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open Help me with the animals


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Aquaris thought about making a dog house for Sparkz later since he doesn't have any bits with him right now that he only has ramen to make for dinner. "Maybe i should have thought about how much food I got for all the animals cause I got no bits with me right now" Aquaris sighed as he finished making ramen.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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I can't believe that I spent all of my bits already well it's worth it now I can build my house its been so long science I lived in one ok I have a blueprint but no don't worry about it I will be able to make my house just as long that no pony would like to go to the beach to I wonder why I'm living so close to it anyways oh well.

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Aquaris thought about falling asleep even though he though going to the beach would be better since he only lives like 2 blocks away from it he was too tired to even move and so...he fell asleep on his couch. "Good night Sparkz" Aquaris said as he fell asleep.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok Celia I think that the house should look like this well maybe not I don't know but no other ponys now that I live hear well I don't want them to know right now all but Futtershy thinks that I live with her as a good friend that she is helping but they are wrong well time to fix the house.

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Aquaris woke up agai seeing Sparkz asleep he heads to the beach. "I cant go to sleep...im glad Sparkz can but i just can" Aquaris said as he arrived at the beach and heard construction he looked around but didnt see any thing except a house being made. "It's probably nothing" Aquaris said as he sat in the sand and watched the ocean.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ugh this is so annoying I why can't I build the house right and it seams that no matter how hard I try its ether leaning to far to the left or to far to the right I think that I officially now hate building houses but I can't give up yet I have to live in a house.

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Aquaris heard a familiar voice and looked to see Luna making the house. "Uh...Hello" Aquaris said as he walked up to Luna. "Um is there a problem Luna cause you sound like your having troubles with something" Aquaris said as he looked at the house. "Pretty neat house you have here"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ah hay don't scare me like that and your not supposed to be here because . . . Ok you found out about part of my secret I do live here but no other ponies but the mayer and now you know that i live here and well today my goal is to finally build my house but I'm having trouble with that and no matter what I do it either leans to far to the left or to far to the right and I really need some help and pleases don't tell Flare about this I think that he might kill me if he ever found out.

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"Why would I tell Flare" Aquaris said looking at the house. "Your using too many materials on one side you need to do both sides evenly by starting in the middle and going either left or right then once your done with the frame you need to make sure it's sturdy so it doesn't lean to any side" Aquaris said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well scence you are Flares friend that's what I thought and I really do need so help but I didn't want anypony to now that I didn't have a house yet and well it's just a terrible mistake that I made and maybe you should help me with the house because I really do need the help and I was a fool to not see that earlier.

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"Sure I can help you out" Aquaris said. "Also I helped Flare build his own house...though he doesn't want anyone to know he had help so make sure he doesn't know i told you about that or he might hurt me" Aquaris said knowing he meant to keep that secret but it slipped out of his mouth.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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That's ok just as long as you don't tell him about you helping me build my house we will both be just fine ok now lets get started on building the house but Celia has to move out of the way first ok Celia come over hear then sit and stay *walks back to the unfinished house* ok let's get started.

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"Alright..." Aquaris said as he started helping on building the house. "So...why didn't you ask for help in the first place Luna' Aquaris asked wondering why she would try this on her own. "I mean you don't have to answer if you dont want to im just curious" Aquaris said trying not to sound suspicious.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well I thought that I could handle this by myself and know how that turned out I guess that I was wrong and I do need help with things like this and it was a stupid idea that I had we'll I think that the house will be build better with a pony that knows what they are doing.

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"Well glad I came over...since I couldn't even sleep at my own house I thought of coming over to the beach...didn't think you would be here...or living here for that matter" Aquaris said as he finished the left side of the house. "Okay i finished the left side of the house"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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That's good and I'm just about finished with the right side of the house and this time I didn't mess up at all yay and thank you so much for helping me build the house I really am glade that you came even if it was an accident things turned out better then before.

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"No problem Luna im glad that I could help you out" Aquaris said while smiling. "Do you need help with anything else before I head back home" Aquaris asked as he yawned. "If not i'll just head on home...see you tomorrow" Aquaris said as he started to head home.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok bye see you tomorrow and don't forget about the play date for our pets tomorrow Celia is very excised for the play date *Celia waging her tail* well I guess that we will see you tomorrow then and don't forget to get some good night sleep it sounds like you need it.

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"Don't worry i won't forget" Aquaris said as he walked home. "Tomorrows the play date hopefully Sparkz will be on his best behavior" Aquaris said as he arrived home and passed out on his bed. Next morning Aquaris woke up with Sparkz on top of him. "Well good morning Sparkz

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok see you tomorrow Aqua. Oh good morning Celia I bet that you are very excised to go on the play date today so let me get ready and we will go to the park and meet up with Aqua and Sparks ok now lets get going Celia we don't want to be late for the play date.

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"Let's go Sparkz we need to head to the park and meet with Luna for the play date" Flare said as he and Sparkz headed twords the park. "Well we're here...but where is Luna" Aquaris said looking at Sparkz nd Sparkz looked back at him and barked. "Yeah I guess we did get here late"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Oh sorry for being late Fluttershy was having a pick nick with some animals and asked me to find a few berries for them so I did and now I'm hear and I did bring a few of those berries with me and Fluttershy have me a few of her special berries to that she feeds the animals with.

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"Oh it's ok Luna im just glad you got here" Aquaris said as Sparkz walked up to Celia. "Well what are we gonna do first with our pets" Aquaris said as Sparkz came back to him and sat down. "Anyways it's great that you got here wouldn't want to be out here and wait and you not be here"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well maybe we can have them play fetch but we need to tech Sparkz how to fetch though and even though he is a timblr wolf the is still in the dog bread and the same as Luna so it's just like traning a dog but they learn faster because of how smart they are.

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"Really now" Aquaris said as he picked up a stick. "Okay Sparkz go fetch" Aquaris yelled throwing the stick and Sparkz ran over and fetched it in the air and brought it back. "Wow...he's really good at fetching" Aquaris said said as Sparkz dropped the stick in front of him.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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