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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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"Ah, the race.  The race you see," the man smiled, touching a screen in front of him and sliding his finger along it to show a little diagram of the race on the screen.  "First of all, you'll have to jump over this area of mud here," he said, pointing at a square on the screen.  "After that, you'll have to jump in and out of these tires...then jump on these boxes and off again...after that you'll crawl under these nets, climb up this wall...and finally, you'll have a three legged race to the finish with your partner," he smiled as if it was simple to understand.



Celestia stared at the grass and then looked over to the statue to see Villan coming back out.  Celestia glanced around and then ran out to the end of the steps. 

"Villan!" she whispered loudly.



"It seems like you're just begging to see your worst nightmare?" Sombra growled into her face.  Luna growled back but whimpered as his eyes locked on hers.  She closed her eyes tightly.

"No..." she whispered.  "Please don't."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade noded "ok... thanks..." she said walking away... "were doomed..." she said to midnight. "whatever... well try to win the crystal hart... if we loose... il just do what i did in my fillyhood..." she said.




villan glanced around and saw celestia... she nudged his head towards the portal and yelled quietly... "its luna! sombras got her"



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"Okay!" Midnight said.  "What did you do in your fillyhood?"



Celestia's jaw dropped.  "Luna!" she cried loudly. 

One of the creatures paused as she went up the steps.  She looked down through the steps to see Celestia.  "Um...Celestia?  What are you doing down there, sister?"

Celestia looked up at the human world version of Luna.  But she didn't even care.  She ran out from under the steps and ran for the statue.  "Block me.  Don't let her see me go in.  I have to do something," she said.

Celestia jumped through the portal.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade gave midnight a blank expedition... "Steal it" she said starting to walk to the place where the race was being held.




Villan got right up in vice principle Luna's face to block celestia entering the portal. "Hey Luna... Can I ask you a question?... I have this thing at the place and I need to know---" He said then dashed off behind the statue and entered the portal.



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Midnight paused for a moment.  'Oh," he finally said, following her with Discord trailing behind them, not quite knowing what to do with the cotton candy now.



"U...uh..." Luna stuttered after he ran off.  She sighed and rolled her eyes.  "Kids nowadays..." she said.  She glanced around.  "Where on earth did Celestia go?" she asked herself as she went inside.



"Just open your eyes sweet princess," King Sombra said. 

Luna tried to push power into her horn but Sombra's grip on it prevented it.  Luna slowly opened her eyes.

And watched Sombra get hit with a strong blast of magic, knocking him across the room and making him let go of Luna.  Luna dropped to the ground and looked up at Celestia.

"Tia!" Luna cried out.

Sombra stood up unsteadily.  He growled.  "Oh, so now I get three princesses?" he smiled.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade arrived at the race track... She looked at the track wondering how their going to win in there bodies. She sighed and went to sit down on the risers. "I don't know how we're going to pull this off." She said




Villan came through the mirror, he didn't know if he should do anything, so he just watched.



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"Psh.  I could pull that off," Discord said, smirking.  "I always walk like this," he said, kicking at the dirt with one foot.  "Just had to get used to the no tail thing.  I do not feel quite stable without it."



Celestia spun towards him and stomped a hoof against the tiled floor loudly.  "What did you do to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor!" she demanded.

"Oh," King Sombra smiled.  "I just brought them downstairs for a little party is all.  Just like that changeling queen."

King Sombra stared directly into Celestia's eyes, the purple shadows from his eyes stretching out slightly more.  Celestia stared back until Luna jumped forward and pushed Celestia's head to the side.

"Don't look, sister!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked at the track and walked to the start line... "might as well practice while we wait for it to start." she said. shade got on the mark, got set, then started running for the box... before she got the chance to jump over it, she triped.




villan was slowly backing away, but he thought that he should make himself useful... but he didnt know what to do.



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"Ooh," Discord said, going over as well and standing at the start line.  He stared at the mud for a moment and then took off running towards it.  He jumped over it and landed on the other side.  "Just got to tell yourself you haven't got wings anymore," he said to himself, walking over to the tires.

Midnight watched for a moment and then went over to the mud as well.  He stared over to the other side and then pressed the mud with the tip of his shoe.



Celestia looked at Villan.  "Villan!  You have to go find Discord.  You have to find out whether or not Shade has had any luck finding the...the heart," she said quietly. 

She turned back to King Sombra and whispered to Luna.  "Luna.  I know what I have to do."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade got back up and went to the start line, she started running she jumped over the mud then headed towards the box, she jumped over the box. "Yes! I did it!" She said.



Villan noded and went through the portal. Back in the human world, he started running in a random derection hoping to just randomly find discord and or shade.



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Discord grinned at her as he jumped in each of the tires.  He went over to the boxes and looked up at her.  "I think the difficult part may be the three-legged race."

Midnight tried to jump over the mud.  He made it across, but fell over when he did.  He stood back up and brushed the dust off of his jeans.  He went over to the tires and jumped in each of those.  This time, he made it quite well, although a bit slowly.  He went to stand by Discord.



Celestia turned to face King Sombra.  "Alright, Sombra.  If you will not yield, we will have to do this the hard way," she said.

Her eyes began to glow bright green and purple shadows flowed out of them.  Her magic turned black and purple.  King Sombra simply laughed.

"No..." Luna whispered.  "Sister...that...that is dangerous..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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After some more practice, shade went up to midnight. "Ok midnight... Lets practice the... 3 hoofed race..." She said putting a rope around her ankle.




Villan continued to run... He ran for a long time... He finally reached a place that looked like the crystal empire. He ran through it checking out the place to see if he can find shade or discord. He eventually grew tired of running and he had to stop and sit down. He looked at all the cretures that where walking around. He even spotted one of the cretures that looked like the one in the pictures he saw earlier.



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"Okay!" Midnight said excitedly, putting his ankle near hers for her to tie.



Celestia growled and shadows exploded from her horn, causing Sombra to take a step back in surprise.

"Sister no!" Luna cried out.  "If you use too much dark magic you'll become corrupted!"

King Sombra laughed.  "This'll be fun, don't you say Luna?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade tied her ankle with midnights... And felt imbalanced already... She really didn't know if they where going to pull it off in less than an hour.




Villan started walking again. He walked slowly passed an ally. He looked in it for a second and didn't see shade. He was about to leave when the dumpster lid flew open. He ran behind the corner and watched to see what was up with the dumpster.

A creature crawled out of the dumpster, it looked strangely like shade. He wasnt sure if it was her so he just stayed hidden and watched.



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"Let's do this!" Midnight said, taking a tiny step forward.  Meanwhile, Discord went towards the net.



King Sombra jumped out of the way as the blast of magic shot towards him.  The shot missed, but bounced off of the ground and right into him.  Sombra gasped as he was surrounded by the dark magic.  He screamed out in pain.

"Celestia..." Luna whispered.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade walked slow to get use to walking with midnight.




Villan watch what he though was shade but wasnt sure.

"Uhg... Time to hist the crystal fare." She said.


It sure sounded like shade, so villan desided to confront it. He came out from hiding and stood behind shade. "Um... Shade? Is that you?" He asked.

The creture quickly turned around grabbed villan and shoved him againsed the wall. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" She questioned villan.

"Shade... It's me... Villan..."

"Villan? I don't know any villan."


Villan froze... *this must be the shade that's native to this world* he thought.


"Whatever... Just get lost." Shade said throwing villan out of the ally...

Villan quickly ran away to find the real shade.



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Midnight walked with her, matching her slow pace.

Discord stared down at the net.  "Must I really get my only pair of clothes dirty?" he sighed.  He glanced around then, seeing everypony else wearing simple outfits compared to his long coat and tie.

"Hm.  Well, I guess I won't ever fit in," he said to himself, no regret in his voice.



"Hush Luna," Celestia whispered, hoping to calm her sister by showing her that she was still herself.  "I-ah!" Celestia suddenly cried out, the shadows from her eyes flowing farther out. 

Celestia quickly cut off her magic, the black dots falling away from her horn as she too fell to the ground.  King Sombra fell as well, breathing hard, angry.

Celestia took a few deep breathes.  "I...I had to stop be-before it overtook m-me."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Villan ran around the crystal fare... He eventually reached the race track... He saw shade in the distance with what looked to be midnight and discord.


"SHADE!!!" He called out.




Shade lost her balance and fell down... "This would be much easer if we where ponies..." She wined...

Then she heard her name being called.. She looked over and saw a creture that she didn't reconize.

"Shade it's me villan"

"Villan! What are you doing here?"

"Me and celestia came to this world to look for discord. But now sombra is attacking Luna and... And..."


Shade sank... "We need the crystal hart now... We need to get back to equestria now." She said.

Shade looked at the starting line to see the race was starting soon... "Me and midnight will win this race and get the crystal hart then we can return to equestria." She said.



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Midnight blinked.  "My mommy's in trouble?!" he yelled.

Discord looked over.

Midnight looked at the race track.  "We have to wiiiiin!" he said.



Luna fell down beside Celestia and raised her head up in her hooves.  "Celestia.  Are you alright?"

Celestia nodded.  King Sombra growled and pushed himself to his hooves.  He walked over to the two princesses on the tiled floor and stood there, towering over them.

"That was not...a good idea, Princesses..." he hissed.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade untied herself from midnight and quickly made her way to the starting line to get ready for the race. "Come on midnight!" She called out.


"Wait! That's not all shade!!! I ran into this worlds you, and..." Villan gave up as shade was out of range for her to hear him.




Human shade stayed at a distance watching the guy that knew her name... There was a girl that looked Exactly like her... She was confused... She desided to see what was going on.



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Midnight hurried after Shade as quickly as he could.  Discord bounced off of the track.



King Sombra took another step forward.  He was weak.  If he were to get these two down to his underground prison, it would use up the rest of his energy.

"Don't!" Luna growled.  "I still have my powers!  I am still strong enough to keep you away from us!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade got on the mark... She looked around at her competition... She didn't know what to think... All she could think about what that the fate of equestria relied on shade winning this race.




Villan walked back and sat on some of the risers... "I hope she wins... That way we can take the crystal hart the easy way and get back to equestria... Where everything makes seance..." He said




Human shade was under the risers... She heard what villan said... * another world? This is interesting* she thought.



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Midnight stood beside Shade, ready and determined.

Discord noticed Villan walking to the risers and went over as well.  He sat down beside him and watched Shade and Midnight.  "Well, this'll be interesting," he said, amused despite everything happening.



King Sombra smiled at Luna.  "Luna, must I remind you how easily I got a hold of you a moment ago?"

Sombra's eyes began to glow as he stared into hers.  Luna quickly turned away along with Celestia.

This was a mistake.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"ON YOUR MARK... GET SET........... GOOOO"


Shade started running, she jumped over the mud and jumped over the box.




Villans hart was beating... He didn't know If shade and midnight could actually pull it off.




Human shade smiled... She got out of the risers to go hist in the market... Then when the race was over... She had a plan.



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Midnight ran along with Shade.  He jumped over the mud and went for the boxes.  He couldn't jump over it, so he jumped onto it and then jumped down.  He flung himself under the net and crawled under as quickly as he could.



Shadows exploded out of the floor around them.  Luna's eyes flew open.  She turned to Sombra, her horn beginning to glow.  But a shadow grabbed her horn and pulled her head down to the floor.  Luna screamed and Celestia tried to push herself up.

The shadows curled around them.  King Sombra breathed heavily, trying to keep it going long enough to pull them down underground.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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