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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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Villan followed chrysalis out the window to start the raid...




Shade was out of breath but still pushed herself to make it. But when she made it to the thrown room, chrysalis was gone. She looked out the window and saw villan beside chrysalis. She growled and looked back and saw midnight. "Midnight! Are you ok?" She asked.



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Chrysalis flew towards Canterlot and after a while, she reached Canterlot and she paused and looked back to see the rest of her little army flying towards Canterlot as well.

"Go directly in!" she called.



"Shade!" Midnight said, bouncing to his hooves.  "That Chrysalis took me!" he said, stating the obvious.

There were no guards.  They had all gone off for the raid, none of them caring what happened to Midnight.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade teleported midnight onto her back, "lets get out of here, back to canterlot." She said looking at her surroundings. "Any other time I'd destroy this place, but I guess I should save my energy for defending canterlot." She added.




Villan flew up beside chrysalis and looked at her for instruction... "Dose that include me?" He asked.



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Midnight nodded quickly.  "Let's go!" he said.



Chrysalis nodded at Villan as changelings flew past them, directly into Canterlot.  Chrysalis could already hear the screams of terror.  She turned to Canterlot.

"I'm shall feed before I go against Celestia," she said.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade teleported midnight and herself to the throne room of canterlot castle...


When she got there she looked out the window... The changeling seemed stronger... And she felt like she wouldn't be able to stop them... "This... Is terrible, and it's all my fault... And I don't think I can stop them..." She said falling to the floor.




Villan joined the other changeling with the attack.



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Midnight hopped off of Shade and quickly went around to look at her face.  "Yes, you can Shade!  You can!" he said.



Chrysalis flew around for a moment before spotting a stallion nodding quickly as a mare ran off into a building.  Chrysalis changed into the mare and landed down behind the building.  She ran out towards the stallion.  The stallion gasped when he saw her.

"Darling?  I thought you were getting Cotton?"

And then, of course, Chrysalis feed.  Then she ran off, leaving him shaking on the ground, weak.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade nodded, "lets go find your mother, even tho I'd take much better care of you." She said walking to look for Luna. She hoped that Luna wouldn't screw up again... But she should really be helping Luna with her parenting, but maybe another time... She had a big fight ahead of her.




Villan was having a blast feeding on all the canterlot ponies!



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Chrysalis laughed as she ran off, feeling powerful and excited.  Then she screamed in surprise as Discord landed right down in front of her with Celestia and Luna right behind him.

They stared at each other for a long moment and then Discord smirked.

"Would you like to make a deal, Chrysie?"

Chrysalis took a step back, frightened.  Discord shrugged and reached forward, poking her in the shoulder and teleporting them both to the castle.  Celestia and Luna exchanged a look and then starting zapping some changelings.



Midnight nodded.  "Okay!  And then we can kick Chrysalis's flank!" he said with a grin.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade started running, she needed to help defend canterlot and protect every pony from the chaos that was raining. She saw discord appear with chrysalis. She ran up to them, "big mistake attacking canterlot chrysalis." She said with an angered tone.




Villan saw celestia and Luna zapping some of the changeling. He hid from them and changed into his griffon forum. Then he snuck up behind them. "Hello princesses" he said.



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Chrysalis stepped back, hissing at Shade.  "My only mistake was letting you li---"

Discord clapped his paw over her mouth, effectively cutting her off.  "Now, Chrysie, no need to be more rude than you've already been.  Would you like to hear my deal," he smirked down at her, looking incredibly evil.



Luna didn't stop what she was doing but Celestia gasped and spun around, pointing her horn at him before seeing the griffon.  She lifted her horn away.

"You need to get out of here.  Get to Canterlot, its safer there," she said.


(Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was growling and glaring at chrysalis. She didn't like that she was here and didn't think discords idea was a good one.




Villan grinned, he was about to attack the two princesses when something clicked in his mind. All he did was node and flew away to canterlot castle.



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Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at him and shoved his paw away.  "Do I have a choice?"

"Nope!" Discord grinned.  "So, here it is.  You feed on love, correct?  Well, my dear, King Sombra fills Equestria with hatred."

Chrysalis blinked.

"And thus, no love for Chrysie Wissie.  So...you help us with destroying the guy, for real this time, and you and your changelings get to feed off of the Crystal Heart a bit and then you can go on your way!"

"That is barely love."

"What?  Yes it is."

"I only like to feed on love when it comes from an actual pony.  Not a rock."

"I planned for you to say that.  Then, you can all feed on my love."

Chrysalis was taken aback.  Her jaw dropped slightly and she stepped away from him, completely astonished.



"Whom was that, sister?" Luna asked, her voice loud and her tone royal, accidentally reverting to the voice in the midst of the chaos.

"Some griffon.  Doesn't matter, keep zapping.  There's one beside you."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade jaw dropped... Then she smashed her hoof to her face. "*discord... That's a bad idea... That's a very bad idea..."* she said to him.




Villan flew towards canterlot, he looked through a window and saw shade smacking her face, and discord and chrysalis talking... Or something.



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Discord looked over at her and nodded.  "Yes.  It is.  But its the only one I've got.  We need all the help we can get"

"But you do know that it hurts don't you?" Chrysalis hissed, glaring up at him, not at all convinced that he would make such a deal.

Discord gave her a look.  "Of course I know that.  But I've hurt plenty before."

"Well then," Chrysalis smirked evilly.  "Give me a taste."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade did not want discord to go through with this... but eather way, chrysalis was probably going to feed on him anyways. she turned away not wanting to see this. *" come midnight, i dont think we should be around to see this"* she said.


as shade was walking away, she saw villan come through the window. she imidietly jumped and tackled him to the ground. "how could i have been so foolish to believe that you where on my side." she said.


"i... no... shade... you dont understand." he replyed.

"what dont i understand? you where with chrysalis all along... you where just spying on me."

"no shade... you must listen to me... i dont know what it is but it feels like one moment i feel like a changeling, the next... i feel like im resisting them. please shade... believe me."


shade backed off for a second to think... it was like he described how shade felt when she found out about being a changeling. but she forgot how she overcame that feeling.



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Midnight nodded, giving Chrysalis and Discord a look before hurrying after Shade.  He yelped as she tackled Villan to the ground and scurried away to stand behind her, surprised.  She looked over Shade's shoulder at Villan, his expression wary and slightly tired.



Discord raised an eyebrow at her.  "What?  Heaven's no.  Knowing you, you'd take way too much and then flounce off when I'm down."

Chrysalis shrugged a shoulder, smiled and turned away.  "Awh, too bad."

"I won't let you leave.  I could take you down in two seconds flat."

"Yes, but you do need my help, don't you?" she said sweetly, grinning at him over her shoulder.

Discord stared at her for a long moment and then sighed, lifting his arms up in defeat.  "Fine.  Have it your way.  But don't think I'll let you over do it---"

Chrysalis jumped forward and shoved him, wanting to push him onto his back.  It didn't work.  Discord gave her a look.  "What?"

"I need you to bend your face down to mine."

"I do have plenty of love you know."

"Not for that reason you bloody idiot."

"Hm, I like you."

"Do you?  Oh well---hurry up!" she growled, stomping her hoof.  "I don't have all day, and neither do you."
"Pushy," Discord said, bending his neck down so that his face was in hers.

Chrysalis grabbed his head in both her hooves.  Automatically, he grabbed her hooves as well and she hissed, opening her mouth wide.

Then, Discord felt a sharp pain, as if she were taking his very soul out of him and blending it into hers.  His talon and claws pressed tightly into her hooves in pain.  They both cried out at the same time and jerked away from each other.

"My hooves!" Chrysalis hissed, staring at her bleeding hooves.  "You drew blood!"

Discord grabbed his head in his paw and his throat in his talon.  "You took too much, you block of cheese."

"Too much?  I took a taste.  You didn't have to dig your claws into me.  I hope you've had your shots..."

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade scanned villan for a second. He wasn't lying, he felt the same way when shade first discovered. Then she remembered how she got through that phase. She casted a spell on villan making him see images of all the good times before he discovered he was a halfling. He also learned what he is capable of as a halfling. "Now you must choose, eather to follow your changeling side, or your poni... Griffon side." She said to villan.


Villan paused to think. He knew which one to choose, but something felt like the other one was the right one... He struggled then he chose his griffon side over his changeling side. The same side shade chose when she had to choose.


Shade smiled, she walked up to him and put her hoof out, "you ok?" She asked.

Villan was a bit staggered. "I... I think so..." He replied as he took shades hoof.

Shade pulled him up. "Ok then... Your still going to have to earn my trust you know..." She said.

"Um... Yah... Right" he said feeling aquward.


Shade turned to midnight, "ok... Now we need to think up a way to shoo chrysalis and the other changeling if discords plan fails..." She said.



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Midnight nodded, excited to help.  "We could always get Discord to help some more.  He's powerful and stuff!" he said, not seeing the flaw in the plan.  If Discord's plan did fail, he may end up too weak to be of much help.



"My shots?" Discord glared down at her, offended.  "I'm not a dog."

"You're a cat," Chrysalis glared back, gesturing at his paw.

"This is a lion's paw!" Discord growled.  "And I'm a draconequus!"

Chrysalis laughed.  "You made that up..."


Chrysalis shrugged a shoulder and smirked at him as she turned away from him.  "Your love is mostly the family type love.  But I taste a bit of the other love as well.  Whose the special some pony, DIzzy?"

"What?!" Discord burst, turning red.  "I don't like any pony!"

"Mm.  Sure.  The love doesn't lie," she said, walking away.

"Where are you going?!"

"To get my changelings.  They'll all want a taste."

"What?!  I never said I'd give them all a 'taste'.  I'll freakin' die!"

"Die?" Chrysalis laughed, smiling at him.  "Really?  Die?  My gosh, you're stupid."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade patted midnight on the head. "Speaking of discord, we should go see how he's holding up, I don't want him to be drained." She said starting to make her way back to discord.


Villan felt good to finally be in control of himself. He couldn't have done it without shades help. He followed her hoping to gain her trust soon.



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Discord almost hit her.  But he didn't.  Because this was his plan and he wanted it to work.  He balled his talon and paw into fists and glared down at her.  He took a deep breathe, smiled, and held out his talon to her.

"My dear, Chrysie.  I never agreed on such a think.  I simply agreed to give you a taste, and you alone.  So now you can call off this invasion, or we may have a bit of trouble.  Because, honestly, its me, Celestia, Luna and an element of harmony against you.  Maybe all of you.  And trust me when I say that I could easily handle you all by myself by simply getting you first."

"Are you done?"




Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade entered the room followed by villan. She didn't say anything, she just watched. Things seemed to be going well so she didn't want to interrupt.


Villan stood beside shade and looked at her, he looked at her with a funny feeling, almost like he liked her. Then he looks at chrysalis and feels intimidated being in her presents.



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Chrysalis smiled at him and then lifted her hoof to her chin as if to think very carefully about her decision.  Discord stood there, frozen.  Chrysalis didn't know, but the time for him was passing by in milliseconds as he sped up his own little world.  Chrysalis thought he was being patient.  She raised an eyebrow up at him.

"You've changed."

Discord shrugged and nodded, wanting her to get to the point.

"I suppose I'll play along," Chrysalis smiled sweetly.  "For now."

Discord continued to stare down at her, his time continuing to speed right ahead to the point where Chrysalis began to feel uncomfortable in his gaze. 


She didn't receive a reply.

"Okay!  I'll play along through the whole thing!" she finally burst.

Discord slowed his time back down to the normal pace and grinned at her.  "Excellent!" he said, turning away from her, already bored of her.  "Oh, hello Shade."

Chrysalis turned and saw Villan.  She stared at him for a moment and then threw her hooves up into the air.  "My gosh, why do I even try?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"So what's going on discord? Worked something out yet?" Shade asked walking up to discord.


Villan followed close behind shade, he looked at chrysalis. He gave an evil smile and a wink. He thought that it would make chrysalis think that he's still in her side.



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Discord grinned and nodded.  "Yep.  Chrysie here is extremely easy to handle.  Much easier than all those others," he said, looking down at Chrysalis and seeing her still bleeding hooves.  "Or perhaps not as easy as I made it sound.  But easy enough," he sighed.

Chrysalis just stood there, staring at Villan, not completely sure whether or not to trust him.  He was confusing.  One moment seeming to be with her, the next minute not.  And then all over again.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade gave discord a confused look. "Um... Right... Well what ever... So what's the plan? Go to crystal empire and look for the crystal hart? Then take down sombra?" She asked.


Chrysalis seemed unsure of villan, so he just decided to stay out of her way for now and just follow shade around.



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