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My Music Evolution Theory: The next popular music genre

Rainbow Skywalker

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Alright, so this is really meant to be more of a joke to start off.  I have no clue where music will go after today's genre, but based on societal progress, I'd say my idea is at least possible (maybe in 10 years, maybe in 1000).

Well, if you want to see the theory behind our thoughts on music progression itself, check this thingy out:


Alrighty, so here it is.

Many years ago, classical, orchestral, music reached it's peak. Many have referred to the age of this genre as being one of the greatest ages for music in the entirety of time. Notice how the melody (most of the time with a few exceptions) does not strictly follow the rhythm. No, the melody varies, on and off with the beat. The songs are more artful, as the melody can go off on it's own tangent while still making the rhythm of the song evident. The melody line plays around with the rhythm line, occasionally connecting with it, but never sticking too much to it.

Fast forward to 1988. Guns N Roses has just hit their rise to fame with Welcome to The Jungle and Sweet Child O' Mine. What's the difference between this and Beethoven's 5th? Well, besides the mammoth power chords, Sweet Child O' Mine has drums. A more evident rhythm. And the guitars, bass and vocals all match up with this rhythm, making it more omnipresent in the song itself. Music has evolved to this much more obvious rhythm rather than the intricacies that classical music was structured from.

Now take a look at today. We have songs with pounding beats, some songs even with ONLY beats to them. There is next to no melodic interwoven structures in the popular genres, and the artists who do use less rhythm are HIGHLY underrated by the social collective.

In short, people have learned to want more ATTRACTIVE music rather than GOOD music. Attractive music is the type that makes you want to shake your head with the ever-present beat. Good music is the type where melodic patterns interweave through the rhythm, while never making it too obvious that the beat actually exists. Admittedly, some songs can be good AND attractive. Mixing in the right amount of rhythm and melody to form a catchy yet intelligent sound.

This also explains why classical music can effectively make you smarter. Your brain wants a beat right? Classical music has a beat, its just really really subtle and hidden underneath the artful melody line. So your brain works harder and actually thinks when listening to classical. Like exercise right? It wants to catch that rhythm, so it works hard to find it, effectively increasing your learning capacity.

Anyway, that's not really the point, but it does make a bit of sense. The point is that music has had more and more obvious of a beat to it over time (again, with the granted exceptions).

So then, what will music be next?


So yeah, as was stated up there^^ rhythm in music is becoming more and more obvious.  Lashing out more heavily at the listener than ever before. 


So the next popular genre for music?




There's probably a better name for it, but here's the idea:

Music invades the physical realm.


Here's the theory.  Songs of the future will just be soundwaves that cause nervous system impulses.  This means that you will have seizures to the beat.  A note will be played, and the note will correspond to certain muscle tissue reacting or causing a sudden jerking motion.


So you would have seizures to a beat.  Welcome to the future of music ladies and gents.


Here's an example situation:                    (creative futuristic artist name\/\/)


"Hey dude! Did you hear that new song by Lil' Snoop Shizzle Minaj @ $wag?"


"Oh, you mean the one that goes like *waves arms and twitches randomly*"


"No, no man, I'm talking about the one on his new album, 'fgjhksdjgklsjhgdkfeayrughpiwuerbljfvpiub'"


"Oh I see, the one that went like *Dies*  And then it brings you back to life like *Stops, being dead?*"


"Yeah yeah dude, that's the one.  Aw man, I love it when artists like, kill you and stuff."





I mean, it makes sense that some people would go that extreme.  People "cut for Beiber" [one of the dumbest things I may have ever heard of] so why wouldn't they have seizures for Lil' Snoop Shizzle Minaj @ $wag?  I mean, society is doomed anyway.




But yeah.  That's my idea.  Again, this is all my personal thoughts and opinions, so don't go out with your fancy shmancy music talk and say stuff like "Yeah well actually the third major progression of the 5th intonation makes the rhythmic climax less of a BLAH BLAH BLAH"  Again, it's just a joke.  I have no experience whatsoever with the world of music theory, and I'm only 15.  But do you think society would ever come to such a point in which people's thirst for a beat far outweighed the health precautions?


Me and my best bud have ideas like this all the time, including our theory on the independent country of Texas, but that's another story for another time.




Edited by Rainbow Skywalker
  • Brohoof 3


Signature by Azura

みぞれ 恋人 (:

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...You know, the sad thing is, is that actually seems pretty realistic.


You know, sometimes I think of the next big genre of music. I like the idea of a new genre because I'm so sick of most of this mainstream shit, but I also cringe at the thought considering the fucked up society we live in. Seeing how Dubstep was the new big thing, I think we're forever fucked.


But hey who knows, I'm just being a pessimistic bitch. The new thing could be good. Who knows.



*sigh* Who knows.


  • Brohoof 1

Formally known as Misselaineous97.


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