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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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Shade aquwardly tried to blend in with the other creatures... She looked around a bit and saw a... Thing... Coming there way. It had crystal university on the front. Shade smiled and waited for the bus to stop... She boarded the bus still holding midnights hand and sat down.

Shade looked at her hands, "this place is... Just... So... Complicated" she said as a tear ran down her cheek.




Villan made his way to the castle and walked through the front door. He looked around as he made his way through the castle. He scanned the place to see if there was any trace that shade had left. He looked around some hallways till he found an open storage room door. He looked at it for a bit before calling for celestia. "Princess... Do you know what's in that room?" He asked walking towards it.



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As Shade looked down at her hands, he looked down at his as well.  His grey-blue coat had turned into some kind of light blue...skin.  He looked back up at her and was taken aback to see his best friend crying.  "Shade?" he whispered, his bottom lip beginning to quiver.  He didn't like to see other ponies crying, especially ones he liked.  He made him want to cry.



Celestia looked up and turned towards his voice.  She followed it around the corner to find Villan walking towards an open door.  She shook her head and went towards it.  "I'm afraid I don't," she said, peeking into the room carefully.  She gasped and threw the door open wider.

"Oh, great," she sighed quietly.

Discord and Chrysalis poked their heads from around the corner.  Discord immediately jumped over.  "I know that thing!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade turned to midnight and saw that he looked like he was about to cry... Shade hugged him, "I'm sorry midnight, this place is just so intimidating... I just feel helpless." She said.

The bus ride didn't take long, the loudspeaker said, "next stop, crystal university." Shade looked out the window and saw the crystal university, it look almost like the crystal empire back in equestria. Shade got off the bus and looked around, "so midnight... Where should we start looking?" She asked.




Villan looked confused. "It's just a storage room... But it was the only door here that wasn't closed. I don't get it... What's in this room besides a strange mirror?" He asked.



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"I don't---" Midnight started.

"Excuse me, Miss.  But don't you think you should pay for your ride?"

Midnight turned to see the bus driver glaring straight as them, tapping his fingers on the wheel, impatiently.



Celestia shook her head, wandering into the room and going up to the mirror.  "It's not just any mirror.  Its the one leading to...to the other world..." she whispered, moving her hoof towards it slightly.

"Let me try!" Discord said, pushing her aside and moving his talon towards it.

"Discord, stop it!" Celestia growled, pushing him back and glaring at him.  "This is serious!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade froze and her thief instinct kicked in. *so it is like the train in equestria, buy I ticket... Well, got no bits on me sooo....* shade ignored the bus driver and pretended not to notice him. She then turned to midnight, "well I think we should just run around looking for it." She said quickly grabbing midnights hand and started running away. She ran towards the center of the university to look for the crystal hart there.




"Another world?" Villan questioned, he seriously didn't know what the big deal was with this mirror.



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Midnight ran with her, stumbling slightly as he did but keeping up on his two feet.

"Hey!" the bus driver yelled after them, irritated.   He growled under his breathe but pushed a lever to close the door, not bothering to take action.  He didn't frankly care enough.  He drove off.



Celestia looked at Villan and nodded, keeping her hooves on Discord to make sure he kept away from the mirror.  Chrysalis still stood at the door.

"It...its a bit difficult to explain.  Few ponies have ever truly gone there.  Only a couple of my old apprentices and myself.  And even then, I went for only a very short time.  They...they are different there.  They don't have magic, or wings, or anything.  But they are very advanced."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked back and saw that the bus was driving off. She slowed down so she could think strate. "I hope that the most action we'll have here." She said. She started walking to the center of the university hoping for any sing of the crystal hart. There was nothing, she couldn't fine anything to do with the crystal hart. She looked up at the sky and saw that it was getting dark. "I suppose we should get some sleep and continue looking in the morning. But where are we going to sleep?" She looked around and saw a dumpster. "Any suggestions midnight? Otherwise we might be doing it how I use to do it." She said.




(We need Lyra to help us with this anthropology XD)


"So... They went into a different world... Can't we go in and find her?" He asked.



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Midnight glanced around and than he breathed a deep sigh and shook his head.  "No.  We'll go with your idea," he said, not having a clue himself.





Celestia bit her bottom lip and shook her head, lowering her hoof.  "I'm afraid that I can't allow that.  The most ponies that have ever gone in at one time were two.  I'm not sure what would happen if more went at once.  It may disrupt order."

"I'm sorry, what was that you say?" Discord smiled, leaning his face down towards hers.

"It may disr-Discord..."

Discord beamed at her and then turned and jumped straight into the mirror.

"Discord!" Celestia yelled, grabbing the end of his tail in her mouth and magic for extra strength.  Now he was completely in the mirror except for his tail.  Celestia tugged at it, but she was getting pulled towards the mirror now.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade sighed at started towards the dumpster, "well... Just like old times." She said as she started to climb into the dumpster. She looked around it, it wasn't so bad. There wasn't any rotting leftover food, seemed like it was just cardboard and paper. She then looked at the clothing that she had on. A gray skirt that had a green hart on it; it was her cutie mark. With a black tank underneath a dark navy blue hoodie. She pulled the hood over her head then reached her hand out to help pull midnight into the dumpster.




(I think the most was 3... Sunset Shimmer, twilight, and spike.)


Villan thought for a moment, *different world? Danger?... I suppose I should go tell Luna about-" then his thoughts where interrupted by discord entering the mirror. Villan jumped and quickly pulled discords tail to try and help celestia drag him out. He looked back at chrysalis, "don't just stand there... Help us." He yelled.



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Midnight watched her climb into the dumpster, feeling bad for Shade, knowing that she must have had to go through something similar at his age.  He was a prince.  He never had to stay in positions less than perfect. 

He reached up and took her outstretched hand.




You're right!)


Chrysalis giggled and shook her head, smiling at them.  "No thank you."

Celestia growled under her breathe.  She looked over at Chrysalis.  "You want to lose your food supply?!"

Chrysalis paused for a moment, but the moment she paused cost them.  Celestia gasped as she fell forward and almost through the mirror as Discord disappeared completely through it.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade grabbed midnight and pulled him into the dumpster once he was in, shade arranged the bags into a flat bed. She then lied down and looked up at the stars. All she could think of was going back to equestria, where everything made sense. But here... She may look different and the way that the world functioned may be different... But she was free from being part changeling, she was free from her past here, she could probably fit in. Shade looked at midnight and at all the trash bags. "I hope it's ok for you... This is how I did it back before discord came along." She said.




Villan blinked as discord disappeared. He looked at his surroundings, "well... worlds still in tact.... Now what?" He asked.



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Midnight looked down at the trash bags, poking one with his fist.  It wasn't wet at least.  Midnight nodded.  "It's okay!" he said.  Midnight crawled up beside her and snuggled up against her.  "Is Discord bad?" he asked then.  He was a bit confused about it.  He seemed horrible, but Shade liked him.



Celestia sat up and looked at the portal.  She glanced around.  "Perhaps for now.  Unless he does something stupid," she sighed.  She stood up.  There was no helping it though.  "Perhaps now we should find out where Sombra is at."



Discord looked around, slightly confused.  He stood up and looked down at himself.  He had on a long coat which began as gray from the top and then became dark brown and then reddish-brown at the bottom.  On the sides of the coat were a bright purple patch and a blue patch.  He had gray pants and a blue checkered tie.  On one foot he had a green snake-skin boot and a light brown leather boot on the other.  On one hand he had a yellowish brown glove and his other hand was wrapped up, giving the appearance of his talon.  He noticed a strand of white hair from his head.




Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade smiled as midnight snuggled up against her, she put her arm around him. "Well... Discord was my only friend for some time, he's nice now because I convinced him that chaos can be used in a better way... And, well... This is how it all started."


"I was in canterlot working, or... Stealing for my good meal... Then a strange magic hit me, I felt something that I couldn't explain. Like maybe it had something to do with my parents. I don't know why but I flew to the castle, that's when I saw the statue of discord was cracking. I read a book about discord, what he did to equestria long time ago, and how twilight and the elements of harmony defeated him. I knew what he could do, and I knew that if I had that power I could get my revenge on the hive. I saw princess celestia send 6 letters. I caught a glimps of the letters and she was getting new ponies to hold the elements of harmony. They where meeting in the everfree forest so I made my way there. I was half way there when... He appeared right in front of me. It was... A strange first conversation but I told him that I wanted to work for him and what I could do with my changeling powers. I don't think he was convinced but, I wasn't going to give up. I then followed him to the everfree forest where celestia was talking to the six ponies.

It was rough... I was caught and... Well... Anyways, later that night I was snooping around the castle looking for some answers and maybe some vantage points. Then I was caught by celestia... She didn't call the guards on me, she just stayed quiet and just walked towards me. Then discord appeared and knocked her out. I told him to get out of the castle for now and let me do my thing. I woke up celestia, your mother then came to see what happened. Stuff was explained then a guard led me to a bedroom. I was working undercover, not something that I was use to.

Later that night, I snuck out of my room to look around some more, that's when I saw your father propose to your mother. I didn't care for it much at the time but... Later... I... Um... Told discord to..."

Shade was wondering if it was a good idea to tell midnight this part.

"Attack your mother." She said difficultly.

"He did so and I still played undercover and pretended to help her up." This was a tough thing to tell midnight. Shade felt a tear build up in her eye.

"Soon lots of chaos was happening and my cover was blown... I told them I was a halfling... Eventually I retreated back to discords cave... I don't remember much after that... My mind was only full of chaos... I was beaten badly a few times and discord healed me... Later I invented the poison joke ball, we sure had fun with that... Then your father poisoned me a few times and discord took care of me... He was like the father I never had... And I just loved being with him. Soon you where born and i thought that chaos was wrong and it could be used in a better way. It took some time but I convinced discord and we became good..."

(I read most of the previous RP... Uhg...)


Shade yawned and looked to see if she read midnight to sleep with that story.




Villan noded, "yes... Guess we should carry on with the plan..." He said.



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She had.

Midnight's eyes were closed and his chest raised up and fell back down with the heavy breathing of sleep.  Luckily, he had been changed to a human with a jacket so that he wasn't cold. 

But he had heard most of Shade's story, and was even more confused about Discord.  He hadn't heard the part about Discord being like a father to Shade.

(Wow.  Thank you, I guess xD  It's interesting to read back.)



Celestia nodded.  "Now, didn't Discord say that the crystal ponies were being imprisoned somewhere underground?  Sombra may be down there but I'm not quite sure if we should be.  We may endanger the crystal ponies."



Discord began to walk in a random direction as he took in his surroundings.  At least he could walk like he usually did.  He missed his tail though.  It was a nice tail.

Also, he was hungry.  How long had it been since he had eaten?

Discord raised his bandaged hand and snapped his fingers together.  He waited a moment but nothing happened.  He snapped them again.  He kept snapping it, getting frustrated to the point where a couple of the creatures backed away from him.


(Any ideas on the crystal heart and King Sombra?  I have no idea where they are or anything xD)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(Lol... Good times... I would have read all of it if I hadent gotten tired XD)


Shade closed her eyes and tightened her grip on midnight, she had a split second thought. *i wonder if Luna's magic can view our dreams even in this world* she thought before drifting to sleep.




Villan thought for a moment, "it's worth a shot looking underground... Where can we find an entrance to the underground?" He asked.


(I have an idea for the crystal hart... Maybe something like a contest or something... That... Or the crystal hart is on top of the crystal castle and shade, midnight, and discord when to... Human world for nothing. XD as for sombra... No idea)



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(I should read it again.  That was an awesome roleplay)


In Midnight's dream, he watched as Discord saved the whole Equestria by doing something completely idiotic.  It didn't quite help his view, and by the time he woke up, the dream would be forgotten.  It was too simple.



Celestia sighed.  "I'm not sure.  Discord never told me.  We'll have to look for clues to find out where exactly it is."



"Dang it," Discord growled to himself, balling his hand into a fist.  "It's not working," he concluded. 

He continued walking.  It was late.  The stars and the moon were up.  Disrupt order.  Pah.  He couldn't even do anything.


(I don't think he would have put it in the same place.  Maybe....maybe he went and put it in Tartarus.  xD  It would take them a while to figure that out.)



Luna sat alone in her room, denying the company of numerous worried maids.  She laid back on her bed and stared up at the ceiling.  She had raised the moon a while ago.  She needed to do something to help.  But what?

She wondered if any of them were...dreaming.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade dreamed about her time with discord, it was fun. But also fun in a bad way. Then her dream was taken over by darkness... Fears of her past and childhood came and haunted her. Then there was the time she turned herself into stone... She still feared herself.



Villan didn't know where to start. "How about we split up and cover more ground?" He suggested.


(Hm... Maybe the main six didn't pass... Maybe the doctor moved them forward in time XD)



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Celestia nodded.  "That would be best.  But we must be careful," Celestia said, turning towards the door.  She began to walk towards it.  "You look too, Chrysalis."

"I lost my food supply.  The deal is off."

Celestia turned her head towards her.  "Chrysalis, don't make me threaten you."

"The.  Deal.  Is.  Off."

"Chrysalis, we don't have much time.  You can feed off of me later if Discord isn't back," she said, knowing this was a horrible idea, but having nothing else that she could do.

"What love do you have?"

Celestia stared at her for a long moment.  She sighed.  "Why do you think I'm here right now?  Risking my life when others can risk theirs for me?  It's because I care for my ponies," she said quietly, leaving the room.



Discord went towards the building before him.


Discord turned around to face a...thing dressed as a guard.  He glared at Discord and tapped his foot against the side walk.

"What are you doing here, sir?"

"Well, that's a big question.  What are any of us doing here---"

"No Sir.  What are you doing in this school."



"This is a school?"

"Yes, Sir."



Luna closed her eyes and allowed herself to sleep.  As soon as she drifted off, she appeared in that hallway again.  She imagined the dreams of the ponies she very much cared about appearing before her.

And they did.

She got Midnight's dream as well as Shade's.

She looked inside each doorway, seeing Midnight's dream change to a flying dream.  She looked inside of Shade's dream and saw a horrible, horrible nightmare.

She went inside.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was floating in a dark limbo, she saw something coming to view. She saw her changeling forum giving her an evil glair. Then her pony forum floated into view, also giving her an evil glair. She then was having flashes of herself being evil and being... A changeling. She was sucking equestria dry of all the love and when ponies resisted, she used her chaotic and dark magic to hurt them. She came back to the dark limbo, still both of her forums glaring at her evilly. Then they flew away and another 2 forums appeared. It was both of midnights forums. But... His pony forum was broken looking and his changeling forum seemed dead. Shade fell in tears "no... I'd never do such a thing to him... I'd never do such a thing to him." She said crying in her dream.


Out of her dream, she was monning.




Villan left with celestia and looked at her giving a concerned look. "Very bad idea princess" he whispered.



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"I know," Celestia whispered back.  "But we need all the help that we can get.  And Chrysalis can be very powerful when she has feed.  But she has to be on our side and I simply know no other way to bring her to ours," she sighed heavily, the sigh carrying the weight of the world.



Chrysalis pursed her lips together and smiled to herself.  She glanced at the mirror once more before going out the door.  Perhaps she would help for now.

If Celestia's love didn't make her unstoppable, she didn't know what would.



After Discord was practically shoved out of the school, much to his annoyance, he went walking along the streets, looking for clues as to where Shade would be.  He didn't expect to find any.

Perhaps this wasn't to good of an idea.

But in Equestria he'd have to look for somepony as well.



Midnight blinked his eyes and raised his head to hear a moaning.  He began to shake, afraid, until he realized it was Shade that was moaning.  She must be having a nightmare.  Nightmares were horrible things.

Midnight shook Shade's shoulder, trying to relieve her of the nightmare.



Luna gasped quietly as she watched, invisible to Shade.  She took a deep breathe and then stepped forward, becoming seen.

"Shade," she said gently. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shades dream faded away, she turned around and saw Luna. She shook her head and curled up into a ball. "I can't feed on love... Otherwise all these bad things will happen." She said.


Outside the dream, shade calmed down a bit.




Villan noded. He was still conserned for the princess, but she seemed fine with it. He started in a different derection to go look for the crystal ponies.



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As Villan turned a different way, Celestia went the other way and left the castle.  She trotted through the town, her eyes searching for a sign, a clue on where Sombra could be, where the crystal ponies could be, or even where the crystal heart could be.



Chrysalis left the castle and went down a random path.  She noticed Celestia trotting one way, so she turned the other way and went walking along.

She stopped after a few minutes as she stepped in what seemed like a puddle of shadows.  She looked up.



Discord moaned and slumped his shoulders, walking along like that until he bumped into someone.  He raised his face to the smirking teenage boy and his friends.  The boy held a bat which he smacked against his hand repeatedly.

"Hey there, old man."

"I beg your pardon?" Discord said, raising himself to full height and glaring down at him.

"Nice outfit?  Bet you've got tons of cash to spare with an outfit like that," the boy grinned, his friends snickering behind him.

Discord made a face.  "So in Equestria, no pony even approaches me and now some stupid kids want to beat me up?"

"Equestria?" one boy snickered.

"Pony?" another boy laughed.

"Kids?" the other boy smiled.

Discord frowned.  He wasn't quite enjoying this.



Midnight sat and put his hands on his knee, placing his chin atop of them.  He watched Shade to make sure she would be okay.



Luna looked at Shade with concern.  "But Shade, you're a changeling.  Its okay for you to feed on love.  When you do, you don't seem to hurt anypony like Chrysalis does."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked down. "But... If I feed on love directly from ponies... Then this happens... Il... Il become a monster..." She said.


Outside the dream... Shade was sweating.




Villan looked around the crystal empire. He was tired was was starting to slow down.



(I'm on my way to the airport to go to bronycon! I hope il have wifi while in the states but incase I don't... Il be back on the 17th)



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King Sombra smiled down at Chrysalis.

"Hello, Queen," Sombra said.

Chrysalis took a small step back, intimidated by the shadows had curled up and moved about her. 

"What would you be doing here?"

Chrysalis lied, "I thought I could try and feed here, but that obviously isn't going to happen."

"Oh?  What a ridiculous lie."

"Listen, I'm---"

Sombra moved a shadow over her mouth.  "Shush, now Queen.  Just tell me where every pony is and I won't hurt you the slightest bit.  It's not as if you're on their side."



Discord looked over the teenagers shoulder and smirked.  He looked back down at the kid.

"Oh, look whose here."

The three of them turned to look.  Discord stepped back and jumped towards a dumpster and right onto it.  He reached up and grabbed onto the floor of a fire escape and pulled himself up onto it and over the railing.  The three boys turned to look at him.

"Hey!" one growled.

"How'd he do that?"

Discord smirked at them.  "Old man.  Psh," he said.

When they tried to come up there, Discord waited until they did and then bounced easily off like a cat.  He used to be part cat anyway.  He waved at them and strode off.  They followed him but he kept bouncing onto and off of things until they finally gave up.

It was...interesting.



Midnight made a face, seeing Shade sweating.

"Shade," he whispered.  "Wake up..."



"You aren't a monster, Shade.  You're no where near becoming one either.  There are much worse monsters out there.  Discord was one of them, but you changed that.  You couldn't be a monster," Luna said earnestly.


(That's awesome xD Well, I hope you do have Wifi.  Have fun! (as if you won't))



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shades dream started to wave... "Seems like midnights waking me up... By the way, we're in some--" shade was cut off when she woke up.


Shades eyes bursted open and she sat up quickly. She breathed heavily and wiped the swet off. She looked at midnight and asked, "what happened?"




Villan sat down after trotting all over the crystal empire... He hadent found anything and he was getting sleepy.


((As if I won't ) lol)



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