter, ask me next time and don't just teleport away... Tell that to Luna too" she said as she passed the foal to yavolin.



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Celestia watched her pass the foal to Yavolin and sighed.  "Luna.  She isn't fit to be a mother.  Not yet..." she said.  She looked up as the door opened, letting in a ray of light and a shadow of a pony.  Luna.  Luna looked down and noticed every pony.  She growled at Discord and then looked at Celestia.


Celestia teleported to the door.  She pushed Luna away from the door and shoved it closed, locking it.

"Hey!" came the muffled annoyance from behind the door.

Celestia went back to the rest.  "I think three ponies annoying Discord is enough don't you think?"

"Two," Discord said, glaring at Yavolin.  "I liked two better."

"Yeah, I didn't ask you.  Are you listening to what Shade is saying here, Discord?"


"Yeah you are."

Discord made a face and then looked at Shade.  He was silent for a moment, then hesitantly held out a paw to her.  Celestia watched, slightly at unease.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked at Celestia, "sorry Celestia, I just don't know what more to say"


Shade turned away and started walking up to the door... She teleported threw it and saw Luna... "Next time you need a foal sitter... Ask... Don't just leave him with me... Especially when in the sewers of manehatten... I just about lost it down there"



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Discord was silent, his paw still out in mid air.  Celestia almost felt bad for him.  She sighed and stared at him for a moment. 

"You've done this to yourself, Discord.  Can't you see we're trying to help you?  We're trying to make you...good, so that you can...well...be happier.  And so we don't have to...kill you."

Discord stayed silent, but lowered his paw.  There was silence.  Finally, Discord looked up to see Celestia holding her hoof out to him.  He just stared at her.

"I don't want your forgiveness," he said.

"You mean, you want forgiveness?"

"Yes.  Not from you."

"But...you're sorry?"

"Oh, don't be so surprised, Tia.  I can't stand sitting here in this room.  I'd do anything to get out."


Discord held up a talon as if to say 'Yeah I know'.  He lowered it again.

"Do you...want to...go...see her again?"

"Not really."

"Come on, Discord.  Let's go," she said, holding out her hoof again.

Discord looked at her and then stood up, but he didn't take it.

"I'm not sorry to you.  I'm sorry to Shade."

"That's all I could hope for.  Let's go find her, Discord."

"I can find her."

"But then I'd have to find you."


"Oh forget it, just go, Discord," Celestia finally said.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(Kind of left me without anything to reply too)


Shade walked passed Luna after ranting at her about foal sitting... Then walked all over the castle upswing chaos energy to repair all the damages made to the castle...


She finished the castle then looked outside... "I think I'm going to need to make a stop at the crystal hart if I'm going to fix all this" she said quietly



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"I don't know where she went," Discord said

"For Luna's sake, Discord, you have powers!" Celestia said.  She gave him a look.

"Oh...yes.  I do, don't I?"

"You...you're not..." Celestia started.  Then she decided to let it go.

Discord used his magic to find Shade and teleported to where she was.  He lifted a talon and gave her a small wave.


Celestia opened the door to a very upset Luna.  She just knew she was going to regret this.


(OOC: Sorry xD)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked at discord... Then turned away and looked out the window...


"And what might it be that you want discord? I'm trying to repair the damaged you and I caused"


* why can't he see? Just why can't he see? :( *


"Equestria could be a better place with you and I fixing all the natural chaos happening around, the dragons can be a problem sometimes... And using our magic can be useful..."



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Suddenly, a burst of magic escaped from Discord, stretching out as far as they could see in the shape of a circle, covering what could be the whole of Equestria.  And then all the trouble, all the chaos, it was all gone.  All fixed up so simply.  It barely took any magic too.  Because he usually made the problems, fixing them was practically a vacation.


Celestia jumped as the burst of magic went through her.  She looked at Luna and Luna looked at her.  They ran to the closest window and looked out.

"He...he did it..." Luna whispered.  "He...fixed it..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shades jaw droped for a second... Then she ran to discord and huged him


"I knew you'd see! I just knew it!"


Shade huged him tightly


"And don't worry... We can have fun with our magic sometimes... As long as it dosnt get out of hand"


* All well that ends well...*


Shade was happy that discord fixed everything... It was awesome!... Now shade just needs to fix the hive.... Or did see? Lol



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Discord smiled brightly and lifted Shade off the ground to swing her around and hug her tightly.

Celestia came into the room and saw them.  She smiled gently.  Luna came in to stand beside Celestia, slightly ashamed that she had thought such awful thoughts about Discord.  But still...there was a long time ahead of them.  Who knew with Discord?

Angel Feather and Mystical Flow rushed into the room, having followed the magic.  Angel Feather watched carefully.  This...this will make a lovely story...

Mystical came to stand on the other side of Celestia.  She nudged her.  Celestia looked down at her.  Mystical nodded at her, to say she approved almost.  Like she was giving her respect back to the Princess of the Sun.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade could do nothing but smile... She had never been happier in her life...


She looked at her element that was glowing brightly... She was proud of herself


She calmed the princess down, she snapped yavolin out of his chaos state, she tamed discord... She did a lot of good things....


It was like she was a guardian of chaos... She prevented the bad chaos from happening and let the chaos energy flow threw out equestria.



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Discord looked up when he heard the sound of cheering outside.  He carried Shade to the window and looked outside to see a crowd of ponies surrounding the castle and cheering.  He paused for a moment, then decided it wouldn't be for him.  He held Shade out the window and heard the crowd cheer even louder.  He smirked and glanced at Celestia.  Celestia nodded at him.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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