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Subtle Rainbow Dash cutie mark


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I made this wallpaper for myself because I am a brony (obviously) and I want to have a MLP wallpaper without letting everyone around me know I am a brony. Rainbow dash is my favorite pony so I made a subtle version or her cutie mark.







Tell me your honest opinion of what you think.


Edited by Anonymous666
  • Brohoof 4
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It's a cool concept! If I were you, I'd make it a tiny bit lighter.

At first, I could only see a rectangle of near-black. Only when I leaned in did I see the cutie mark - and I think making it a bit lighter would flush out some of the in the background as well.


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I designed it to be like that so you can only see the cutie mark if you are looking for it. There are 2 layers. Each layer is truly 3 compacted layers. In the cutie mark layer there are lines going /,\, and |. The same goes for the background. They are all generated on the same seed so they cross over in the exact same places. On each of the 3 cutie mark layers there is a rainbow gradient that corresponds to the exact values of Rainbow Dash's mane from left to right. I then changed the opacity to 50% to blend the cutie mark into the background. I will upload a picture of it with increased saturation.


This was done 100% digitally in Paint.Net. I can't really retake it but I can modify it. It was originally this picture. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/198/a/b/rainbow_dash_cutie_mark_by_missmoo10-d57mdcs.png


It took me awhile to get the picture to a 1x1 pixel out line but once I did that it was as easy as magic wanding and using special gradient plugins.


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I like it for what it is. I can understand not letting people around you know, but honestly the best advice I can offer is don't be ashamed. Those who judge you aren't worth knowing.

I know what you mean but I would rather not deal with people messing with me about this. I discussed this a lot when I first joined in the welcoming plaza. (Parents not very accepting of me about religious preferences, they know what bronies are and look down upon them probably from fox news. my friends make fun of bronies.)



This is what I was originally imagining when I made it. This version isn't cut down at all. I think most people here will find this version to be better.


Edited by Anonymous666
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I know what you mean but I would rather not deal with people messing with me about this. I discussed this a lot when I first joined in the welcoming plaza. (Parents not very accepting of me about religious preferences, they know what bronies are and look down upon them probably from fox news. my friends make fun of bronies.)



This is what I was originally imagining when I made it. This version isn't cut down at all. I think most people here will find this version to be better.


I don't know if your parents have realized this yet but FOX isn't exactly a well reliable source to watch news (Their known for being VERY biased). I'm supposing your parents saw the attack on bronies Fox did on earlier and now they think bronies are these sick sick people who don't have lives and are committed to doing only bad things are something. Now don't get me wrong but i think you should stand up for what you believe in especially against your parents and i'd come and clear cut show them the lighter side of the fandom and what being a brony is all about rather than hide it behind their backs. Since you say you rather avoid conflict with your parents/friends then all means continue with what your doing i wont force you either way but i advise you to do the latter.

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I don't know if your parents have realized this yet but FOX isn't exactly a well reliable source to watch news (Their known for being VERY biased). I'm supposing your parents saw the attack on bronies Fox did on earlier and now they think bronies are these sick sick people who don't have lives and are committed to doing only bad things are something. Now don't get me wrong but i think you should stand up for what you believe in especially against your parents and i'd come and clear cut show them the lighter side of the fandom and what being a brony is all about rather than hide it behind their backs. Since you say you rather avoid conflict with your parents/friends then all means continue with what your doing i wont force you either way but i advise you to do the latter.

Itsfunny you say that. Just today my mom grounded me until I had a talk with her about Fox because I explained to her how Fox was extremely biased and such. She said that is a lie and other news networks always make fun of Fox but Fox doesn't make fun of them because Fox has more important things to do. Her only proof on why Fox is morehonest and reliable is the attack in Libya. I told her that Fox is extremely conservative and religious and she said that Fox wasn't. I'd rather not deal with it to be honest. (Gets grounded for bad talking her favorite news network.)

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Yeah it can be a really tricky situation, especially if you still live at home. I went through a simular thing with my Dad and Step-mom about Ninja Turtles. They couldn't understand why I liked something that was "aimed at children". No matter how much I tried to tell them about the original comics or anything they wouldn't listen, they had made their minds up. Sometimes it's better to shut up and put up just to keep the peace. 


Now that I have my own place though it is great to be able to display my collection of things. I've lost some friends over MLP but its cool. If they are going to hate on me for something so trivial they weren't friends to begin with. I feel for ya Anonymouse666. Just remember there are those of us here who have been where you are and we are rooting for you.

  • Brohoof 1
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This is an awesome picture! Just what I'm looking for as a desktop wallpaper, do you mind if I use it as such?  Ill give all credit to you.

No one is more qualified than you are to decide how you live; no one should be able to vote on what you do with your time and your potential unless you invite them to. ”

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Omygosg! Could you make a Pinkie Pie one? That's soo awesome! I mean, I'm defiantly not a closet brony, the pony got out of the bag a long time ago, but still...

Edited by Party_Cannon


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Omygosg! Could you make a Pinkie Pie one? That's soo awesome! I mean, I'm defiantly not a closet brony, the pony got out of the bag a long time ago, but still...

I might do that. do you went it exactly the dance but with pinkie pies cutie mark with the correct colors and everything. it really isn't that hard to do it just requires some plugins.

  • Brohoof 1
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This is awesome looking I want something like this on my phone because I want a MLP wallpaper but I don't want Ponies as my background, just because of the type of school I go to and stuff


SIgnature by Reverie


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I might do that. do you went it exactly the dance but with pinkie pies cutie mark with the correct colors and everything. it really isn't that hard to do it just requires some plugins.

Yes! That'd be great. ^^ Thanks so much! I'd probably figure it out on my own, my my computer is sitting downstairs, taken apart and, worse yet, with no stylish skin, so I'm on my iPad. Which reminds me, could you make it suitable for a Dell Mini 9?


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It looks like it won't be long until I have all of the cutie marks done. This should work because it is 1920x1080 so it can scale down and still be 100% quality.




This is an alternate colored version of Pinkie Pies cutie mark. Some people may find this to be better than the last picture I made.






  • Brohoof 2
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The Pinkiepie cutiemark is very impressive. I would say, but, the first picture you uploaded is too dark, impossible to see correctly. Otherwise, it's really good :)



The best pony ever. 

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