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private ∆The Chosen∆


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Honey Seed followed Brasswaver, trotting right along side her. The stage was starting to look a whole lot bigger than it did before. The crowd rumbled with the sounds of ponies talking to each other. All the voices blend together to the point she couldn't pick out a single word. She convinced herself that they were just talking about the usual topics like lunch or perhaps plans for flower picking. Part of her wanted to stop moving towards the stage, but the occasional glances from the ponies in the crowd kept her moving.


"You know that feeling that your throat has crumpled up and fallen into your stomach..." Honey Seed whispered to Brasswaver, "I'm feeling that right now." Her voice creaked like her throat really did fall into her stomach.


She never thought that she would have stage fright. She was always the first pony to speak in front of the class when it came time for presentations, but this crowd was a lot larger than a classroom. She caught the eyes of her parents, who both gave her proud smiles.

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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No alicorns at all? Maxim's eyes opened wide with curiosity, but it seemed he had ruined his chances of hearing how such an event could occur. He really was terrible at keeping secrets though; even the secret that he was terrible at keeping secrets. Maybe if he chummed up to Standoff some more...


Movement caught his eye and he glanced to the side, spotting Basswaver waving at him. As he watched she hesitated, seemed to realize something, then giggled and blushed. Why would she... He remembered that he was practically snuggled up to Standoff, which wasn't exactly a bad thing, but he didn't want any misunderstandings. Standoff was good looking, but Maxim wasn't ready to be looking for a coltfriend at only 14, at least in his opinion.


Luckily, the colt didn't seem to have noticed Maxim's position as readily as Bass had. He sat up again and edged a few inches to the side. Even so, he squinted at the side of Standoff's head and silently shook a hoof at the pony. You shall be mine, oh so tantalizing secret! he thought, then turned and walked over to Bass, smiling as a greeting. He sat beside her and mushed his face up beside hers, grinning, "Howdy! Ready to become royalty?"

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Viridian Spark was humming a cheery tune to himself when a blue pegasus took a seat next to him. He quickly greeted her. "Hello there! Are you here for the Choosing?" He paused, his eyes crossed for a bit. "Oh wait, that's a stupid question. Of course you are! Anyway, my name is Viridian Spark. Yours?"


The colt looked around. He could see Raindancer and others were already moving to take their own seats. Raindancer looked like she was about to burst. Viridian wanted to say something, but he was too far from her. He turned to the new filly next to him instead. "Aren't you excited about this whole ceremony thing? I myself absolutely am excited!" He rapidly fluttered his wings while grabbing to his seat, they both hovered a few inches above the ground for a while before dropping back to the ground. He couldn't wait for the adult ponies to finish the Choosing already, so that everypony can stop being so nervous and start having fun instead.


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Basswaver was nervously tapping her foot, wondering exactly when the ceremony would start, when she recalled something Honey had said a bit ago, something about feeling like her throat was crumpling into her stomach... Waver glanced around for her, noticing she was in the seat next to her. She was about to say something to comfort her when she heard familiar heavy footsteps plodding over towards her.  She turned and was about to greet Maxim when he started 'it'. She felt the face smooshed up against her's and without any regard to the fact that they were onstage, she promptly climbed onto his back and lay there limply. She then said in a purposly awful Canterlot accent. "Why of COURSE darling, I am already practically royalty already." She giggled and rolled off of him, landing on her feet. She stiffled a laugh, the look on his face was priceless. Before he could recover, she whispered into his ear. "Soo~ Who's that hunk of muscle you were talking to down there, he special~" She giggled and sat down, motioning Maxim to sit next to her. She dragged Honey's chair around so she was facing them. She whispered to her. "Don't be worried ok? I'm sure we'll be fine." She gave Honey a smile Waver hoped was reassuring.


Cloudia grinned, she was glad this stallion was friendly. "Oh! Well, my name is Cloudia!" She noticed the stallion look around for a bit and then look at something longingly. She was about to ask him if he was ok when he snapped back to being bubbly again, he asked her if she was excited about the ceremony. "Oh yes! I'm super duper excited! But, to be honest, I'm more excited about the after-party!" She giggled, and then giggled more when she saw Viridian flutter with excitement. She mimicked him, fluttering for a few seconds before sitting again. She grinned. "So Viridian, what do you like doing?" She decided to get to know him better, seeing as the ceremony STILL hadn't started.

  • Brohoof 1

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Viridian Spark laughed heartily on Cloudia's antics. Finally, somepony who were also excited about the after-party! Viridian silently hoped that she would be one of the Chosen ponies. That way he would have a solid reason to drag everypony to the party. He tapped his chin, trying to think for a good answer for her answer, but found none. He shrugged nonchalantly. "I like doing stuff. Stuff is good." He paused. Now he got some time to think, he realized that he never really done anything interesting. Other than helping his father in his workshop and the soul-numbingly boring school, he had no special daily activities that he can brag off.


He shook the confusion out of his head and turned to Cloudia. "Let's say you get to be one of the Chosen ponies, what would you do?"


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Cloudia giggked at Viridians answer. She watched him seem to get lost in thought. She was going to poke him, when he turned to her and asked her what she would do if she was a Chosen. She thought for a second. "Hm.. Well if being Chosen means you get to be a princess... Then I would probably... Well, i guess I would have to do some law-making, but after that I would make sone more holidays! I honestly think everypony works too hard! So, what would you do if you got Chosen?"

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Star Rain overheard Cloudia's question and thought about it. Huh. What WOULD I do? I guess I would study and train harder than before. But then that would mean giving up drawing and painting! Ugh... she had a slightly exasperated look on her face.


Chaser Wing looked around and was surprised that nopony noticed a big family of red pegasi land in the audience. He was the only 14 year-old in his entire family, so if anypony in the family got chosen, it would be him. I guess everypony is so focused on the stage he thought to himself, totally calm and relaxed as opposed to his siblings.

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She turned and was about to greet Maxim when he started 'it'. She felt the face smooshed up against her's and without any regard to the fact that they were onstage, she promptly climbed onto his back and lay there limply. She then said in a purposly awful Canterlot accent. "Why of COURSE darling, I am already practically royalty already." She giggled and rolled off of him, landing on her feet. She stiffled a laugh, the look on his face was priceless. Before he could recover, she whispered into his ear. "Soo~ Who's that hunk of muscle you were talking to down there, he special~" She giggled and sat down, motioning Maxim to sit next to her.


Maxim squeaked in surprise as he was unexpectedly used as an impromptu lounge chair. It felt like he was wearing a huge fur coat with a pulse. He stared at her in confused shock for a moment when she rolled off him, then burst into a fit of giggles.


When he was able to stifle them he cleared his throat and stuck his nose in the air. He did his best to immitate her terrible Canterlot accent, "You? Hardly my dear. I shall be the next princess, for you see it is I who posess the magical talking cloak!"


He resumed his role of adolescent zebra and glanced over at Standoff, smiling. He whispered back to Basswaver, "That fine specimen there is Standoff. I think he might be headed for the military from the way he holds himself, and as for 'hunk of muscle,'" Maxim hummed as he recalled the colt's toned muscles, "You've certainly got that right; but I don't think he's the one for me. Seems too serious for my tastes. I like a stallion with a sense of humor to them. Oh, and he said something very interesting. He said-" Maxim shoved a hoof in his own mouth as he sat down beside Basswaver. Now, y'see, this is why no one tells you their secrets anymore, he thought at himself. The young zebra took his foot out of his mouth and coughed, "Er, maybe I shouldn't say, actually."

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Maxim squeaked in surprise as he was unexpectedly used as an impromptu lounge chair. It felt like he was wearing a huge fur coat with a pulse. He stared at her in confused shock for a moment when she rolled off him, then burst into a fit of giggles.


When he was able to stifle them he cleared his throat and stuck his nose in the air. He did his best to immitate her terrible Canterlot accent, "You? Hardly my dear. I shall be the next princess, for you see it is I who posess the magical talking cloak!"


He resumed his role of adolescent zebra and glanced over at Standoff, smiling. He whispered back to Basswaver, "That fine specimen there is Standoff. I think he might be headed for the military from the way he holds himself, and as for 'hunk of muscle,'" Maxim hummed as he recalled the colt's toned muscles, "You've certainly got that right; but I don't think he's the one for me. Seems too serious for my tastes. I like a stallion with a sense of humor to them. Oh, and he said something very interesting. He said-" Maxim shoved a hoof in his own mouth as he sat down beside Basswaver. Now, y'see, this is why no one tells you their secrets anymore, he thought at himself. The young zebra took his foot out of his mouth and coughed, "Er, maybe I shouldn't say, actually."

"I'm flattered."

Standoff had walked over to them without their even noticing. "Although I'm glad I didn't tell you the secret. You're already yacking it all over the place, and you don't even know what it is yet." He chuckles. Turning to look at the stage, he spoke to the others in general. "It's not that I'm not funny. It's just, in my line of work-" He breaks off suddenly, and looks straight ahead.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Viridian Spark shrugged. "No idea. Of course, first thing first I would have some fun, then do whatever they want from a Chosen. here I'm kinda hoping that the... things they will want the Chosen ponies to do won't involve anything harsh."


The truth was it never crossed his mind on what would he do if he got Chosen. He always believed that planning everything in advance based on something that might or might not happen as a waste of energy. He tapped his hoof on his chair in boredom. "Did the adult ponies ever told you how long the ceremony will last. If we have to sit here for hours, I would rather coat myself in mud and do some backflips above the clouds."


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Basswaver was still giggling from Maxim's princess comment, when she heard a deep voice from behind her. She gulped and turned around, to her horror it was the guy Maxim was talking to, and he had overheard them! She started to blush. She playfully slapped Maxim's shoulder. "Oh man! You're such a joker Maxie! Have I ever told you that? Oh! hi there stallion, uh Standoff!" Waver stammered, but she noticed Standoff staring off ahead. She squinted and tried to draw an air-line to see where Standoff was staring at. Giving up she poked him on the shoulder. "Um... Whatcha lookin at?"


Cloudia nodded in agreement, she didn't even like doing wing-ups in flight school, she definately wouldn't be able to do harsh training or anything like that. She looked worried for a bit, listening half-heartedly to what Viridian was saying. She wondered if a Chosen could get un-Chosen if they weren't good enough. Knowing her luck, she would get Chosen just to instantly get un-Chosen, especially if her old flight coach was in charge of the ceremony. She was brought out of her thoughts again when Viridian exclaimed he would rather coat himself in mud and do backflips. Cloudia laughed her head off, imagining Viridian completing that action. "W-What if, one of the trials to be a Chosen or whatever, is a muddy back flip contest?" She giggled.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Feeling bored, Star Rain decided to draw for a little. She summoned her sketchbook and a box of colored pencils and began to draw. She immediately knew what she was going to draw- a dragon. She started with the head and made a narrow shape. She slowly moved the pencil down to form the front of the neck and the chest. She kept this up until she had an outline of the dragon from head to wings to tail. After adding the details, she began to color it all in and added the background. Drawn there, was her fear.


@@@Not a Morning Mare,


Chaser Wing's little brother scampered off, so their mother sent him and his older brother after him. Their little brother tried to use his wings and managed to fly up high enough to land on a navy blue stallion's head. He then flew over to a zebra's head on his. "Stripey! Stripey!" he chanted. Chaser Wing then arrived and plucked his little brother off the zebra's head. 

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Basswaver was still giggling from Maxim's princess comment, when she heard a deep voice from behind her. She gulped and turned around, to her horror it was the guy Maxim was talking to, and he had overheard them! She started to blush. She playfully slapped Maxim's shoulder. "Oh man! You're such a joker Maxie! Have I ever told you that? Oh! hi there stallion, uh Standoff!" Waver stammered, but she noticed Standoff staring off ahead. She squinted and tried to draw an air-line to see where Standoff was staring at. Giving up she poked him on the shoulder. "Um... Whatcha lookin at?"


Cloudia nodded in agreement, she didn't even like doing wing-ups in flight school, she definately wouldn't be able to do harsh training or anything like that. She looked worried for a bit, listening half-heartedly to what Viridian was saying. She wondered if a Chosen could get un-Chosen if they weren't good enough. Knowing her luck, she would get Chosen just to instantly get un-Chosen, especially if her old flight coach was in charge of the ceremony. She was brought out of her thoughts again when Viridian exclaimed he would rather coat himself in mud and do backflips. Cloudia laughed her head off, imagining Viridian completing that action. "W-What if, one of the trials to be a Chosen or whatever, is a muddy back flip contest?" She giggled.

"Hmm... What? Oh, nothing. And I don't mind Maxim. Considering how he more or less shoved himself up my nose, I managed to figure it out on my own." Standoff was glad they hadn't caught his little slip-up. He had to be a little more cautious, there were a hundred ways this could go wrong.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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I'm flattered." Standoff had walked over to them without their even noticing. "Although I'm glad I didn't tell you the secret. You're already yacking it all over the place, and you don't even know what it is yet." He chuckles. Turning to look at the stage, he spoke to the others in general. "It's not that I'm not funny. It's just, in my line of work-" He breaks off suddenly, and looks straight ahead.


Maxim leaned his head back and grinned up at Standoff, "Hello there muscle hunk!" His smile became sheepish at the mention of his secret keeping problem, "Ah-heh, er, yes."


He became interested again as Standoff mentioned his line of work, "Oh? What sort of work do you do, and at only 14-"



Their little brother tried to use his wings and managed to fly up high enough to land on a navy blue stallion's head. He then flew over to a zebra's head on his.


Maxim stuffed a hoof in his mouth again to stifle a titanic laugh as a tiny pegasus colt suddenly fell from the sky to land on top of Standoff's head. The playful little colt lying on the stoic young stallion's head looked absolutely adorable! Maxim squeed in delight as the colt buzzed over and landed on his head as well, like a fluffy little fez.



"Stripey! Stripey!" he chanted. Chaser Wing then arrived and plucked his little brother off the zebra's head.


"Sweet Princesses of Old, you are just the most precious thing ever!" Maxim gushed, rolling his eyes up to look at the little colt/hat, "And thank you for noticing. I've had this look since my birthday, my first one, and I was worried it was getting stale." When Chaser came and lifted the colt off Maxim's head the zebra smiled at him, "And hello to you as well! Do you belong to this one?" He reached out a hoof and ruffled the little colt's mane, making silly faces as he did so.

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Basswaver giggled nervously and put her hoof behind her head. She knew Maxim wasn't the most subtle of ponies... She was just glad this guy didn't mind, she knew some ponies who would have flipped out and acted like he had the plauge or something. She was glad Standoff had the decency to just treat Max the same as he would have any mare who was flirting.... even if Standoff was a tad bit harsher then she would have been. She honestly didn't get why ponies acted that way. She knew then what she would work on if SHE ever got Chosen. She was shocked out of her thoughts by a small pegasus bouncing on first Standoff's, then Maxim's heads before getting picked up by a pegasus stallion. Waver blinked in surprise. "Uhm, hi there, what are your all's names?" She asked the two pegasi, who seemed to be related. Maxim proceeded to gush over the small pegasus, he was obsessed with making little foals laugh. She grinned at the cute spectacle in front of her. She then turned back to the older, pegasus.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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@@Not a Morning Mare,@@soullessduck,


Chaser Wing was laughing alot at the little stunt his brother did. His little brother squiurmed in his hooves and his laughing wasn't making it easier to keep his hold on him. Their older brother then stepped up, chuckling, and said,"Yeah, this little is our brother. I'm Red Storm. The one holding our bro is Chaser Wing, and that little guy is Cirrus." He then bursted out laughing and soon Chaser Wing followed, Cirrus then flying from his hooves and onto the zebra's head again. "Why do you have stripes, Mr. Stripes?" he asked.


Star Rain jerked her head when she heard alot of laughter beside her. She joined in with the others and laughed as well, dropping her pencils and her sketchbook in the process.

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"Muddy back flip? Then I would be the champion!" Viridian Spark demonstrated his words by doing a couple of back flips, nearly knocking his chair over.


Viridian Spark was about to say something when some foal went and perched himself on the Zebra's head while chanting what might be the most obvious things in the world. Viridian raised an eyebrow on the absurdity of the situation. He also noticed that Star Rain had joined the ensuing laughter, and she also dropped something to the ground. He turned to the filly to examine what did she dropped. It was a drawing of something scaly and scary.




"Hey, what are you drawing there?" He asked to Star Rain. "Are you drawing a... dragon maybe?"


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"Nice to meet'cha Red Storm; howdy Chaser Wing. I'm Maxim, but you can call me Mr. Stripey. Excuse me a moment will you..."


Maxim rolled his eyes up to look at Cirrus, who had squirmed from his brother's grip and landed on the zebra's head again. He smiled at the little colt's innocent question, "Well, my fine little foal, it might surprise you, but I'm not actually a pony," He gasped at his own comment theatrically, "I'm a zebra. My great-great-great-great-grandparents came from a place really far away, where everyone has stripes." As he was answering the foal's question Maxim's family quietly arrived, joining the crowd standing before the stage. Maxim took his eyes off Cirrus long enough to spot them and beam, waving a hoof at his parents. He sat on his haunches and picked the colt off his head, holding him with his forelegs. He pointed out his family to him, "See? That's my family. They've all got stripes and they're all zebras too. Well, mostly."

Both his parents had stripes, as did his brothers. His cousins on the other hoof were from a branch of the extended family interbred with ponies enough through the generations that their stripes were almost too faint to see. His cousin Fade Water even had a horn and could use magic.

Edited by Not a Morning Mare
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Star Rain stopped immediately and realized she dropped her stuff on the ground. She levitated them and they floated there in front of her. "Oh this drawing? It's just a drawing, nothing else," she said. It was a lie though. It was her fear.


@@Not a Morning Mare@@Starshine,


Now Chaser Wing was curious. "Huh? Where did your family come from? Where do zebras come from?" he asked. And I highly doubt a 6 year-old would get all of that. Red Storm had left to tell their mother of the events that transpired. She didn't worry because Chaser Wing was there. Cirrus then flew around Viridian's mane until it stuck up like porcupine quills. Star Rain couldn't contain her laughter.

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Maxim wondered if anything he'd said had been understood by Cirrus. He suspected not. "Hmm, yes, well... Oh look! Ponies!" He held out the little colt and Cirrus took flight once again, buzzing about Viridian's head. He smiled at Cirrus for a moment, watching his antics, then edged back over toward Basswaver, having been struck with a thought, "Hey Bass? My conversation with him may have been brief, but Standoff brought up an interesting point. Do you know when the ceremony part of this ceremony is supposed to begin? I'm just curious really. I could play with that little colt for hours to be honest."

Edited by Not a Morning Mare
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Viridian Spark was a bit saddened when Star Rain took her drawing before he could see more of it. "Really? That drawing is kind of cool if you ask me. I mean- Hey!"


There was a small colt buzzing around his head. Viridian tried to catch the little bugger, but the colt somehow managed to dodge him. Behind him, he heard Star Rain guffawed on his messed up mane. Viridian Spark harrumphed, took flight and gave chase to the colt. Soon the colt was in Viridian's grip, and he gave him an epic noogie. "Aren't you too young to be here?"


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Honey Seed tapped her hooves against the chair. She wished they would just get this choosing over with. Imagining the results either way, she managed to prepare for any results. She would be happy if she was chosen and happy if she wasn't. But why did they let that windbag of a mare get on stage? That mare must have been talking for hours now. It's clear that she's not the only one anxious to get this over with. None of the other ponies seemed to be able to sit still either.

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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Basswaver giggled. "I know you would! You are like a foal magnet! But, I, actually don't know when the cerremony will sta-" Waver was inturrupted by a loud announcement. "At this time all Choosing contestants should be headed towards the stage, the ceremony will start momentarily." Waver sat back down in her seat and motioned for Maxim to sit by her.


Cloudia's ears perked up at the announcement. She was glad the darn ceremony was staring, her rear was starting to hurt.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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"There's the green light."

Standoff half-marched onto the stage, quietly examining the others. He often wondered if these ponies really thought of him as a friend. A lot more of the time, he seemed like just cheap entertainment. He didn't harbor a grudge, though. He had appeared a few years back under mysterious circumstances...

Edited by acualy is dolan



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Goldseek walked up to the stage and took a spare chair. The ceremony was starting. He scanned through the croud, hoping he would see someone he knew, but unfortunately did not. It sucked, not knowing any of the ponies here. Even if he had seen any of them at school, he wouldn't remember. Goldseek didn't like to remember what happened at school. Not since... Goldseek didn't want to remember it. He didn't want to remember the murder. He looked out at the croud, hiding his sadness with a smile.

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