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Winter Warmth - RP


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"All I want is you Rose," DRaco said as he looked at the graves. "The reason why I am the way I am is because of them so please will you listen tto me sing Rose ?" Draco asked as he looked at her with a sad look. He had a few tears in his eyes. "There always seems to be a mountain infront of me. One minute I'm doing good and climbing but then I start to fall," Draco said.

Her heart melted, and it visibly showed on her face that it had. How could she possibly reject him after that? She put her persisting doubts out of mind, and she nodded slowly, eyes wide and sparkling.


"Of course, I'd love to hear you sing," she said, tenderly.

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Ace got up and streched "Didn't we just get back from your tea shop?" Ace said laughing then looking out the window to see it was dark out. "Maybe I can...walk you home? If you want to that is." Ace asked blushing as well sadly it sticks out more cause of his white coat.

"Oh um... Yea we did." Diamond blushed but smiled when she noticed Ace blushing. "I would love it if you could walk me home." She said, Smiling happily. *He does like me, EEEK... Diamond, Play it cool, Just relax... You dont know if he does yet, Just dont get your hopes up.* She thought

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Draco began to sing softly. He looked at Rose then to his family's graves. "This gettin up early, pulling double shifts,
Gonna make an old man of me long before I ever get rich.
But I'm tryin
It's been two years since we've finalized,
I still ain't used to puttin ex in front of wife.
But I'm tryin.
Send more money right away, is pretty much all she has to say when she
Calls these days and don't you be late

But all I can do, is all I can do and I keep on tryin
And all I can be is all I can be and I keep on tryin
There's always a mountain in front of me,
Seems I'm always climbin and fallin and climbin
But I keep on tryin

I remember daddy sayin keep your eye on the ball, run like hell, play to win,
Get up when you fall
I'm tryin
Don't say nothin that you can't take back
Never do anything you might regret
No don't do that
Daddy I'm tryin
Know the difference between heaven and hell
Go easy on the bottle be hard on yourself
And I know he meant well

But all I can do, is all I can do and I keep on tryin
And all I can be is all I can be and I keep on tryin
There's always a mountain in front of me,
Seems I'm always climbin and fallin and climbin
But I keep on tryin

There's always a mountain in front of me
Seems I'm always climbin and stumblin
And then fallin'
And then climbin'
But I keep on tryin'

This gettin up early pullin double shifts
Gonna make an old man of me
Long before I ever get rich
But I'm tryin' "

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Draco began to sing softly. He looked at Rose then to his family's graves. 

Rose's eyes welled up with tears. "I didn't know you could sing... so beautifully..." It was almost too much for her to take. She followed his gaze to the graves they stood in front of. Quietly, she said, "I think they'd be proud. I certainly would be." She looked at him, a new, wild light just visible behind her eyes.

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"Oh um... Yea we did." Diamond blushed but smiled when she noticed Ace blushing. "I would love it if you could walk me home." She said, Smiling happily. *He does like me, EEEK... Diamond, Play it cool, Just relax... You dont know if he does yet, Just dont get your hopes up.* She thought

"Great, well lets go then" Ace walked out the door then relaised he forgot something he looked over to Diamond. "Um, could you lead the way becasue...I have no idea where to gooo." Ace said scrathing the back of his heas closly. Smooth Ace, smooth you havn't even taken a step and already your lost.

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Draco let his tears fall as he stopped singing. "I'm always trying Rose I'm trying to get you to be my special some-pony but I guess it's not working eh?" Draco said his voice cracked as he cried in sorrow. He felt guilty that he survived while his family died.

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Draco let his tears fall as he stopped singing. "I'm always trying Rose I'm trying to get you to be my special some-pony but I guess it's not working eh?" Draco said his voice cracked as he cried in sorrow. He felt guilty that he survived while his family died.

Rose smiled roguishly. "Whatever made you think it hasn't worked?" I can't believe I'm saying this... to Draco O'malley no less! "I'd be more than happy to be your special somepony."


She was somewhat nervous about the commitment  After all, Draco was her friend... What if things fell apart? She wouldn't risk offending him, though. He seemed so fragile now, compared to how he had been.

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Draco's eyes widened "Did, did you just tease me Rose?" Draco said as he perked up slightly "Your a naughty mare aren't you my dear lady," Draco said as he kissed her gentlely. He got up slowly as he wiped off his tears slowly. "I'm okay now that I gues I have you to pick me back up,"

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"Great, well lets go then" Ace walked out the door then relaised he forgot something he looked over to Diamond. "Um, could you lead the way becasue...I have no idea where to gooo." Ace said scrathing the back of his heas closly. Smooth Ace, smooth you havn't even taken a step and already your lost.

Diamond giggled and stepped out the door. "My house is just outside of town... Its not far." She said, Smiling and trotting down the street. *I sure am happy I have my scarf.* She thought, Shivering in the cold night air.


(OOC: So, Lunatia hasn't been on in a very long time... and I think there were people interested in joining, Should we just let them in or what ?)

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(aye I think we should because it would be rude. Plus it's only just us  posting you know that can only get so far. So did any-pony here see The Hobbit I did yesterday and it was awesome. I liked how they only showed glimpses of Smauge  heh I love it and I also love dragons,)

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Draco's eyes widened "Did, did you just tease me Rose?" Draco said as he perked up slightly "Your a naughty mare aren't you my dear lady," Draco said as he kissed her gentlely. He got up slowly as he wiped off his tears slowly. "I'm okay now that I gues I have you to pick me back up,"

Rose smiled. "I'm not naughty. I'm a good filly." She winked at him, her second thoughts weighing, but repressed to the back of her mind. Then, he kissed her so tenderly...


"And I don't think I'd be strong enough to pick you up." She stuck her tongue out at him.


(I agree. Let them in. And don't spoil anything for me, I've not seen the movie yet.)

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Diamond giggled and stepped out the door. "My house is just outside of town... Its not far." She said, Smiling and trotting down the street. *I sure am happy I have my scarf.* She thought, Shivering in the cold night air.


(OOC: So, Lunatia hasn't been on in a very long time... and I think there were people interested in joining, Should we just let them in or what ?)

Ace thightened his scarf and walked beside Diamond thinking to continu the conversation. "So What other talents do you have besides making delecious wonderful tea?" Ace asked as they were nearing the edge of Ponyville.

(OOC: yeah let them in the more the merrer, and don't spolier it Draco! I havn't seen it! :P )

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"Sure you are it's always the shy ones," Draco said teasingly as he finally felt beter like thw orld was off his shoulders "But I do need help with being a courier I do double shifts when I'm at my work," Draco said ":No one asks to help me but Schola will also need help because I have alot of maps that I need to know what types of plants to expect when i go to an unknown region you know,"

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Ace thightened his scarf and walked beside Diamond thinking to continu the conversation. "So What other talents do you have besides making delecious wonderful tea?" Ace asked as they were nearing the edge of Ponyville.

(OOC: yeah let them in the more the merrer, and don't spolier it Draco! I havn't seen it! :P )



"I do a little bit of painting on occasion... But if you are talking about my Special talent... as in my cutie mark kinda thing, I will always stand up for my friends... I remember this time... My same friend, Daylily... Was just outside the orphanage she grew up in... She was being bullied by these two older colts and I used my magic to give them pigs noses... I didn't really mean too but Daylily and I found it hilarious, Luckily it wore off... Another time where I was supposed to be in trouble and my parents just ignored it." She giggled 

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"I do a little bit of painting on occasion... But if you are talking about my Special talent... as in my cutie mark kinda thing, I will always stand up for my friends... I remember this time... My same friend, Daylily... Was just outside the orphanage she grew up in... She was being bullied by these two older colts and I used my magic to give them pigs noses... I didn't really mean too but Daylily and I found it hilarious, Luckily it wore off... Another time where I was supposed to be in trouble and my parents just ignored it." She giggled 

Ace chuckled "pig noses? You got an imagination. I also had bully problums but I used my talent and now they won't come near me." Ace said remebering the first day he got his cutie mark. "So whos Daylily? She seems to be the best friend you ever had." Ace asked.

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Ace chuckled "pig noses? You got an imagination. I also had bully problums but I used my talent and now they won't come near me." Ace said remebering the first day he got his cutie mark. "So whos Daylily? She seems to be the best friend you ever had." Ace asked.

Diamond's smile faded. "Well... She was my best friend... When my parents discovered I was friends with an orphan and they told me I could never see her again... I would sneak out every night and we would run around Canterlot stirring up trouble... Until one night. She told me she was being adopted, and of course I was so excited for her but... The family adopting her lived in manehattan, And I had never set hoof outside canterlot... And well, I kinda knew that we wouldn't see each other again. I tried to track her down but, I dont think she lives in manehattan anymore." She said, Flicking a chunk of ice on the ground.

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Night Song flew into town riding a snowy wind with her father(his name is Chaser Wing). Their furniture and stuff had already arrived at the new house they're going to be living in. She had mixed feelings about her new hometown. On one hoof, she was excited to be moving away from Manehatten where she used to live with her mother. On another, she was impressed by the town itself. It looked so pleseant and festive for the holidays. And on another hoof, she was worried about the possibility that she might not make any friends. She never had a friend before in the city. These emotions were whirling around in her mind as she wandered around Ponyville by wing while singing to herself while Chaser Wing finished setting their stuff up at their house. He encouraged her to check out the place, find the hospital he'll be working at, and possibly meet some new ponies.


(OOC: By the way, Night Song is 16 in this roleplay, so she has more independence to wander around and do what she wants.)

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"Sure you are it's always the shy ones," Draco said teasingly as he finally felt beter like thw orld was off his shoulders "But I do need help with being a courier I do double shifts when I'm at my work," Draco said ":No one asks to help me but Schola will also need help because I have alot of maps that I need to know what types of plants to expect when i go to an unknown region you know,"

Rose gave him an innocent look. "What does me being shy have anything to do with anything? I'm not shy around you, that's for sure." 


She frowned at the courier offer. "I cant exactly help deliver..." She made a motion, as to emphasize her lack of wings. "But I can teach you about all of my plants. And my friend North Arrow has dozens of maps. There isn't anywhere in Equestria he doesn't know like the bottom of his hoof. I'm sure he'd be willing to part with a few of them. For me." She blinked, further playing up the tone of innocence (which was not too far from the truth), "And by me, I mean for you." 

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"No no you don't have to leave ponyville I meant by doing office work mostly," Draco said as he looked at Rose. "I want to spend more time with you but because of my job it's hard to," Draco said slightly ashamed "Plus I have to do double shifts by doing the paper work that builds up while I'm gone,"

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"No no you don't have to leave ponyville I meant by doing office work mostly," Draco said as he looked at Rose. "I want to spend more time with you but because of my job it's hard to," Draco said slightly ashamed "Plus I have to do double shifts by doing the paper work that builds up while I'm gone,"

"...Oh." Rose looked surprised. Adventurous Draco, stuck behind a desk doing paperwork?. "You want me to do your paperwork?"  She sighed, then nodded. "I guess I can do that for you. I'm not always working in my garden, after all." It was clear that she was not thrilled at the prospect, but would do it all the same.

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"Plus if you do this for me I'll take you out to which ever resterant you want. No matter how pricey," Draco smiled and then said "After all I love you," Draco mutter out blushing causing the fur on his cheeks to become a darker red. He maybe bold but he also is shy when it came to his feelings. But also he kept most ponies as friends because to him his heart is dead inside.

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"Plus if you do this for me I'll take you out to which ever resterant you want. No matter how pricey," Draco smiled and then said "After all I love you," Draco mutter out blushing causing the fur on his cheeks to become a darker red. He maybe bold but he also is shy when it came to his feelings. But also he kept most ponies as friends because to him his heart is dead inside.

Rose smiled, and had started to respond (to the restaurant offer), "Oh, don't worry, that won't--" before Draco had added something. She hadn't quite heard. But judging by the blush she could barely distinguish, it had been something exceptionally embarrassing. "... be necessary..." She said, finishing her statement, and trailing away, trying to think what he might have said.

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(OOC:I have an idea for the rp))

Draco smiled at her slightly "So uh how about that sleigh ride eh?" Draco asked slightly embarassed. He scratched behind his ear slightly. He sighed "You also didn't hear what I muttered now did you?" He asked slightly as he looked at her. "Let's get out of the graveyard,"

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Rose was grateful that he had finally decided to leave the graveyard. It was getting spooky, with the sun so close to setting, and the shadows were playing tricks on her eyes. She had been waiting for him to suggest heading out. She laughed, however. Her laugh maintained a pleasant, ringing quality. "I guess we could take that sleigh ride tonight, if you're so impatient." 


She then took the time to study him intently. Behind the smile was embarrassment. What was there to be embarrassed about, besides what he had practically whispered? Well, obviously that's what was upsetting him so, as he had asked if she had heard, but... What was it? "'Fraid I didn't. You almost whispered... whatever it was." She smiled at him reassuringly.

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Draco coughed slightly then said "I'll tell you when we reach my home alright since your place is alittle farther than mine. Just trust me alright you'll find out soon enough," He looked at her gentlely. "Well I'm glad I live on the ground now eh?" Draco asked with a smile as his blush deepened.

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