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Ponyville Roleplay!


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"Voíla!" Ten reached up to her ear and appeared to pull a potato out of it.


"you should really check those things if you've got potatoes growing in there" smokey chuckled as he began to make breakfast.

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(I've been watching this thread for a while, and I've gotta say, it's been fun reading along. You're all really creative! ^^ I meant to make an OC and join ages ago, but never quite got around to it. Hope I haven't missed out on ALL the fun yet. :D )


Name: Cloud SilverWisp

Age: 17

Mare or Stallion: Stallion

Species of Pony: Unicorn (I find your lack of unicorns disturbing. XD)

Appearance/Picture: Pale blue coat that's nearly white in appearance, with a white unruly mane and tail that's streaked dark blue. Emerald colored eyes.

Personality: Usually very eager and hyper-active, but studious with a passion for studying the sky and space. He envies pegasi for their ability to fly and exploring the skies. He's kind-hearted and helpful, and loves joking around. Also he's fairly absent minded at times.

Interests/Hobbies: Learning new spells and experimenting with any flight related magic, goofing off, using the 'Cloud Walking' spell to laze about on clouds.

Biography: Moved to Ponyville to help in weather coordination. Although he doesn't manipulate the weather directly, he helps the Weather Team plan out what would be best for Ponyville's environmental needs. He originally lived and worked in Canterlot where his family helped with the weather there, but found living on his own in Ponyville more affordable and way less socially uptight, a place where he could be himself.

Cutie Mark: A white cloud being blown into wispy strands by a breeze.


At the sound of Static's lightning bolt hitting the ground, SilverWisp jumped out of his sleep and out of his bed before he hit the ground with a loud thump. "Ouchy.... What the hay was that!? There wasn't a storm scheduled tonight... was there?" The pale blue pony got back on his hooves and looked out the window. He could see smoke where the lightning bolt hit just outside of town and knew something was off. "Huh. Lightning without clouds. That's new. All right, me thinks this calls for an investigation!" Silverwisp's horn took on a white glow, and with a flash he warped outside in front of his front door, feeling slightly dizzy. Although a second later, he realized he could have used the window, seeing as how the glass had been blown out earlier that day. Still gotta find out what did that... Shaking away the slight dizzy-ness, he galloped off towards the site of the lightning bolt.


Static is from a line of ponies known as the Elemental Equines, ponies with an ability to have control over a certain element of nature.


(I was wondering, Strong Hooves.... if I could maybe cast Cloud as another Elemental Equine? But only if that's all right with you. If it was, perhaps he could have control over wind? :D )


(ok, Gilda will be the leader of the gang, there is a really big griffon named Borris who has a lot of scars on his beak and face, he is strong and very violent, then there is Trina and Tina, griffon female twins who have very sharp talons to make up for their small size, then last is Gilda's BF Scar, who is very violent and likes to steal and cause trouble, I cant control all of them, so I need others to take control of some of them)

(I'd be happy to control either Borris or Trina and Tina, if you still need anypony's help controlling them. ^_^ )

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Static heard hoofsteps behind him, and turned to see another pony approaching him, he sighed with relief, "Thank goodness, I didnt think there were anypony around!"


(DAMN IT!!!!! I FELL ASLEEEEEEEEEP :/ well tonight I'll be able to rp all I want, I need to head to school now though)

"h-hello, do you need help? Did you see the lightning bolt?" nightwing asked the pony.

Edited by toothlessbrony


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After a minute or two of pure galloping Silverwisp made it to the field panting. I need more exercise... He peered over a few bushes and the sight that met him surprised the pony. "Whoa, giant crater! Aw hay, some pony might have gotten fried!" More concerned than ever, he hastily stepped toward the crater, tripped, "Ow, my face!" and then began to call out, "Hey! Is anypony out here!? If you're hurt, I know a little healing magic!"


Soon he spotted Static and Nightwing, and with a sigh of relief he rushed over. Yet another surprise made him skid to a stop once he got within speaking distance of the three. "Woah, giant dragon!"


(Hey, Strong Hooves? Or Static, at this point... Did you catch that last post I made? I sort of asked you a few questions back there... ^_^ )

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(I just saw it lol, yeah I dont care, but Static wont know since he hasnt met another Elemental Equine before, he always thought he was the only one left, and if you could take any of the griffons would be appreciated!)


Static saw the unicorn approach him and Nightwing, "Oh hiya! Heh, more ponies by the minute huh?"


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Silverwisp whistled at the bulky black lizard before them, obviously impressed. "That is one sweet dragon..." he turned to Static, "I saw that HUGE crater, and heard the lightning bolt earlier. It's SO weird... there aren't any storm clouds out! But is everypony okay?"


(Okay, cool. ^^ I'm really interested in Trina and Tina, so I'll use 'em whenever you decide to bring back our ponies' feathery foes.)

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At that, Silverwisp finally fully relaxed. "That's a relief...No need to call Redheart in, then." Silverwisp took a moment to properly examine the blue pony and Nightwing and it only took a second before a fact sunk in. "Hold on... I've never seen you two around town before..." He turned to Shadow. "...And definitely haven't seen you, either!"


Silverwisp put on his best friendly smile. "Name's Cloud Silverwisp. I usually go by Silverwisp, but you can call me Silver for short. Pleasure meetin' ya!"


(I may or may not be gone all afternoon... if that happens and you guys want to move on the story but need me to say or do something, then feel free to take control of Silverwisp for that, Strong.)

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(I'm back from school)


"wait, what do you mean you were the lightningbolt?" nightwing asked. Then he looked at silverwisp "yeah, I haven't been around ponyville much. I live in Everfree forest with my dragons. But I'm thinking of moving here. His name is shadow," nightwing pointed at the dragon "we've been friends since I was a colt."

Edited by toothlessbrony


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Silverswisp offered a slightly timid wave at Shadow. Although he likes dragons, he had never quite met one face to face. "That's so cool..." Then the lightning bolt part registered in his mind. He blinked and gave Static a look of confusion. "Wait... you were a lightning bolt? But you're a pony."

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(just posted here to keep up, I'm using mobile, so I have to post to get to the end, but I guess...)

Shadow made a content sort of growl at Silverwisp's compliment.

Edited by toothlessbrony


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Silverwisp chuckled, grinning, and gave the area a once over. "So, no one's an extra crispy fried pony or dragon, and no one's dead. That's usually a good thing." Silver yawned. "Maybe we should get some sleep.... hey, speaking of which.... since you two aren't from around here, you could spend a night at my place. I've got a guest bed and a very comfy sleeping bag." he smiled invitingly. "But, uh... I don't have any mega-huge dragon basket beds..."

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Nightwing smiled " I'd love to have a stay over at somepony's house. I didn't really have many friends before... And don't worry about Shadow. He's fine sleeping outside"

Edited by toothlessbrony


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"Awesome!" Silver cracked a wide smile. "Then right this way, gentlecolts," he made a exaggerated bowing gesture back towards Ponyville. "I'm happy to take in guests, living alone can get pretty boring. I've even got left over cake we could attack! Trying to eat it all alone didn't go well."

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"Awesome!" Silver cracked a wide smile. "Then right this way, gentlecolts," he made a exaggerated bowing gesture back towards Ponyville. "I'm happy to take in guests, living alone can get pretty boring. I've even got left over cake we could attack! Trying to eat it all alone didn't go well."


Nightwing licked his lips. He had only had cake once in his life, and that was when he was a colt. "Awesome!" he said as he walked next to Silver with Shadow.

(low battery on my iPod, I'll be back in an hour or so, or I may be able to pop in every once and awhile.)


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