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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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shade spat sticky green goo on king sombra to help discord keep him in one place, she then picked up midnight and glared at the evil king. "what have you done with them!" she yelled at the king. "TELL ME NOW" she yelled with echoes.


villan blinked as shade was yelling, but he continued to keep his horn ready.  



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"Ew!" Discord said automatically.  "Come now, was that necessary..."

King Sombra was not amused at being spat on or being yelled at.  He let out a low warning growl at Shade. 



Luna was in the punishment room.  It was further below the ground than any other room.  There was only one door in the otherwise completely empty room.  It was a nightmare door.

And it was breaking her the more she stared into it.  Soon, there may be nothing left of what she used to be.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade glanced at discord for a second, then turned back to sombra. "tell me where they are!" she said as her voice seemed to sound more evil. shade was loosing control of herself, and she could feel it; but she was so lost in anger that she didnt care that she was loosing control of herself.


villan didnt know why shade wasnt blasting sombra and ending this chaos right away... he knew it wasnt going to be as simple as that, but maybe shade is holding back because she dosnt have the power she needs.



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Discord looked at Shade.  "Shade..." he said quietly.  "You need to calm down."

King Sombra chuckled cruelly.  "Oh, I don't need to tell you where they are.  If you defeat me then the ground will crumble above and beneath the ponies that I have trapped below.  They'll either be crushed or suffocated to death..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade started to growl, "fine, the hard was is chosen... once i find and free everypony youve trapped, im blasting you back into shadows." she said turning around heading out the castle to go look for luna and any other pony trapped underground.


villan didnt know if he should follow shade or not, things seemed complicated. 



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Discord sighed and looked down at the King.  "What am I going to do with you...?" he asked quietly as the King growled up at him in fury.

Midnight frowned and hurried after Shade.  "Shade!  Wait!  I'm going to go with you!" he called as he caught up with the older halfling. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade waited for midnight to catch up then she put her hoof around him and continued outside the castle to go look for all the crystal ponies and luna... and others... she didnt know where to start looking. she pulled out her element ans put it on her head. then pulled out the crystal hart to see if it would help in anyway. "where should we start looking?" she asked.


villan decided to let shade go on her own with midnight, she seemed a bit stressed. so he would just stay with discord and watch the king. 



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"We should find a way underground somehow," Midnight said, glancing around. 



After a big fuss, Discord traded in holding the King in his arms to basically just wrapping his snake-like body around him to keep him contained.

"This is fun, hm?" Discord said, leaning his face into his paw as he smiled crookedly at the King.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked at the ground and tried to see if she could teleport down there some where, but it was impossable, there was too much dark magic. she simply sighed and kept walking seeing if she could find anything. she walked into some of the crystal ponies homes. she didnt know if she would find anything, but she though that it was worth a look. 



villan looked at discord and the king a little bit woried, "um... i dont think we should stay here... changeling spit may be sticky, but it dosnt last forever." he said backing up slowly.



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Midnight darted about the ponies house, searching around for a way to get underground.  There had to be someway that didn't involve changing into a weird shadow thing.



Discord grunted and turned his head to Villan.  "I should hope not.  But what are we supposed to do with him?" he asked.  His focus suddenly shifted to Chrysalis, who had been standing there quietly for quite a while now.  The Queen continued to stare at the floor silently.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade entered one house, it looked very messy. thigs where all over the floor and there was broken glass everywhere. but then shade entered a room and saw a glass bottle with purple glowing stuff in it with a note. "midnight! i think i found something" she called out. she took the note and read it, only alicorns may turn the potion white and receive answers that they seek. she figured alicorn magic would be able to turn the potion white, but didnt know if she should do it. 




villan looked at the green goo starting to fail slowly, he swallowed and backed away even more. "what is he going to do with us?" he said as he knew that the green goo wasn't sticky any more. 



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Midnight bounced up and down so that he could read the note over her shoulder.  When he had finished reading, he stopped and looked at it.  "But what does it actually do?" he asked, confused by the unspecific note.



Discord stared at the goo as he felt that it didn't seem to be serving its purpose anymore.

"Uh...uh oh."

King Sombra squirmed around and then suddenly changed into his shadow form.  He hissed at Discord who gave him a displeased look.  Sombra phased through the ground and disappeared in only a few seconds.  Discord simply stared at the ground where he had disappeared.

"Huh.  I guess he isn't going to---ow!"

King Sombra had appeared from the wall behind him and bucked him in the head.  Such a blow would knock most ponies out, but Discord...well Discord was Discord.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked at midnight, she patted his head and said "only one way to find out." dark magic charged on her horn then she blasted the potion, the potion started to turn white. she looked at it and put it to her mouth slowly, she finally took a sip of the potion. she waited some time looking at midnight then finally said, "i guess it dosnt do..." being cut off by a flash of white light. she found herself in some castle, she didnt know what was going on but then she saw luna step out from the shadows. "Luna! there you are! me and midnight where worried sick about you!" she said, but something was wrong, luna seemed to be acting like herself, then she turned into nightmare moon and started to destroy the castle. shade had no idea what was going on, it was all too confusing, then she realized that she was seeing a vision from the past, when nightmare moon was sent to the moon, the vision ended and she was looking at midnight. "what happened to me?" she asked.




villan was shocked to see discord get kicked so hard and yet, still stand. "now what do we do?" he asked 



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Midnight stared at her with wide eyes.  "Y-you...froze and..." he whimpered.  "You were very quiet for a very long time...are you...okay?" he asked.



Discord rubbed the back of his head, wincing.  "Wah...wha?  Oh.  Yes...I...don't know..." he stuttered, confused for a moment.  Slowly, the focus came back to his eyes and he looked behind him to see that Sombra was gone.

"Wow.  That gets old fast."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade nodded, "im fine, but i saw something... about your mother, but it didnt tell me anything about where she is now. maybe i need to do it again." she said taking another sip. she froze in place and saw the seen where discord was turned into stone for the first time and about his plan to steal energy from some tree in the everfree forest. she came back and said, "well... thats something i didnt know, that must be where the elements of harmony dissapeared to... but still im not seeing anything thats helping us." she said




villan didnt know what to do, but he had an idea on what sombra might do... "we need to find shade and the crystal ponies, who knows what he might do to them." he said. 



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Midnight was completely confused.  He didn't understand a word and was getting rather impatient.  "There must be something.  Maybe you should try again?"



Discord nodded and stood up, placing his paw and talon onto his hips.  "Here I go.  Off to save Equestria again..."

Chrysalis snorted, finally acknowledging them.

"Er...here we go, I mean," Discord smirked.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade took a gulp of the white potion, she saw many things that twilight sparkle did in the past, but nothing that helped. she turned to midnight and said, "maybe you should try, you qualify as an alicorn more then i do." she said passing the potion to him.




villan face hoofed before following discord.



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Midnight frowned as she hoofed it to him.  He stared down into the white liquid.  He didn't really want to...but...for his mom.

He lifted the vial to his mouth and took a reasonable sip.

Then he saw the King.  He watched fearfully as the King was defeated and banished.  Along with him went an entire empire.  The empire completely disappeared.  It was an unspeakable tragedy.

Midnight blinked back in the present.  "Huh?"



Discord stepped outside and gazed around the empire from where he stood.  "Hm.  I am starting to dread looking for ponies all the time."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade hugged midnight as soon as she knew he was out of the vision, "are you ok? what did you see?" she asked hoping midnight wasnt traumatized by whatever he saw.




villan glanced at discord, "well then... when this is over, why dont you look for some griffins? or dragons... or more of you things..." he said smirking.  



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"I...I just saw how King Sombra was banished the first time...that was all..." he stuttered.



Discord smirked back at him.  "Very funny," he said, his voice seeming genuine even though the words did not.  "Maybe I could look for a changeling," he said, looking back.  "Hurry up Chryssie!"

Chrysalis slowly came out of the castle, dragging her hooves, her head low to the ground.  "Patience, spirit.  Patience."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked at the ground trying to pice things together, but she wasnt getting any ideas. she took one last sip and saw how sombra was defeted by spike and princess cadenes. she still didnt get anything she needed to know. "come on midnight, lets keep finding things." she said.




villan looked at his queen, he watched her walk slowly. "speaking of changeling, what are your subjects doing?" he asked. 



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Midnight nodded at her.  "Okay," he said.  He then paused for a short moment.  "What...are we looking for?" the young colt inquired.



Chrysalis rose her eyes to glare wickedly at Villan.  "Their in Canterlot, waiting for my return so that I may feed them."   She looked at Discord and growl.  "Speaking of 'feed'.  I was promised a nice diet."

"Manners, Queeny," Discord said back, a small hiss to his voice as he began to get annoyed.  "You're not dying of starvation yet."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade had a crack in her head when midnight asked what they where looking for. it should have been obvious but she knew he was young. "we're looking for the crystal ponies and your mother." she said continuing to walk.




villan looked up into the sky, "well, cant you make them be useful rather then them sitting in canterlot and probably frightning the ponies there."



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"Oh...my mommy has a tracking spell.  She said its hard to use so she can't use it to find my toys but...this is important, right?  Do you have a tracking spell?" Midnight asked.



"That was not apart of the deal," Chrysalis said.  "Their suffering enough to be so close to food yet unable to eat even though their dying!" Chrysalis growled the last word, spinning towards Discord as if to make a point.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked at midnight for a bit, it seemed like a good idea, but she didnt know a tracking spell. "i dont know a tracking spell... at least not one like that. i do have a changeling ability thats very hard to use, even im not that good at using it." she said thinking about how it works. "i dont think its a tracking spell, but what happens it when i cast the spell, i can see places where love is strong, even if a single pony is thinking about somepony they love, i will see them. but its a very complicated spell, i dont think i have enough energy to cast it long enough."



villan looked at the two... creatures, "why dont you just feed off the crystal hart like shade dose?" he asked 



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