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Maybe I should go this way then I would find the filly oh I just hope that Flare is ok right now and that he is farther then I am because I'm nowhere and I'm not where I'm suppose to be well I'm suppose to be helping the filly and I feel like I'm trapped inside a maze to maybe we are.

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Flare pulled out his phone and called Luna. "Luna i found the filly but she is in a cage...she's also knocked out problem is i can't open the cage or break open the bars" Flare said as he studied the cage a bit more. "Go down the hall i went down and hurry...I don't want to be here when the shadows appear"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok I'm coming as fast as I can and have a plan that just might open that cage but I'm not sure if its going to work or not so we will see when I get there. *runs as fast as she can* Ok I think that I'm almost there because I do see Flare but he is so small from where I am.

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Flare looks down the hallway he entered the room from and sees Luna. "Good she's here...let's just hope her plan does work cause I dont have anything else to think of that won't attract any attention" Flare said as some of the plans he came up with were a bit dangerous.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok Flare move away from the cage if this doesn't work then I don't know what will. *runs into the cage on purpose* Well it looks like my plan dident work and now I'm just dizzy so now what are we going to do Flare maybe buck the cage open *tries to buck the cage but miss it*

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Flare facehoofed. "What made you think running into it would make it open" Flare asked. "Hold on let me try this" Flare said as he pulled out the key he used to enter the tv world with Luna. "Maybe this will....nope" Flare said seeing as the key didnt work. "That's it time to try some dangerous Izanagi grab the cage" Flare said as his persona grabbed the cage. "Let's get out of here and take the cage with us" Flare said as he headed twords the exit.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well I don't know, and I think that your idea is really better thin mine well of curse all of your plans are better thin mine and why are yours always better and why don't mine plans work, well I guess that I'm a failure at plans then, if I'm not good with plans then I'm not really good at saving ponies either.

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"Your saying this to a pony who almost die and plus you saved me so dont say your not good at saving ponies heck half my other plans I tried didnt open the cage at all" Flare said as he tried to reassure Luna. "Also  maybe we can try opening this cage in our world instead of here"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Yay that might work and thank you for reassuring me and I guess that I can go a little over board on things like that so how exactly are we going to go back to our world anyways are we going to use the key again or what's the plan right now do you know how to get back.

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"We use the key again" Flare said as he pulled out the key and opened a portal. "Ok Izanagi drop the cage" Flare said as his persona dropped the cage and Flare pushed it into the portal. "There now let's go" Flare said as he entered the portal to his house. "Ok now we can try to open this cage"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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But are you sure that it will open now and while we are opening the cage try not to wake up the little filly oh I guess she's a blank flank I fell sorry for her it must be really hard for her at school if see has a blank flank and I wonder what her cutie mark will be.

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"Who knows all I know is that we need a lock pick and a screwdriver" Flare said as this idea just came to him. "I'm gonna try and pick the lock since we are trying to not wake the little filly" Flare said as he seen lock picking before and read up on it. "Plus it's the only silent way I can think of"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well you might be able to get a silent screwdriver and that might help us or we can go to Zecora in the Everfree Forest if all else fails then I don't know what else we can do so let's try this plan now and see if it works just as long as we get the little filly free.


Well you might be able to get a silent screwdriver and that might help us or we can go to Zecora in the Everfree Forest if all else fails then I don't know what else we can do so let's try this plan now and see if it works just as long as we get the little filly free.

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Flare made a makeshift lock pick from a bobby pin he found lying around and a screwdriver. "Okay so I just insert this here and then i put in the screw driver and turn the lock slowly and...." The makeshift lock broke with made Flare a bit angry. "DANG IT" Flare then covered his mouth hoping he didn't wake the little filly

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Like I said if that doesn't work thin we can bring the cage to Zecora and she can open it for us here ill carry it and now we are on our way to the Everfree Forest to find Zecora so she can help us onen it so lets go right now (I hope that this plan will work we will see)

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"Won't it be strange to see two ponies carrying a cage with a little filly that was just kidnapped" Flare said knowing they could be framed for this when they didn't do it. "How about we bring Zecora here cause I don't want to be framed for something I didn't do" Flare said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok that is a better idea *puts the cage down* wow this filly can sleep thourgh a lot of things, ok let's go to Zecora's place *walking to Zecora's place* ok we are almost there and you know that we might have to tell her about the whole thing of the tv world so that she will understand that we didn't take the filly.

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"Yeah...That might be a good idea" Flare said as they arrived at Zecora's hut. "Hello Zecora we need some help and also there is something you need to know before we show you whats wrong" Flare said as he inhaled and then talked as fast as Pinkie Pie does and when he was finished he was panting heavily. "I am never talking that fast again...so will you help us"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Tying to rhme like Zecora) Zecora: I see the problem that you have and I can fix it in a sec. Luna: Thank you Zecora now lets go to Aqua's house. *walking to Aqua's house* Luna: Ok were here now so Zecora do you think that you can open the cage. Zecora: The lock is tricky yes in dead but I have a plan to fix this key.

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"Uh how did you get into my house" Aqua said with Sparkz right next to him. "Oh you had a spare key and plus we needed this place for a reason sorry for not telling you Aqua" Flare said. "It's ok...just dont break anything alright" Aqua said as he headed outside with Sparkz.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Wrong house sorry about that I meant Flare's house I got the two roleplays mixed together) Luna: Ok now we just have to wait for Zecora to figure out how to open the cage. Zecora: It's hard to open that is true but a made key will do the trick. Luna: Hay Flare do you still have that key with you the one that we used to go to the tv world.

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"I already tried that...then again maybe it would work now.." Flare said as he pulled out the key. "This better work...hopefully" Flare said opening the cage with the key. "wait...WHAT" Flare yelled and covered his mouth hoping not to wake the filly. "This key didn't work before when I tried it but now it worked"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Luna: Well it's ok at least we got it opened thank you Zecora for helping us. Zecora: You are very welcome indeed and if you need help you can just tell me again. Luna: Well now that we got that solved the little filly can now go home when she wakes up. (Now I don't have to rhyme for a while)

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"Well im going to get rid of this cage" Flare said picking up the cage and throwing it outside somewhere. "There...now what about her..we dont know where she lives" Flare said feeling bad for the filly being dragged into the tv world. "Maybe we should loo and see who's missing a filly

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Yah we should have watched the news more so we could have gotten more infermation about the filly and her family and friend and who she is and what she likes maybe the news is still on so let's turn on the tv and see if we can get anymore information about her.

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