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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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Chrysalis growled at him.  "What's in it for me?  Nothing?  I thought so," she said, turning around and beginning to walk away.  "Celest---"

Sombra jumped forward and clamped his hoof over her mouth.  "Listen, darling.  The crystal kingdom cannot only spread hatred and fear.  It can also spread some love.  Its not as if I couldn't get you some supper from the crystal heart, or some dessert from my slaves."

Chrysalis pushed at his hoof.  "How could I trust you?"

"You seem to trust Celestia."

"Celestia is a goody-goody."



Discord wandered about for a long while, going nowhere in particular.



Midnight jumped a bit when she burst awake.  "Nothing happened," he said.  "What happened to you?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.



"W-wai---" Luna started, before getting thrown out of the dream as it crumbled around her.  She hated it when that happened.  She sat up and glanced around, the dreams of her loved ones nowhere to be seen.  They were all awake.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade hesitated to tell midnight exactly what happened... "well, i... it was just a nightmare" she said then gave midnight a hug.




villan fell asleep on some steps, he thought he could just lie down and rest his eyes, but be just fell asleep right away.



(well... i may have time every morning to post... but im not 100% on that)



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King Sombra smiled.  "Oh, I suppose she is, isn't she.  But she has quite a number of friends who are not.  And she is so easily manipulated."

"Since when?"

"Since the beginning.  You can trust her as much as you can trust me.  So, who do you choose?"



Midnight hugged Shade back.  "I'll be here to wake you if you have another," he said.



Discord paused as he heard a familiar voice.  He turned towards the little alleyway of where the voice had come from.  He noticed two forms hugging as they sat on garbage bags in a dumpster.

"What are you doing?" he smirked, not realizing who they were as he couldn't see their faces.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade smiled. she was about to go back to sleep when one of the creatures seemed to appear out of nowhere. shade screamed and jumped out of dumpster. she had some air before she landed on the ground and faceplanted. she expected to fly since normaly when a pony looked in the dumpster she would just fly out. she was dizzy when she pushed herself off the ground, when she started to run, she slammed into the wall. she was really dizzy and couldn't get up.



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Chrysalis paused for a moment without turning back to him.  Then she continued walking away.  "Celestia."

"Awh, you are just as good as Discord now, aren't you?"

Chrysalis swung around.  "Dare you compare me to that draconequus?"

King Sombra simply smiled at her.  "I dared."

Chrysalis swung a hoof at him but he caught in a shadow tentacle.  He proceeded to grab her other hooves as well as around the neck.  Chrysalis squirmed and tried to fight her way out of their grip.  "Let go!"

King Sombra laughed.  Chrysalis took a deep breathe and stopped struggling.  "Fine.  I'll join you."

King Sombra tilted his head.  "Awh, too late for that, Queen."

Chrysalis's eyes widened and she screeched as she got pulled straight through the ground, the shadows pulling her right down.



Midnight screamed as Shade smashed into the wall.  He jumped out of the dumpster to go after her and ended up in a faceplant as well.  He pushed himself up and began to cry.

Discord stood there, snickering to himself.  "Wow...I...wow," he said.  He then burst out into laughter.  He didn't know he could cause so much fear in a different world as well.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade shook her head and picked up midnight as fast as she could. She started to run out of the ally, she glimpsed back for a second and saw the creature... But it strangely looked like discord. She ran around the corner and stopped. She looked at midnight, "midnight. Are you ok? Are you hurt?" She asked conserned for him.




Villan's eyes broke open as he chrysalis screeched. He got up slowly and started to walk in the derection where chrysalis was. *queens in trouble? Why should I care... I'm trying to sleep.* he thought.



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Celestia raised her head upon hearing a screech a few blocks away.  Immediately, she took off galloping to find out what was going on.  When she arrived in the spot, she found absolutely nothing.

Breathing heavily, Celestia glanced around.

"W-wha...Chrysalis?" she stuttered, thinking she had gone mad.



Midnight hugged Shade tightly and quickly nodded his head to say that he was okay, despite the fact that he was still crying.



Discord snorted as the two ran past him.  For a moment though, he paused, seeing how familiar the two looked.  He stared up at the sky for a moment, tapping his chin in thought.

Then he decided that there wasn't any harm in going after them.  At least not for him.  So he walked casually after them.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade petted midnight head, trying to get him to stop crying... She pieared around the corner to see the creature again. This one was different and strangely enough looked like discord. "Discord? Is that you?" She asked hugging midnight still trying to keep him comfortable.




Villan made his way to where chrysalis screeched. When he arrived, he only saw celestia. "What's... Going on... Here?" He asked with a yawn.



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Midnight pressed his face against Shade as she tried to calm him down.  Slowly, his tears began to dry up.  He rose his head slightly from Shade to see the thing Shade was talking to, the one that had scared them.


Discord stepped back, slightly surprised to hear her say his name.  But then it seemed obvious that it was her.  She looked like her, and she was even hanging out with something that resembled Midnight. 

"Oh.  Hello," Discord said, coming towards them.  "Er...sorry," he said, almost guiltily.



Celestia shook her head.  "I...I don't...I don't know," she said quietly, staring at the ground.

Suddenly, she saw shadows seeping out of the ground and jumped back before they touched her.  "Get back!" she cried out to Villan.  She accidentally stepped onto a shadow as she backed up and spun around, quickly flying up into the sky.  "Get into the air!" she ordered Villan as hundreds of shadowy tentacles seeped out of the dirt and snapped at anything on the surface, including Villan.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade got up still holding midnight. She walked up to discord and slapped him across the face. "Discord!!! What the buck! You don't just sneak up on me and midnight. What are you even doing here!" She said with her angered tone.




Villan stepped back and started to hover in the air. He looked as the shadows seemed to cover the floor.



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"Ow!" Discord cried, taken aback. 

Discord stepped back, holding up his hands defensively.  "I didn't know it was you two!" he said, as if that would make it okay.  "I came to see what's up with this place."

Midnight didn't say a word.



Celestia gasped as one shot up at her.  She dodged out of the way. The shadow flew past her and she flew up higher.  "This is dangerous.  We need to get to somewhere safe," she said, beginning to fly away.  She paused.  "Unless..."

If one of us could get down there, maybe we could get some information.  I don't trust Chrysalis to try.  But...its too dangerous.  I can't let him do that, nor can I risk myself.

"No.  Let's go," she said, narrowly dodging another shadow which jumped into the air.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade glaired at discord. "What's up with this place? What's up with this place!!? Il tell you what's up with this place... It's full of creatures that we've never seen before, there's no wings, no magic, weard contraptions, and this is just all so CRAZY" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Shut up you drunkin bitch. Some of us are trying to sleep" a creature said from one of the buildings.

Shade ignored what the creature said. "You need to get back to equestria... Me and midnight in this world is enough confusion." She said.




Villan followed celestia away from the shadows. He dodged all of the shadows that where being shot up at him.



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Discord made a face, becoming his childishly stubborn self.  "But I like the confusion," he said, frowning, not enjoying being slapped and then yelled at.  "I think you hit your head too hard..."

Midnight pressed his face back against Shade.



Celestia landed onto a balcony of the castle and looked out over the kingdom, which was looking darker as the minutes passed.  She took a deep breathe and exhaled slowly.  She blinked and looked up as a blanket of darkness came towards them.

"Oh, not aga---" she started.

The blanket washed over them.

Celestia shook slightly.  "I...I can't...I don't..." she whispered, her voice full of fear.  She laid onto the floor and covered her head with her hooves, whimpering.

The blanket disappeared, going to move across the rest of Equestria.  This time, it was not hatred, but fear.  Perhaps more dangerous.

Celestia rose her head, her eyes no longer afraid and growled under her breathe.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade growled and held midnight tightly. "This is not the place for fun discord. We don't have magic, we don't have wings. Me and midnight arnt changeling, you... Um... You arnt any different from us." She said.




Villan watched all the darkness go around. He wondered what he was suppose to do. "What are we going to do?" He asked.



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Discord put on an offended expression.  "Are you telling me that I am no longer special?" he said, putting one of his hands on his hip.

Midnight was getting annoyed.




Celestia shook her head.  "I...I don't know," she admitted quietly as she watched the darkness wash over the rest of Equestria and disappear across the horizon.




Chrysalis fell into the darkness, onto what felt like dirt.  She pushed herself up, furious and seething with rage.  She glanced around.  "Show yourself you insignificant foal!" she growled loudly, stomping a hoof against the dirt.

It was very dark.  Too dark to see anything.  She couldn't even see her hoof in front of her face.

She slowly walked forward, testing around for anything she could trip over with her hoof before every step.  She continued this until she found a wall.  She walked along the wall for a long time until she was sure she was in the same place she had started from.

Chrysalis began to breathe heavily, horribly afraid.  She tried to spark up her magic into her horn for light but her fear was enough to prevent it.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade glaired some more at discord. "No discord... Your extra special." She said before walking off with midnight. "Just go back to equestria, me and midnight are doing just fine on our own." She said walking off into the shadows of the night.




Villan look at the darkness, he put a shield around himself. Fear seamed to be affecting him.



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"But I'm already here," Discord complained, walking after her and putting his arm around her shoulder.  "Besides, you gotta have some protection out here in this strange world!"



Celestia took a deep breathe to calm herself.  She blinked a few times and pushed herself to her hooves.  "We can't do this with only the two of us.  We need Discord.  Shade and Midnight are enough to find clues in the other world.  Luna is enough to stay in Canterlot.  And Chrysalis may be enough wherever Sombra took her."



Chrysalis put her arms over her head and curled up on the dirt.

"Please don't leave me here.  Please.  I can't see anything."

King Sombra was standing a few feet away, unbeknownst to Chrysalis.  He smiled.  The fear made him feel stronger.  And she couldn't even see him.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade sighed, "then who's going to protect you discord? You need to go back to equestria and protect equestria, iv used sombras magic before, and it's quite... Fearful... And if he get to full power, we probably won't be able to use magic there as well." She said.




Villan curled up into a ball in his little shield. "R-right... W-we need d-discord. H-how should we get him b-back? Wait, or go get him?" He asked.



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"I can protect myself," Discord said, not breaking.  "Celestia is there.  With Chrysalis.  And that other pony.  Oh, don't nag."

Midnight whined, wishing he would go away.



Celestia shook her head, her eyes wide.  "I...I'm not sure.  But...no!  We need him now!  We...we have to go get him.  One of us has to."



Sombra watched Chrysalis sob hysterically into her hooves, not letting his presence known.  It was scarier to feel completely alone or not know whether you're alone than know you're with some pony else, no matter how evil that pony may be.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade sighed, she didn't want to talk to discord in her bad mood. She continued to walk to see where the crystal hart might be.




Villan looked at celestia, his shield faded away. "Let's just get to the mirror then deside there." He said flying off towards the mirror.



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Discord walked along beside her, his hands together behind his back as his head turned back and forth, looking around curiously.




Celestia nodded and flew after him.  She flew back into the castle and trotted the rest of the way to the closet, her hooves making loud clops against the crystal floors.  The sounds echoed through the large, empty rooms.

She reached the closet and went inside.  She stood in front of the mirror.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade walked and looked at all the weard looking and big buildings, she continued to walk hoping discord would get board and go back to equestria.




Villan made it to the room where the mirror was, he looked at celestia and noded. "So how should we do this? You go? I go? Both of us go?" He asked.



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Discord didn't get bored.




Celestia bit her bottom lip and stared at the mirror for a moment.  She sighed.  "I'm not sure how much more the other world can take of us at one time.  But I couldn't stay here alone, and neither could you.  And that is a very big world to look for one creature in..." she said quietly.

She paused for a moment.

"I'll tell Luna that we are going."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade made her way to the center of the collage. And there was a statue in the shape of a hart. She looked at it, "seems like the crystal hart is known in this world too. Maybe they'll show the real hart tomorrow at the crystal fare." She said




Villan noded, he walked up to the mirror and stuck his hoof in it to test how it feels.



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Discord tapped the statue with his nail.  "They've got a crystal fair here too, then?"




Celestia nodded back and closed her eyes, telepathically sending a message to Luna.

'Luna,' she sent.  'I and Villan are going to be away for a while.  Do not worry about us.  Any of us.  We'll all be back soon.'

Celestia opened her eyes and stepped towards the mirror.  "Let's be quick."




Luna jumped.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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