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Ponyville Roleplay!


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((Wait, is that me? <--Feels stupid.))


EDIT: Sorry, gotta go to sleep now.


(No, strong hooves)

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Strong Hooves heard two new voices but couldnt really see them due to the large mountain of plants he was carrying for Rose while on the way to his apartment, he looks around the plants and sees a pegasus stallion and a pegasus mare, "Uh... hi there" he said with a smile.


(Hey, I will be offlne really soon, expect me back on around 6:30 or a little later)

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Strong Hooves heard two new voices but couldnt really see them due to the large mountain of plants he was carrying for Rose while on the way to his apartment, he looks around the plants and sees a pegasus stallion and a pegasus mare, "Uh... hi there" he said with a smile.


(Hey, I will be offlne really soon, expect me back on around 6:30 or a little later)




"Hey there. Im Apollo."

"Im Rainbow Dash, Its nice to meet you."

"Do you need any help? You look kinda like you're struggling with all those plants."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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lightfire galloped towards sugercube corner to pick up his order of blueberry muffins.Once he got it he went to his house he got back to studying

Edited by benben471

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Strong Hooves finally made it with Rose to the apartment building next to Sugarcube corner, "well here we are" he said, "My room is 2B". He walked up and stood next to the door to his apartment, "um I'd open it but my hooves are a little full, its unlocked though" said Strong with a chuckle

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Haste flew in the skies of ponyville for a while and finally stopped on the nearest cloud and rested for a while, she looked down at the other ponies walking around, she yawned and took an afternoon nap




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The inside was quite empty, a simple dining table that extended to the living room, a small kitchen with a window looking out toward town square, there was a small hallway that led to a bed room and guest room as well as a bathroom at the end of the hallway. "It's not much, but it's home" said Strong smiling.


(Be back in a couple hours)

Edited by Strong Hooves


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I hope that I'm not too late to join in...


Name: Power Ten

Age: 16 (almost 17)



Appearance/Picture: My Profile pic

Personality: Outwardly a loner. Wants to make good friends, but is scared of rejection. He's got an eccentric side.

Interests/Hobbies: Inventing, Writing, Boating and Exercise

Biography: Power Ten is different from many pegasi due to the fact that he can't fly. He had a head injury as a foal which caused his sense of balance while in flight to disappear. Because of his inability to fly, he was subject to a lot of bullying and ridicule. He briefly befriended Fluttershy before running away from cloudsdale and drifting across equestria. Although he sustained a head injury as a foal, he is a borderline genious and has a knack for inventing. While living near a lake, he discovered his love of water and invented a small, thin racing boat so that he could go fast like the racers from cloudsdale without flying. His boat revolves around the use of his wings to move.

Cutie Mark: His boat design in miniature.

Boat looks like this:

Posted Image


Ten strolls slowly into Ponyville with his boat strapped to his back and his few posessions gently clattering against each other at his side.

"I suppose that this town is as good as any" he mutters to himself.

He starts looking around ponyville for a place to set up camp. He eventually settles down next to the fountain in the town square and goes about setting up his cooking fire and bedroll.

Edited by Power Ten

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Name:smokey splash

Age: 14

Mare or Stallion:mare(that means girl right?)

Species of pony: Pegasus

Appearance/Picture: a white pony with dark blue mane that is is spiked backwards? Tail is the same.

Personality: she is outgoing, smart but a little crazy

Interests/Hobbies: she likes to collect rocks, and is a artist. Loves to paint

Biography: smokey likes to fly around in the clouds but is not really fas.(that's all I need to put right?)

Cutie mark: paint brush

"It needs to be about 20% cooler

"I'd like to be a tree!

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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Power Ten looks up from his dinner to take in his surroundings.

The square is mostly empty now...

Ten sighs softly, he's not quite sure what's wrong, but he feels a sudden wave of longing and sadness as he goes back to eating his dinner.

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(you still here?)


Smokey padded out of her house, she looked around but saw no one, she sighed. She stretched her wings and put them back.

"It needs to be about 20% cooler

"I'd like to be a tree!

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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Ten gets up to search for somewhere to put his boat.

He passes by a group of houses, which appears to be unoccupied aside from a white mare.

Ten coughs as he passes the mare.

"excuse me" he mumbles almost inaudibly.

"Are there any lakes around here?"

Edited by Power Ten

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Smokeysplash moved out of the way, her overly social personally made her turn around, "hello! I've never seen you before, I'm smokeysplas!"

"It needs to be about 20% cooler

"I'd like to be a tree!

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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Power Ten instantly felt a sense of unease.

He hadn't ever been very good with strangers.

"umm hi, I'm Power Ten," he managed to mumble.

"it's... Umm... Nice to meet you?" Ten was blushing furiously from emberassment.

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"oh, I'm looking for a lake," he stated.

Ten was still a little apprehensive, but he was already starting to warm up to this mare.

"you wouldn't happen to know where I could find one?"

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Ten Let out a small sigh as he began to walk after her (he was walking all day with a boat and supplies, so he was pretty tired). He had to run to catch up. *not being able to fly really sucks* he thought for the millionth time in his life.

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Smokeysplash stopped and waited for him, she relised that he was slow,

"sorry" she said "it's right over here"

She walked for a while until she could see the lake.

"need anymore help with anything?"

"It needs to be about 20% cooler

"I'd like to be a tree!

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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"yeah, if you could help me with this"

Ten gestured to his boat

"that would be great"

*what am I saying? I don't need help! I've done this tons of times!* Ten thought as he was kicking himself again mentally.

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