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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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"Oh," Midnight said.  "What if you cast it and can't find anything?" he said worriedly.  If she did that, she may not have any energy left to do it again.  They would have to cast it at the right time, but when would that be?



Chrysalis gave Villan a look.  "Where is the crystal heart?" she asked.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade thought for a long moment, then she remembered that she had the crystal heart on her. she pulled it out, but it was very low on love. "well this isnt an option." she said, "i guess we will just need to try our luck and hope i see something when i cast it." she added. o the subject of spells, shade didnt know if midnight knew other than his changeling powers. "by the way, do you know any spells?" she asked.




villan gave a glare at the queen, "its with shade, just get your rump moving and make yourself useful." he said trotting ahead.


(happy new year BTW)



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"Me?" Midnight said.  "Oh, I know spells!  Mommy taught me some!"  Midnight paused for a moment to remember a few.  "But...I don't know if any can help us...I can light up my horn..." he said.



Chrysalis hissed at him as he trotted off.  Discord smirked at her as he followed Villan.

"You get used to being on a different side than you're used to.  You look like you want to tear out his throat.  I want to checker up the grass every.  Day."

"I won't be getting used to it because I don't plan to stay," Chrysalis mumbled.  She was required to, and thus, she would not.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade smiled looking at midnight, "your growing up strong midnight." she said proud of him. she glanced at the ground for a second and felt that it was the time to use her 'tracking' spell. "stand back midnight, i dont want to detect you while casting the spell." she said. after a deep breath she casted the spell. she saw the crystal ponies underneath them, and saw how to get underground. she stopped the spell and started walking towards the place where she saw the opening. "come midnight, i see a way to get to the crystal ponies." she said



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Midnight beamed at Shade's approval and stepped back when asked.  He was delighted when the spell worked and trotted after her.

"Where are they?" Midnight asked curiously, glancing about for a sign to where they could be.  Perhaps now they could be done with this Sombra fellow.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"they are right underneath us, but what i was looking for was a way down there. i found the way down there but i dont know how bad its going to be down there." she said pausing for a second. "but im sure its nothing two halflings cant handle." she said patting midnight on the head.

shade found the dark hole in the ground that was the way in. she looked at it for quite some time. "i have a feeling were gonna be facing our nightmares down there." she said.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Mdnight beamed at her and followed her to a strange hole in the ground.  It looked very deep and obviously led down to the mines.

"Nightmares shmightmares," Midnight said bravely.  He then reared up excitedly.  "My mommy is Nightmare Moon and your daddy is Discord!"  Midnight placed both hooves back down and made a calm gesture.  "We can handle it."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade smiled at midnights confidence, "and dont forget that you have a part of me in you too! yes, together we are unstoppable!" she said smiling at him. they walked down the hole and went into the mines. shade knew that she had to expect everything, but she didnt know what to expect. 



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Midnight used his horn as a light source once they were deep enough for it to become dark.  He wasn't even afraid.  He was very proud to be helping to save Equestria and he knew that they would be able to win.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Midnight looked over his shoulder to where King Sombra stood on the steps behind them.  He was actually quite calm as he stared down at them.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade stopped where she stood. she held midnight close to her as she knew the evil king was behind them. she didnt bother to turn around when she spoke. "what dose it look like were doing. we are stopping the darkness that your spreading all over equestria." she said in a dark tone



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  • 2 weeks later...

"And what makes you believe that you two can do that?  You?  A pathetic, abandoned halfling and a tiny, insignificant colt with no father left.  What makes you think that you can stop my power?!" King Sombra said, his voice rising with every word, stepping down a few steps.

Midnight pressed closely to Shade.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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what sombra said made shade have a shot of anger. voices and images bounced around in her head, but she shook them off. she may have been abandoned, but its something that she has accepted. "i was like you once you know. full of hatred, twisted, and evil. but then i saw the good that i could with the powers i had. it may have been chaos, but there is such a thing as chaotic harmony. and now i defend equestria. maybe one day you will see the good that you can do." she said continuing to walk through the dark place.



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King Sombra narrowed his eyes as Shade and Midnight walked away from him.  He felt such anger at the disrespect they showed towards this King.  The anger had him stronger.

"There can be so much more power with hatred and fear.  With hatred and fear you can control everypony around you and make those that have hurt you suffer.  What can good do?  Bring rainbows and butterflies?" Sombra called out to them.  "Maybe if you were to join me you could see!  You've already attempted to join that joke of a King, Discord, but he was a nothing compared to me!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade stopped for a second thinking about what sombra just said. sure it may be true that control comes from fear, but not the control that shade liked. you are able to control ponies with harmony, not in the evil way but in the leadership kind of way. discord was fun and chaotic to rain chaos with. all sombra wanted to do was control and cast fear. "im not that kind of pony. not any more at least."



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King Sombra chuckled.  "Everypony is like that deep inside.  Do not hide from it, Shade Bluewind.  Do not hide from the darkness because that only makes it want you more.  Eventually it will find you whether you like it or not..."

He smiled at her and then stepped backwards, disappearing into the shadows.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade had this chill go down her spine, she knew what sombra was saying was true because she lost herself to darkness before in the past. she also isnt entirely sure if all of that darkness has left her. "come midnight, i dont want this to go on any longer." she said



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  • 2 weeks later...

Midnight nodded and bounced ahead on all fours.  He continued along down the spiraling staircase from a long while and finally stopped, not quite from exhaustion, but from worry.

"How long does this go on?" he asked, wondering if it would go on forever.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked at midnight and then turned and looked around at the darkness, she didnt really think that it was endless but it was beginning to look like it was. shade thought for a moment, they could jump down the middle and fly down, but it was so dark that would seem dangerous. "what should we do, im not sure if this is endless but i just... what do we do." she said to herself out loud.



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Midnight frowned, staring down into the darkness, thinking that she was speaking to him.  "Maybe there's a spell we can use to teleport down all the way," he said, looking up at her, very uncertain.  He wondered if they should turn back, but if they did, that may go on forever too or the entrance down might close up.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade thought for a moment, teleporting all the way down may work, a bit tricky to do but it just may work. "hold on midnight, this may be bumpy." she said picking up midnight and putting him on her back. she channelled her energy and teleported. she had to teleport a few time before they reached the bottom. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

"We made it!" Midnight squealed, hopping off of Shade.  A poof of dust explored around him when he hit the ground and he coughed for a long moment.  He glanced around to see two passageways, each blocked up with iron bars. 

Midnight went towards one and touched the cold bar. 

"I bet we could get through this easy!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade closed her eyes to listen and see if she could listen to the sounds of the crystal ponies and tell if they where close by. she could feel that they weren't very far but she felt that there would be a lot of dark magic blocking the path. she really didnt trust the iron bars to be regular iron bars. shade took midnights hoof and attempted to teleport to the other side of the iron bars. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

At first, it seemed like they succeeded.  Suddenly though, they were zapped back behind the bars with sharp flashes of purple and green.  Midnight blinked.

"Wha-huh?" he said, touching the bars again.  "But...we...what?"  He turned to Shade, his expression confused and seeking an answer from her.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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  • 2 weeks later...

shade was surprised too. at first she didn't know what happened, then she looked back at the place where they entered. it seemed like sombras magic was preventing them from getting in... and now, it looks like they wont be getting out any time soon. she turned to midnight and said "i think we just fell into sombras trap."



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  • 1 month later...

(its been almost 2 years going on with this RP... maybe its time to put it to rest?)


after some tough dark magic fields and questioning of destiny and identity, shade and midnight made it through all of sombras magic and tricks. once they reached the crystal ponies shade led them out of the underground and back into the crystal kingdom. some possably epic battle with sombra takes place and... stuff happens... crystal kingdom is saved, sombra is gone, maybe a return is in place... i dont know.... equestria is saves once again... blah blah blah blah...


shade is looking out the window as the sun was rising. it had been some time since the last "adventure" happened. shade thinks about what to do with her life, there really isnt anything to do. midnight had grown up and was in little need of shade, he was strong with his changeling powers and and she was very happy that she had made most of who he is today. as for shade, maybe it was time to settle down and start a family of her own. but where would she find a pony that would like her? villan had vanished after the events of sombras return. where would this path lead? only one way to ever find out. shade wont ever be intimidated by the life ahead of her again by turning herself into stone, she will live her life strong.


(well.... its been fun... i wish you good will with whatever lies in your future! il miss this RP... it was really fun going on for 2 years XD, well anyways... good bye.)



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