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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Yavolin got on one knea."Pincess Luna, i know this isn't the time for something as this but i love you and i want to be with you". Yavolin handed her the ring which he planded on giving her at the gala but he felt like he needed to do this now the ring he gave her was in her color.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna was shaking.  She had read about it, but she never dreamed it would happen to 'The Princess Of The Night'.  I must ask Tia first!  But another voice in her head cast it away.  No!  This is my decision!  My life!  Princess Luna threw her front legs around Yavolin's neck.  "Of course!  Of course!"



Discord couldn't bare it anymore.  This was just too good.  An Element proposing to a Princess.  A crazy element.  To the princess of the night.  This is rich!  Discord snorted and started to guffaw in the tree, almost falling out it.

  • Brohoof 1



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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" if i was lying... what would i be lying about"


shade turned and started to walk away...


she looked back and saw yavolin proposing to luna...


* love... hm... something that i will never have... or eat...... i dont get it... im a changeling but i dont feed on love... yet, im still a pony, thats half changeling... oh how i hate thinking about this stuff* 


but anyways...


once shade saw luna hug yavolin... she started stomping her hooves...

"hm... congratulations you two"

she said quietly 



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Yavolin smiled and embraced her. He didn't want to say anything he wanted this moment to last forever , he had a special some pony but inside his mind he began to think."Would Celestia would approve"? He didn't care he kissed her , he saw that tonight was a full moon.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade walked to the window... To have another look at the sky... Then sees discord laughing his head off in a tree...


She turned to Luna and yavolin

"Um.. Is that discord laughing in that tree overthere? It seems like he's been watching you two"


Shade pointed to the tree discord was in...

*why is he sticking around?? Tho I guess he gets amusement out of everything*



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Luna's ears twitched and in response to Shade's warning she looked up at the tree and saw Discord.  A shiver ran through her body.  Discord grinned and gave her a little wave.  For a moment they just stared at each other.  Luna was the one who broke the silence;

"So...are you going to go now?  Or sit there a little longer?"

Discord seemed to find this amusing.  "Oh, I always liked you better then that serious little thing, Tia.  You're funny."

"Uhm...thanks?  Are you going to answer my question?" Luna said.  Inside, she was panicked.  She felt afraid so she clutched at Yavolin's hoof.  

"Oh, can't I just congratulate you, Luna, darling?"


"Congrats!" Discord grinned.

"Thank you, Discord."

"You're welcome."

They stared at each other for a moment.  Discord smiled at her.  Luna just stared expressionlessly.

"Bye," Luna said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, where are going?"

"Actually, where are you going?"

"Oh!  You were referring to me?  Hmm...don't know exactly where I'm going..." Discord smiled at the moon.  "I think I'm going crazy...hmm...what do you think?" Discord said, his voice changing slightly, getting harsher as he turned to smile evilly at Luna.  Luna shivered.

  • Brohoof 1



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at Discord."If you as so much as a put a fingure on Luna I will make sure that you never see light of day again that you can be sure of"! Yavoling got Luna behind him making sure Discord didn't come any closer but he was prepared to tell Luna to run and get the others.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Oh, that's okay!" Discord said with an easy wave of his paw.  "I like the night much better anyway.  I'd think you would agree.  Especially, you, Luna."

Luna just stared at him blankly from behind Yavolin.

"You silly, Princesses.  You don't have many expressions do you?  Especially Tia." Discord laughed, floating up into the sky. 

Princess Luna felt a rush of anger run through her body.  "Stop talking about Princess Celestia that way, Discord."

Discord held up his talon and paw in mock defeat.  "Geez, sorry, Princess."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Oh you will be sorry discord... Youl be sorry that you ever existed"

Shade glared at discord


*now if he dosnt say something stupid, I may gain trust with thees ponies*


Shade continued to glair at discord, her stance looked like she was getting ready to attack discord



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Yavolin brought out his blade he was going to try to kill Discord yet again he looked at Luna ike to make sure she was ready to run to get the others while Yavolin kept discord at bay."Will Discord i must ask you something, do i feel lucky today? well do ya punk"? Yavolin gave him his best deterimend glar.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord just grinned at Shade.  "Well, I'm not sure I'd go that far."

Then, Discord turned to Yavolin and smiled.  He also smiled at Luna.  "Luna, you really shouldn't let your subjects fight for you."

Luna tried zapping him.  Discord only had to tilt his head to dodge her.  "Then, again maybe not.  I'm not really feeling lucky nor in the mood to fight though," Discord said, continuing to raise himself to the sky.  "Ah well.  I'll see you guys," Discord pointed around at them all.  "Laters."

And then he was gone.  Luna's hooves drove into the ground beneath her.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Rose walked down the hallway with Mystical, chit-chatting, when she heard a sort of rumbling from on top of a nearby guardtower. Looking out the window, she could see Luna attempting to do battle with Discord, and Discord flying away lazily. She was surprised he could get this close to the castle. She looked at Mystical Flow. "Should we do something?"

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Yavolin looked at Luna and spoke."we will get him soon my dear Luna , he may run but that coward can't hide for long, but something trobles me, this isn't our normal discord something is off i can feel it". Yavolin began to think if it was truly  wise to threaten Discord.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"How would you know what normal discord is like... For all I know, that is normal discord..."


Shade looked at Luna who hasn't said a word to her yet...

She shook her mane as electrical waves waved out of it...


"Princess Luna, you don't seem to think I'm suspicious... And every other pony dose..."







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Mystical stared out the window.  "I don't think we can really do anything," Mystical Flow said, scrunching up her nose.  "For a guy who likes fun, Discord sure doesn't know how to have it."



Luna frowned at Yavolin.  "Soon...soon we can end it all," Luna turned her face to the moon and smiled softly.  "And then we can...we can finally relax together."

Luna looked at Shade.  "I'll only have to wait and see about you.  I will not judge you for things I have no knowledge of to be true."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looks at Luna."I hope this ends soon, i want to stat planing our new life , i hate Discord for breaking free i hate him for all the pain he has caused and i wish to end him so that this can never ever happen again but i wish rainbow dash was here she always knew what to do".  Yavolin remembered the previous element of loyalty.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna nodded and looked sad for a moment.  "Yes...Rainbow always knew what to do.  So did Twilight," Luna looked down at the ground, remembering the past elements.  They passed peacefully at least.

But what about these new elements?  Eventually, would they not pass as well?  What about Yavolin?  He was not immortal like Luna was...



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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A tear formed in Yavolins eye a thought had came across his mind even if he beats discord that still leaves him and Luna he knew he could not ask her to give up her immortality, so he went up to her and embraced her and started to remember the times they spent together he wanted to grow old with Luna, he didn't care if Alicrons didn't age as normal as Pegasus  and other ponies the fact is he loved her."Luna, no matter what happens no matter where you are i want you to know that i will always be there for you". Yavolin knew where his promise of marriage with Luna was going and he didn't care he was going to tell Celestia up front how much her sister meant to him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna hugged Yavolin tightly.  "I...I love you," Luna whispered, still unsure if what she was experiencing was love.  Perhaps it was.  That was how it seemed to feel. 

Luna looked at Shade.  "I wish I knew."



Princess Celestia glanced up from her book and looked out the window at the dark night, hearing an eerie laughing sound.  Discord?  Celestia looked around the room carefully.  She hoped Luna was alright.  Yavolin must be with her.  Perhaps he if enough to drive Discord away.

Discord seemed to be almost afraid of him.  Was that possible?  Celestia did not know.



Discord went back to his cave in the mountains.  As he went he noticed a dragon.  He paused to look at it.  Discord snapped his claws and the dragon grew bird wings, bunny ears and a pony's tail.  Discord grinned and made the dragons size decrease.

"You look almost like me now," he said, going into his cave.

Discord felt tired.  That had taken some of his energy.  And he was still bored.  Oh well.  Soon, he would be ruling Equestria.  So who cared!

Discord felt to bed again, hoping to dream up some nice chaos.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin was a little sleepy and he didn't know what time it was, but upon hearing Luna say she loved him  made his heart beat a little fast, he felt like discord was somewhere asleep which worried him but made him feel better what harm could he cause if he is a sleep? Yavolin returned the hug but his eye went towards shade, he still didn't trust her something about her made him feel like she would betray him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Well... I think I should get some sleep... Even if its still night... I'm going to need my energy, I have a feeling that I'm going to be attacked by that unicorn again"


Shade walked away till she was out of site

She went outside and flew to the top of the moutain... She entered the cave that was there


She saw a dragon that almost looked like discord

"Spike?... What ever... DISCORD are you here?"



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Luna nudged Yavolin.  "You should get some sleep, Yavolin.  Don't worry about me," Luna smiled at him.  A royal guard appeared almost immediately after the words left Luna's mouth to lead Yavolin to his room.



Discord opened his eyes and floated out of his bed to walk across the ceiling, his tail dragging along floor.  "Wasn't really expecting company," Discord yawned.  He smiled in amusement. 

Discord went upstairs to the entrance of the cave and smiled at Shade.  "Why hello there pony," Discord said.  Then he paused.  "Oh wait.  Why hello there...changeling..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Ya... What ever... I need to ask, if youd take out Luna so I could defib her... That way I can get more trust points... And may I add that I love what you've done with spike? That's crazy!!"


"Oh and incase you didn't know, aperently there are 9 elements now... So you can have extra fun hidding them! Anyways... I should get back to the castle... Later"


Shade was walking out the enterence of the cave



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Discord raised an eyebrow, his mind easily flowing with all the new information.  But he still said: "Uhm...okay...thanks?"  Discord tapped a paw on his chin.  "Take her out, eh?  When?  Now?" he asked.

He was bored anyway.  As usual.  He looked out of the cave towards Spike and grinned.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Just do it when ever you feel board"

Shade grinned walking out the cave...


She bolted back towards the castle, once she entered threw the window, she flopped on the bed...


Then she took a walk in the shadows around the castle trying not to be spotted





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