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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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Discord stepped in front of the portal.  He stood overdetermined.  He placed a hand on his hip and raised the other one, clawed, into the air.  He raised his face to the sky.

"One day, fellow Discord!  I shall return!" he announced.  Then he jumped into the portal with Midnight right behind him.



"But...I know there was someway out..." Chrysalis whispered.

"And they must be," Celestia said.  "Sombra wouldn't waste energy to fade in.  He'd want a door.  It's hidden somewhere.  Press some of the stones in and see what happens."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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human shade looked at her new pony body... she liked it... she also had wings! she flapped them and flew around the room a bit... she had an evil smile when she landed on the ground.


villan looked at himself, he was back to his changeling body! he huged himsellf. and smiled.




shade saw midnight jump into the portal... she ran for the portal... she looked up at the full moon, for some reason... the moon flashed... shade didnt give it much though, she just wanted to get back to equestria.

when she reached the portal, she jumped and smacked into the statue... "WHAT!?!?!" shade yelled.. she continued smacking herself into the statue and had no luck.... "no no nonononononononono this cant be happening... this cant be happening"

(dun dun duuun)

Edited by Doppelrac



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Discord flew in and immediately flew around in a circle.  "Yes!" he said, grabbing his tail.  "I never knew how much I could love a tail!  And magic!  I have my magic back!" he beamed.

Midnight fell out of the mirror.  He looked back as the mirror seemed to go slightly dull.  He poked it.  "Huh," he said.  "We broke it!" he shrugged.

"What!" Discord cried, flying over and poking it.  "But I liked it there!  Sort of..."

Then Midnight turned his attention to the giant hole in the floor.


(Oooh no.)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade went over to the mirror and poked it... *this is too perfect* she thought. "So... I guess we should use this to... Save the day... Right?" She said not having any knolage on what the crystal hart did.




Shade was scratching the statue as she started crying... "No... Equestria is doomed... And its all my fault..." She didn't know what to do... All she could think was how doomed equestria was.



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"Er...right," Discord said.  He looked at her.  "So...you do that, because I have no idea what to actually do with it..."

Midnight frowned, still concerned with the giant hole in the floor.  He looked at Villan.  "W-where's my mommy?" he asked quietly.



So Chrysalis and Luna did.  Luna began pressing at stones, line by line.  Chrysalis began pressing at random stones.  Celestia could simply watch from the ground.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Ok then... Lets just... Well... Put it where it's suppose to go." Shade said still with no idea how the world works...


Villan looked down the hole... Then at midnight. "I don't know... I don't know what happened to celestia ether because I left when sombra and them started batteling." He said.




Shade made her way to the back of canterlot high to sleep in a dumpster... She was still crying while climbing into one.



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"Hm.  Okay," Discord said, waiting for her to do just that.  He hadn't been around when it all had happened the first time around with the elements of harmony, and he never did bother to ask.

Midnight stared at the hole, feeling tears prickling in his eyes.  "Bu-but..." he whispered.

King Sombra opened one eye from the corner of the room.  Oh great...



"Anything?" Celestia sighed after a long while.

"No..." Chrysalis said.

"Maybe if Chrysalis did it row by row, it would be faster," Luna growled.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade stood aquwardly holding the crystal hart... Not knowing where it's suppose to go... "Or... How about we go looking for your mother first" she said trying to avoide having to know stuff. She looked at the hole in the ground... "Let's look in this hole first." She said about to jump down.



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Discord reached forward and grabbed her hoof before she could jump.  "Well, don't go jumping down there," he said, looking down.  "It just goes down to the ground floor.  But there's not really any clues I can see down there."

Midnight looked down.  "We-well we have to try!" he cried.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Yah... I'm with... Him... We half to try to see if... There down there." Shade said being cautious with the words she uses.




Shade was in a dumpster thinking and trying to remember if there was anything she read about a magic mirror... She remembered she read a book about something on the subject. The mirror was a portal... Every 30 moons the gate opens...... "So I guess I'm here for 30 moons until I can get back to equestria... I might as well do something if I'm going to be here that long..." She said to herself.



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Midnight nodded quickly.  "Y-yeah!  See!" he said.  He jumped over to the hole and concentrated his energy for a long moment.  Suddenly, his horn disappeared and wings sprouted from his back.  He stretched them out and flew down to the ground floor, messing up at the end and crashing into the floor.  He didn't seem harmed and stood up immediately.

Discord stared at him.  "Huh.  Okay then," he said.  "Not that any of us could have helped you..."  Discord flew down as well.



Chrysalis glared at Luna.  "Would you sh---"

"Maybe you should sh---" Luna began to speak at Chrysalis did.

"Maybe you should both shut up!" Celestia yelled.

They both turned to her.  The princess of the sun had her head raised just so, so that she was glaring down at them even from her sitting position.  Luna and Chrysalis immediately did as they were told.  Even if they were both royalty them self, Celestia some how seemed to sit at a higher level than they did.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade jumped down followed by villan. "Shade questioned how the kid just removed his horn and sprout wings... But she just dismissed it as another new world thing. She also wondered if she was able to do that. She would try to do something like that later. Right now, she needed to learn what to do and generally learn stuff about this world.



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Midnight hurried around, looking around for clues.

Discord didn't hurry at all.



Sombra shuffled up, staying away from the hole.  He slowly backed up until he was behind the mirror, a better place to hide.  He had already gained some strength and power, but he needed more.

But Midnight provided a nice bit of fear for him.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade followed midnight, villan followed shade... (Can't I think of anything better to say?)




(Just a little time jump)


Shade woke up, and got out of the dumpster, she saw the creatures go into the high school, she decided to blend in with them and she walked into the school... From there... She didn't know what to do... She just walked everywhere and wandered the crowded halls of the school...


(Posted a new picture on my OC page! Now shade had a human vector!)



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As Midnight searched around below the hole, Discord wandered outside.  He looked up into the sky which seemed to grow darker every passing second.



Principle Celestia walked out of her office, a camera and a notebook in hand as she glanced around the halls, seeming suspicious.  It...it had been very odd lately.


(She looks nice Cx)

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade continued to follow midnight, villan on the other hoof, was looking at shade. "Um... Shade... Are you ok? You seem to look.... Clueless..." He asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired from being in that other world." She said.


Villan didn't often scan ponies... But he scanned shade... There was something off about her... But he didn't know what it was.




The halls started to clear up and shade was still in the center of the halls. It was obvious that she was lost.



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Discord glanced up as another shadow began to move across Equestria.  It was another wave.  This time it seemed a bit bigger and faster.

"Guys..." Discord called.  "Hatred and fear coming our way.  I apologize for what I may say," he sighed.



Principle Celestia opened her notebook up to see her findings so far.  She knew very little.

Celestia looked up at the girl who was the only one who hadn't gone to class.  She seemed...lost.

"May I help you?" Celestia asked.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked back at discord... Villan kept looking at shade he knew something was wrong with shade.

"Um... That's nice..." Shade called out... Villan walked up to shade, "shade... What's up with you? Your---" he was cut off when shade quickly put his hoof on his mouth. She glaired into his eyes... Then kissed him.


Villan was left shocked and speechless...




Shade looked to her side. *oh... It's celestia...* she thought. "Um... Yes... It's... Um... My... First day... And I... Don't know where to go..." She said.



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Discord glanced back.  "Nice?  Wha---" he started.  "Uh...o-okay then," he stuttered when he saw Shade kissing Villan.  He looked away, embarrassed. 

Midnight paid no attention to any of them.  At this point he just started yelling for Luna.  "Mommy!" he yelled.  "Mommy, where are you!?"



"Oh," Celestia said, closing her notebook.  "Well, did you get your schedule yet?  What is your first class?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Midnight hugged her back, beginning to cry.

Discord stepped back from the door as the shadow crossed over him and ran through the room.  "Well, that's just lovely isn't it.  Kissing, crying.  I don't suppose any of you actually want to try and do something useless?" he hissed, the hatred cloud affecting him.



Celestia smirked at her.  "Well, you go the the front desk in the office and ask for it by giving your name.  I can lead you there if you need me to."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade walked to midnight and hugged him. "Don't worry, we'll find your mother." She said.


Villan didn't move at all... He was to shocked to think of anything.




Shade shook her head... "Um... No... I didn't get my schedule..." She said... "How do I get one?" She asked hoping that wasnt a stupid question.



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Villan stood silently... He didn't want to say anything. All thought of something being off about shade where gone. He glaired at discord, but didn't say anything. Hate was building on the inside of villan.




Shade felt intimidated and was hoping that she wasnt looking too stupid. "Um... Ok..." She said beginning to sound a bit shy.



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Midnight raised his head and glowered at Discord.  "What are you doing?!  Looking out the door?!  You're not doing anything either!"



Celestia nodded and turned around.  She went down the hall and turned a corner.  She continued walking until she reached a small window made in the wall.  Someone behind the window looked up.

"Hello, Pen.  There's a new student here for her schedule."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade kept quiet... She watched the hatred escalate in the ponies.

"Well what are we suppose to do? Look in the dark like blundering idiots?... Shade, you said you've exposed yourself to dark magic... Why don't you help us here and use some to help us find where the princesses are." Villan said with a somewhat loud tone.

Shade seemed unsure what to say... She had wings, but was she able to do magic?




Shade followed celestia to the front desk... "Um... I'm shade... Shade Bluewind..." She said unsure of herself... What if the other shade did something bad and it was on record... Shade hoped that she didn't go to school here... Or knowing herself... She probably didn't even bother to go to school.



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"Wonderful!" Discord said.  "Dark magic!  Yes!  Let her do exactly what made King Sombra the jerk he is today!"



King Sombra twitched from behind the mirror on the floor above.  He could hear their loud and annoyed conversation from above.  And like love fed the changeling queen, the hatred fed the ruler of the shadows.



"Ah," Pen said, reaching below her desk and opening a drawer.  "Let me see..."

Pen flipped through a number of papers.  After a long moment, Pen frowned and looked up.  "I'm afraid your name isn't here..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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