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Schutzgeist: Out of the Basement


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Here I stand, a new member to the beloved MLP Forums; it took a while to convince myself to venture beyond the safety of my dark sanctuary. Even someone who favors solitude cannot prepare themselves for a future full of lonliness. I figured that meeting my fellow Bronies/Pegasisters wouldn't hurt. It's not like you'll bite hard enough to hurt.


Anyway, I do believe that I've watched all of the episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic released so far. I know for a fact that I've completed both Season 1 and Season 2. I look forward to more episodes in the future. My favorite Season 3 episode (so far) is Wonderbolt Academy. I thought that it was really cool to see what kind of training is involved in becoming a Wonderbolt. Lighting Dust was cool, but too pushy and reckless.

Edited by Schutzgeist
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Welcome to the Forums.  I joined about 2 months ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.  I had a bunch of nagging questions and I kept harassing the close friend who introduced me to MLP:FiM last year.  She told me to join a forum and leave her alone, lol!


Anyway, Wonderbolt Academy was one of my favorite season 3 episodes too.  See ya around!

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Those here on the MLP forums shouldn't bite at all. If they do, just ignore the fact they are there. Everypony I've met here so far has been of good intention. I am glad to meet you, and I think I speak for the whole community when I say: "Welcome to the Forums!"


Hopefully you're stay here is a long and joyful one! Be sure to read the rules when posting a topic. For I myself hate to see a topic be locked for any reason and a whole conversation is lost  :(


If you ever need anything, just give me a shout.


- Maxos

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Hello there,


that's the good thing about MLP-related communities, they are mostly friendly and quite tolerant, so you don't need to be afraid they might dislike you because of anything.


How long have you been a brony?

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Of all the pony sites to join this is definitely one of the better ones ^^ I hope you enjoy yourself!

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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Of all the pony sites to join this is definitely one of the better ones ^^ I hope you enjoy yourself!


Of course you would say that @~Chaotic Discord~. Its so true though  :blush: This community has support many Bronies that have come and gone, including me. Though I ain't leaving.  :D


- Maxos

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How long have you been a brony?


I can't quite remember what the date was when I first became a Pegasister, but I know that it was a couple of months after I transferred to my current school because it was some acquaintances in my German class (now my best friends) who got me interested in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I believe that it was sometime around the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.


I'm glad that I can count on the Brony/Pegasister community to have my back when necessary. I'll try to be as active as possible, however; I do have a tight schedule at times with my horseback riding (I'll probably start showing), school, and such. I wish I could participate in making fanart, but I have horrible artistic skills and I can't afford to purchase any programs for my computer like Photoshop.

Edited by Schutzgeist
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