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Top 3 of Everything

An Old Head

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Favourite Ponies

1) Applejack

2) Princess Cadence

3) Derpy Hooves


Favourite Antagonists

1) Dischord! (Q was my favorite Star Trek character, so of course I adore Dischord)
2) Queen Chrysalis

3) Do the parasprites count?  If not, then Gilda


Favourite Episodes

1) A Canterlot Wedding

2) Keep Calm and Flutter On

3) Lesson Zero


Favourite Scenes






Favourite Pets

1) Philomena (I have an odd obsession with Phoenixes)

2) Tank

3) Winona


Favourite Songs (MLP)

1) This Day Aria

2) Raise This Barn

3) Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know)




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Okay everypony, from the top.



Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Derpy Hooves
Discord and Sombra and Nightmare Moon
Hurricane Fluttershy and Too Many Pinkies
These are a few of my favorite things

Doctor Whooves, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch

Tombstone, SinGretina and Alex S.

The Best Night Ever, A Canterlot Wedding

These are a few of my favorite things

Heated, How We Met, Abandonment Issues

Tank and Angle and Owlowiscious

This Day Aria and the Smile Song

These are a few of my favorite things


When the Parasprites
When the Changelings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Edited by The-Master
  • Brohoof 1


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Favourite Ponies

1) Rainbow Dash

2) Scootaloo

3) Daring Do


Favourite Antagonists

1) Discord
2) Trixie

3) Nightmare Moon


Favourite Episodes

1) Sleepless in Ponyville

2) May the Best Pet Win

3) Wonderbolt Academy/Sonic Rainboom


Favourite Scenes

1) Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash hugging  :wub:

2) Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom

3) Princess Celestia trolling Mr and Mrs Cake with tea


Favourite Pets

1) Winona (Trained dogs are just awesome)

2) Tank 

3) Owlicious


Favourite Songs (MLP)

1) Babs Seed

2) At the Gala

3) Winter Wrap Up


Favourite Songs (Fan Songs)

1) Loyalty (by AcoustiMandoBrony)

2) Kindness (by AcoustiMandoBrony)

3) Eurobeat's Discord (TheLivingTombstone's Remix)


Favourite Fan Fictions

I've honestly haven't read too many even though I say to myself I should xP
1) My Little Dashie
2) My Sister, Loyalty (written by our very own ~Chaotic Discord~)

3) Not sure on what can go on m third list xP I'll decide later, maybe I should read more >.>

Edited by Rainbow Dash Loyalty


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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Favourite Ponies

1) Applejack

2) Sweetie Belle 

3) Cheerilee


Favourite Antagonists

1) Sombro
2) Wasn't really a fan of any of the others. 

3) ^


Favourite Episodes

1) Over a Barrel

2) Spike at Your service

3) Putting your hoof down


Favourite Scenes

1) The Best Night Ever - Applejack gives Rarity the Fritters for free.  

2) Spike at your Service - Oh. no. I seemed to have got my hoof stuck. Help, me Spike.

3) Putting your Hoof Down - Iron Will getting worked up at Fluttershy's Cottage


Favourite Pets

1) Owlowiscious 

2) Gummy

3) Philomena (When she's not an attention whore)


Favourite Songs (MLP)

1) Smile Smile Smile

2) Raise this Barn



Favourite Songs (Fan Songs)

1) Assertive Fluttershy - Boooring!

2) Eurobeat Brony - Discord (Living Tombstone Remix)

3) Alex S - Party with Pinkie Pie


Favourite Fan Fictions

1) Don't read Fan Fics. 


  • Brohoof 1
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Favourite Ponies

1)  Twilight Sparkle

2)  Fluttershy

3)  The Great and Powerful Trixie


Favourite Antagonists

1)  The Great and Powerful Trixie
2)  Chrysalis

3)  Lightning Dust


Favourite Episodes

1)  The Last Roundup (unedited)

2)  The Best Night Ever

3)  The Return of Harmony


Favourite Scenes

1)  Fluttershy in Canterlot Garden

2)  Twilight meets Fluttershy

3)  Sleepy Applejack


Favourite Pets

1)  Gummy

2)  The Falcon that won the race

3)  Tank


Favourite Songs (MLP)

1)  Love is in Bloom

2)  This Day Aria

3)  Baps Seed


Favourite Songs (Fan Songs)

1)  Awoken - H8 Seed

2)  Beyond her Tomb - All the big names

3)  Trixie's Good Side - Pinkiepieswear


Favourite Fan Fictions

1)  River by Razbro
2)  The Last Party by Carmine

3)  undecided

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1. Pinkie Pie

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Princess Luna



1. Discord

2. Nightmare Moon

3. Chrysalis



1. Part 2 of the Pilot

2. Part 1 of the Pilot

3. Great Galloping Gala



1. Owlowiscious

2. Gummy

3. Winona



1. Discovering the 6th element and using it

2. "I'm not a genius, I'm a chicken. Bugurk!" Pinkie Pie in Luna Eclipsed

3. "AHHHHHchoo." Fluttershy in Hurricane Fluttershy



1. Winter Wrap Up

2. At the Gala

3. Raise this Barn

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