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private Slice of Life

MLP Dazzleglow

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Shining Star caught her breath and added. "well, I am probably going to have to lay low down here because i think diamond Tiara and silver spoon saw the video that my dad banned from ponytube and are going to try to use it as a new weapon for bullying me. I really wish i could do something to them. Something that they will never forget." Shining Said getting angry and her horn beginning to turn red. (she is about to use the power from your RP)

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"Whoa whoa whoa. There are plenty more ways to settle things like that besides anger." Babs Seed said. "Yeah, we went through that with Babs, and ended up saving her life and apologizing." Applebloom said. Up in Cloudsdale, Thunder Dash had a funny feeling. 


Back down in Ponyville, the CMC were talking Shining Star out of getting Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon back. "Just think of it. What would Princess Celestia say if she saw you do that?" Scootaloo asked. "Anger isn't the right way to do it. Besides, Diamond Tiara is being monitored by her father more frequently. He learned from Thunder Dash that letting somepony have too much freedom will mean that they might try to take advantage of it. Diamond Tiara still thinks she can do this. As for Silver Spoon, I don't know what her problem is, but all I know is that she's a follower of Diamond Tiara. Once Diamond Tiara loses control and her father straightens her up, Silver Spoon will have a better atitude." Sweetie Belle said. "So take a deep breath and calm down. We've all been though these moments. As for that video, of course they will try to use it against you, but that's because they're only trying to bring you down, which is the only thing that pleases a bully. In the case of Diamond Tiara, she always gets scared when you say you'll go tell her dad." Babs Seed said. "And the same goes for Silver Spoon." Chirped Applebloom.  

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the glowing in Shining Stars horn cooled back down to a pitch black and Shining star had tears in her eyes. "im...im sorry. I just don't know why i get like that sometimes. They have bullied me so much, even went as far as to throw me into a river. A river! can you believe that!"

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"What?! They're crazy. If Princess Celestia saw that, she would banish them to the Everfree Forest!" Babs Seed said. "Yeah, nopony treats somepony like that!" Scootaloo said getting closer to comfort Shining Star. "Don't worry, we're with you and so is your family. We'll do whatever it takes to get Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon off of you." Sweetie Belle said. "Because that's what friends are for!" Applebloom affirmed. 

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"Friends? you mean we are friends?" Shining Star asked with a smile on her face.


Meanwhile Luna ran up to Celestia. "We have the evidence we need."

​ Celestia: "Good. Initiate action"


A few pegasus guards moved down and landed in front of the tree house. Other guards moved in on Diamond Tiara.


Guard: "Diamond Tiara, your actions have lead officials to take you to court where you will be judged by ponies of your peers."

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Meanwhile up in Cloudsdale, Thunder Dash recieved the news that Diamond Tiara was taken to court. "Good, this is our chance to end it once and for all." He said. He then called Rainbow Dash and they both flew down to Ponyville Courthouse. Electra Blitz was reading a bulletin until he saw the article for the trial. He then went to look for Shining Star. He found her in the CMC trehouse. The four then headed over to Ponyville Courthouse. 


When they all arrived, they saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in the accused section and Filthy Rich in the against section. They also saw Thunder Dash and Rainbow Dash. Electra Blitz then gently picked up Shining Star and handed her over to Thunder Dash, who put her on his lap and began to stroke her gently. 


Soon, it was time for trial to begin. 

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Shining star was stunned at how fast she was whisked away from the CMC tree house. She looked into the seats hoping that she would see them.


Bailiff: "all rise for the Honorable Judge Brown"

Judge: "Be seated. The trial of Equestria vs Diamond Tiara is now in session. You may proceed with the Opening remarks."

Defendant lawyers: "Thank you your Honor. Ladies and gentle-colts, This is an outrage that two little fillies are here on trial from the Equestrian Government. Their only crime is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And being FALSELY accused of these crimes. I plead you ponies of the jury, to find a not guilty verdict."

Plaintiff​ lawyer: "Ladies and gentle colts of the jury. What we have here is a simple case of lying to everypony about what really goes on. These Fillies have been given multiple chances as to change their attitudes with other ponies of their age group, and she went as far as to start targeting older age groups as well. I ask that you teach these fillies a lesson and one that they will never forget. I ask that you find a guilty vote."


(going to call ponies to the stand)

​ Defendant: "I call Babs Seed to the stand"

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"That is right. The lawyer is indeed lying. You see, I come from Manehattan and went through the same thing. These two filles also put me into the situation. It wasn't until the CMCs wanted to get me back but realized what they did wrong. I threatened I would go tell on their parents once. I also watched from afar Shining Star trying to defend herself. I even saw when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon threw Shining Star into the river!" Babs Seed said affirmatively. 

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Defendant: "and your absolutely sure that you saw these two fillies doing this. Are you sure your not just trying to get back at these two for putting you in the situation.!"


Prosecute: "Objection! Misleading questions to having nothing to do with the trial!"


Judge: "Sustained Watch your self defendant."


Defendant: "No further questions at this time."


Prosecutor: "Babs seed. You said that you saw these two throw poor shining star into the river? can you tell us what you were doing out there?"

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"I was just waiting for cousin Applebloom so we could walk back to our treehouse. As I was waiting, I saw Shining Star out there and then the situation happened."


"Babs is right." A voice said from the audience. Lo and behold, it was Filthy Rich. "My daughter showed extreme disrespect. After this, Babs came and told me about it." Filthy Rich said. 

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Prosecutor: "Thank you Babs seed, you have been very helpful. My next witness i would like to call to the stand will be Applebloom"

Defendant: "Objection, the prosecutor is using fillies that are all friends:"

Judge: "Over ruled. Continue."

Prosecutor: "Will little miss applebloom please step to the stand?"


(ooc: i am just skipping the oath to tell the truth being that is commonly known)

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Applebloom jumped up. "Me and my other friends have also been the target of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but I truly feel Shining Star has suffered more than us. That's because she's different, and ponies who are different are the targets of bullies. But that does not give Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon the right to bully Shining Star. The real truth is, Shining Star was thrown in the river by Diamond Tiara, AND before that, she got sand kicked in her face at the park a couple days before that." Applebloom said and then sat back down. 


Filthy Rich was mad...very, very mad. Since his heart had changed. He was now against his own daughter. He gave Diamond Tiara a stern look.

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"Thank you very much Applebloom, No further questions at this time your honor."


Judge: "dose the Defendant wish to cross examine?" 


Defendant: "No your honor, but Silver Spoon parents have asked for a change of their plea in hopes of lesser punishment."


Judge: "Silver spoon plea to change to guilty has been approved. 300 hours community service. The Jury is now free to be dismissed to decide of the verdict, and punishment."


(ooc: Was wanting your opinion on what the punishment would be. remember 12 jury members)

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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(OOC: I'd say double the time for Diamond Tiara since she started it all)


After the trial, Thunder Dash and Rainbow Dash took Shining Star back to Cloudsdale after saying goodbye to the CMCs. 


When they arrived back in Cloudsdale, Storm Rush had just got back from work. "How was the day Storm?" Thunder Dash asked. "Well...had to repair two broken machines and replace a part in the cloud maker." Storm Rush said. 

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Shining Star looks at Thunder dash. "Are we going back tomorrow to hear the verdict?" She asked


Jury 1: "guilty"

Jury 2: "guilty"

Jury 3: "guilty"

Jury 4: "guilty"

Jury 5: "guilty"

Jury 6: "guilty"

Jury 7: "guilty"

Jury 8: "guilty"

Jury 9: "guilty"

Jury 10: "guilty"

Jury 11: "guilty"

Jury 12: "Not-guilty"


Jury 1: "well, looks like its a 11-1 vote and the Guilty have it. 13000 hours of community service or banishment to the Everfree forest

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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It turned out that Diamond Tiara was going to have a two-way punishment. If she did anything mean to anypony or Shining Star while under the 13000 hours, she would be immidiately banished to the Everfree Forest. 


"Oh boy! That's what I call strict monitoring!" Thunder Dash said with a laugh. 

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In the article it told how three undercover guards were placed in ponyville to stop this bulling and to prevent any harm to come to Shining Star and her family and with these three undercover guards, was able to crack this case wide open. Later that day shining star went out into Ponyville to see the CMC and saw the three mysterious ponies, but they were still trying to hide in different locations, and were mainly watching Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon. Silver Spoon was learning her lesson and 300 hours later, stopped hanging around Diamond Tiara.

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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After the 300 hours, Thunder Dash noticed a giant change in Silver Spoon's attitude. Instead of bullying, she would be encouraging other ponies. Instead of beating down on "blank flanks", she would tell them they are looking forward to a bright future and so forth. 


One day, Thunder Dash happened to see the CMCs with Silver Spoon. What happened next was really shocking for Thunder Dash: The CMC and Silver Spoon were now friends!

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Shining Star went to the park and for once actually had a nice time swinging on the play set and then went around town just to talk to ponies. By this time the ponies had gotten over the attacks so long ago and just treated her like any other pony would.


Back in Los Pegasus the three changelings were living like kings

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Thunder Dash happened to be wandering in the tunnels and found a changeling who couldn't find his way out. He asked it if it was hungry and it said yes. He then flew it up to Cloudsdale and gave it some left over pizza. A worker pony happened to see the changeling eating pizza with Thunder Dash and thought it was amazing how Thunder Dash was able to bond with changelings so easily. After they ate, Thunder Dash decided to take it around Ponyville. The changeling was quite nervous, but Thunder Dash assured everything will be okay. '


Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was getting together with the Wonderbolts to practice for an upcoming event. Little did she know that Thunder Dash would join them the next day.

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Shining star walked around ponyville after making friends with silver spoon and saw the changeling nervous. "hang on girls, i am going to go get my little sister and have her hang out with us." With this she went and got the little changeling and took her to the CMC and had her hang out with them the rest of the day.

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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(OOC: It was actually an adult changeling but it's okay)


Thunder Dash then headed back up to Cloudsdale. When he got home, he noticed a package the came from Spitfire. "Oh finally!" Thunder Dash said. He opened the package and there was his brand new Wonderbolt uniform. This one was special because the outlines of the lines were gold and glittery. "Oh yeah!" Thunder Dash said as he looked at himself in the mirror. He then flew down to Ponyville to go meet Shining Star.   

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Shining Star saw Thunder Dash fly down and ran up to him. "daddy, what are you wearing? Are you really a wonder-bolt now? That is so awesome daddy." she said while running up to him and hugging him. She then looked back at the CMC and silver spoon. "girls this is my dad. Dad these are my friends."

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"What's up?" Thunder Dash said spreading his wings out. "And yes Shining Star, I'm a Wonderbolt now." Thunder Dash added. 


Meanwhile up in Cloudsdale, Storm Rush was chatting with the manager of the weather factory. They were discussing ways for parts to come faster. "Look, production of parts has skyrocketed in the past month. We can't have the parts just sitting there!" Storm Rush said. "Well, the only way to increase the rate of parts coming in is to hire more delivery pegasus. "Or better yet...hang on a sec, I-I need to go talk to somepony." Storm Rush said. He then flew back to the house and saw Rainbow Dash. "Hey Rainbow, have you seen Thunder?" Storm Rush asked. "He's down in Ponyville with Shining Star." Rainbow Dash said. "Thanks." Storm Rush said as he left the place.


He then saw Thunder Dash chatting with Shining Star, Silver Spoon and the rest of her friends. "Hey uh, Thunder...can I talk to you for a second?" He asked. "Excuse me Shining Star, my cousin needs to talk." Thunder Dash said politely as he walked away with Storm Rush to a place where they won't be distracted.


"So what brings you here?" Thunder Dash asked. "Well, I was just talking with the manger of the weather factory and he stated that he needs more delivery pegasus to fly to Detrot to get the parts needed for the machines. However, almost every pegasus has a job in Ponyville or is busy in other stuff. I was wondering, maybe you can talk to Chrysalis and see and she can round up some of her changelings who are best at long distance flying. Besides, changelings have almost fully integrated themselves in Ponyville." Storm Rush said. "Unfortunately, I don't know where she is. I'll look for her in the hives." Thunder Dash said. "Alright, let me know, because the manager really needs more flyers to get the parts." Storm Rush said as he flew away. Thunder Dash then returned to Shining Star. "Now, where were we?" He asked. "Oh yes, I became a Wonderbolt not too long ago." Thunder Dash said. 

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Shining Star started jumping around in joy. "ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! both my parents are WONDER-BOLTS! This is so awesome!" she said while jumping around in circles, tripping on a rock, and then continuing to jump in circles.


Meanwhile Chrysalis was on the the other side of Equestria just trying to stay out of trouble.

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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