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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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"Okay then," Discord said, turning towards the mirror.  He stared at it for a long moment, tapping his chin with a talon.  He sighed and then touched the mirror with the same talon.  Where he touched, the mirror suddenly rippled like water.

"Hm," he laughed.  "What did I just do?" he asked no pony in particular.

Midnight wasn't amused.  "What?!  What's wrong?!"



Midnight knew that when someone said maybe, it almost always meant no.  Still, Midnight didn't argue.  That maybe had potential. 

Luna opened the door of her office upon hearing the knock.  She looked at Shade and then at Midnight.  "Oh.  Hello," she said.


(It seems so.  xD  Okay then)

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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villan quickly looked at the mirror and discord, "what!? is the portal open?" he asked getting a bit excited.


shade remained quiet, she didnt want to cause any more trouble.




shade smiled as luna opened the door, "i found him!" she said presenting midnight to her.



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Discord laughed again.  "Let me just...see..." he said, poking his head through the portal.  The portal rippled again.  After a moment or two, Discord pulled his head back out, gasping for air.  His head was soaked with water.  Discord laughed again, obviously enjoying this. 

"Why are you wet?  What did you do?!" Midnight snapped.

Discord looked at him.  "I seemed to have opened the portal.  But it isn't where it used to be."


Discord snickered.  "Well...now its somewhere with water.  We'd have to swim to the surface to figure out where exactly it is...and then we'd have to find where the portal originally was to find Shade..."



Luna sighed and smiled tiredly back at Shade.  "Thank you.  I hope he wasn't too much trouble."

"Nyeh," Midnight said.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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villan was confused for a second, "but... do you know if its the right world?" he asked.


"i may be able to tell if its my world or not." shade said.


"then do so." villan smirked as he let shade free from his magic.


shade stuck her head though the mirror, but quickly pulled out and started shivering. she curled up in a ball. "water.... deep water..." she said shivering.



shade put her hand on midnights shoulder. "no... he wasnt much trouble." she said waiting for luna to do something like hug midnight... all she needed was a sliver of love, then she could be on her way.



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Discord smirked.  "Yes.  It is," he said.  He took a deep breathe and then went straight through the mirror without consoling the ponies before him.

Chrysalis took a deep breathe as well, and then quietly backed away, going to make a run for it.



"Good.  Midnight.  Come in.  It's lunch time," Luna said.

"I'm not hungry though," Midnight whined. 

"Midnight," Luna said sternly.  "It is time for you to eat."

"But I'm not hungry."

Luna growled very quietly and sighed.  She put her hands over her face.  After a moment, she removed them.  "We can get those little cakes you like from the town nearby."

"Ooh, re-wait!  But I'm not hu-"

Luna laughed and wagged her finger at him.  "Oh no.  I heard that.  Come on, Midnight.  We have to come back later though.  I still have to work," she smiled, reaching down and picking Midnight up in her arms. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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villan raised his brow at shade. he didnt bother to ask. he just garbed shade and charged through the mirror. 

"no NO! WAIT!!!" she yelled, but she was already through the portal and swimming in water.

villan swam holding shade to the surface.




shade twitched a bit. luna wasnt showing enough love for her to take. "i... il just go somewhere..." she said panicking on the inside. 



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Midnight's eyes widened.  "Wait!" he screeched as they disappeared.  He glanced around, wondering whether or not to go in or not.  He didn't want to be here alone...but he couldn't just leave in case something happened.

His eyes then met Chrysalis's.  They stared at each other for a long moment.

"Don't touch me," Midnight whispered.



Discord swam through the water.  It was a bit difficult.  He was so used to his snake-like body to swim through water.  This weird...other body thing wasn't very well made.

Finally though, he broke through the surface of the water and looked around to see land about a hundred feet away.  Considering where they could have been, this didn't seem very far so he began to swim towards it.



Luna looked up at Shade.  "Oh...would you like...to go to lunch with us?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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villan gasped for air as he reached the surface. shade started to panic as she was swimming in water. "i think we should drag her to land." he said.




shade turned back and was somewhat surprised that luna asked her if she wanted to join them for lunch. "um... sure..." she said.



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Chrysalis smiled at him.  "Oh, well it looks like you're all alone here.  Why don't you...come along with Chryssie and we can find something...to eat."

Midnight stood up slowly and began to back again as Chrysalis came towards him.  "N-no."

"All alone, my darling," Chrysalis said quietly, continuing to stalk towards him.

"Not quite."

Both Chrysalis and Midnight swung around towards King Sombra.



Discord glanced over at Shade and rolled his eyes.  He swam over and put his arm around her shoulder.  He began to swim again, with her.

"Don't panic in water."



Luna smiled at her.  The girl had taken care of Midnight for her, and Midnight's expression said that he liked the girl.  So why not?  Luna wasn't a people's person like her sister, but for Midnight, she thought it would be nice to take this girl to lunch with them.

"Come on.  We'll have to be quick so that you can get back to classes.  It's about recess time now."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade tried to calm herself down... but it only made it hard for her to breath. "j... j... just get me out of here!" she choked...


villan looked around, "where do you think we are? like... where is the place we last saw shade?" he asked.




shade nodded and followed luna to go for lunch. it would also give her a chance to absorb some love from her if she shows it. 



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Discord pulled Shade along with him as he swam.  "I don't know," Discord replied to Villan.  "All I know is that we have to find the statue where the portal used to be.  I'm sure Shade would be hanging around there."



Luna carried Midnight outside of the building and into the parking lot.  She unlocked the car doors slipped into the drivers seat as Midnight climbed into the back. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade was struggling to breath... but managed to say "i... can... take you to... the place.... i just... need out........ of this WATER!"


villan rolled his eyes and just swam.




shade looked at this strange thing in front of her *i guess this is like the... train... but for a small group??? ah forget it* she thought and got in the back of the car beside midnight.



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Discord sighed.  "We're getting there!" he said, annoyed.  "What am I supposed to do?  Carry you above the surface and then swim?"

This, obviously wouldn't work.  As a human, Discord was quite thin and didn't seem like he would be up to the challenge.  He also wouldn't be able to carry Shade in one hand and swim with the other.  They were close to the shore though.



Luna nodded at Shade in the rear view mirror to acknowledge her entrance and then put the key in the ignition, starting the car up.  She pulled out of the parking lot and then began to drive to a little cafe nearby.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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villan rolled his eyes getting annoyed as well, and continued to swim towards land. shade tried to keep calm as she was pulled towards the shore. 




shade jumped a bit when the car started up, it was all too new for her, but she settled down quickly when she looked at midnight.



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After a few moments, Discord was able to walk the rest of the way to shore.  When he reached the land he sighed, tired, letting go of Shade.



"You should try the cakes they have at the cafe!  Their really tiny and really nice!" Midnight said, beaming at Shade as Luna reached the cafe and parked.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade ran far from the water and curled up in a ball and shivered.


villan pushed himself to his feet and looked at discord. "is our shade that scared of water?" he asked




shade shrugged not knowing if there was a her world version of this cafe and just said, "ok"



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Discord glanced over at Shade who was now a shivering ball on the sand.  "What is wrong with her?  She does seem overly afraid..." he said.  "Hey, human Shade!" Discord called, turning towards her but not moving to go closer.  "Are you alright over there?"



"Okay then, here we are," Luna said, forcing her voice to be cheerful and sociable.  Luna took the key out of the ignition and opened the door, stepping out.  Midnight bounced out as well.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked at discord and started breathing normally again... she stood up, "dose your shade not fear water?" she asked


villan thought for a moment, "well... i dont know..." he said.




shade got out of the car and looked at Luna, *there must be some way i can get Luna to show some love... maybe i should have just looked for Cadence and shining armour* she thought



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Discord, almost shamefully, shrugged his shoulder.  "I don't know.  Why?"



Luna forced a smile at Shade.  She was regretting being social already.  "Well, come on.  I can buy you your lunch.  Pick anything you'd like off the menu," she said, gently pushing Midnight along towards the cafe.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked around to see where they where... it seemed like they weren't close to the school at all. "im not sure where we are..." she said.


villan face palmed and wondered what they where going to do. then he looked around and didnt see midnight. "hey... where has midnight gotten to? and chrysalis?" he asked.




shade looked at the menu and didnt know what she should get. she looked at midnight and asked him, "what should i get" 



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Discord glanced around.  "Hm?  I guess they stayed back.  Midnight will probably just sit there and Chrysalis will probably just..." Discord trailed off.  "Oh.  That's not good."



Midnight leaned towards Shade to see her menu.  He hadn't gotten a menu, being a child.  The waiter knew that Luna would order for him.  "You should get one of those cakes," he said, pointing at a picture of a small, square cake.  "And the apple juice is really good too!"

Luna said nothing.  She flipped through her menu, quietly contemplating whether to get herself a salad or a sandwich and whether or not she should get Midnight to eat more than those stupid cakes.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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villan looked at the ground for a second thinking of the worst. "maybe we should go back and see if... well, maybe we should just go back to just..." he said cutting himself off...


shade continued to look around at her surroundings, "well... i cant tell where we are from here... lets just try going somewhere and see if i can see where we are and where we need to go." she said




shade looked at some of the cakes and shrugged, "i guess il try one of them." she said. 



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Discord shrugged, looking out across the water.  "I don't know where the portal is anymore.  We should just find Shade first," he said, reluctantly.  Hopefully, Chrysalis wouldn't do anything too bad to Midnight.  They were both changelings after all.  What was the worst she could do?"



Chrysalis and Midnight stared at the king who was surrounded with flickering shadows.  In a second, the shadows sharply snapped at them both.  Midnight fell onto his back from his sitting position.  He quickly scrambled up.  Chrysalis stumbled back, her tail slipping into the portal.  She jumped away from it, unwilling to know what lied behind it.

It might have been better to have gone through.

"Don't move," the king whispered into her ear as she backed up into him.



"Alright, are we ready to order then?" Luna asked, putting her menu down.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"lets not get into that" villan said, "lets just find shade and the original portal and get out of here." he added.


shade started to walk away from the water so she could think strait. she looked around and tried to figure out where they where. by the looks of things it seemed like there where in vancouver. and that's not far from the crystal university. "i think i know where we are... but canterlot high is a bit of a ways from here." she said.




shade nodded. "yah... im probably just going to have one of the cakes." she said.



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Discord shrugged a shoulder.  "Lead the way," he said.



Luna nodded.  "Anything to drink?" she asked, waving her hand through the air to get the attention of a waiter.



Chrysalis froze immediately as Midnight's eyes went back and forth between them both.

"Look at me now, Queeny."

Chrysalis turned her head and found her face only inches away from King Sombra's. 

"Now listen.  You and I are two very different ponies.  You feed on love, while I gain power from hate.  And if you are fighting against me rather than with me, what with that potential you have in you, you have two choices.  You continue trying to fight against me, alongside the ones who wronged you and very well may banish you after this all, and I can kill you right here, while I'm strong and you're weak.  Or, you can run away right now like the coward you are and potentially starve to death when I spread my hate and fear across Equestria.  Now...what will it be?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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