MoonSparkle 4 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 MoonSparkle Sat down watching her clock, "where is everyone today" she muttered to herself before getting up and pacing around her astronomy classroom. She let out a small sigh remembering last weeks failed class her purple tail twitching at the memory, I hope they don't forget their telescope again She thought before returning to her seat, she glanced at the clock again and frowned "why doesn't anyone come surely half eleven isn't late at all, well i'm not going to wait any more, theirs stars to explore" she ragged before glancing at her golden telescope, her horn started to glow a pale orange a lighter color compared to her body. She sat down and started to stargaze Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 ((dont have to sign up to do this??)) Flare bolt came into class carrying a bunch of stuff and hiss telescope. "Sorry that im late teacher i couldn't find have the stuff i have and its not easy carrying a telescope and extra stuff while flying" Flarebolt said as he sat down and setted everything else next to him Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 3, 2013 Author Share March 3, 2013 (dont know lol im new so i make my own topic, so i dont get another 15 warning points for posting in a rp im not allowed into lol) MoonSparkle looked up and frowned "that's ok, i would suggest you use magic to carry it all next time" she advised before lifting up her her head and picking her telescope up with a simple levitation spell, "so is anyone one else coming?" she asked with narrowed eyes "if its just the two of us then ill think we can study the moon until it sets in around five hours time" she told her student, "So flarebolt set up your stuff and look at the moon" she instructed, with a slight flick of her horn she caused the roof to open allowing moonlight to flood into the room, she then went back over to her telescope and started to align it with the moon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 ((oh ok)) "heh yeah problem is i dont know magic since im a Pegasus and not a unicorn" Flarebolt said setting up his telescope and aligning it with the moon. "there we go and this time i dont set it on fire" Flarebolt said before staring at the magnificence of the moon. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 3, 2013 Author Share March 3, 2013 MoonSparkle wondered how old this foal was, then again she thought everyone was a foal. "So what can you see?, and well done for not setting anything alight" she told him, she glanced at the moon again before turning back to him "so how old are you foal?" she asked blinking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "im 19...why do you ask" Flarebolt said staring at the moon. "Princess Luna doesn't slack off does she" Flarebolt said looking at his teacher. "Why do you ask" Flarebolt asked questioningly since this is the first time one of his teachers asked for his age Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 3, 2013 Author Share March 3, 2013 MoonSparkle frowned, "your older then me, and im still teaching you mehe" she grinned, "Princess luna probably not coming, shes rather busy i suppose" MoonSparkle sighed, she didn't answer his last question but she decided to test him "So can you tell me the difference between a constellation and a star chart?" she prompted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "Uhh the difference is that a constellation is the system the stars are Like Ursa Minor and a Star chart show you where the constellation locations are at...right" Flarebolt said giving his best guess for his teachers question. "im sorry im not good a astronomy...reason why im taking the class" Flarebolt said jokingly Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 3, 2013 Author Share March 3, 2013 She frowned didnt even knowing what he was on about, "erm yeah sure if you say so" she said before yawning, "so you want to become a astronomer and quit your day job?, if you have a job that is and don't be a lasy pony doing nothing like some certain pony's" she added thinking of celestria who normally sleeps during the night "well a star map is a map, but of the sky it was made on, a Consellation is a posh word for a group of stars in the specific pattern" she said before getting up, "are you hungry?, i made a cake" she informed getting bored of watching the moon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "Yeah im tired of my day job plus being a astronomer sounds intresting" Flarebolt said yawning. "oh yeah sur i would like som cake" Flarebolt said as he remember the other question and yawned. "i wonder how Luna can do this all night and not be tired" Flarebolt said looking at the moon again. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 3, 2013 Author Share March 3, 2013 "great, luna probably uses magic, i just sleep during the day" she explained as she got up, she walked over a large box and brought out a large burnt cake, she lifted it again with magic and placed it on the ground "Enjoy" she said with a smile and went back to her telescope using her magic to slowly push the plate towards Flarebolt and trying to push the burnt smell towards him "So whats your job?" she asked curiously still watching several stars from her telescope Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "oh my day job is just help selling candy at Bon Bons candy shop but im starting to get tired of selling candy and the i thought it would be a good idea to be a astronomer" Flarebolt explained as he ate a piece of the burnt cake. "I wont learn anything if i keep staring at the moon all night" Flarebolt said jokingly as he aligned it to look at the stars. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 3, 2013 Author Share March 3, 2013 MoonSparkle narrowed her eyes "how dare you say that, you can learn everything about the moon" she hissed, her horn started to glow orange causing the sky to become very cloudy and blatantly abusing her weather power, she then used her horn to pick Flare and his telescope and turned them upside down "enjoying the view?" she asked with a grin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "everything" Flare said questionably as he was being hung upside down. "Now can you please put me down i dont like being upside down" Flare said looking at the sky. "Its not supposed to rain today..." Flare said trying to reposition himself so he can get into the air so he can move the clouds Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 A red Pegasus ran in the room, with his stuff in his bag. "Sorry, I'm late! I had an emergency at Sugarcube corner!" He said. He put his stuff down and put his telescope next to the other telescope. "Where is everypony?" he asked. "I thought there would be more!" He began looking at the different stars. <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "Im here" Flare said still upside down. "Welcome to Astronomy my name is Flarebolt whats yours" Flarebolt asked as he waved at the pegasus who just came in. "Anyways can you put me down now teacher cause i think the blood is rushing to my head" Flarebolt said as he looked at the teacher. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "Um, hero of time. But you can call me Windwaker!" The Pegasus said. He picked up flare and put him down. Windwaker started reading a map of the school. "How many students are supposed to be here?" He asked. He held his hoof at him, indicating he wants a Hoofbump. <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "I dont know" Flare hoofbumped Windwaker. "All i know is that i thought i was the only one here the others are probably either sleeping or late" Flarebolt said. "Hey teacher how many ponies are supposed to be here anyways" Flarebolt said as he yawned again. "Classes during night...probably that is the reason not alot of ponies are here cause they are sleeping...what a waste of time for the night" Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 3, 2013 Author Share March 3, 2013 "oppsy" MoonSparkle said before allowing Flare the right way up, she glanced at Windwaker "your late, very late in fact so your going to be punished" she said with a evil smile, "well to answer your question theirs meant to be around ten of us, however Queen Chrysalis got held up for some reason and Luna cancled so theirs only going to be eight of us in total" she yawned She sat down rather mad that no one had shown up, she looked over at Flare and Wind, "one of you lucky ponys will become my apprentice tonight, your also going to be learning specific magic by me if you pass my test, the test is you have to tell me somthing about the moon that stands out to you" she told them MoonSparkle then used her magic to levitate a small black orb around herself Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "WAIT QUEEN CHRYSALIS!!!" Flare yelled surprised at the sound of the queen of changelings name. "I thought she was never allowed near Equestria" Flare asked as he saw the black orb. "Whats the orb for and also how can we pegasus learn magic" Flare also asked confused about learning magic Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 Windwaker grabs his sonic screwdriver and presses a button, releasing a blade. "If this "punishment" is anything like princess molestia's, well, lets just say you won't be present in this class." He said, with a serious look. He walked to his desk, but still keeping his guard up, waiting for this "punishment" Moon was planning. "Also, magic? I'm a freaking Pegasus!" [Hey, moonsparkle, is alicorns allowed in this?] <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 Windwaker grabs his sonic screwdriver and presses a button, releasing a blade. "If this "punishment" is anything like princess molestia's, well, lets just say you won't be present in this class." He said, with a serious look. He walked to his desk, but still keeping his guard up, waiting for this "punishment" Moon was planning. "Also, magic? I'm a freaking Pegasus!" [Hey, moonsparkle, is alicorns allowed in this?] ((She is a alicorn)) "P-Princess Molestia" Flare shudders at the thought of her. "Please let it not be like that and also where did you gaet a sonic screwdriver Wind" Flare said as he went into his own bag. "apparently i didnt bring it with me just great" Flare said disappointed as he pulled out many things like a lantern and a match. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 Wind takes of his hat to reveal a horn. "Flare, that's none of your concern. But if you REALLY want to know, come closer to me, and I will whisper it to you." Wind said to flare. (All of you: where the heck did that hat come from? Magic. SNORT SNORT it's a mr bean reference. Get over it.) <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 3, 2013 Author Share March 3, 2013 "anyone can use magic, you just need this" MoonSparkle grinned using her magic to bring a big black book from the corner of the room, its got loads of stuff in here "Chrysalis gave it to me along with my golden telescope, shes nice like that" she explained opening the black book, she then started to read the page titles "no dont want floods, or tornado's and i don't think the plague will do it either, ahha their we go magical transformation" she finished She looked at Flare ok you can become a unicorn for a little bit she informed him before saying several magic words, her horn flashed orange causing several large orange clouds to close around Flare, several seconds later the clouds dispersed leaving flare with a small white horn present on his forehead, however he had lost his wings in the process. "ah that does sometimes happen when i read from this book, it tends not to work in the way i intended but then again i shouldnt have made you a unicorn at all, but then again it could be worse because i could have caused you to be a alicorn like me" she grinned, MoonSparkle then looked at the book again, "it says your going to be like this for several days" she informed him MoonSparkle then looked at Wind, "you want to become a earth pony?" she asked Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 "Several" Flare before he accidentally shot a bolt of fire into the air. " i can use magic temporarily" Flare said as he puts the lantern away and the matches."Though i wish i didnt lose my wings" Flare said as he looked as his now wingless back. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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