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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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Shade was unsure on using magic, so she decided to resist. "Well... What if I don't want to use dark magic... Did you think about that?" She said loudly.

"Fine... But how are we going to find our way around the castle if we don't have anyway to counter this dark magic?" Villan asked.




Shade blinked as her heart started beating. "Um... Well... Shouldn't i be there?" She asked aquwardly.



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"Well," Discord started.  The dark shadow finished moving over him and he blinked.  He sighed.  "Okay, do I hate that stupid shadow.  I'm strong enough to shield us from any thing serious," he said in answer to Villan's question.



"I suppose so," Pen frowned.  She didn't think for a moment that Shade didn't actually go to the school.  Never in her life had anything similar happened to her while she was on duty.

"Well, I could always take Shade to any class until we find her schedule," Celestia suggested, as oblivious as Pen.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Villan looked at discord... "Fine... Do your magic and stuff... We arnt getting anywhere... We need to ether find the princesses, or look for the crystal ponies and free them so we can activate the crystal hart." He said.

Shade had no idea what villan was talking about... But she kept her cool.




Shade blinked not knowing what to do... "Um... Ok.." She said.



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"Right," Discord mumbled.  He glanced around at all of them.  "Hey, where's Chryssie?"



Celestia nodded.  "Alright then.  Pen, keep looking.  Until then, follow me, Shade.  I'll take you to the biology lab," she said, picking a random class in her mind as she spoke, walking to the the biology lab.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Heck if I know... She's probably somewhere in the darkness..." Villan said not caring for chrysalis...


*theres just these names and magic stuff and artifacts and powers and stuff... They just keep coming... I don't think il be able to memorize all of this... But I'm here... I'm probably also having problems in my world as well... Ha...* shade thought.




"Um... Yah... Sure..." She said following celestia... Not knowing what to expect...



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"Well, I know where the crystal ponies are," Discord said.

"Why didn't you tell us that before!" Midnight yelled with a squeak.  The hatred shadow didn't even need to affect him for that.



King Sombra's eyes widened.  He pushed himself to his hooves.

It was time to stop resting.  He needed to move.



When they reached the biology lab, Celestia knocked on the door and then pushed it open stepping inside.

"Hello, Bones," Celestia smiled at the biology teacher, standing by the chalkboard.

"Oh, Celestia.  How may I help you?"

"I have a student, Shade, here.  Her schedule is missing.  Is it alright if I let her learn in this class until it's found?"

"Why not?" Bones said, pointing to a seat near the back of the class.  "There's a free seat right there."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Ok then... Lets go to the crystal ponies... Then we just gotta free them, then use the crystal hart to fill this place with love again!" Villan said.

Shade remained quiet.



Shade didn't say anything... She walked to her seat and sat down... She felt shy and intimidated, she hadent felt this way since she first go to the changeling hive.



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Discord nodded and turned to the door, pushing it open.  He exited from the castle and began to lead the way to the crystal ponies.  Midnight hurried after him.




King Sombra quietly slipped out of the closet and then began galloping through the castle.  He had to beat them to the crystal ponies without using too much magic.  He couldn't waste it.




Celestia smiled at Bones and then slipped away.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Villan and shade followed discord and midnight. Villan kept a fare distance from shade, he seemed to blush looking at her. Shade knew that villan was keeping his distance, the kissing trick always works!




Shade looked at all the students looking at her. She felt scaired... She tried to hide behind her mane... It was one big mane...



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Discord was not walking very fast.  He let the others keep up with him.  This allowed King Sombra to get there first, even going a slightly longer way.  King Sombra slipped through the door of the building Discord lead them to.

He turned to the door.




After a long while of walking, Discord came up to a building which seemed like a normal crystal house.  "I think this is it," Discord said.  He reached forward and turned the knob, pulling it open and looking inside.  Midnight ran up beside him and looked inside as well.

Both of them froze solid as they were gripped with their worst nightmares.

King Sombra had created the nightmare door once again.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade walked forward, she stooped she when she saw discord and midnight looking through some door. She questioned it for a second, then approached the door. After a flash of white light, she found herself back in her world.

"What? What am I doing here?" She asked she looked around and saw that she was in the sewers of New York... "Why am I back here?" She questioned... Suddenly she was attacked by the cops who where raiding the hideout.


Villan looked around, he saw nothing except for the walls of the changeling hive... "How... How did we get here?" He wondered... There where no changeling around, it was lonely... He tried looking for other changeling but he couldent find any. It was getting scairy.



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Discord had the same nightmare as he had before.  It wasn't too long before he was on his knees in both reality and in the nightmare, weeping silently.



Midnight wandered through the door and looked around inside.  "Where are they?" he asked, looking back to see that no pony was there.  "Huh?  Shade?  Discord?" he called.  He frowned and backed up into the crystal house.  "Where'd you go!" he said, near to tears.

Midnight bumped into something and spun around towards Discord.  "D-discord?!" he whispered.  "Where's Shade?"

Discord smiled at him.  It was a cruel smile, an evil smile.  Discord went towards the door and pointed up at the sky, which somehow turned to night in a matter of seconds.

Midnight looked up at the moon to see the craters forming the image of a pony on it. 

"Mom..." Midnight whispered.

And then he saw the stone statue of Shade.

"Shade..." he whispered again.  "NO!"

Discord laughed.  "I suppose you had been right all along, Midnight!" he said, turning around and walking off.  "I'll never change.  And I'll certainly never lose my ability to change every pony into who they aren't.  And now.  Now you're alone."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade fell to the ground both in reality and in her dream as she watched her fello thieves getting tazed and getting arrested.


Villan still tried looking around and still hadent found anything. He fell as he couldent find anything. His worst fear was being the last changeling.




Shade tried to understand the class... But... She still didn't understand the whole point in going to school in the first place.



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"You...you aren't changing me?" Midnight whispered.

"Oh no," Discord said.  "That would give you peace.  If I changed you, you would no longer care."

Midnight began to cry.  "Please!  No!  Shade said you were good!  Mommy said you were good!  Even Aunty Celestia told me you were good!"

The thing was, Midnight's nightmare wasn't completely about Discord changing back to evil, a trauma from when he was just born.  His nightmare was also having had everypony lie to him.



King Sombra smiled as he watched from the other side of the door, where he couldn't be seen past the nightmare magic.

He heard them behind him then.

Sombra spun around towards them.  Luna and Chrysalis stared back at him.

The three mares had finally found the correct stone and escaped their prison below.  They found themselves further under the rest of the imprisoned ponies.  Without an idea of how to help them, Celestia stayed behind to look for clues while Luna and Chrysalis went to see if the others were back yet.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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It was all shades fault that all her brothers and sisters got arrested and now they gotta spend time in jail. She went down without a fight, she was in tears and she couldent bare to live with what she had done.


Villan looked at himself as he was at an old age, dying alone, cold, and loveless. We was sad, lonely, and lost hope.



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King Sombra's horn began to glow at the same time Luna's and Chrysalis's did.  Chrysalis's horn sparked and then the light disappeared from it.  Chrysalis stepped back.

"What?!" Luna yelled back at Chrysalis.  "What?!"

"I...there...there's so much hatred...and fear.  I...can't..."

"What do thou mean thou cannot?!" Luna growled.  "Thou carest for no pony!"

"But...I need love!" Chrysalis hissed.

King Sombra laughed.  "Oh, Luna...so much hatred.  You simply fuel my powers!" he said, shooting at her.  Luna spun towards him at the last second and got hit in the chest.  She got thrown back into the wall.

Luna moaned.  "Chrysalis...look for the love...there h-has to be some," she whispered.

Chrysalis looked at King Sombra and then at the door.  Without needing to be told or have any previous knowledge of it, she knew what it was and who was behind it.

So she closed her eyes and searched for the love of those behind the doors.

And she found it.  She found the love that caused the nightmares.  Discord's love for Shade, Midnight's love for his mother, Shade's love for...those...other things...  Chrysalis absorbed it.  Having it quite far away made it difficult, but she absorbed it.  She turned to King Sombra.



Discord and Midnight twitched as they felt stabs of pain from Chrysalis's magic.  They also were slightly weakened from this.  But they didn't react beyond this.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Villan somehow snapped out of his dream as he felt a flow of love pass him. He looked to his side as he saw shade, midnight, and discord starring at a wall. He tilted his head as he didn't understand, then it hit him. The door puts your state of mind in your worst nightmare. He then looked behind him and saw chrysalis. He didn't say anything, he just raised his eyebrow and questioned.




Shade felt the sting of love being absorbed from her. But it blended in with the electrocution she felt.



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"How dare you lock me up in that prison?!" Chrysalis growled, a shot of magic shooting from her horn and into King Sombra, sending him flying through his own nightmare door, breaking its spell.  He flew to the dirt outside of the building.



Discord blinked and opened his eyes.  He lifted his head and saw King Sombra.

"My gosh, do I hate you."



Midnight too, opened his eyes.  But he continued shaking on the dirt, not quite understanding what was happening.  Upon seeing Discord beside him, he continued to sob.



Luna sighed and shakily stood.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade shook her head and looked around at her surroundings. She was back in the pony world... *thats a relief* she thought as she got back up onto her hooves.


Villan blinked as sombra crashed into the door. He went to midnight and whispered. "It's ok... It was just a dream."




(Anything true shade can do?)



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Midnight looked up at Villan.  "R-really?" he whispered.  Midnight glanced around and saw Shade.  Midnight bounced to his hooves and galloped over to Shade.  He threw himself at her.  "Shade!"



(I'll try something out here)


As Bones was teaching, suddenly, the door of the classroom burst open and in ran a kid around the age of five.  He ran in and dove under a random desk, causing the students at it to jump away in surprise.

Principle Luna came up to the doorway, breathing heavily.  "M-Midnight!" she called.  She slumped onto the door frame and sighed.  "T-this is why I can't take y-you to work...forgive me, Mr. Bones," she apologized.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade blinked and tilted her head at midnight... She kind of just tried to step away from him.

Villan noticed that shade would usually hug and care for midnight. Now she's trying to pull away from him. His suspicions of shade came up again.




Shade looked under her desk and saw the native midnight. She smiled at him as she put her legs over top of him to hide him even more. She gave him a wink before turning her attention to Luna. She kind of had a small laugh as she looked at Luna. Back in equestria she knew that Luna wouldn't be able to handle midnight on her own. Now she was in a familiar place, she hoped it would last.



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Midnight felt his heart shatter inside his chest as Shade moved away.  The young, unknowing child gazed up at Shade, his eyes filling with tears.


Midnight turned around to see the princess of the night rushing towards him.  Luna scooped him up into her forelegs and hugged him tightly.  Too tightly in fact.

"Oh, Midnight, I was so worried about y-ah!" Luna gasped as a blast of magic flew past them.  Luna looked at King Sombra who stood, facing her, obviously furious.



Midnight beamed up at her.  This Midnight had never before met the Shade of that world yet, but he wasn't afraid of the stranger.

Luna brushed her forehead with the back of her hand.  "Midnight.  Come on," she whined, causing a number of students to giggle at her.  Luna glared at them as they did, making them immediately go silent.  "Seriously, someone please point Midnight out to me so that you can get back to learning!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade blinked as she didnt know what just happened. she wished she had time to study the world before having to jump into action.

villan jumped into a defensive position as he saw sombra shoot a bolt of magic.




shade finally felt a bit happy as she had to watch luna whine looking for midnight. "when she gets close, run out the left of my desk and go for the door." she whispered to midnight.



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"Release the crystal ponies you've imprisoned!  As the ruler of Equestria, we command thee!" Luna yelled at King Sombra.

King Sombra growled at her.  "I was the ruler of this kingdom!  You simply came in and took it right from me!"

Discord snorted.  "Yeah, I know the feeling.  Where's Celestia, Chryssie?" Discord smiled at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis gave him a look and then turned back to King Sombra. 

"Thou were a wicked ruler!  We rule Equestria and we shall decide who rule the kingdoms within it!  And we will never let thou rule anything again!"

"I ruled Equestria once," Discord said quietly.

King Sombra hissed at her.  "I only try to rule this kingdom!  I never tried to rule Equestria!  How dare you interfere where it is not your place?"

"They interfere with a lot," Discord said.

"We had to interfere!  Thou rule was affecting the whole of Equestria!  And we couldn't stand by as you tore apart the crystal ponies!  We must protect our ponies!"

"They weren't your ponies when I---" Discord started.

"How come no pony has killed thou yet?!" Luna yelled, turning to Discord.

"Strange, isn't it?" Discord said.



A few of the students knew where Midnight was, but it wasn't as if they wanted to go back to learning!  Luna sighed and began towards the middle of the class.

"Bones...I...I'm sorry, really," Luna whispered, embarrassed as she glanced around for Midnight.

Midnight grinned up at Shade and then dashed out from under the desk and out the door, giggling quietly.  Luna swung around at the last moment to see him disappear.  She cried out in frustration;

"You have got to be kidding me!"

"Need some help?" Bones smirked.  "I'm sure one of the students here are okay with kids."

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was getting more and more confused each second. She didn't know anything about what they where talking about. All she was getting was that lots of the... Ponies have ruled over the land. *maybe* she thought looking at the crystal hart. *maybe I have the power to rule over this world.* she thought.


Villan didn't do anything. He just watched...




Shade stood up from her desk. "I don't think I'm even suppose to be in this class... Il go look for him." She said with a grin.



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