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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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At that moment where Luna lost focus, King Sombra shot at her with another blast of dark magic.  Luna went crashing to the ground, Midnight still in her arms as she went unconscious.

"M-mom?" Midnight cried, pulling out of her arms.

"That isn't my fault," Discord said.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something instead of just sitting there and being a big meanie?!" Midnight cried, jumping up and facing Discord.

"Mm.  Hate," Chrysalis whispered, trying to make a point.  It didn't work.  Discord said something in his defense and Midnight growled a reply.  Chrysalis finally tried to smack Discord in the back of his head but he disappeared and appeared behind King Sombra, his edge coming back.  Discord patted King Sombra on the head.

"I suppose I should do something."



Luna glanced at Shade and shook her head for a moment, not wanting to accept help from this child.  But eventually, she gave in and threw her arms up, letting him fall into her thighs with a smack.

"Fine!  But you better not just be trying to ditch," Luna said, leaving the room.

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Villan would have shot a bolt of magic back... But he didn't know how to. All he did was charge his magic and hoped something would happen if he did that.


Shade... Still holding the crystal hart just didn't know what to do... She just stood there and did nothing.




Shade left the classroom to 'go look for midnight.' She started wandering around the school to find a trace of midnight. She may know midnight well... But this was a different midnight. It will be like introducing herself all over again.

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King Sombra swung around and began to fade into the ground as a shadow.  Discord grabbed at him but Sombra slipped right through his fingers in his shadowy form. 

"Okay.  Enough of this," Discord growled.

Discord snapped his talon and the shadows seemed to move away as Sombra turned back to his pony form.  Since he had been halfway in the ground already, he was stuck and absolutely furious.  Discord glared down at him.

"The spirit of chaos you idiot.  The spirit.  Of.  Chaos."

Discord looked up.  "And hey.  I don't even see any of you others doing anything either.  Yeah, Midnight?  Except for...you...over there," Discord said, fluttering his fingers at Villan.  "What are you doing?"



Midnight hurried outside of the school building.  Just as the pony version of Midnight had left the castle to explore, this Midnight was doing the same thing.  He had slipped out of his mother's guidance and was now skipping across the grass, wondering where to wander off to.

Perhaps he could hurry out the school gates if he was careful.

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Villan stopped charging his magic... "I'm trying to cast a spell... But I'm not good with magic... If you ask me, shade could be doing alot more than guarding the crystal hart." He said looking over at shade.


Shade looked right back at villan... Seems like her trick wore off.




Shade knew that midnight would want to be free and be able to explore. She headed outside and saw him skipping through the grass. She walked towards him. "Hey midnight... Where do you think your going?" She asked with a happy tone.

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Discord looked over at Shade.  "Uu!  Shade!  A little help?" Discord said, even though he didn't really need help.  Sombra's powers would be gone for a few minutes and he was stuck in the ground. 



Midnight spun away, ready to dash off if he needed to.  He then saw that it was the older girl from Mr. Bones class.  He liked her!  She seemed nice!  Midnight grinned.

"I'm going to go outside!" Midnight said, pointing towards the gate, referring to outside the school gates when he said outside.

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Shade blinked... "Um... Crystal heart?" She said holding it out to discord.


Villan scanned shade... He didn't want to point hooves without a reason, but something was really off about shade.




"Outside? Well... For one... Your mother would like that, two... She sent me to go find you. Three... I don't really care about that. Four... Where exactly do you want to go?" She asked him.

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Discord gave Shade a funny look and looked at Villan.  Villan's expression made Discord turn back to Shade and narrow his eyes.  Discord looked Shade up and down.

"Isn't Shade usually more helpful than this," Discord said carefully.

Midnight sat beside his mother, paying them no attention as the poor child cried silently.  This wasn't a very good adventure for the young colt to have.

Chrysalis went over to King Sombra and smacked him over the head.  It ended up hurting her a bit more with all of King Sombra's armor.  Sombra growled at her.



Midnight frowned.  "Mom's no fun," he said quietly when she said the listed down the first two.  He giggled a little when she said the third.  Then she finished.  "I don't know," Midnight answered.  "But the school is boring!  It's just books and b-books!" Midnight said, not knowing what else to say that it had.  Maybe it really just was books and books.

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shade shrugged not knowing anything more to do. "um... maybe?" she said.


"shade... how about you change into your changeling forum... you can probably think better if your in it." villan suggested, also testing to see if shade was herself.

shades hart started beating. "um... ok..." she said.


shade tried to 'change her forum' but she couldent do it no matter how she tried.

villan scanned shade once more before tackling her. "who are you and what have you done with shade" he yelled.




shade walked over to the statue and punched it a few times... it was still solid. she sighed then turned back to midnight "well... its up to you. you run off somewhere and il follow." she said.

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Discord turned them.  "Hm.  Interesting turn of events," he smirked.  He glanced at King Sombra and spoke to him as if the ruler cared.  "Not sure if I like it or not, but interesting."

King Sombra gave him a look, but stayed silent.  King Sombra didn't speak much at times. 

Midnight's ears twitched as he heard Villan yelling.  Midnight turned to see that he had tackled Shade to the ground.  Immediately, he knew.

Shade wouldn't ever push him away.

Midnight stood up and glanced around at them all.  He turned and began to gallop back to the castle.



Midnight shrugged and nodded at the crazy girl punching the statue.  He turned to the gates and ran over to the guard.

"Heeeey!" he called.  The guard turned to the kid running towards him and raised an eyebrow.  "Some guy is climbing over the fence over there!" Midnight said, pointing to the building, referring to behind it.

The guard rolled his eyes and sighed.  "In or out..."


"In!" the guard said, snapping into focus.  "Okay!  Thanks kid!" the guard said, running off to the back of the building.

Midnight watched him for a moment and then ran out the gates into freedom.

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Villan was still on top of shade. "What have you done with shade?" He yelled again. Shade just glaired at him. She knew that she was caught and there was no way out of this. But she didn't want to give up easely. "I may not be your shade... But I am shade." She said.

It took a moment for villan to think about what she said, but he knew what she ment. "What! Your that worlds shade!!! What did you do with our shade!!!!!!" He yelled.

"Oh she's safe... Safe in my world..." Shade replied.

Villan got off of shade and marched to the other side of the room. "Gaw!!! Equestria is doomed!" He yelled with all his anger.




Shade watched as midnight tricked the guard. "Wow... Not bad for a foal who didn't grow up as a thief." She said to herself. She looked at statue and sighed... She wondered if there was a way for her to be able to return to equestria early.

It seemed clear for her to leave so she snuck out and followed midnight.

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Discord stood there for a long moment, silent for once.  He was simply trying to hold his anger on the inside.  It wasn't a very easy thing to do for the draconequus who never let anything slip by.

He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth together.  Finally, he turned around and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?!" Chrysalis hissed after him.

Discord continued walking away.

"Answer my question, foal!"

Discord turned to her, his eyes flashing red at the changeling queen.  "I didn't give up everything just to have some idiot take away the one thing I had left!  And what's more, the same stupid foal dooms the place I gave up that everything for!"

Chrysalis stared at him for a moment, trying not to look afraid as he yelled at all.  Discord turned around and continued walking away.

"Nice going," King Sombra smirked at Shade, which earned him another smack in the head from Chrysalis.



The little colt, Midnight, continued to the castle.  When he reached it, he galloped up the steps and to the closet.  He pushed the door open to the room with a giant hole in the floor and went towards the mirror.  He stared at it for a long moment and then touched the smooth surface, having no idea what to do.

Midnight began to cry, pressing his face against the mirror.




The child, Midnight, glanced around and wondered where he should go.  There was a wood in front of him.  It didn't seem big enough to be called a forest.  Midnight skipped over to it and disappeared into the trees.

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Shade got up onto her hooves... She didn't know if she should run or not. Her cover was blown and there was no way she was going to get it back.


Villan looked at shade then turned away, he wanted to get the real shade back. But he wasnt sure how to get her back. He didn't know when the portal will open again.




Shade was running after midnight when she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She felt like she heard something coming from the statue, it sounded like midnight saying her name. A tear rolled down her cheek as she didn't know what to do or how to get back... "Midnight" she whispered to herself before running into the woods to go look for the other midnight.

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Discord walked for quite a while.  He ended up in a random ponies house, leaning against the door.  His eyes were closed tightly, his paw at his mouth as tears squeezed out of his eyes.

He was upset.

And that meant he was dangerous.

So he'd rather be there.



Midnight was upset too.  But unlike Discord, he was more sad than angry.  Midnight sat on the floor in front of the mirror.

"Why am I so useless?" he said quietly.  "Why can't I do anything to help Shade?  Shade would find out something to do.  All I can do is sit here and wait for the shadows to come.  I should have known something was wrong.  Shade is my best friend and I never even realized..."

Midnight put his face in his hooves.  "Equestria is doomed and its all my fault," he cried, the colt putting all the blame on himself, putting the weight of the world on his frail shoulders.



Luna jumped up.  "What happened?!" she gasped, glancing around.  She took in the scene around her.  Villan wasn't looking at Shade, Shade was standing alone, Midnight and Discord were gone, Chrysalis was standing with an almost miserable expression on her face, and King Sombra was halfway in the ground.



Midnight hopped about the trees, looking all around at all the greenery and the flowers and little creatures.

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Villan looked at Luna, "Luna! Please tell me you know how to open up the portal to the other world." Villan grabbed shade by her mane with his magic. "So we can return this thing back to her own world." He said.

Shade tried to break free from his magic but she didn't know how to. "I don't want to go back to my world... It sucks there." She said glaring at villan.




Shade didn't bother to keep up with midnight, she just decided to sit down on a log. She thought about how she may be able to open the portal. She looked at the trees and the sky above her. For some reason, she thought about discord. If he was ruler... There would be cotton candy clouds and Chocolat milk rain. It would be... "Chaos... Wait" she said to herself. She checked her pockets and found her element of chaos. She looked at it, "maybe I can use this to open the portal some how." She said to herself.

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Luna stared at Villan, her eyes wide.  She looked between him and Shade for a long moment and then sighed.  "The portal will only open in thirty moons.  I cannot control it."

"Don't you control the moon?" Chrysalis muttered.

Celestia appeared at the door, covered in dust and debris.  The princess coughed loudly for a long moment, leaning against the door frame.  She rose her eyes to take in the scene before her.  She hadn't found a way to help the crystal ponies or found any clues to do so.  She had gotten herself into quite a bit of trouble down there.  Luckily, she didn't end up hurting anypony.


(What if both sides of the portal needed chaos magic to work)

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"looks like your stuck with me." shade said with a smug. villan slammed her into the wall then let her loose from his magic grip. 

"great... 30 moons... thats like... a long time from now... how are we going to get shade back before equestria is doomed?" he asked somewhat annoyed. 




shade decided to wait until later to try to create chaos to open the portal, she didnt want to bring attention to herself. "midnight!" she called out starting to look for him.

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Celestia rested against the door frame as she listened in on the conversation between the four ponies in front of her.  She opened her eyes and looked at Shade.  From what they spoke about, she knew if wasn't her.  There did seem to be something off about her.

"Take the crystal heart from her.  Luna, make sure she stays in your sight at all times.  Don't let her try to use magic.  She may be 'Shade' but she hasn't had our 'Shade's' experience," Celestia said calmly.  "Chrysalis, control King Sombra while you can.  He cannot use magic, I presume.  He might be weak afterwards.  Keep him with us as long as possible.  Finally, where's Midnight and where's Discord?"



Midnight jumped slightly as the rabbit he had been carefully stalking bounced away in fright.  Midnight turned to the sound of the girl's voice.

"Here I am!" he called.

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Villan took the crystal heart from shade and handed it to Luna. He then glaired at shade. Shade glared right back at him, then... "What?" She asked.

"Why did you want to leave your world?" He asked.

"Because I suffer every day. I gotta bedlam all day to make enough money for dinner. And I also sleep in a trash can every night..."

"Your no different then our shade... Better actually."

"How so?"

"Well, I know that she grew up in a sewer with a bunch of thieves... She left mainly to go to the hive and learn about special powers she had."

*i truly know why I left*

"She was then kicked out for some reason I don't know why... It was rumored that she was kicked out because she was only a halfling. But after that she lived in trash cans and all that stuff... But after some events with discord, she has to deal with dark magic... I don't know what it feels like but it seems like she suffers with it. Not to mention that changeling feed on love... Which is hard to come by freely."


Shade was surprised by how the other hers life was so similar to hers... And she seemed to stay tough through it, Just like her.




Shade saw midnight and put the element of chaos on her head. She made her way to midnight, "don't you think we should be heading back to the school... Or do you just wanna mess around here more." She asked.

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Celestia sighed and nodded at 'Shade'.  "Yes.  Our Shade has made a number of mistakes.  But the good she has done overrides it.  I can only hope that you too will figure out how to override the bad you have just done," she said quietly.  She looked at King Sombra.  "If you haven't doomed us all," she said. 

Celestia pushed herself away from the doorframe.  "I'm going to go find Discord."

"No, sister!" Luna said.  "I'll go.  You need to rest."

Celestia looked at Luna.  "No.  You watch Shade.  You won't be able to talk to him.  He's probably upset," she said.  She turned away.  "Only Shade and I know how to talk to him."



"No!" Midnight said immediately, when she suggested going back to the school.  He looked up at the crown on her head.  "What's that?"

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Shade just sat quietly... She needed to think about all the stuff going on in her head.

Villan sat beside Luna keeping his eyes on shade at all times.




Shade knew it was a long shot... But it was still worth trying. When she was asked about the crown, "oh this? This is called the element of chaos. There are 6 others just like it, although I haven't had contact with the other element holders for a very long time. It's Suppose to give me magical powers, but I don't think it works in this world." She said getting a bit carried away. She hoped she wasn't creeping midnight out.

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Luna touched the crystal heart and sighed.  She didn't know what she was supposed to do with it.  Only Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, the past elements of harmony, Spike and long passed on crystal ponies had seen the crystal heart in action.

Oh and King Sombra of course.

Luna looked up to see King Sombra glaring at the dirt.  Chrysalis just stood there, still having the miserable expression on her face.  Chrysalis didn't want to be here, didn't plan on being here, or like being here.  She was forced to help fight and forced to stand beside the ponies she hated most in Equestria.

Luna almost felt sorry for her.




Celestia was busy looking for Discord.  She was tired of looking for things.



Midnight stared up at the girl for a very long time.  Finally he spoke, "Are you making this up?  Every pony likes to make up stuff like that!" he frowned.  "But I know magic is real!  It has to be!  I mean, those girls came out of that statue!" Midnight said.

Midnight paused.  "Other world?" he repeated, his brow furrowing together.

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villan sat back and continued to keep a sharp eye on shade. shade continued to think about all that has happened.




shade was surprised about him knowing about the statue. "um... yes... the statue is a portal to another world, and thats the world that i come from." shade was wondering if it was a good idea to talk about this.  

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Luna looked over at Shade, raising her eyebrows.  "How did thee think this would work?  How long did thou expect to keep this up?" she asked, trying to break the silence, but ending up sounding mean without realizing.



"What?!" Midnight cried.  "I've been trying to go through that portal forever!  It never works!" Midnight frowned.  "Does it only work for you people?" he asked.

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shade glaired at luna, "for at least 30 moons... i dout you would have noticed if i wasnt forced to use magic, because 'shade's' personaliy is no different from mine." she said.




"well... errm... i think it only works once every 30 moons... and it just closed last night... and now i gotta find a way to force it open so i can go home" shade explained.

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Luna shook her head at Shade.  "But thou hasn't a clue what this Shade has been through..." she said.



"30 moons?' Midnight said.  He did know what this meant.  His mother taught him astrology.  He paused for a minute, thinking.  "How are you going to do that?" he asked when he couldn't think of anything himself.

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