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"YES! The moment I've waited my entire life for!!!!!!!" nightwing said at the top of his lungs, then looked down, slightly embarrassed. "uh.... I mean... What."

Edited by toothlessbrony


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Silverwisp had to stop his chuckling at the cake responses long enough to use his telekenesis magic to grab the baked delights. He started with the first three, and bought them out into the living room. That manic smile was back. "Gentlecolts... BEHOLD!! First cake, Chocolate Cherry-Chonga! I don't know how she made it worked, but Pinkie said after her trip to Dodge, this was something she had to try, and it tastes like a cake BAWS."


The cake he placed down was chocolate frosted, with cherries dotting here and there. There were also cherries baked inside. Like a baws.


"NEXT! Is Vanilla Ice!" He put the second cake down, which looked like a white fantasy castle that was missing a third of its bulk. If it were a castle in a war, it could be said it took heavy damage. (In a sense, it was.... XD) "A winter inspired cake, in which little mini snow-ponies made of pure frosting were added... for extra sugar feast-age!" The third cake he held magically was veiled but a container and cloth...

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"I call a slice of the cherry chonga one!!" said Static excitedly, small sparks of electricity crackling in his mane as he got excited, (Just so you know, the top of his mane sticks out in all directions, like how hair looks when it is electrocuted)


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"I call the castle. It looks so... DELICIOUS!!!!! Or I mean... A piece. Yeah, that's what I meant.

Edited by toothlessbrony


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(Oh okay, later PT!)


(And, Strong, that makes total sense. Spiky electro hair is best hair! I am now compelled to draw all of our OC's together. ^_^ )


Silverwisp himself was getting excited and his stomach growled... even if he's tasted each of these cakes already... well, almost each of them. "Yes, the cherry is strong with that one, Static... And Nightwing, the vanillia did not disappoint!" Silver set the last, hidden cake down. Focusing briefly, he felt his connection with the air as he normally did, and blended in some unicorn magic so a short burst of bladed with went through the cakes, diving them into slices for all four. It even cut off the part Power was eating for him.


Then he turned his attention to the last one. "And now, for the grand finale... With another burst of magic, the cloth, and top half of the container, were tossed aside and revealed a multicolored cake, significantly larger than the other two for it was untouched in all its baked glory. It was decorated in mostly blue, pink and yellow and white. "Pinkie called this masterpiece... the Neapolitan Rainboom! it's divided into sections of yellow, vanilla, chocolate, and even strawberry cake. Topped with frosting inspired from Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom. I heard the Cakes even added the recipe to their menu..." A manly pony tear was shed as Silver stared blissfully down at the confectioneries.


Then he looked back to his friends with all seriousness and said, "Now... we feast."(And thus, those cakes never again saw the light of day. ^_^ LOL, we posted like a THOUSAND different references with this bit! XD)





(Don't be sad! You can totally join in! :D Just speed warp your character over here like Ten did and she could stumble upon the cake devouring going-ons. There should still be some left... for a few more minutes, at least. XD)

Edited by WolfEdge
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Silverwisp cut directly into the Rainboom cake. Though it hurt to have to cut such a cake, the reward of the delicious multi-hued sweet made him instantly forget and he simply chowed down. At some point, he wondered if anypony had mentioned 'we need milk' but he just chalked it up to incoherent mumblings of cake devouring savagery.

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(epic time warp!!!)

Static wearily opened his eyes, last nights events nothing but a blur, he looked around to see the other three still passed out, an outcome of cake overload. "Ugh... I think I have a cake hangover" he muttered to himself, he groggily stood up, wiping away chocolate crumbs from his mouth, he was a mess. He walked outside blinking in the sunlight, looking for a nearby cloud that he could use to wash himself off.


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(Yes, epic warp time is good time.)


WolfEdge blearily opened his eyes to what seemed like a distance sound. Feeling dizziness coupled with a pounding headache, he realized he had passed out on the floor under the table and that there was a plate was covering his face. Power Ten and Nightwing were still out cold, but he noticed Static was up. "Who... put cider in that cake...?" he groaned.


Coming to, he soon realized the sound he had heard was Smoky Splash chowing down on what was left of the devastated cakes. He blinked incredulously. Okay, really! Just what was in that cake?! He didn't remember inviting any pretty mares into his house last night... but then again, he was simply happy he was still alive and not dead from sugar-poisoning. If that was even a real thing. So instead of asking sensible questions, he only managed to ask Smokey, "...What time is it?"


(IDEA!! What if we blended in a Hangover theme with this? With us having have done random things of insanity in Ponyville while "drunk" (hyper) off of cake (Or maybe Pinkie really DID spike the cakes? O.O) If we decide to go with this, we'd need Smokey's help since she'd be the only one who knew what the hell happened! Maybe she could have even tried stopping us, but they were just too "drunk" XD )

  • Brohoof 1
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Smokey splash looked over at him and shrugged,

"no idea" she said.

She contiued to eat the cake.


(lol I wish you could get drunk from eating cake xD sure I guess she could)

"It needs to be about 20% cooler

"I'd like to be a tree!

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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(That is genius!!!)

Static finally found a single cloud floating about, he flew up to it and hit it a couple times to start a steady rainfall from it, he proceeded to stay under the cloud as he let the water run over him. He looked around and rubbed his head with a forehoof, <I wonder what all happened last night> he wondered to himself...


(And yes, Static is taking a shower in the middle of town for all the lady ponies to see lol... Static gets all the mares!!)


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Power ten awoke, groggily wiping his eyes with his hooves. "ugh... What happened last night? I can't remember anything," he managed to mumble as he staggered towards the door. He opened it, and instantly he was hit by a massive headache from the light streaming in through the door. "Dammit guys, who spiked the cake?"


(lol cake hangover)

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Power Ten took a second to clear his head before he looked outside again. He saw static showering under a sorm cloud next to... "CELESTIA'S CHARIOT!?!" Ten shook his head, but something was strange, it felt heavier than normal. He put a hoof up to his face and realized that he was wearing a helmet, a royal guard's helmet. He threw the helmet off his head, hitting the ground with a sharp clang. "ow!" Ten winced at the loud noise.


He looked up a Smokey to see her wearing, "Smokey... Is that luna's crown?"

<Oh celestia, we are so dead>

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Nightwing woke up next to the bathroom. "I don't even.... Where am I?" he said as he opened the door to the bathroom. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!!!!!!!" a gigantic roar ripped through the air. "agh!!! What the... A MANTICORE????" Nightwing exclaimed. There was a manticore. In the bathroom.


Nightwing slammed the door. "uh... Everypony? There may or may not be a problem with the bathroom"

Edited by toothlessbrony


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Power Ten ran up to Nightwing and began slapping him in the face. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

He turned to Smokey. "we are so screwed right now! I can't even remember what the hay happened!"

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"agh, I'm awake, I'm awake..." Nightwing muttered. "I... Better go check on shadow... I guess" The he walked towards the door.


"uhm... Why is Celestia's chariot outside?"


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