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"Now, where can I find my friends? It's day and I really need to catch up with them. And I need to hold to our end of the agreement. If you wouldn't mind, take on your pony form, please," Splash instructed Metamorph.

The tall prince zapped his shorter stallion disguise on. He was a black unicorn with teal hair and an occasional white feathers marked down his flank. His cutie mark was a chrysalis.

"Ready. Let's go find your friends," Metamorph said. "Be sure to call me Metaphor. I don't want too many suspicions up. Not that anypony really knows me, though."

Splash headed out of the alley and used a finder spell. She found her friends chatting as if they hadn't missed her.

"Um, hey guys. Sorry I'm late," Splash cleared her throat. "I was finding a friend. I am pleased to introduce my friend, Metaphor. He's a bit antisocial, so I decided it was time for him to make friends."

The tall black unicorn waved a hoof at the group from behind her shyly.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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After about 30 minutes of practice, Thunder Dash went out for a while. He wasn't all that hungry. His plan was to go to the Hard Rock Cafe during dinner time, since that was when there was the most activity and the best of bands. He found out that the more beginner bands came in the morning and noontime, and the advanced bands came in the evening and nighttime. 

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Flare ordered some food at the cafe and was appoached by some random mare. "Um excuse me were you the one who preformed yesterday" The mare asked. "Yes I did why do you ask" Flare said. "You were so good yesterday i work for a music director and I wated to know if you want a sponsor" The mare asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Hay Flare can I come with you pleases but it's your chose (I would like to come with you) So if I am coming with you then were are we going I would like to know where we are going to maybe we can talk while we are going there so what would you like to talk about.

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((Im already here Luna))


"Im not sure I plan on moving back to ponyville" Flare said before the mare interruppted. "We take tours over the world wven ponyville you made a band then its settle" the mare said giving Flare a card and leaving. "Um ok...bye" Flare said seeing the mare trot off

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(sorry i ment to post that earlier but Doctor Who was destacting me) Ok that was weird so what do you think Flare that you are going to tell that mare the next time that you see her but I dout that she would even lesson to you in the first place even if you tell her yes.

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"I dont know I mean I dont even have a band...excpet I do but so far it seems like they forgot" Flare said as his food came by...."So what should I even accepct it or not" Flare asked Luna not  sure who what to do. "Maybe I should go get the others and see what they even say"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Milly saw Splash come in "Hey Splash! i was wondering where you were!" Milly said and saw the new pony "Hey Metaphor! you and Splash want to come with me to look at some places? Most ponies already left...We get to go wherever we want!" Milly said thinking about where she would wanna go 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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As the day went by, Thunder Dash continued to practice for the evening sit-in at the Hard Rock Cafe. He then went to the Manehatten park and found some ponies jamming with their guitars. He decided to join in and left the park with two new friends: Gold String and Melody Breeze. 

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Well Flare it's your desion but you did say that you want to go back to Ponyvill, oh I know when you are done with school and if you really want to then you can tell the mare yes but for right now don't even answer her entill your ready to and maybe you can have some friends come with you.

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"Thanks Luna" Flare said as he got up and headed twords the exit. "Lets head somewhere else Luna this place isn't exactly a good place for music" Flare said as he left the area and headed twords the park. "I wonder what Milly, Splash, and Thunder are doing" Flare said to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Thunder Dash had left the park and heading to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. When he got there, he was filled with the sound of sweet Rock and Roll. He then found a seat and order a hamburger and fries. After eating, he went to the stage where some musicians were performing. He made his electric guitar and amp appear and waited until the song currently playing had ended. He then asked if he could sit in on the performance. They said yes. He was assigned rhythm guitar and was able to solo several times, which ponies were clapping and cheering. After performing with the band for several songs, it was time to return to the hotel. Thunder Dash went back to the hotel and reviewed some of his compositions. 

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Your welcome Flare and . . . Oh I think that we just passed Tunder Bolt but he might be going to the place that we just left so lets keep going so we are going to the park right so when we get there what are we going to do and well what are we going to do all day?

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"I want to play a song with you actually" Flare said as they arrived at the park. "You know how to sing or play an instrement " Flare asked as he pulled out his guitar and strummed it a few times. "I was think a Pinkie Pie song if that's ok with you Luna" Flare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Oh I play the clarinet and I sing to its a good thing that I have my intruament with me right now but I can sing if you want me to, and I don't mind Pinke Pie songs I actually really like them a lot so what song are we going to play first, ok then so lets get started.

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"How about smile" Flare said as he started to play the song on his guitar. "Feel free to join in at any time Luna" Flare said as he started to sing along. "Maybe I should give this necklace to her...maybe not im not sure" Flare thought as he continued singing and playing.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok *starts playing with him* (wow I can't how good we sound playing this song together, I wonder if anyother ponies will get to hear the songs that we play today, I'm glade that I came with him today, well at least we are having a great time today nothing unusual)

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"Sure, Milly! I'd love to introduce Metaphor to the rest of our friends, first. Care to join me?" Splash said.

Milly nodded and they set out. They found Flare and spotted Luna quickly.

"Hey! Flare! Luna! I found you guys!" Splash called to them. "There's somepony that I want you to meet. This is metaphor. He's friendless."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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*stops playing* Oh hi and hello Metaphor it's nice to meet you I'm Luna Flower but pleases don't mistake me as Princess Luna I really hate it when that happens, but well . . . maybe Flare and I can finish playing songs later anyways why and how are you at the park?

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Flare stopped playing and notice Splashes friend. "Oh well nice to meet you Metaphor my name is Flare" Flare said smiling. "Do you play an instrument or something or sing" Flare asked as he puts his guitar away and then remembered. "Oh I got this card from some random mare that works with a music director I was wondering if Milly wanted to see of the band we made would like to accept what should I do"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I play all instruments and sing as well, not to boast," Metaphor said shyly. He didn't want to seem above everypony or overconfident. They'd think he was a snob. He smiled up at Flare. Well, his mother had made sure to teach him the very best at everything before she dies, hoping that he'd follow her. But he hadn't. He wanted friends. Like his drean girl. Like Twilight.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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So Metaphor what is your favorite instrument or and I can play every instrument to but I manly play the clarinet because its my favorite I think that we are going to be good friends and Flare just so you know this does not ruin our friendship at all.

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"I know im not like other ponies plus Metaphor and I are friends too right" Flare said unsure if him and Metaphor are friends or not. "Also what instrument do you love to play also Meta...thats a good nickname if thats ok with you Meta" Flare said now coming up with the nickname

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Metaphor made a weird noise with his throat.

"I play the........changeling hapimode best," he whispered. Oh great. Now they'd know. He smiled and looked pitifully like Fluttershy as he sunk slowly to the ground. He wished he had said something else. What an idiot he was!

"You can call me whatever you want." he expected names to be called at him.

Edited by Luna Shy

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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You are a very assume pony and I'm very happy to meet you today now I really really really really want to be your friend so what do you say Metaphor do you want to be my friend and oh did I tell you that my cutie mark is a music note if any of the ponies didn't know.

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