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Winter Warmth - RP


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Night Song had decided to fly over to a little sweet shop(Sugarcube Corner) she passed by after she had found the hospital. But then, the wind picked up in the opposite direction she was flying in and she was sent tumbling through the air. She kept trying to get back into control, but then she crashed into a pair of ponies(Diamond and Ace). It didn't take her long to recover and realize what she had done. "Oh sorry, sorry!" she apologized profusely.

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Draco coughed slightly then said "I'll tell you when we reach my home alright since your place is alittle farther than mine. Just trust me alright you'll find out soon enough," He looked at her gentlely. "Well I'm glad I live on the ground now eh?" Draco asked with a smile as his blush deepened.

Rose almost mirrored him, both smiling and blushing. "Y-yeah. I'm glad too," she said. "It'd be awful if you always visited me, and I never got to visit you." She laughed nervously. She couldn't help wondering if she had gotten a bit in over her head with Draco... Only time would tell. She sighed. You must be patient, Rose Petal, she told herself. Everything will be fine. Don't worry about it.


(OOC: I'm getting some shuteye now. G'night!)

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Night Song had decided to fly over to a little sweet shop(Sugarcube Corner) she passed by after she had found the hospital. But then, the wind picked up in the opposite direction she was flying in and she was sent tumbling through the air. She kept trying to get back into control, but then she crashed into a pair of ponies(Diamond and Ace). It didn't take her long to recover and realize what she had done. "Oh sorry, sorry!" she apologized profusely.

Diamond squeaked when somepony flew into her and Ace. "What the... Who... What just happened ?" She said, Pushing herself out of a big pile of snow and looking at Night Song. "Oh my goodness, Are you alright, That was quite the tumble." She said, Looking up at the sky. The wind was picking up and the snow was being thrown around. "Looks like terrible weather to fly in." She muttered.

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Diamond squeaked when somepony flew into her and Ace. "What the... Who... What just happened ?" She said, Pushing herself out of a big pile of snow and looking at Night Song. "Oh my goodness, Are you alright, That was quite the tumble." She said, Looking up at the sky. The wind was picking up and the snow was being thrown around. "Looks like terrible weather to fly in." She muttered.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. You two ok?" Night Song worriedly replied. She then helped the other pony out of the snow and used her wings to get the snow off of them. It sure is terrible weather! I better get home by hoof now. "S-so sorry a-about what I d-did," she said, starting to shiver and she was crossing her forelegs to get warmer.

Edited by MagicalStarRain
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"Y-yeah, I'm fine. You two ok?" Night Song worriedly replied. She then helped the other pony out of the snow and used her wings to get the snow off of them. It sure is terrible weather! I better get home by hoof now. "S-so sorry a-about what I d-did," she said, starting to shiver and she was crossing her forelegs to get warmer.

@Flying Ace


"I agree with Ace... If we stay outside any longer we will freeze our hooves off. My names, Light Diamond. And dont be sorry, It was just an accident." She smiled and took off her scarf. "Here, You look a little bit colder than me." She said, Holding it out for Night Song to take.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~
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@Flying Ace


"I agree with Ace... If we stay outside any longer we will freeze our hooves off. My names, Light Diamond. And dont be sorry, It was just an accident." She smiled and took off her scarf. "Here, You look a little bit colder than me." She said, Holding it out for Night Song to take.

"N-no thanks. I'm f-fine, r-really," Night Song said through chattering teeth. She was definitely going to remember to wear her own scarf tomorrow. "W-well, I-I'm just going t-to run off t-toward n-now. Oh a-and I-I'm Night S-Song. I j-just moved h-here. Bye!" she said. She then galloped over to her place, unlocked the door, ran into her house, and then she covered herself with a blanket. 

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When they were out of the graveyard Draco looked at Rose  then whispered into her ear "I love you," Draco was blushing hiding his face with his wing. He said it now it's time for flight or stay time. He looked to Rose with one silver eye "Well it's true I do love you," He said once more.

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Rose blushed furiously. He was already declaring his love for her! He must have liked her for quite some time, and she hadn't even realised it. Rose knew from all the movies that this was when the mare was supposed to say, I love you, back, and they embrace passionately in a kiss. But she couldn't say it. She liked him, a lot, but... It still felt strange... He had been just a friend this morning. She didn't know what to say, so she tried to gaze adoringly into his eyes instead, hoping it would suffice.


(Rose's character has been renamed Evergreen, or Eve for short. It's up to you guys whether we switch her to being Eve or not for the purposes of this RP)

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"Take your time I can wait I'll always wait for you my goddess of nature," Draco said as he looked at her with gentle eyes. He place a wing over her back as it was snowing pretty bad. "Come on it's starting to get bad out here,"

(Well which one do you want Rose or Eve

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"N-no thanks. I'm f-fine, r-really," Night Song said through chattering teeth. She was definitely going to remember to wear her own scarf tomorrow. "W-well, I-I'm just going t-to run off t-toward n-now. Oh a-and I-I'm Night S-Song. I j-just moved h-here. Bye!" she said. She then galloped over to her place, unlocked the door, ran into her house, and then she covered herself with a blanket. 

Ace was about to say something when the mare took off leaving him and Diamond alone in the snow. "Uhhh bye......anyway we should continue towards your house its getting cold." Ace said turning to Diamond. She was not fine she was chilled to the bone! Ace thought.

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Ace was about to say something when the mare took off leaving him and Diamond alone in the snow. "Uhhh bye......anyway we should continue towards your house its getting cold." Ace said turning to Diamond. She was not fine she was chilled to the bone! Ace thought.

Diamond wrapped her scarf around her neck and nodded. "I think tonight there is going to be a blizzard... My friend Flame Dancer was telling me to stay inside because its supposed to be rather large... Anyhow, We should probably get going." She said, as she continued walking towards her home.

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Diamond wrapped her scarf around her neck and nodded. "I think tonight there is going to be a blizzard... My friend Flame Dancer was telling me to stay inside because its supposed to be rather large... Anyhow, We should probably get going." She said, as she continued walking towards her home.

Ace thigned his scarf around his neck as the winds started to pick up more. "Whoa I can tell that its going to be a big storm tonite I don't think I can even go back to my home." Ace said walking besides Diamond as he could see there were getting close to her house.

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Ace thigned his scarf around his neck as the winds started to pick up more. "Whoa I can tell that its going to be a big storm tonite I don't think I can even go back to my home." Ace said walking besides Diamond as he could see there were getting close to her house.




"Well... I mean... You could stay at my house... If you want too." Diamond said, Blushing and smiling.*Please say yes Please say yes Please say yes. Diamond... No begging." She thought, Walking up the trail to her house and unlocking the door, Then waiting for Ace to answer.

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"Take your time I can wait I'll always wait for you my goddess of nature," Draco said as he looked at her with gentle eyes. He place a wing over her back as it was snowing pretty bad. "Come on it's starting to get bad out here,"

(Well which one do you want Rose or Eve

Evergreen smiled at him. It was nice and warm under his wing, and apparently he thought she was worth the wait. The wind and snow were bitingly cold... "My house is a bit far... It won't be fun having to go all the way there by myself with all this sleet and snow..."


(Eve will do.)

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"That's why we are going to stay at my house tonight," Draco said as he began to walk with her to a large house. "Yes I live there milady," Draco said "I used my inheritence to buy that house and the courier business. the rest is from my exotic deliveries where people pay out the flank for it,"

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"Well... I mean... You could stay at my house... If you want too." Diamond said, Blushing and smiling.*Please say yes Please say yes Please say yes. Diamond... No begging." She thought, Walking up the trail to her house and unlocking the door, Then waiting for Ace to answer.

Ace blushed slightly when she offerd him to stay at her house. Shes inviting me into her house! Woo ok calm down take deep breaths and don't scare her away. "Sure I would love to stay in your house until the storm passes." Ace said smiling then walking in.

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After a little more unpacking, dinner, and a conversation with her dad about her first day in Ponyville, Night Song brushed her teeth and untied the ribbon in her mane. She had taken her purple scarf out of the closet that held her other scarves, dresses, saddles, and socks(which was only about two each including the scarf she had taken out) and placed them on the chair in front of her desk. She curled up in her bed and slowly drifted to sleep thinking about the next day.

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Ace blushed slightly when she offerd him to stay at her house. Shes inviting me into her house! Woo ok calm down take deep breaths and don't scare her away. "Sure I would love to stay in your house until the storm passes." Ace said smiling then walking in.

Diamond smiled. "Make yourself at home. My Roomy, Star is visiting her parents so if you want... You could sleep in her room. And I will be right back... I am a little chilly so I am going to get on something warmer." She said, Trotting up the stairs to her room.

She put on some socks and pajamas grabbed a blanket and trotted back down the stairs to Ace.

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"That's why we are going to stay at my house tonight," Draco said as he began to walk with her to a large house. "Yes I live there milady," Draco said "I used my inheritence to buy that house and the courier business. the rest is from my exotic deliveries where people pay out the flank for it,"

Evergreen gazed at the house in amazement. It was simply gigantic! And Draco lived there by himself!?! Her amazement must have clearly shown on her face, and been reflected in her voice when she said, "Oh Celestia..." After several moments, she shook herself, as if casting off a daydream.

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"It's lonely being here by my self," Draco said opening the door to his home. He wait for her to come through and when she did the hallway was adorned with afew statues. But what really caught any-ponies attention was the most rarest of flowers the blood red blue rose. The rose was a deep blue but the veins on the rose shown deep crimson. He closed the door and lead her to the living room where the couch was modest. The fire place was empty but was soon filled with two logs of wood. "I only choose dead trees," Draco said as he lit the fire wood. He closed the protective door that let the head through. "Want some hot chocolate Eve?" Draco asked smiling.

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"I can imagine," Eve said, looking around the spacious interior of the house. No wonder Draco seemed so incredibly lonely. She lived alone, too, but her house was small and humble. She didn't feel very alone in it. 


When she saw the Blueblood Rose, her heart skipped a few beats. It was simply... amazing. Eve looked after it, disappointedly, as Draco led her into a different room.


This next room was modestly designed. You wouldn't have guessed the luxourious house this room was in if all you had seen was the room. It was small and cozy. Draco, who had been poking about in the fireplace, said something about using only dead trees for firewood. Eve could't help smiling at that. She did too. She jumped at being addressed again. "Oh... Oh, yes, I'd love some hot chocolate," she said, flustered.

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Draco walked to the kitchen and he began to make two cup of hot chocolate. "I saw you were admaring the rose in the hallway you know you can have it Eve," Draco said as he finished the cups of cocoa. He walked out of the kitchen with the two cups of cocoa. "That rose  means perseverence and anew life if i remembert correctly," Draco said as he thought aloud. he put the tray down infront of her. "Oh it's really blustering out there,"

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Eve immediately started to reject the offer. It was far too kind, she could not possibly accept- 


"Draco, sweet, you don't have to give me everything I lay eyes upon," she said with a smile. "That rose surely means a lot to you; I couldn't take it." She took a sip of her cocoa and scalded her tongue. Eyes watering, she set the glass back down tenderly to allow it to cool off.

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"Alright alright my dear," Draco said "It's because I always liked watching you garden from above watching a cloud," Draco said as he looked at her "Carefull now," "Also I love to garden sometimes but I love to see you garden" Draco said a he rubbed her back gentlely.

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