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private Pony Dating RP

~Lawful Sturdy Wing~

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Now begins our adventure into relationship building, everypony must now post a well written post asking their mare of choice out on a date, we will take it from there, with updates coming every day


Let us begin!


(OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/47643-pony-dating-rp/)


This thread will be mostly private, anypony wishing to join must message me directly 


All posts must be in character, any out of character posting MUST take place either via message or by posting in the OOC thread, we are going for a more mature, complex exploration of the building of relationships between mare and stallion here, the post demands that posts be at least 200 words but the preferred amount would be 400, but really just post as many words as it takes to get your point across in as detailed and worthwhile a manner as needed.


Feel free to post whenever you wish, I will respond to all of your amassed posts when I get the chance to respond, but remember


No godmodding whatsoever, you control your character and nothing else

No NSFW content within the thread, that can take place via pm if needed

Have fun!

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Half Note walked up to the wagon of The Great And Powerful Trixie with the nervousness of a colt on his first day of school. He had admired Trixie from afar and was looking forward to trying and win her affection here. He wasn't the most confident pony but she was his inspiration, she gave him the confidence to follow his dreams and be a musician because of how fearless she was following her dream so he wanted to give it a shot.

As he approached he saw her in all her splendid unicorn beauty and nearly collapsed at the sight of his role model and crush standing right in front of him.

"Excuse me, miss Trixie? Would you like to accompany me on a relaxing walk around town and possibly some lunch? I know how stressful performing can be and thought you deserved some R&R," He told her with a slight tone of nervousness in his voice and a blush on his cheeks. "Of course, if you don't want to that's fine too," He continued as his mind instantly flashed with a million possible ways of her saying no. 'I knew I shouldn't have done this, there's no way she's interested in a normal pony like me,' he thought.

Edited by Half-Note
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Half Note walked up to the wagon of The Great And Powerful Trixie with the nervousness of a colt on his first day of school. He had admired Trixie from afar and was looking forward to trying and win her affection here.He wasn't the most confident pony but she was his inspiration, she gave him the confidence to follow his dreams and be a musician because of how fearless she was following her dream so he wanted to give it a shot.


As he approached he saw her in all her splendid unicorn beauty and nearly collapsed at the sight of his role model and crush standing right in front of him.


"Excuse me, miss Trixie? Would you like to accompany me on a relaxing walk around town and possibly some lunch? I know how stressful performing can be and thought you deserved some R&R," He told her with a slight tone of nervousness in his voice and a blush on his cheeks. "Of course, if you don't want to that's fine too," He continued as his mind instantly flashed with a million possible ways of her saying no. 'I knew I shouldn't have done this, there's no way she's interested in a normal pony like me,' he thought.


Magical sparks flare up into the air, forming the visage of an Ursa Minor being stared down by a proud, powerful unicorn, as the hovering particles swirl into a vortex around the body of a performing magician, before vanishing with an impressive “swish” as the crowd of ponies goes wild Trixie sweeps into a deep bow at the applauding crowd, blowing kisses with her hoof and wiping sweat off of her brow “Thank you thank you!” she sighs, loving the attention “Yes the GRRREAT and powerful Trixie deserves your adoration and roses!” she coos at the crowd, basking in their love before dipping into a final bow and levitating her hat over her eyes, signaling the end of the show. Many minutes of clapping pass and the crowd begins to disperse and laughs to herself as she begins to clear the stage.

A warm blue aura surrounds many of the various props she used during her show as she levitates them into a nearby chest as she notices from the brow of her hat a colt approaching her wagon. Ready to once more sign a fans autograph she turns to face him before hearing his request…


“Ummm… Well” she stammers out, confused. She was used to being showered with praise and applause, but it always came from crowds of many, she had never been approached on an individual level before

“What am I going to do? I cannot break my character, but I must not pass this chance…” She blushes slightly, covering it with brim of her hat


“uh hum” she coughs into her hoof “Well… Yes of course! The GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE shall accompany you on this endeavor,  anything for a fan” She smiles, before shaking her head and reverting back to an arrogant, prideful grin

"But if I am to grace you with my presence, I could use some help cleaning this place up before we go” She laughs,  tossing a broom at the blushing colt

Edited by Sturdy Wing
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Magical sparks flare up into the air, forming the visage of an Ursa Minor being stared down by a proud, powerful unicorn, as the hovering particles swirl into a vortex around the body of a performing magician, before vanishing with an impressive “swish” as the crowd of ponies goes wild Trixie sweeps into a deep bow at the applauding crowd, blowing kisses with her hoof and wiping sweat off of her brow “Thank you thank you!” she sighs, loving the attention “Yes the GRRREAT and powerful Trixie deserves your adoration and roses!” she coos at the crowd, basking in their love before dipping into a final bow and levitating her hat over her eyes, signaling the end of the show. Many minutes of clapping pass and the crowd begins to disperse and laughs to herself as she begins to clear the stage.

A warm blue aura surrounds many of the various props she used during her show as she levitates them into a nearby chest as she notices from the brow of her hat a colt approaching her wagon. Ready to once more sign a fans autograph she turns to face him before hearing his request…


“Ummm… Well” she stammers out, confused. She was used to being showered with praise and applause, but it always came from crowds of many, she had never been approached on an individual level before

“What am I going to do? I cannot break my character, but I must not pass this chance…” She blushes slightly, covering it with brim of her hat


“uh hum” she coughs into her hoof “Well… Yes of course! The GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE shall accompany you on this endeavor,  anything for a fan” She smiles, before shaking her head and reverting back to an arrogant, prideful grin

"But if I am to grace you with my presence, I could use some help cleaning this place up before we go” She laughs,  tossing a broom at the blushing colt.


Half Note took the broom and held his mouth agape. "I.. you.. yes Trixie, of course," he stammered out. 'I can't beleive she actually accepted, she wants to go on a date with me! Ordinary old Half Note,' he thought exitedly. He instantly grabbed the broom and got to sweeping the stage. While he did so he started to watch Trixie for a minute befoire he noticed he was staring. He quickly started back on his cleaning while taking glances at Trixie every so often with a smile and a blush on his face. After sweeping he started polishing her stage and when that was done then he cleaned her wagon, whistling a song he had written all the while.


When he was done he walked up to Trixie and extended his hoof. "My name is Half Note and it's a pleasure to finally meet somepony as inspiring to me as you," he told her with a smile. "Now, why don't we get going, after all I want to make this your best day ever and I have a lot planned for today," he said. 'I just hhope she likes what I have planned for us,' came a voice from the back of his head.

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The young stallion just walks out of the train and stetches his wings for the first time in hours.

"Ugh, that train ride took forever! Well now that I'm here I can explore the ruins of the Everfree Forest at will."

After that he spreads his wings and takes off towards the city in the sky. After a bit he arrives on the clouds, looking around at the Pegasi there. He walks around for a bit before he see notices a large group of ponies watching something.

"Hmm, is there an airshow or something? Might as well check it out."

He flies over to and above the crowd to see what's going on. After a moment he sees a pony followed by a rainbow tail performing tricks of all sorts.

"Who is that?" He pondered, "she's amazing. I wonder if she could show me some of those tricks." He looked quizzically at his saddlebag for a moment before setting it down...

"Or maybe I could show her a few of mine." He smiles for a minute. "Let us see if dodging traps and navigating obstacles all these years have paid off."

He tucks his saddlebag in a hidden area and starts to fly slowly in to the crowds sight.

"Hey you! Doing all the tricks! How about a friendly race? Me against you."

  • Brohoof 1


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

Check out my OC here:


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'There she was, just sitting there' Jordo thought to himself. Lyra Heartstrings, the most gorgeous unicorn Jordo has ever laid eyes on. Jordo had only just recently moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale a few months ago, but he has been entranced by this mare ever since. His heart continued to sink the longer he continued to think about her... Maybe today was the day? Maybe he would try his hand at asking her out. He had the guts to introduce himself a little while back, but even that took a lot out of him. 


No. It's too soon, and what if she says no? It could ruin my future chances with her. I think I should wait until the right time.


Jordo begins to walk away, head down in disappointment. He was more disappointed in himself than anything. He wasn't an ugly stallion or anything, though he always had trouble asking mares out. He was always worried they would judge him on his prosthetic wing. 


Ah yes, his prosthetic wing; more like the bane of his existence. It was a birth defect; his left wing never grew properly, making it almost impossible for him to fly without a prosthetic limb. It may have damaged his ability to fly, but it damaged his self confidence more than anything. 


He began to trudge away in defeat, head lowered and confidence in the gutter. That's when it hit him like a bag full of bricks.


'You know what? Now is as good of time as ever! If now isn't the right time, then I'll never get my chance!'  


Jordo tried his best to strike an impressive posture; It's now or never. 


He slowly made his way over to the bench Lyra was sitting on, mentally chanting to himself not so subtle confidence boosts. He got more and more nervous with each step; by the time he reached her, it felt as if his knees were about to give way. 


"Miss Heartstrings?" He attempted to sound confident, but he wasn't too sure how well he did. 


"If you aren't too busy, would you like to go to Sugarcube corner with me?" He asked, a mixture of hopeful and nervous tones in his voice.



'Oh Celestia, now you've done it.' He thought silently to himself as he mentally prepared for the possible rejection he was about to receive. 

Edited by ~Lawful Jordo~
  • Brohoof 2



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Half Note took the broom and held his mouth agape. "I.. you.. yes Trixie, of course," he stammered out. 'I can't beleive she actually accepted, she wants to go on a date with me! Ordinary old Half Note,' he thought exitedly. He instantly grabbed the broom and got to sweeping the stage. While he did so he started to watch Trixie for a minute befoire he noticed he was staring. He quickly started back on his cleaning while taking glances at Trixie every so often with a smile and a blush on his face. After sweeping he started polishing her stage and when that was done then he cleaned her wagon, whistling a song he had written all the while.


When he was done he walked up to Trixie and extended his hoof. "My name is Half Note and it's a pleasure to finally meet somepony as inspiring to me as you," he told her with a smile. "Now, why don't we get going, after all I want to make this your best day ever and I have a lot planned for today," he said. 'I just hhope she likes what I have planned for us,' came a voice from the back of his head.


Trixie grins widely at the flustered colt as he trotted across her stage with a great passionate fervor, sweeping and cleaning after

the show, she seems taken aback slightly as she catches the young pony stealing glances at her, her cheeks turning a soft blue, she had never really been noticed before as anything other than a show pony. Attempting to avoid meeting his gaze she levitated away the broom and tools, placing them in a cabinet in the back of her wagon, before clamping he hooves together and smiling at the work the stallion had done. She reaches forward to bump his hoof

“Well I am sure that it is a pleasure to meet one as wonderful as THE GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE” she exclaims, coughing softly as the silences overtakes them

“I mean, it is nice to meet you too Half-Note…” She lowers her eyes, embarrassed “Yes of course, let us be off” She smirks at the

prospect of being the mare to be surprised, rather than doing the surprising for once

“So… Where are you taking Trixie? Should I be worried?” She grins as she secures her hat tightly on her head


“I have another show tonight at eight… So you can’t have me out and about all day, but The great and powerful Trixie will play along with this plan of yours... for now” 




The young stallion just walks out of the train and stetches his wings for the first time in hours.

"Ugh, that train ride took forever! Well now that I'm here I can explore the ruins of the Everfree Forest at will."

After that he spreads his wings and takes off towards the city in the sky. After a bit he arrives on the clouds, looking around at the Pegasi there. He walks around for a bit before he see notices a large group of ponies watching something.

"Hmm, is there an airshow or something? Might as well check it out."

He flies over to and above the crowd to see what's going on. After a moment he sees a pony followed by a rainbow tail performing tricks of all sorts.

"Who is that?" He pondered, "she's amazing. I wonder if she could show me some of those tricks." He looked quizzically at his saddlebag for a moment before setting it down...

"Or maybe I could show her a few of mine." He smiles for a minute. "Let us see if dodging traps and navigating obstacles all these years have paid off."

He tucks his saddlebag in a hidden area and starts to fly slowly in to the crowds sight.

"Hey you! Doing all the tricks! How about a friendly race? Me against you."



Wind whips sharply by the Pegasus’s face, all color and sound whirling into a blur of excitement as she dives into a direct fall,

soaring downward at immeasurable speed, a trail of brilliant rainbow light exuding from her back, she is almost there, she can feel the very air around her begin to cackle and break with the sheer force of her absolute speed, a large grin spreads across her face as she feels the very sound barrier about to shatter “Let’s do this!” she screams as she is suddenly thrown from her focus, tumbling to the ground below, slamming into the floor.

“Alright! Who’s the wise guy who thinks is cool to interrupt me while I am flying?!”  She rises to her hooves and brushes the dirt off of her, scanning the crowed; her eyes settle on the Pegasus who has dared to challenge her in the middle of her demonstration

“Are you joking? With wings like that I would fly circles around you!” She falls on her back, laughing hysterically , “yeah yeah, OK

hotshot, this is your punishment for messing up my Sonic Rainboom” stretching her wings wide, a devious smirk across her face

“Loser buys the winner lunch, being forced to slam into the ground makes me hungry” She calls the Pegasus to her side, getting into a starting position  “I hope you have a good amount of bits on you, I am starving”




'There she was, just sitting there' Jordo thought to himself. Lyra Heartstrings, the most gorgeous unicorn Jordo has ever laid eyes on. Jordo had only just recently moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale a few months ago, but he has been entranced by this mare ever since. His heart continued to sink the longer he continued to think about her... Maybe today was the day? Maybe he would try his hand at asking her out. He had the guts to introduce himself a little while back, but even that took a lot out of him. 


No. It's too soon, and what if she says no? It could ruin my future chances with her. I think I should wait until the right time.


Jordo begins to walk away, head down in disappointment. He was more disappointed in himself than anything. He wasn't an ugly stallion or anything, though he always had trouble asking mares out. He was always worried they would judge him on his prosthetic wing. 


Ah yes, his prosthetic wing; more like the bane of his existence. It was a birth defect; his left wing never grew properly, making it almost impossible for him to fly without a prosthetic limb. It may have damaged his ability to fly, but it damaged his self confidence more than anything. 


He began to trudge away in defeat, head lowered and confidence in the gutter. That's when it hit him like a bag full of bricks.


'You know what? Now is as good of time as ever! If now isn't the right time, then I'll never get my chance!'  


Jordo tried his best to strike an impressive posture; It's now or never. 


He slowly made his way over to the bench Lyra was sitting on, mentally chanting to himself not so subtle confidence boosts. He got more and more nervous with each step; by the time he reached her, it felt as if his knees were about to give way. 


"Miss Heartstrings?" He attempted to sound confident, but he wasn't too sure how well he did. 


"If you aren't too busy, would you like to go to Sugarcube corner with me?" He asked, a mixture of hopeful and nervous tones in his voice.



'Oh Celestia, now you've done it.' He thought silently to himself as he mentally prepared for the possible rejection he was about to receive. 



“Boy is it a wonderful day!” Lyra Heartstrings thought to herself, spread out warmly on a bench, soaking up the warm Equestrian sun,

watching with a curious eye the striped Pegasus trotting back and forth in front of her, a warm smile spreading across her face, giggling to herself “What a silly stallion he is, if only he would just talk to me” she sighs, before sinking her head.

“Yes Mr. Jordo?” She says excitedly as you approach, readjusting herself to look him in the eyes


“Sugarcube corner? Oh no no no, you don’t want to go with me, I am awful  company… and I have no bits on me, I don’t get paid till the end of the week” she sighs,

“But I HAVE done some pretty interesting research into Equestrian history I have been dying to share with somepony!” She exhumes gushing for the next five minutes, describing the founding of Ponyville and the role of some creatures called “Hughmans”

before shaking her head and blushing “Sorry! You don’t want to listen to all this…” she sighs 

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Wind whips sharply by the Pegasus’s face, all color and sound whirling into a blur of excitement as she dives into a direct fall,

soaring downward at immeasurable speed, a trail of brilliant rainbow light exuding from her back, she is almost there, she can feel the very air around her begin to cackle and break with the sheer force of her absolute speed, a large grin spreads across her face as she feels the very sound barrier about to shatter “Let’s do this!” she screams as she is suddenly thrown from her focus, tumbling to the ground below, slamming into the floor.

“Alright! Who’s the wise guy who thinks is cool to interrupt me while I am flying?!”  She rises to her hooves and brushes the dirt off of her, scanning the crowed; her eyes settle on the Pegasus who has dared to challenge her in the middle of her demonstration

“Are you joking? With wings like that I would fly circles around you!” She falls on her back, laughing hysterically , “yeah yeah, OK

hotshot, this is your punishment for messing up my Sonic Rainboom” stretching her wings wide, a devious smirk across her face

“Loser buys the winner lunch, being forced to slam into the ground makes me hungry” She calls the Pegasus to her side, getting into a starting position  “I hope you have a good amount of bits on you, I am starving”

"Alright, then. I think I can agree to those terms. But to be fair, I'll let you pick where we go when I win." He gives a competitive smile to the mare. and then gazes at the nearest race track. Soon enough they head over to the track and Colt looks ahead at the length. "Hmm... Not too bad, I have a decent chance, I was hoping for more obstacles though. I'm great at dodging those... Then again I really don't know this mare's capabilities. Guess I'll find out soon enough." He looks around to see a crowd amassing around him.

"That may effect my performance... I'm terrible with crowds. Don't worry Colt, you'll do fine, just focus on the track and you'll be fine."

He stretches his wings along with the rest of his body. After that he takes his place at the starting line. Before getting in racing position he glances over at the rainbow mare he's about to race.

"First one to 20 laps wins. I don't want to overwork your beautiful wings. But before we start I guess it's only polite I tell you my name. I'm Colt Fortune, but most ponies call me Colt. What's yours if I may ask?"

He inquires at the unknown Pegasus before him. He thought she was one of the most beautiful, mares he'd ever seen.

Edited by Colt-Fortune
  • Brohoof 1


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

Check out my OC here:


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Trixie grins widely at the flustered colt as he trotted across her stage with a great passionate fervor, sweeping and cleaning after

the show, she seems taken aback slightly as she catches the young pony stealing glances at her, her cheeks turning a soft blue, she had never really been noticed before as anything other than a show pony. Attempting to avoid meeting his gaze she levitated away the broom and tools, placing them in a cabinet in the back of her wagon, before clamping he hooves together and smiling at the work the stallion had done. She reaches forward to bump his hoof


“Well I am sure that it is a pleasure to meet one as wonderful as THE GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE” she exclaims, coughing softly as the silences overtakes them

“I mean, it is nice to meet you too Half-Note…” She lowers her eyes, embarrassed “Yes of course, let us be off” She smirks at the

prospect of being the mare to be surprised, rather than doing the surprising for once

“So… Where are you taking Trixie? Should I be worried?” She grins as she secures her hat tightly on her head


“I have another show tonight at eight… So you can’t have me out and about all day, but The great and powerful Trixie will play along with this plan of yours... for now”

"Oh no, there's nothing you have to worry about, I just want to take you for a walk in the park and then we can go get a bite to eat when we're done. You'll be here in time for your show," Half Note told her as he took her hoof in his and started trotting along towards the park.'Oh man, The Great And Powerful Trixie is actually walking with me, I wonder if this means she likes me? Of course not, she's just interested in spending time . with her fans... right?' he thought to himself.


"I hear the park is supposed to be beautiful this time of year, of course it can't possibly measure up to your beauty," he said with a blush before they reached the park and saw all the flowers and animals. He had meant it though, Trixie was without a doubt one of the most beautiful ponies he had ever seen. Half Note saw a few couples walking by and blushed even more.


"I've been dying to ask Trixie, what... inspired you to do magic and chase your dream? I've been running low on inspiration as of late," he told her as they passed one of the biggest trees he had ever seen.

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Everything was pain, all he knew and felt and remember was pain as he opened his eyes millimetre by millimetre. This wasn't the everfree forest?! This was some sort of..... house? But it was filled with animals, birds and..... the sound of an angel singing. Umbra dared to open his eyes further, to look around for the source of the voice. Oh boy did he wish he hadn't done that. His wings caught his eyes. Mutilated, ripped torn and shredded, warm, dark blood seeping through the bandages that were wrapped tight around his mid. He stood up with a cry of shock, anger and disgust. The singing stopped sharp but Umbra didn't care. He just wanted to get away from this. Then his eye caught her. The angel herself. He stopped making noise as his mouth fell wide open, seeing her sobered him up from the pain though it still wracked his body. His thoughts ventured back. The forest, he'd been attacked by... Luna knew what, and it had ripped his wing. As he had fallen unconscious he'd felt himself being carried away, seen the concern in her face. But... why keep him here? Why not take him to the hospital? Finally speech returned to him "H-hello" he managed before collapsing.


//How'd I do for an entry?\\

Edited by Umbra Thunderwing
  • Brohoof 1

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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“Boy is it a wonderful day!” Lyra Heartstrings thought to herself, spread out warmly on a bench, soaking up the warm Equestrian sun,

watching with a curious eye the striped Pegasus trotting back and forth in front of her, a warm smile spreading across her face, giggling to herself “What a silly stallion he is, if only he would just talk to me” she sighs, before sinking her head.

“Yes Mr. Jordo?” She says excitedly as you approach, readjusting herself to look him in the eyes


“Sugarcube corner? Oh no no no, you don’t want to go with me, I am awful  company… and I have no bits on me, I don’t get paid till the end of the week” she sighs,

“But I HAVE done some pretty interesting research into Equestrian history I have been dying to share with somepony!” She exhumes gushing for the next five minutes, describing the founding of Ponyville and the role of some creatures called “Hughmans”

before shaking her head and blushing “Sorry! You don’t want to listen to all this…” she sighs 



I.....I did it. I am having a conversation with the mare of my dreams! She didn't turn me away at first glance, and better yet; she seems to be enjoying my company! 


Jordo's heart was racing much faster than it should be. He took a seat next to Lyra and listened with interest. 


'You? Terrible company? I nearly stressed myself to death just for the opportunity to talk to you' Jordo thought silently to himself. 


He continued to listen closely, almost afraid that this was somehow a dream, and if he broke eye contact with her she would be gone. For nearly five minutes, she talked to him about her research which was... surprisingly interesting. Jordo had never heard of creatures called 'Hughmans', but at this point his curiosity must be sated. 


"Of course I do! This is all so fascinating. Please continue" Jordo said, a small hint of desperation in his voice. 


Jordo gazed into her beautiful eyes, almost lost in his own thoughts. He was still getting over the fact that he had the guts to ask her to sugarcube corner. It may not have gone down exactly like he thought it would, but he would trade this for the whole of Equestria. 

Edited by ~Lawful Jordo~
  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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"Alright, then. I think I can agree to those terms. But to be fair, I'll let you pick where we go when I win." He gives a competitive smile to the mare. and then gazes at the nearest race track. Soon enough they head over to the track and Colt looks ahead at the length. "Hmm... Not too bad, I have a decent chance, I was hoping for more obstacles though. I'm great at dodging those... Then again I really don't know this mare's capabilities. Guess I'll find out soon enough." He looks around to see a crowd amassing around him.

"That may effect my performance... I'm terrible with crowds. Don't worry Colt, you'll do fine, just focus on the track and you'll be fine."

He stretches his wings along with the rest of his body. After that he takes his place at the starting line. Before getting in racing position he glances over at the rainbow mare he's about to race.

"First one to 20 laps wins. I don't want to overwork your beautiful wings. But before we start I guess it's only polite I tell you my name. I'm Colt Fortune, but most ponies call me Colt. What's yours if I may ask?"

He inquires at the unknown Pegasus before him. He thought she was one of the most beautiful, mares he'd ever seen.



(OOC: Dashie here is going to be a hard nut to crack, good luck)


The pony soars through the air before landing next to the overconfident stallion at the starting line, landing heavily she takes her

place and begins doing wing-ups, push–ups and stretching her wings wide. She turns to Colt and says loudly “The name is Rainbow Dash, and you are about to get your FLANK. KICKED” she says with a grin before turning to look dead forward “Come on Dash this guy is a pushover, just crush him nice and quick so you can get your lunch” she arches her wings back, prepared for takeoff. A

black pony with a checkered vest stands before you two with a flag held in his teeth. He holds it high in the air, your thoughts turn to preparedness, and pure adrenaline; the pony swings the flag down and you take off!

Rainbow Dash bolts ahead of Colt, effortlessly breezing by him in the first lap, her wings flapping mightily as the air whips by the two

Pegasi locked in a dead race. “Easy peasy smeazie” the confident mare says to herself clearing the tenth lap, failing to notice the stallion coming in fast to her left overtaking her as he begins to lead the race.

“Oh heck no!” she groans as she pushes herself forward even greater, a vibrant trail of rainbow colored light radiating from behind her, the nineteenth lap begins and the two racers are neck and neck, clearing the first half of the track. Dashie turns to Colt and sticks her tongue out playfully before rushing ahead of him, finishing the race almost three seconds ahead as she comes screeching to a stop at the end.


“By Celestia that was a good race” she exclaims, turning to the exhausted racer

“Glad that it was you who interrupted my and not one of the slowbies I usually get stuck with” she extends her wing for a “feather five”

before her face breaks out in a grin “HOWEVER you still LOST!” she laughs loudly “Meaning I WON and you need to buy Me some lunch” she smiles, playfully knocking Colt over the head with her wing,

“Come on speedy, let’s get some grub, your treat” she shouts loudly, heading down to Ponyville. 




"Oh no, there's nothing you have to worry about, I just want to take you for a walk in the park and then we can go get a bite to eat when we're done. You'll be here in time for your show," Half Note told her as he took her hoof in his and started trotting along towards the park.'Oh man, The Great And Powerful Trixie is actually walking with me, I wonder if this means she likes me? Of course not, she's just interested in spending time . with her fans... right?' he thought to himself.


"I hear the park is supposed to be beautiful this time of year, of course it can't possibly measure up to your beauty," he said with a blush before they reached the park and saw all the flowers and animals. He had meant it though, Trixie was without a doubt one of the most beautiful ponies he had ever seen. Half Note saw a few couples walking by and blushed even more.


"I've been dying to ask Trixie, what... inspired you to do magic and chase your dream? I've been running low on inspiration as of late," he told her as they passed one of the biggest trees he had ever seen.



A cool wind whips about the air as the sun beams warmly down onto the two ponies, making Trixie’s mane flutter delicately in the wind from underneath her large, pointed hat. Allowing herself to be led down from atop her stage, her horn glows a soft blue as she closes shop.

“Well then..” she begins to say, before opening her eyes wide and blushing hotly at the stallion holding her hoof… “Oh he is cute..” she thinks to herself, chastising herself for this out of character shyness “and oh so gentlecoltly…” she snaps back from her thoughts to hear Half Note finish speaking

“You’ll be here in time for your show…” he says kindly, and she nods her head smiling, not having heard most of it; being too consumed in her own thoughts.  The two begin to walk from the stage down a cobbled stone path, the air crisp and refreshing; it was

clear that the Pegasi had done a wonderful job with today’s weather, she smiles contentedly enjoying the relaxed nature of the park, forgetting all to often that the stresses of her job make it hard to get away every now and then”

“It can’t possibly measure up to your beauty” she heard Half-Note say tentatively “Oh Celestia…” she thought, feeling her heart flutter

“I guess I had better say something”

“Oh well… yes, the great and powerful Trixie is rather beautiful, isn’t she?” she stutters out, mentally face-hoofing herself for

being so stupid, she tunes back into Half to hear his question as she stops to rest under a gigantic tree

“Well I don’t honestly remember Half… Is it ok if I call you that?” She smiles warmly “I have been doing magic ever since I was a little

filly; it has always been just this massive part of who I am” she speaks with a great deal of passion, getting lost in her story

“The feel of a loving crowd, the grandure and splendor of performing for ponies large and small… Knowing that it is I who fill them with wonder and excitement, the day I turned ten moons old and was sung “happy birthday” by my parents… I guess it was then that I learned I loved to be the center of attention” she finishes, resting her head between her hooves, her hat

covering her eyes “Running low on inspiration? For what?? What is it that you do” She asks, clearly interested.


Everything was pain, all he knew and felt and remember was pain as he opened his eyes millimetre by millimetre. This wasn't the everfree forest?! This was some sort of..... house? But it was filled with animals, birds and..... the sound of an angel singing. Umbra dared to open his eyes further, to look around for the source of the voice. Oh boy did he wish he hadn't done that. His wings caught his eyes. Mutilated, ripped torn and shredded, warm, dark blood seeping through the bandages that were wrapped tight around his mid. He stood up with a cry of shock, anger and disgust. The singing stopped sharp but Umbra didn't care. He just wanted to get away from this. Then his eye caught her. The angel herself. He stopped making noise as his mouth fell wide open, seeing her sobered him up from the pain though it still wracked his body. His thoughts ventured back. The forest, he'd been attacked by... Luna knew what, and it had ripped his wing. As he had fallen unconscious he'd felt himself being carried away, seen the concern in her face. But... why keep him here? Why not take him to the hospital? Finally speech returned to him "H-hello" he managed before collapsing.


//How'd I do for an entry?\\


(OOC: You did great!)



“Oh dear! You just stay still please!” you manage to hear through the pain and darkness “I will have you fixed up as soon as I can” the voice calls from the distance, you lie on what appears to be a table of some sort, formed into a makeshift stretcher, in unbearable agony.  A wave of pain washes over you as you come close to losing unconsciousness “Oh my, you look just awful” calls the concerned voice once more, you feel your vision start to get blurry, but through the blur and pain you see her… A young, angelic Pegasus mare with fur both the color and tenderness of cream, and a make and tail of the lightest

shade of pink; she floats ever so gently above the ground, approaching you with what appears to be a jar of something. You are incapable of discerning the contents however, as another wave of pain washes over you and you pass out once


Many hours pass and you dream odd dreams, dreams of both intense pain and heavenly relief, before awakening to find the house lit by candles and lanterns, and the outside shrouded in darkness. “H-hello?” you manage to stutter “W-who are you?” you call weakly to the gentle Pegasus sitting beside you, he hooves coated in what appears to be a salve. You turn to your

left and notice a piping hot bowl of… soup is it? It smells delicious whatever it is; and you notice a cooling sensation as an icepack is placed gently on your forehead

“Oh hello… I’m Fluttershy” she remarks rather demurely “I was leaving this morning to get some food for my chickens and I found you oh so injured just laying outside the borders of the Everfree forest!” she says with a hint of panic in her voice “So I brought you back here… I am used to taking care of ponies and animals, but you were hurt really bad” she takes the icepack

off of you, before placing the back of her hoof on your head. You feel the warm, soft fur of lulling you back to sleep


“Oh yes, it’s ok, please go back to sleep, you need your rest” she hovers softly, beginning to blow out candles “I

will be here in the morning, and we will see how you are doing, just call for me if you need something” and with that, the last candle is extinguished, and you fall to sleep.




I.....I did it. I am having a conversation with the mare of my dreams! She didn't turn me away at first glance, and better yet; she seems to be enjoying my company! 


Jordo's heart was racing much faster than it should be. He took a seat next to Lyra and listened with interest. 


'You? Terrible company? I nearly stressed myself to death just for the opportunity to talk to you' Jordo thought silently to himself. 


He continued to listen closely, almost afraid that this was somehow a dream, and if he broke eye contact with her she would be gone. For nearly five minutes, she talked to him about her research which was... surprisingly interesting. Jordo had never heard of creatures called 'Hughmans', but at this point his curiosity must be sated. 


"Of course I do! This is all so fascinating. Please continue" Jordo said, a small hint of desperation in his voice. 


Jordo gazed into her beautiful eyes, almost lost in his own thoughts. He was still getting over the fact that he had the guts to ask her to sugarcube corner. It may not have gone down exactly like he thought it would, but he would trade this for the whole of Equestria. 



Lyra continues to rank for another minute or two, going on about the involvement of this strange bipedial race in the forming of the world, and the clear marks of their existence that can be found in Equestria today. Her voice filled with passion and excitement at the topics at hand, before looking back into your clearly interested face, blushing slightly at your attention

“Oh yes, I would love to continue! But… maybe at Sugarcube corner instead?” She runs a hoof over her rumbling belly “I am just so hungry!” she exhales “and I would rather love to share a lunch with you” before looking at you nervously


“Umm… you wouldn’t mind paying for me right? Just this once?” she mutters out, biting on her bottom lip, clearly not in love with the idea of having to ask another pony, especially one as cute and dignified as Jordo, for money.


“I would really appreciate it, and I promise to pay you back as soon as I can” she states as she leaps off of the bench, shaking the remaining slumber and sloth from her hooves.

Edited by Sturdy Wing
  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC: You did great!)



“Oh dear! You just stay still please!” you manage to hear through the pain and darkness “I will have you fixed up as soon as I can” the voice calls from the distance, you lie on what appears to be a table of some sort, formed into a makeshift stretcher, in unbearable agony.  A wave of pain washes over you as you come close to losing unconsciousness “Oh my, you look just awful” calls the concerned voice once more, you feel your vision start to get blurry, but through the blur and pain you see her… A young, angelic Pegasus mare with fur both the color and tenderness of cream, and a make and tail of the lightest

shade of pink; she floats ever so gently above the ground, approaching you with what appears to be a jar of something. You are incapable of discerning the contents however, as another wave of pain washes over you and you pass out once


Many hours pass and you dream odd dreams, dreams of both intense pain and heavenly relief, before awakening to find the house lit by candles and lanterns, and the outside shrouded in darkness. “H-hello?” you manage to stutter “W-who are you?” you call weakly to the gentle Pegasus sitting beside you, he hooves coated in what appears to be a salve. You turn to your

left and notice a piping hot bowl of… soup is it? It smells delicious whatever it is; and you notice a cooling sensation as an icepack is placed gently on your forehead

“Oh hello… I’m Fluttershy” she remarks rather demurely “I was leaving this morning to get some food for my chickens and I found you oh so injured just laying outside the borders of the Everfree forest!” she says with a hint of panic in her voice “So I brought you back here… I am used to taking care of ponies and animals, but you were hurt really bad” she takes the icepack

off of you, before placing the back of her hoof on your head. You feel the warm, soft fur of lulling you back to sleep


“Oh yes, it’s ok, please go back to sleep, you need your rest” she hovers softly, beginning to blow out candles “I

will be here in the morning, and we will see how you are doing, just call for me if you need something” and with that, the last candle is extinguished, and you fall to sleep.

The warm embrace of sleep heralded dreams of butterflys and that beautiful voice. Sunlight hits his eyes bringing him to conciousness and the memories came washing back. The feeling of a hoof against his mane, his heart missing a beat. He looked around, trying to find her, that beautiful pegasus. No, probably still asleep, all he could see was an angry looking white rabbit eating a carrot. Then her voice floated through the air and nothing mattered any more, "Angel bunny I'm homeshe said, walking in through the front door with several bags of groceries laden on her. His heart literally stopped as he saw her properly. What had she said her name was? Fluttershy? Such an adorable name that seemed to suit her so well. He tried to move but so much as a twitch of a hoof sent pain shooting up his body. At this rate he might never feel good again but that was okay if it meant getting looked after by Fluttershy. She must have noticed him awake because she came up to him with a smile that made his heart melt. "hay, look who's awake. I got something I thought you might like" she says. He gazes at her eyes, his tongue tying itself into knots. Somehow he managed to say "Y-you really didn't have to"

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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A cool wind whips about the air as the sun beams warmly down onto the two ponies, making Trixie’s mane flutter delicately in the wind from underneath her large, pointed hat. Allowing herself to be led down from atop her stage, her horn glows a soft blue as she closes shop.


“Well then..” she begins to say, before opening her eyes wide and blushing hotly at the stallion holding her hoof… “Oh he is cute..” she thinks to herself, chastising herself for this out of character shyness “and oh so gentlecoltly…” she snaps back from her thoughts to hear Half Note finish speaking


“You’ll be here in time for your show…” he says kindly, and she nods her head smiling, not having heard most of it; being too consumed in her own thoughts. The two begin to walk from the stage down a cobbled stone path, the air crisp and refreshing; it was

clear that the Pegasi had done a wonderful job with today’s weather, she smiles contentedly enjoying the relaxed nature of the park, forgetting all to often that the stresses of her job make it hard to get away every now and then”


“It can’t possibly measure up to your beauty” she heard Half-Note say tentatively “Oh Celestia…” she thought, feeling her heart flutter

“I guess I had better say something”


“Oh well… yes, the great and powerful Trixie is rather beautiful, isn’t she?” she stutters out, mentally face-hoofing herself for

being so stupid, she tunes back into Half to hear his question as she stops to rest under a gigantic tree


“Well I don’t honestly remember Half… Is it ok if I call you that?” She smiles warmly “I have been doing magic ever since I was a little

filly; it has always been just this massive part of who I am” she speaks with a great deal of passion, getting lost in her story


“The feel of a loving crowd, the grandure and splendor of performing for ponies large and small… Knowing that it is I who fill them with wonder and excitement, the day I turned ten moons old and was sung “happy birthday” by my parents… I guess it was then that I learned I loved to be the center of attention” she finishes, resting her head between her hooves, her hat

covering her eyes “Running low on inspiration? For what?? What is it that you do” She asks, clearly interested.

"Well since the name and cutie mark didn't get the point across, I'm a musician," He says guesturing to the half note on his flank. "I sing and play various instruments, I usually preform for restaurants or weddings, things like that. Lately I haven't been able to come up with any good songs," he says, a little down hearted. "I'll be fine though, I'm sure it's just a block and I'll be out of it soon. Besides right now is all about you Trixie," He continued, perking up instantly. "So, I assume you want to get some food before getting back to your show right? Let's go, I've got a reservation at a classy restaurant that I preform at," He he told her, trying to avoid the topic of himself.


He then led Trixie farther down the path and out of the park till they got to a fancy restaurant that looked like it should've been in Canterlot. Hopefully it's all to your liking. I figured you shouldn't have anything but the best," Half Note told her as he led her inside and a waiter sat them down at a table with some candles. "This is actually my... first time being on a date," Half Note told her with a blush on his face.

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(OOC: Dashie here is going to be a hard nut to crack, good luck)


The pony soars through the air before landing next to the overconfident stallion at the starting line, landing heavily she takes her

place and begins doing wing-ups, push–ups and stretching her wings wide. She turns to Colt and says loudly “The name is Rainbow Dash, and you are about to get your FLANK. KICKED” she says with a grin before turning to look dead forward “Come on Dash this guy is a pushover, just crush him nice and quick so you can get your lunch” she arches her wings back, prepared for takeoff. A

black pony with a checkered vest stands before you two with a flag held in his teeth. He holds it high in the air, your thoughts turn to preparedness, and pure adrenaline; the pony swings the flag down and you take off!

Rainbow Dash bolts ahead of Colt, effortlessly breezing by him in the first lap, her wings flapping mightily as the air whips by the two

Pegasi locked in a dead race. “Easy peasy smeazie” the confident mare says to herself clearing the tenth lap, failing to notice the stallion coming in fast to her left overtaking her as he begins to lead the race.

“Oh heck no!” she groans as she pushes herself forward even greater, a vibrant trail of rainbow colored light radiating from behind her, the nineteenth lap begins and the two racers are neck and neck, clearing the first half of the track. Dashie turns to Colt and sticks her tongue out playfully before rushing ahead of him, finishing the race almost three seconds ahead as she comes screeching to a stop at the end.


“By Celestia that was a good race” she exclaims, turning to the exhausted racer

“Glad that it was you who interrupted my and not one of the slowbies I usually get stuck with” she extends her wing for a “feather five”

before her face breaks out in a grin “HOWEVER you still LOST!” she laughs loudly “Meaning I WON and you need to buy Me some lunch” she smiles, playfully knocking Colt over the head with her wing,

“Come on speedy, let’s get some grub, your treat” she shouts loudly, heading down to Ponyville. 

He stands at the finish line panting heavily, before looking over.

"That... That was... That was a good race. Alright... Fair enough. I guess I owe you lunch now miss Dash. I didn't know what I was getting myself into I suppose."

He brushes himself off before going to retrieve his saddlebag and returning over to her.

"I guess beauty matches your speed. If you claim to be the fastest pony in Equestria, I'd believe it."

He grabs his hat from out of his bag and places it back on his head. He blushes a bit and he cannot tell if it's from the heat, or because he was somewhat nervous. He approaches over to Rainbow and tips his hat at her.

"Okay, so you lost... No big deal. It seems you still have a chance at the real prize. Just keep calm and you'll be fine."

He thought nervously to himself. He returned the wing five when he saw her wing extended and blushed a bit after he was knocked on the head lightly. He stood still for a moment and gathered his thoughts before looking at her with wide eyes and said.

"So... Where are we going then? Anything you want is completely on me."


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

Check out my OC here:


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Lyra continues to rank for another minute or two, going on about the involvement of this strange bipedial race in the forming of the world, and the clear marks of their existence that can be found in Equestria today. Her voice filled with passion and excitement at the topics at hand, before looking back into your clearly interested face, blushing slightly at your attention

“Oh yes, I would love to continue! But… maybe at Sugarcube corner instead?” She runs a hoof over her rumbling belly “I am just so hungry!” she exhales “and I would rather love to share a lunch with you” before looking at you nervously


“Umm… you wouldn’t mind paying for me right? Just this once?” she mutters out, biting on her bottom lip, clearly not in love with the idea of having to ask another pony, especially one as cute and dignified as Jordo, for money.


“I would really appreciate it, and I promise to pay you back as soon as I can” she states as she leaps off of the bench, shaking the remaining slumber and sloth from her hooves.


"Oh.. um, of course! I was the one who invited you to Sugarcube corner in the first place right? I'll gladly pay for the both of us." Jordo replied excitedly, this time a blush takes over his face. 


"No need to pay me back, it'll be my treat" Jordo sports a wide grin. 


'Yes yes yes!' Victory music blared in his head. He had never had much luck with mares; mostly due to his own confidence issues, but now he's going to Sugarcube corner with no less than Lyra Heartstrings! He was incredibly nervous, and it was most likely very noticeable. Jordo was terrible at hiding things like this. He wasn't quite visibly shaking, though he cracked a very nervous smile. He lead Lyra away from the bench and towards Sugarcube corner. 


He couldn't help but almost stare at the mare as they were walking. They had been mostly silent after a few minutes of walking... 'Oh Celestia! I'm not boring her am I?' Jordo thought in horror. He decided to try and break the ice.


"So... umm... Tell me more about yourself Lyra! I'd like to know a bit more about you" Jordo asked.


'That didn't sound too forward, did it?' The thought silently. He really didn't know how to approach this.



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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The warm embrace of sleep heralded dreams of butterflys and that beautiful voice. Sunlight hits his eyes bringing him to conciousness and the memories came washing back. The feeling of a hoof against his mane, his heart missing a beat. He looked around, trying to find her, that beautiful pegasus. No, probably still asleep, all he could see was an angry looking white rabbit eating a carrot. Then her voice floated through the air and nothing mattered any more, "Angel bunny I'm homeshe said, walking in through the front door with several bags of groceries laden on her. His heart literally stopped as he saw her properly. What had she said her name was? Fluttershy? Such an adorable name that seemed to suit her so well. He tried to move but so much as a twitch of a hoof sent pain shooting up his body. At this rate he might never feel good again but that was okay if it meant getting looked after by Fluttershy. She must have noticed him awake because she came up to him with a smile that made his heart melt. "hay, look who's awake. I got something I thought you might like" she says. He gazes at her eyes, his tongue tying itself into knots. Somehow he managed to say "Y-you really didn't have to"


"Oh no bother" she smiles warmly "it is my pleasure to help. I couldn't just leave you injured like that, what if something else had happened to you?" she asks reduntantly, the words escaping her mouth like golden honey and butterflies. Lightly her wings bat, back and forth, as she places down all of the bags she carried but one; she floats over to you, face grimacing with sorrow at your broken and clearly injured form "Here you are..." she reaches into the bad and retrieves a glass bottle held with a stopper, containing a sloshing green liquid. 

"I made a quick stop by Zecora's house to pick this up for you.. the way is mostly safe now, what with that cockatrice being taken care of and all..." popping the top off of the stopper she runs a hoof down your cheek, trying to calm you "Now I can't promise this won't hurt, but I can promise that it is going to make you all better, ok?"

Sunlight beams through the window as the house is filled with it's brilliant light, despite the insufferable pain you feel, somehow, something is making it all the better...

"here..." she offers you the flask "just try it.. please?"



"Well since the name and cutie mark didn't get the point across, I'm a musician," He says guesturing to the half note on his flank. "I sing and play various instruments, I usually preform for restaurants or weddings, things like that. Lately I haven't been able to come up with any good songs," he says, a little down hearted. "I'll be fine though, I'm sure it's just a block and I'll be out of it soon. Besides right now is all about you Trixie," He continued, perking up instantly. "So, I assume you want to get some food before getting back to your show right? Let's go, I've got a reservation at a classy restaurant that I preform at," He he told her, trying to avoid the topic of himself.


He then led Trixie farther down the path and out of the park till they got to a fancy restaurant that looked like it should've been in Canterlot. Hopefully it's all to your liking. I figured you shouldn't have anything but the best," Half Note told her as he led her inside and a waiter sat them down at a table with some candles. "This is actually my... first time being on a date," Half Note told her with a blush on his face.


Trixie listened intently as Half explained his musical career, she was blown away! "Such a kind gentlecolt, and a performer as well?" her thoughts raced "I guess I am the lucky one..." she frowned a bit when he decided to stop talking about himself, for once finding herself in a position of appreciation and respect for another pony, and sad to have that fleet away

"Yes of course, the grea-" she stops herself in her thoughts "um.. Just call me Trixie, please" she smiles warmly "Yes, I would love some food, working like that is absolutely killer on the stomach"

Slowly, reverently the two walk through  the streets of Ponyville, leaving the park behind "where is he taking me?!" she giggles in her head, happy at the prospect of getting to be with somepony so much like her, and of being treated so well. Her eyes opened wide at the absurdly high class restaurant Half had brought her to "Oh wow..." she sighed "I am so used to just... eating in my cart, this is wonderful"

She smiles as the waiter seats them, looking across the table at Half-Note as he speaks "Date?" she thought, just realizing the implications of this "Oh my gosh" she thinks, dumbfounded "I am on a date..." the thought hit her like a ton of bricks, but it brought only happiness 

"yeah" she said with a deep blue blush in her cheeks "mine too" with that she removes her hat and places it beside her, the long silver locks of hair cascading down over her shoulders.  


He stands at the finish line panting heavily, before looking over.

"That... That was... That was a good race. Alright... Fair enough. I guess I owe you lunch now miss Dash. I didn't know what I was getting myself into I suppose."

He brushes himself off before going to retrieve his saddlebag and returning over to her.

"I guess beauty matches your speed. If you claim to be the fastest pony in Equestria, I'd believe it."

He grabs his hat from out of his bag and places it back on his head. He blushes a bit and he cannot tell if it's from the heat, or because he was somewhat nervous. He approaches over to Rainbow and tips his hat at her.

"Okay, so you lost... No big deal. It seems you still have a chance at the real prize. Just keep calm and you'll be fine."

He thought nervously to himself. He returned the wing five when he saw her wing extended and blushed a bit after he was knocked on the head lightly. He stood still for a moment and gathered his thoughts before looking at her with wide eyes and said.

"So... Where are we going then? Anything you want is completely on me."


A laugh erupts from the sky-blue mare, she smiles wide "Yeah Speedy, you are gonna regret saying that" she calls to you, her voice obviously playful, but you can't help but gulp as you feel that your wallet might take a bit of a hit... If she eats anything like she races that is. "Follow me!" she says with a grin, as she sudden rockets forward, bolting through the skies of Cloudsdale, heading down to Ponyville below "there is place that sells great pies in Ponyville, figure we can stop by there" you manage to hear her say as the two of you soar together, like twin bolts of lighting through the sky. Many minutes pass and the two of you arrive in Ponyville, stretching your wings after the flight, Rainbow Dash runs a hoof through her mane in a vain attempt to straighten it once more; you feel your heart leap as her mutihued mane shimmers in the sunlight.

"Hey, Speedy, whatcha looking at?" She calls to you after you find yourself staring "Come on, lets head to Sugarcube corner, you know where that is right?" she smiles wide, her stomach audibly rumbling "ohhh.... lets go please"


"Oh.. um, of course! I was the one who invited you to Sugarcube corner in the first place right? I'll gladly pay for the both of us." Jordo replied excitedly, this time a blush takes over his face. 


"No need to pay me back, it'll be my treat" Jordo sports a wide grin. 


'Yes yes yes!' Victory music blared in his head. He had never had much luck with mares; mostly due to his own confidence issues, but now he's going to Sugarcube corner with no less than Lyra Heartstrings! He was incredibly nervous, and it was most likely very noticeable. Jordo was terrible at hiding things like this. He wasn't quite visibly shaking, though he cracked a very nervous smile. He lead Lyra away from the bench and towards Sugarcube corner. 


He couldn't help but almost stare at the mare as they were walking. They had been mostly silent after a few minutes of walking... 'Oh Celestia! I'm not boring her am I?' Jordo thought in horror. He decided to try and break the ice.


"So... umm... Tell me more about yourself Lyra! I'd like to know a bit more about you" Jordo asked.


'That didn't sound too forward, did it?' The thought silently. He really didn't know how to approach this.


Lyra giggles to herself as the two of you walk in silence "Oh so he is that kind of cute..." she thinks, smiling, looking back at Jordo every now and then to admire his coat, or marvel at his wing, or appreciate the color of his eyes. Worring that she was visably staring she goes to open her mouth, before being interupted by Jordo,

"Sure!" she smiles, loving the chances to talk "But stop worrying please" she places a hoof on Jordo's shoulder "you are doing fine, this is very nice" she says, smiling earnestly, placing a light peck on his cheek.

"Anyway, I absolutely love the study of history, as you quite probably already know, I have been playing the harp for years, not that you probably knew that already" she grins, flashing her cutie mark at you "Ummm I love to read, and sing! Oh singing is great fun" she bursts into a small melodic piece for a few seconds, before noticing their surroundings and blushing hotly "Oh um, we're here...." she says demurely as the two of you arrive at Sugarcube Corner, as you go to open the door for Lyra it bursts open "OH HI LYRA!" cries a jubilent Pinkie Pie, bouncing up and down

"It has been forever since you came around here, I was beginning to to worry because you use d to always come around and I started to think that you didn't like my food, which makes sense consider the last time you came here Gummy was hiding in the your carrot cake, but good news! We are all out of carrot cake and Gummy is taking a bath right now, so that shouldn't be an problem AT ALL!" she finishes, smiling wide "oh, who's your friend?" she asks, poking Jordo on the head

Edited by Sturdy Wing
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"Oh no bother" she smiles warmly "it is my pleasure to help. I couldn't just leave you injured like that, what if something else had happened to you?" she asks reduntantly, the words escaping her mouth like golden honey and butterflies. Lightly her wings bat, back and forth, as she places down all of the bags she carried but one; she floats over to you, face grimacing with sorrow at your broken and clearly injured form "Here you are..." she reaches into the bad and retrieves a glass bottle held with a stopper, containing a sloshing green liquid. 

"I made a quick stop by Zecora's house to pick this up for you.. the way is mostly safe now, what with that cockatrice being taken care of and all..." popping the top off of the stopper she runs a hoof down your cheek, trying to calm you "Now I can't promise this won't hurt, but I can promise that it is going to make you all better, ok?"

Sunlight beams through the window as the house is filled with it's brilliant light, despite the insufferable pain you feel, somehow, something is making it all the better...

"here..." she offers you the flask "just try it.. please?"

He smiles softly and took the flask in his hooves "I'll do anything you want my guardian angel​" he said hoarsely, looking into her eyes then sipping at the potion. As it set fire to his throat he turned his mind away from the pain and began to think. How could he ever repay her? Much less get her heart as she'd stolen his own. Her hoof was still against his cheek, causing him to blush a little bit. He knew how he felt now was the calm before the storm but he was going to make the absolute most of it. He took a proper look around before his eyes gravitated back to Fluttershy. She was just...... perfection ponysonified and his emotions showed beneath the pain in his eyes. He smiled, properly for the first time since Luna knew when. "Thankyou so much miss Flutters. I... I suppose I'll be off your hooves pretty soon" he says a little sadly, watching the little white rabbit tug Futtershy's tail for attention. He thought a little, if he regained some control of his hooves he might be able to manage making her a romantic meal. Yeah that would be good.

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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A laugh erupts from the sky-blue mare, she smiles wide "Yeah Speedy, you are gonna regret saying that" she calls to you, her voice obviously playful, but you can't help but gulp as you feel that your wallet might take a bit of a hit... If she eats anything like she races that is. "Follow me!" she says with a grin, as she sudden rockets forward, bolting through the skies of Cloudsdale, heading down to Ponyville below "there is place that sells great pies in Ponyville, figure we can stop by there" you manage to hear her say as the two of you soar together, like twin bolts of lighting through the sky. Many minutes pass and the two of you arrive in Ponyville, stretching your wings after the flight, Rainbow Dash runs a hoof through her mane in a vain attempt to straighten it once more; you feel your heart leap as her mutihued mane shimmers in the sunlight.

"Hey, Speedy, whatcha looking at?" She calls to you after you find yourself staring "Come on, lets head to Sugarcube corner, you know where that is right?" she smiles wide, her stomach audibly rumbling "ohhh.... lets go please"

"Actually no, I can't say that I know where it is. I just moved here. I'm originally from Ohayo, then moved to Las Pegasus, and now here. Do you mind leading the way?"

I explain to her before finding myself gazing at her mane again, before snapping out of it.

"She's gonna think you're a creep if you keep staring Colt..."

He thought to himself. After a moment he looked around for anything else to focus on.

"Also, after we get there... Try not to go too crazy, I need at least some of my money to get an apartment here. I haven't exactly been able to do my typical job lately, moving in and all."

Colt pulls out his wallet and looks into it for a moment, counting how much money he has.

"Alright... I have about 1000 bits for an apartment... And then I have 100 bits spare, so taking the expenses of the pie and dividing it up..."

He starts rambling to himself for quite a moment before finishing the equation in his head.

"We should have just enough for a maximum of three pies each... Considering the size of normal pies that should be enough to leave me with 60 bits left."

He then heard her stomach rumbling.

"I really hope that she's not TOO hungry. I don't have much to spare."

He thought to himself.

Edited by Colt-Fortune


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

Check out my OC here:


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Lyra giggles to herself as the two of you walk in silence "Oh so he is that kind of cute..." she thinks, smiling, looking back at Jordo every now and then to admire his coat, or marvel at his wing, or appreciate the color of his eyes. Worring that she was visably staring she goes to open her mouth, before being interupted by Jordo,

"Sure!" she smiles, loving the chances to talk "But stop worrying please" she places a hoof on Jordo's shoulder "you are doing fine, this is very nice" she says, smiling earnestly, placing a light peck on his cheek.

"Anyway, I absolutely love the study of history, as you quite probably already know, I have been playing the harp for years, not that you probably knew that already" she grins, flashing her cutie mark at you "Ummm I love to read, and sing! Oh singing is great fun" she bursts into a small melodic piece for a few seconds, before noticing their surroundings and blushing hotly "Oh um, we're here...." she says demurely as the two of you arrive at Sugarcube Corner, as you go to open the door for Lyra it bursts open "OH HI LYRA!" cries a jubilent Pinkie Pie, bouncing up and down

"It has been forever since you came around here, I was beginning to to worry because you use d to always come around and I started to think that you didn't like my food, which makes sense consider the last time you came here Gummy was hiding in the your carrot cake, but good news! We are all out of carrot cake and Gummy is taking a bath right now, so that shouldn't be an problem AT ALL!" she finishes, smiling wide "oh, who's your friend?" she asks, poking Jordo on the head


Jordo gives a nervous smile when she asks him not to worry. 'Maybe she's right, I'm probably over thinking...' His thoughts were interrupted when the unicorn pecked him on the cheek. 


His face blazed a bright shade of red as he nearly froze up. His knees buckled for a split second before his thoughts chimed in again.


'No you idiot! She said don't be nervous! Don't freeze up now!' He thought silently. He tried his best to shake it off and began to walk normally again; though he was still blushing like mad. He listens to Lyra with interest, perhaps staring at her cutie mark for a split second longer than he should have. 


As nervous as he was, he was genuinely enjoying her company; A lot actually. She was quite interesting, and utterly gorgeous. He chuckles a bit when they arrive, seeing her blush almost as bright as he was. 


He went to open the door for her when an unkown force knocks him back; opening the door. It was a pink pony with a poofy mane; Jordo has never seen her before. 


'Does this pony speak in run-on sentences?! What's a Gummy, and what was it doing in a cake?' Jordo thought to himself, a little bit baffled at how energetic she was. The pink mare poked Jordo on the head and asked who he was. 


"Well my name is Jordo. I'm from Cloudsdale and only just moved here; that's probably why we haven't met before. It's nice to meet you" 


Jordo tries his best to be polite, but he is still taken back a bit by this pink pony. She was a little odd. 



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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He smiles softly and took the flask in his hooves "I'll do anything you want my guardian angel​" he said hoarsely, looking into her eyes then sipping at the potion. As it set fire to his throat he turned his mind away from the pain and began to think. How could he ever repay her? Much less get her heart as she'd stolen his own. Her hoof was still against his cheek, causing him to blush a little bit. He knew how he felt now was the calm before the storm but he was going to make the absolute most of it. He took a proper look around before his eyes gravitated back to Fluttershy. She was just...... perfection ponysonified and his emotions showed beneath the pain in his eyes. He smiled, properly for the first time since Luna knew when. "Thankyou so much miss Flutters. I... I suppose I'll be off your hooves pretty soon" he says a little sadly, watching the little white rabbit tug Futtershy's tail for attention. He thought a little, if he regained some control of his hooves he might be able to manage making her a romantic meal. Yeah that would be good.


“Oh yes? What is it Angel Bunny?” Fluttershy spoke softly, turning to the rambunctious little animal, trying to find what he was pointing to. “Of course, I forgot that it is lunch time” she says with a small rumble in her belly “I will go get our lunch read soon” She  smiles warmly as Angel stomps off in a huff, turning back to you she runs her hoof over your wings and around your injured fur

“How are you feeling?...The potion seems to have helped you on the outside” her keen eyes observe the wounds begin to close and heal , the vigor beginning to restore into your eyes  “Oh don’t thank me” she blushes hotly, her voice squeaking “I just… needed to help you, I mean I couldn’t leave you there She takes your hoof and wraps an arm around your waist “Here, I will help you stand again, then we can go to the kitchen and I will make you a nice, healthy, delicious lunch that will get you back on your wings in no

time” She rubs her face against your neck affectionately. Angel sees this and sighs heavily, following the two of you into the kitchen.



"Actually no, I can't say that I know where it is. I just moved here. I'm originally from Ohayo, then moved to Las Pegasus, and now here. Do you mind leading the way?"

I explain to her before finding myself gazing at her mane again, before snapping out of it.

"She's gonna think you're a creep if you keep staring Colt..."

He thought to himself. After a moment he looked around for anything else to focus on.

"Also, after we get there... Try not to go too crazy, I need at least some of my money to get an apartment here. I haven't exactly been able to do my typical job lately, moving in and all."

Colt pulls out his wallet and looks into it for a moment, counting how much money he has.

"Alright... I have about 1000 bits for an apartment... And then I have 100 bits spare, so taking the expenses of the pie and dividing it up..."

He starts rambling to himself for quite a moment before finishing the equation in his head.

"We should have just enough for a maximum of three pies each... Considering the size of normal pies that should be enough to leave me with 60 bits left."

He then heard her stomach rumbling.

"I really hope that she's not TOO hungry. I don't have much to spare."

He thought to himself.




The Pegasus looks at you kinda shocked “Oh, well that’s no problem then, just follow me there, I know the way” She raises her eyebrow noticeably as you stare adoringly at her mane “Oh so it’s like that is it?” she thinks to herself deviously, a visible grin breaking out over her face “alright Speedy… let’s see how you play”

The two of you begin your walk to Sugarcube Corner, casually strolling through the many roads and turns of Ponyville’s streets “Yeah I am from Cloudsdale myself, lived there for quuuite a while. But I moved down here to Ponyville a couple years ago, gotta say I kinda like it better here” she laughs as you warn her not to eat “Oh now Speedy, you can go without worst come to worst” she grins wide, smiling “after all it WAS me who won the race, I am entitled to the food” she nudges against you playfully


“Well isn’t he strong…” the thought flashes to her, “and pretty darn handsome too…” as her light blue fur tints red slightly. “Three

pies should be plenty enough!  I don’t think I am THAT hungry” she smiles at you as Sugarcube Corner approaches your sight, she laughs as a bright pink pony gushes over Lyra and a pony that appears to be her ex-coltfriend.

“Oh this could be fun…”




Jordo gives a nervous smile when she asks him not to worry. 'Maybe she's right, I'm probably over thinking...' His thoughts were interrupted when the unicorn pecked him on the cheek. 


His face blazed a bright shade of red as he nearly froze up. His knees buckled for a split second before his thoughts chimed in again.


'No you idiot! She said don't be nervous! Don't freeze up now!' He thought silently. He tried his best to shake it off and began to walk normally again; though he was still blushing like mad. He listens to Lyra with interest, perhaps staring at her cutie mark for a split second longer than he should have. 


As nervous as he was, he was genuinely enjoying her company; A lot actually. She was quite interesting, and utterly gorgeous. He chuckles a bit when they arrive, seeing her blush almost as bright as he was. 


He went to open the door for her when an unkown force knocks him back; opening the door. It was a pink pony with a poofy mane; Jordo has never seen her before. 


'Does this pony speak in run-on sentences?! What's a Gummy, and what was it doing in a cake?' Jordo thought to himself, a little bit baffled at how energetic she was. The pink mare poked Jordo on the head and asked who he was. 


"Well my name is Jordo. I'm from Cloudsdale and only just moved here; that's probably why we haven't met before. It's nice to meet you" 


Jordo tries his best to be polite, but he is still taken back a bit by this pink pony. She was a little odd. 



Lyra blushes hotly in turn as she notices your face flare up, clearly just as nervous as you are, embarrassed to her wits end when she realizes the implications of flashing her cutie mark so suggestively. All that changes drastically though when Pinkie bursts through the door, slamming Jordo on his rear end, Lyra tolerates the usually run on Schpeal so common to Pinkie Pie before sighing deeply, smiling and introducing him

“Hi there Pinkie, I am so so sorry I haven’t been around lately…  I have been running low on bits and haven’t really been able to afford treats and snacks, I promise it isn’t because of Gummy… I love that little guy, and I know how hard it is to resist your cake!” she smiles wide, hugging Jordo tight “This is Jordo, my colt-fri….” She stops dead, blushing once again “um, a good friend of mine, he was just taking my by here for some lunch, I am starving”


“WELL THAT’S A RELIEF!” Pinkie explodes with a sigh of exasperation and relief ” She explains, running on and on, poking Jordo’s head with every other word“ I was so worried that you didn’t want to be my friend or you didn’t like my cooking, The Cake’s said that I was just being silly but I know how important food is to friendship and you know I love making friends! “Also hello you! I am Pinkie Pie, and I’m your new best friend!” she jumps up “Welcome Welcome welcome!” she starts to sing before Lyra interrupts politely “It’s ok Pinkie… I think I can handle this one” she says, taking your hoof “let’s go sit Jordo”

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“Oh yes? What is it Angel Bunny?” Fluttershy spoke softly, turning to the rambunctious little animal, trying to find what he was pointing to. “Of course, I forgot that it is lunch time” she says with a small rumble in her belly “I will go get our lunch read soon” She  smiles warmly as Angel stomps off in a huff, turning back to you she runs her hoof over your wings and around your injured fur

“How are you feeling?...The potion seems to have helped you on the outside” her keen eyes observe the wounds begin to close and heal , the vigor beginning to restore into your eyes  “Oh don’t thank me” she blushes hotly, her voice squeaking “I just… needed to help you, I mean I couldn’t leave you there She takes your hoof and wraps an arm around your waist “Here, I will help you stand again, then we can go to the kitchen and I will make you a nice, healthy, delicious lunch that will get you back on your wings in no

time” She rubs her face against your neck affectionately. Angel sees this and sighs heavily, following the two of you into the kitchen.

He let's out a small squeak as she nuzzles him, blushing from her holding him up. Walking was like standing on double edged swords but he was determined to look a little tougher just for Fluttershy's sake. He wondered what the bunny's problem was. Maybe he was just angry because he was hungry. He catches Fluttershy's eye for all of two beautiful seconds. It was almost impossible but she was more shy than he was and it made his heart skip a beat every time she appeared in the corner of his eye. He felt... good, very good as she brings him into the kitchen. He sits down with a small grateful sigh. Fluttershy lets him go and he accidently makes a noise of longing. He blushes heavily and looks down at the table thoroughly embarrassed by this action. She was so sweet and helpful and utterly jaw dropping gorgeous. He just wanted to kiss her gently on the lips and wrap his hooves around her soldiers. This danced in his eyes and on his smile before he realized that he didn't even know whether she liked him or not. "um Miss F-F-Flutters, do y-you like me?

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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The Pegasus looks at you kinda shocked “Oh, well that’s no problem then, just follow me there, I know the way” She raises her eyebrow noticeably as you stare adoringly at her mane “Oh so it’s like that is it?” she thinks to herself deviously, a visible grin breaking out over her face “alright Speedy… let’s see how you play”

The two of you begin your walk to Sugarcube Corner, casually strolling through the many roads and turns of Ponyville’s streets “Yeah I am from Cloudsdale myself, lived there for quuuite a while. But I moved down here to Ponyville a couple years ago, gotta say I kinda like it better here” she laughs as you warn her not to eat “Oh now Speedy, you can go without worst come to worst” she grins wide, smiling “after all it WAS me who won the race, I am entitled to the food” she nudges against you playfully


“Well isn’t he strong…” the thought flashes to her, “and pretty darn handsome too…” as her light blue fur tints red slightly. “Three

pies should be plenty enough!  I don’t think I am THAT hungry” she smiles at you as Sugarcube Corner approaches your sight, she laughs as a bright pink pony gushes over Lyra and a pony that appears to be her ex-coltfriend.

“Oh this could be fun…”

Colt follows the mare blindly. Trying his best to keep focus off of her by staring ahead at the buildings and familiarizing himself with the town.

"Maybe I should move here then... Cloudsdale's nice, but this place seems more friendly. And evidently filled with cuter mares." He thought to himself. "Hmm. Cloudsdale's a nice town from what I saw while I was there. But I still haven't decided where to live. Anywhere that has adventure is perfect for me." He keeps looking around, oblivious to the mare's smile. "I guess I can deal without too much, I just prefer to get more. Better to have more than you need, than not enough." He says with a reassuring, but slightly nervous smile, as a sugery looking building comes into sight.


Colt feels the nudge against him as he starts to blush a bit.

"Okay... I think I'm staying down here. Wait... Is she flirting with me?" As the thought crosses his mind, the blush becomes more intense. He looks ahead and notices the other ponies. "Hmm, not really great with other ponies, from the looks of it, she knows the both of them though." He thinks to himself, examining the area. "So, where do you want to sit? Your choice." He asks, looking over at the Rainbow maned mare. He still can't help but blushing when she comes into sight.


"This is gonna be interesting..."


Edited by Colt-Fortune


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

Check out my OC here:


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Trixie listened intently as Half explained his musical career, she was blown away! "Such a kind gentlecolt, and a performer as well?" her thoughts raced "I guess I am the lucky one..." she frowned a bit when he decided to stop talking about himself, for once finding herself in a position of appreciation and respect for another pony, and sad to have that fleet away

"Yes of course, the grea-" she stops herself in her thoughts "um.. Just call me Trixie, please" she smiles warmly "Yes, I would love some food, working like that is absolutely killer on the stomach"

Slowly, reverently the two walk through  the streets of Ponyville, leaving the park behind "where is he taking me?!" she giggles in her head, happy at the prospect of getting to be with somepony so much like her, and of being treated so well. Her eyes opened wide at the absurdly high class restaurant Half had brought her to "Oh wow..." she sighed "I am so used to just... eating in my cart, this is wonderful"

She smiles as the waiter seats them, looking across the table at Half-Note as he speaks "Date?" she thought, just realizing the implications of this "Oh my gosh" she thinks, dumbfounded "I am on a date..." the thought hit her like a ton of bricks, but it brought only happiness 

"yeah" she said with a deep blue blush in her cheeks "mine too" with that she removes her hat and places it beside her, the long silver locks of hair cascading down over her shoulders.  


Half Note's mouth hangs open as Trixie's silky silver mane cascades down her perfect face. "You are so beautiful," he tells her. He soon realises that he is staring at her once again so he turns away with a blush on his face. "I'm sorry for staring," he says embarassedly. "I just can't beleive you wanted to go on a date with a pony like me," he continues.


Soon a random pony from a table beside them pipes up. "Hey aren't you that musician that preforms here on the weekends?" the pony asks. Soon everypony starts whispering about him until finally they start chanting, "Sing, Sing, Sing." Half Note blushes and looks over at Trixie. "Sorry to leave you here, this will only take a minute or two," he tells her apologetically before walking up to a small stage and singing.


"Here I am waiting, I'll have to leave soon


Why am I, holding on?


We knew this day would come, we knew it all along


How did it, come so fast?


This is our last night but it's late


And I'm trying not to sleep


Cause I know, when I wake, I will have to slip away




And when the daylight comes I'll have to go


But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close


Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own


But tonight I need to hold you so close


Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah


Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah




Here I am staring at your perfection


In my hooves, so beautiful


The sky is getting back the stars are burning out


Somebody slow it down


This is way too hard, cause I know


When the sun comes up, I will leave


This is my last glance that will soon be memory




And when the daylight comes I'll have to go


But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close


Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own


But tonight I need to hold you so close


Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah


Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah




I never wanted to stop because I don't wanna start all over, start all over


I was afraid of the dark but now it's all that I want, all that I want, all that I want




And when the daylight comes I'll have to go


But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close


Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own


But tonight I need to hold you so close




And when the daylight comes I'll have to go


But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close


Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own


But tonight I need to hold you so close


Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah


Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah


Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah)


Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah!"

Edited by Half-Note
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Lyra blushes hotly in turn as she notices your face flare up, clearly just as nervous as you are, embarrassed to her wits end when she realizes the implications of flashing her cutie mark so suggestively. All that changes drastically though when Pinkie bursts through the door, slamming Jordo on his rear end, Lyra tolerates the usually run on Schpeal so common to Pinkie Pie before sighing deeply, smiling and introducing him

“Hi there Pinkie, I am so so sorry I haven’t been around lately…  I have been running low on bits and haven’t really been able to afford treats and snacks, I promise it isn’t because of Gummy… I love that little guy, and I know how hard it is to resist your cake!” she smiles wide, hugging Jordo tight “This is Jordo, my colt-fri….” She stops dead, blushing once again “um, a good friend of mine, he was just taking my by here for some lunch, I am starving”


“WELL THAT’S A RELIEF!” Pinkie explodes with a sigh of exasperation and relief ” She explains, running on and on, poking Jordo’s head with every other word“ I was so worried that you didn’t want to be my friend or you didn’t like my cooking, The Cake’s said that I was just being silly but I know how important food is to friendship and you know I love making friends! “Also hello you! I am Pinkie Pie, and I’m your new best friend!” she jumps up “Welcome Welcome welcome!” she starts to sing before Lyra interrupts politely “It’s ok Pinkie… I think I can handle this one” she says, taking your hoof “let’s go sit Jordo”


'Did... Did she almost just call me her colt-friend?!' the thought raced through his mind. This is going much better than he originally hoped; First she kisses him, then she almost calls him her colt friend! His only regret is that it took him so long to ask her out. Jordo just gets lost in his own thoughts and drowns out the rest of the conversation  He just sits there, blushing hard with a goofy smile across his face. His trance was only broken when Pinkie pokes him in the head, snapping him back to reality. 


'Jeez, it's like this mare is on a constant sugar high.... Not surprising considering she works at Sugarcube corner." Jordo thought as he stared at her, in somewhat awe of her energy. Lyra leads Jordo away from Pinkie, which he is somewhat thankful for. They take their seats in a comfy little booth near the window. Jordo looks Lyra in the eyes, a little nervous. The nervousness he had earlier was slowly receding, considering how well this was going so far. 


"Thanks a lot for coming to Sugarcube corner with me" Jordo chuckles nervously as a grin overtakes his face.


"To be honest, I was actually really nervous about asking you.. Though you probably noticed that by now."



Before she could respond, something caught Jordo's eye. A familiar Cyan coat and Rainbow mane. Oh no, not now. Rainbow Dash?!


Jordo began to panic again. What were the chances that he would run into his ex Marefriend? He slouches a bit. 


'Maybe she hasn't noticed me yet.' Jordo gulped as his heart pounded. 


Maybe he was overreacting. They dated back in cloudsdale years ago.


Time heals all wounds, right?



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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