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Salutations. Incoherent rambling incoming.


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Hey, uglybad speaking. Just thought I would post stuff to try and raise my post count. Being a blank flank doesn't do me any good at the lil' filly's school. Stupid Diamond Tiara.

I am a brony as of late 2012. I have seen every current episode, from beginning of season 1 to the ending of (the disappointing) season 3. I haven't lost faith in the show yet though. Far from that.

I've been very interested in the brony fandom, even long before I decided to try the show. You know, the typical thought of "grown men liking a girls' show being creepy and pedophilic." Now I find myself usually checking Equestria Daily, mostly eyeing the Drawfriend posts. I don't do clopping, however. I keep my hooves clean.

I've been wanting to make something epic to contribute to the fandom for awhile now, but I find myself with an array of problems: I suck at drawing, I can't animate, I can't program a video game, etc. So yeah, kinda scrapped that idea.

One of my favorite PMVs is "Picture Perfect Pony." My show song favorite is "Winter Wrap Up," which in my honest opinion is one of the best songs in the series.

I've read the fanfiction Cupcakes; I'm a wimp to graphical text and I hated it. I don't plan on reading this "Rainbow Factory" fiction either.

And one last thing: wub.png is my favorite pony. derpy_emoticon1.png also wins a spot there.

So yeah. I didn't really type this for any specific reason. Just to increase post count.


  • Brohoof 3
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Hello uglybad, pleasure to meet you!  You sound like a pretty friendly brony, and I hope you enjoy your time on the forums and make some good friends.  Oh, and concerning your creativity conundrum; have you considered writing fanfictions?  I couldn't figure out what to do for the longest time either, but I finally turned to writing a fanfiction since I'm a pretty good writer, and so far it's worked out great!  Just thought that might help you out a little.  Well, enjoy your time here!  Later! smile.png


Edited by Batbrony
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Hello uglybad, pleasure to meet you!  You sound like a pretty friendly brony, and I hope you enjoy your time on the forums and make some good friends.  Oh, and concerning your creativity conundrum; have you considered writing fanfictions?  I couldn't figure out what to do for the longest time either, but I finally turned to writing a fanfiction since I'm a pretty good writer, and so far it's worked out great!  Just thought that might help you out a little.  Well, enjoy your time here!  Later! img-1293047-1-smile.png



Thanks! I am actually a pretty good writer but seriously lack ideas. My creative imagination sucks with this kind of thing.

Thanks for the welcome song.... but you still revealed my baldness. That, my friend, is unforgivable.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sup, uglybad.


Just from reading this topic I can tell you're a pretty funny guy, so I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends here.


As BatBrony suggested, writing fanfiction is always something you could try, although I see that you apparently are lacking in the idea department. If you ask around, I'm sure somepony here can help you with your idea shortage.


*Takes a puff on pipe*

I'd certainly being willing to help you with ideas if you ever asked. Anywho, I welcome you to the site, and I hope that you'll come in and start discussing and making new friends.

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Greetings, PrettyGood! I Refuse to insult you, even if it is your username! :3


Welcome to our glorious forums here! If you like ponies, you will like this place. There are ponies EVERYWHERE! I'm confident you will find this place to your liking, and I hope you will stick with us for a long time to come. :3

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Thanks for all of this positive feedback. Lol, I didn't think something so pointless would get so many positive greetings. derpy_emoticon2.png

Oh, would you look at that... I'm a muffin now! LIFE ACCOMPLISHED!

Edited by uglybad
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Haha. I wouldn't get to caught up in ranks, in the end it really doesn't matter a whole lot.


Anyways sup! Welcome to the forums, glad to have you!


You don't have to make something big for the fandom, just being a nice well mannered member is fine! :)

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