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open Hailfire Crew Training RP (modern military)

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Standoff shut off the radio and turned on the PA system. "Attention, all units. C is down. I repeat, the Clean Team has been taken off the books." He turned to Red, his friend and co-leader. "I'll take vone, you can have ze osser."


0500 HOURS


The alarm woke Colton and Quinky. They got to getting dressed and going for their first lesson...


(1. Grammar. Thank you.)

(2. My word is law. You have a problem, PM me.)

(3. No godmodding/instant hits. Self-explanatory.)

(4. If you break any of the above rules, you get one warning. You do it again, you're out. No exceptions.)

Edited by Face-to-face Manface



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Quinky zipped on his uniform. He had waited for a long time for this day. He had also worked hard to get to where he was. He gobbled down a quick breakfast before marching proudly out of his dorm and down the hall. He nearly tripped but caught himself with his wings as he had been taught. He regained his composure and continued his long walk. He suddenly remembered role call and took a right down a long corridor and into the courtyard. Many other stallions and a couple ponies were waiting patiently at attention for the leaders and the other students. Quinky proudly took his place. A couple of teachers stood facing their pupils. One of them actually looked younger than he. She had her jaw clinched and eyes alert but ignored everypony around her including the students.

"Wait, you're a teacher? You can't be! You're far too small!" one of the arrogant stallions pointed.

The pony's eyes suddenly locked on the stallion and she snatched his leg, twisted him into the air, and slammed him hard against the ground. The stallion moaned in shock and pain as the teacher regained her pose. Quinky's jaw dropped alongside many other students'. Did that pony just whoop...what the heck? Quinky noticed a commander marching down the rows inspecting each student. Quinky quickly returned to his position as well. Today was gonna be a long day...

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Do you knuckle-headed, bottle-sucking greenies think you're soldiers?" Red didn't wait for Standoff to continue before starting. "Vell, you are NOT! Zat is vy ve are here!" "As you know, the Clean Team is off the books. This means we're going to have to train you morons to at least LOOK like you're Hailfires! You, with me." He pointed at Quinky. "You, vis me!" Red pointed at Colton. "After the first combat lessons, you are with Endgame!" "After ze first combat lessons, you are vis Silver Bark!" "Follow me!" "Zis vay, dummkopf!"

Edited by Face-to-face Manface



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Quinky Bolts gulped. He knew what they had meant. He glanced nervously at Silver Bark as he trotted past her. She glared at him forcefully. He followed his mentors beside Colton. I wonder what class she teaches. She's not so bad looking, just a bit intimidating.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Colton grinned as he trotted beside Red.  He was too confident for what he was in store for. I've got this, he thought. 


He felt like an equal with the admiral as if he were absorbing his authority.  I'm gonna trash all of 'em!  Regardless of his actual rank, in his mind, he was above them all.


He flexed his wings as he strutted beside the leader.  He winked at Quinky as they ventured farther down the track.


Signature by dear Sir Lunashy, a pony everypony should know.


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@ @


Standoff and Quinky stepped into a room that looked like a dojo, filled with punching bags, piles of things and the like. Standoff walked straight for an old-style boxing ring and invited Quinky in too.

"Okay, some ground rules. The first rule is, when it comes to fighting, there are no rules. EVERYTHING is fair when you're fighting for your life. Second rule. If you talk back to me, I won't punish you. I WILL, however, assume you know more about the subject I'm teaching than I do, and challenge you to a duel. Comprender? Oh, and one other thing. You're going to be sparring with me, because we only take one student at a time. You've seen how well that goes. Speaking of sparring, you're going to have to do some now." He fluidly stepped into a fighting stance. "Hit me. I dare you."


Red ushered Colton into a dark room and closed the door. He flicked a light on and looked at Colton. "I can tell you sink you're somesink. Who knows, maybe you actually are. Remember zis, sough, colt. I may teach ranged combat, but I'm a good multitasker, so zey put me in charge of interrogation too." Red grinned wickedly. "If at any point I think you are not appreciatink my teachings, I vill hammer thumbtacks into ze bottoms of your hooves und make you run laps. I'm goink to teach you humility."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Colton stared at Red like he was covered in ants. "You'll what?"

He looked around the room. It was adorned with all kinds of weapons, some he had never even heard of before.

"So... What now? Aren't you gonna teach me to kick ass?!"

Red stared at the colt hard. Colton didn't back down.

"I wanna start trashing bozos! Now! Ive got the moves!l". Colton bucked at the air. Red didn't flinch.


Signature by dear Sir Lunashy, a pony everypony should know.


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"I don't teach hoof-to-hoof. Schtandoff does. I vill teach you ze fine art of marksmanship. Now, I'm assumink you've fired a gun before?" Red didn't wait for an answer before continuing. "Good. Take zis." He took a revolver out of one of his many vest pockets, then gave it to Colton. Pointing downrange, he said, "Okay, you see zat target down at ze fifty-yard mark? Try und hit it."

Edited by Face-to-face Manface



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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   Colton rolled his eyes at Red.  Never shot a gun before? He mocked as he swiped the gun from Red's hooves, Of course I have.  


He lied.


He raised the gun and pointed it forward cooly, trying his best to be smooth.  He was good at hiding his fear.  In actuality, Red terrified him.  The very thought of dissappointing him made a drop of sweat drip from his chin.  He aimed the gun at the target, a whole fifty yards away.  His became dizzy as he strained to focus.  


Elbows straight, he shot the gun.  It jolted him backwards, his body shaken by recoil.  The sound of the blast rang in his ears and shuddered through his body.  He stood frozen with the gun in his hooves, his body shaking violently.  


Signature by dear Sir Lunashy, a pony everypony should know.


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Red whistled appreciatively. "You are eiser very skilled or very lucky. Zat vas a good hit. Give it here." Red took the revolver and pointed it downrange, sighted, and fired. He handed Colton a pair of short-range binoculars. "Back middle is vere I aimed. I can see from here it vas a bulls-eye. Vone thing about zese targets-ze bulls-eye is ze size of a .38 Special bullet. Hope you can aim vell. Now, I sort of lied ven I said I don't do hoof-to-hoof. I have to gauge your hooffightink prowess before I can grade you. Don't vorry, I'll go easy on you." Red stomped a back hoof to brace and waited.


Edited by Face-to-face Manface



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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   He was still dizzy from the sound of the gunshot.  It rang in his ears and down his spine.  He shook his head and tried to focus as he rose from the ground.  He looked at his teacher's stance, the readiness in his eyes.  He came to a comfortable position and looked down.  He gathered himself.  His eyes flashed red as he took a swing at the lieutenant with his right hoof and shouted.


Signature by dear Sir Lunashy, a pony everypony should know.


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Quinky slowly slunk into the rink.

"Um, sir, I'm wise enough not to hit you anytime else. I...(sigh) here goes," Quinky stuttered.

He twisted himself and kicked a hoof up at Standoff which Standoff coolly dodged. With the kick, Quinky had left his center open and Standoff knocked him to the ground with a quick jab. Quinky tried to recover quickly but ended up stepping on his wing and collapsing.

"Sorry, sir. I'll do better next time. I promise!" Quinky squeaked as he scrambled to his feet.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Red simply grabbed the hoof. "Seriously? Your eyes go all red ven you punch somevone? Zat... is goink to be an issue. Go get cleaned up, und zen go get lunch. Ve resume tomorrow." He noticed Colton's confusion when Red said 'clean up'. In answer, he flipped Colton onto the ground. "Come back soon! A hah hah."

Quinky slowly slunk into the rink.

"Um, sir, I'm wise enough not to hit you anytime else. I...(sigh) here goes," Quinky stuttered.

He twisted himself and kicked a hoof up at Standoff which Standoff coolly dodged. With the kick, Quinky had left his center open and Standoff knocked him to the ground with a quick jab. Quinky tried to recover quickly but ended up stepping on his wing and collapsing.

"Sorry, sir. I'll do better next time. I promise!" Quinky squeaked as he scrambled to his feet.

"Here's a tip. Try to keep your wings folded when you swing. If I'd wanted to, I could have just snapped them instead of dodging. I think you have promise, but you need to figure some things out. For one, I'm not your master. In here, we're equals. Now, try again. Fold the wings."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Quinky tightly pressed his wings against his body and held them there as he tried a more simple move. He still ended up on the floor, but his wings never got in the way. He smiled up at Standoff and tried again. He tried a variety of kicks, as he had been taught, in random order. His former trainer had told him to do that so the enemy couldn't predict his next move.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Quinky tightly pressed his wings against his body and held them there as he tried a more simple move. He still ended up on the floor, but his wings never got in the way. He smiled up at Standoff and tried again. He tried a variety of kicks, as he had been taught, in random order. His former trainer had told him to do that so the enemy couldn't predict his next move.

"Okay, you have the stuff you've been taught down pat. Now's the time I start hitting back." Noting the look on Quinky's face, he elaborated. "I was nudging you before, you were so off-balance. Now I'm going to make you off-balance myself. Start any way you like. We're not the army, we can do different ideas."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"Just, like, strike a pose or attack you?" Quinky asked. There were so many things he was uncertain of. But this he was sure he did not want to do. Standoff was a military expert for crying out loud! Quinky steeled himself, prayed silently, and pounced at Standoff.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Standoff sidestepped and brought a knee down hard on Quink's back, driving him to the floor. "Not bad, not bad! You're already better. You're telegraphing your punches, though. I knew when you were going to hit me because you exhaled hard. Try not to do anything obvious. I've been told I move my leg back before I hit somepony. I wouldn't know, though. Try again."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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I wonder... Tactical espionage curriculum. Can I put excessive amounts of pain on the rubric? She frowned at her equipment. It didn't way very much, and it wasn't supposed to. Not initially. Let's go see if the shooting range is clear. If I do nothing else, I will hit the middle of the stupid 300 yard target with this idiot gun if it's the last thing I do. She picked up the revolver with her hoof, and frowned. What idiot wants to use a glorified hand-canon in espionage? Somepony should nail their ears to the wall. She huffed and holstered the weapon, trotting down to the shooting range. A disgruntled pony with a distinct mane was leaving dirtied. She couldn't help but smile.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Red was still at the range when Lunar showed up. TEC-9 in hoof, he glanced over and resumed firing at the fifty-yard target, using short bursts. "Just seeink how it handles, got it on ze removal op a veek or so ago. Schtill don't realize vich veapon is ze best, I see! Schtupid L96. Too bulky, too obvious of a profile, too verdammt loud..."

Edited by Face-to-face Manface



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"And reliable and accurate. Bolt-action, one-shot one-kill weapon. Available silencer for my Germane friend," she replied, screwing it on. "At least it isn't that vehicle-mounted slug-shucker you like to call a weapon. What was it, and M40? And you called my gun loud." She set the rifle to the side and took the safety off the revolver. "For some reason, somepony confused my gun order. 10mm turned into 45. You didn't have anything to do with that, do you Red?" She took aim at the 50, to warm up.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"I'm just goink to point out that the M40 is actually smaller zen ze L96, dummkopf. I do see your point, sough. But ze M40 is a jack-of-all-trades. Punches holes in ponies, vehicles, light to heavy cover... How about zis. Ze next time ve're on an op togesser, ve can svitch rifles. Eh?" Red turned back to the target, putting a nasty little clump of holes in the CoM area of the target.

(OOC: Twentieth post! BOW DOWN TO YOUR GOD!)

Edited by Face-to-face Manface



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"Mmm, and maybe you'll buy me a drink," she said sarcastically. She aimed the pistol and let off a few rounds. "How was your last op anyway? Did you have to many nasty spills on your way to the target?" She smiled through the barrel as she shot at the 100. The PIA was going to regret the day the sold her out. All she had to do is find out who did it.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Quiet, you. Do I need to remind you about ze Manehattan Fiasco again? Remember zat? Ve don't have ze money to vaste on failure, Dusk. Ve're goink srough some hard times at ze moment, but vord in ze Ops room is zat somesink big's comink down ze tubes. Lots of sabre rattlink going on in ze Middle East at ze moment. Speakink of vich, zere's a minor job comink from Prance, spot removal deal. Diplomat. You in?"



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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She took out the sniper and checked over, lovingly flicking dirt off the stock with the tip of her hoof, "How much?" She sighted it down range, checking the wind and doing some quick math. 2 clicks left. 500 yards. Middle of the target. She waited for his answer patiently.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Vone hundred sousand on accept, two on completion. Now, ze issue is, zere's a summit meetink in ze next veek, und ze diplomat's got quite a guard. Best ve can do is keep zem from knowink who did it." Red put down the TEC-9 and picked up a jar filled with gunpowder. It wasn't standard kit, but it was effective, and you could always use practice.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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