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private Thunderlight's arrive to Ponyville ((RP with ParsoOfEquestria))


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Hunter was confused, what are hands? but the way the 'trooper' was pointing his tool at her, she had give up or end up dead, and she didnt want the latter, she emerged from the bush, acting like a cow, trying to confuse the trooper into thinking she was a harmless barnyard animal

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Hunter was confused, what are hands? but the way the 'trooper' was pointing his tool at her, she had give up or end up dead, and she didnt want the latter, she emerged from the bush, acting like a cow, trying to confuse the trooper into thinking she was a harmless barnyard animal

Trooper looks at her with confused face and then looks at the bushes and sees Hutner


"... No wait... It can't be cow... He must be horse because he looks like a horse but acts like a cow?"


Commander shakes hes head


"I am really going mad... Why horses are acting like cows? This is just so stupid... And of course: why would they understand what means "hands up" when they have hoofs?... Oh well...


Commander points softly gun towards her.


"Don't be afraid... I am not going to kill you... If you move now here closer and come with me."


Meanwhile: Thunderlight is now close at the bushes and sees the whole situation.


"Hmm... There have to be a way to safe her... But how? I cannot snipe because i can hit her too..."


Thunderlight keeps thinking the ways.

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Hunter moved near where the trooper pointed but not exactly to give the illusion of an animal. she noticed the stranger in the distance and aiming his tool. hunter looked and saw she was conveniantly out of the way for a clear shot on the trooper. she started to nibble on the grass to keep up the illusion

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Hunter moved near where the trooper pointed but not exactly to give the illusion of an animal. she noticed the stranger in the distance and aiming his tool. hunter looked and saw she was conveniantly out of the way for a clear shot on the trooper. she started to nibble on the grass to keep up the illusion

Commander just stared with the gun ready at her.


"Horse?... So she is horse? But.... Why so weird color and behavior?"


Commander rubs hes back while still pointing hes gun at the Hunter


"I am completely confused now... Why is such a things on this planet? Why they make first cows voice and then behaves like horse? what is this place?"


Thunderlight smiles himself because Hunter sawed him.


"Good job... Now I can finish this..."


Thunderlight takes deep breath and shoots a very good aimed shot to commander. It doesn't completely kill him, but the laser hits and cuts hes legs and when this happens, he happens to throw hes weapon as accident away.




Commander screams before falling down with a huge pain. Blood comes out from him a huge speed.


"That's it..."


Thunderlight comes out from the hiding and approaches Hunter and commander.

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Hunter was glad that the trooper was now harmless, she ran up and hugged the stranger

"my hero, and I never got your name"

she looked back at the trooper

"what are we going to do with him, he still may be a threat to town and the rest of Equestria for that matter"

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Thunderlight smiles and holds her at hug


"Oh my... I-i'm sorry... T-this is first time I ever hear someone say such a nice to me... I-I promise i'll tell my name to you later..."


Is a little shy but enjoys her hugging


"Well... I think he must be either: finished or ask him first things and then finish him"


I release her from the hug and walks towards the commander.


"Now mirror mirror tell me, what makes you come here?"


Commander stares angrily at me.


"YOU? Are YOU that guy from the blue Republic scums and who killed rest of our team?"


Thunderlight smiles behind hes helmet


"Yes I am."


Commander angrily tries to move away but can't.


"I might be dead... But soon... Very soon... Our ships finds their way here! We have greatest technology and we can open dimension gates and everything we want by only sending coordinates!


He takes out a red ball thingie and press the button and ball opens and then disappears.


"You are all finished... Your and this miserable lands will be.... Belong to mighty FEDERATION EMPIRE!!!"


Commander laughs while I take my shotgun and silent him.


Thunderlight stands still silently and only stares at dead commander.

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Hunter was in shock

"theres more of these things?! and they're coming?!"

Hunter fainted, she was in so much shock that equestria was under an even greater threat than a few troopers, rather a whole army. she never wanted a war of the worlds, she always wanted to meet the right stallion, get married and be a mother

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Thunderlight looks back at her and the sighs.


"Yes I am sure that new troopers are coming. Now... But we still have a choices left..."


I come closer to her and put my hoof on her shoulder.


"You wanted to ask me questions, now its a good time OR you can lead me way, to talk with this land ruler and tell him or her that hre's or he's land, will be under attacked by Federation Empire."


Thunderlight waits calm and softly her respond.

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Hunter lightened up

"I only want to know your name"

she didnt want to know where he was from or anything else about him except his name. she put a hoof onto one side of his helmet and gazed into his vizor as it was the closest way to look into his eyes without taking off the helmet

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"I am Thunderlight... At least: that's the name I have been given since from the army training. My names means two things: "Thunder" that I am pretty impressive warrior and "Lightning" because I am pretty young. Well... Now you know my name. Was there something else you like to know?"


Thunderlight kept looking at her silently and calmly.

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Hunter was still looking into his vizor before she managed to let out a small whisper


she then thought in her head 'have I fallen for him? I fall in love way too easily. I dont want to scare him'

she just stayed where she was before snapping back to reality

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Thunderlight nobbed at her while still looking at her.


"Very well... Now what shall we do? Should we go to meet this land ruler? I mean: we have to try at least warn her... If we don't, I afraid this land will be gone..."


Thunderlight releases her and stands up.


"If you may, can you show the way?"

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"we need to get to Canterlot, quickest way is by train. come"

Hunter led Thunderlight through town towards the train station. they got on a train and waited until they arrived. during the train ride, Hunter rested her head on Thunderlight's shoulder and fell asleep

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"we need to get to Canterlot, quickest way is by train. come"

Hunter led Thunderlight through town towards the train station. they got on a train and waited until they arrived. during the train ride, Hunter rested her head on Thunderlight's shoulder and fell asleep

Thunderlight let her rest her head on hes shoulder and keeps silent and thoughts:


"I am full of fear now... How about the rules does not give me mercy and immediately tells me to get excecuted? How about he does not believe me and will leave these all innocent ponies trouble? I don't want that happen..."


Thunderlight sighs deep and looks outside of the window.

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the train arrives in Canterlot and Hunter wakes up

"come on, this is our stop"

she leads Thunderlight through the streets of Canterlot. they arrived at the castle gates when a guard stepped out in front of them "where do you think you're go- oh, you're Parso Incendiare's daughter, come right in" the guard let them through and they stepped into the castle

"princess Celestia, we need your help, this is an emergency"

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the train arrives in Canterlot and Hunter wakes up

"come on, this is our stop"

she leads Thunderlight through the streets of Canterlot. they arrived at the castle gates when a guard stepped out in front of them "where do you think you're go- oh, you're Parso Incendiare's daughter, come right in" the guard let them through and they stepped into the castle

"princess Celestia, we need your help, this is an emergency"

Thunderlight followed her on the castle and looked around the castle, until he sawed the ruler of these lands. All what he did, was silent because he does not want until she will lessen or allow.


"Hmm... So she is the ruler of these lands... I hope she is not rutheless or anything like that..."

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Celestia looked at thepair "what is it, Hunter?"

"well, my...friend here comes from a universe full of civilised monkeys and one managed to contact his home to bring an army to destroy Equestria"

Celestia looked confused, however the panic that read along Hunter's face was enough to convince her "very well, I will spread my military across Equestria for when they arrive. however, both you and your friend are not to leave Canterlot until the threat is passed"

"b-but princess-"

"no buts, I will give you a room in the castle to stay until this is over"

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Celestia looked at thepair "what is it, Hunter?"

"well, my...friend here comes from a universe full of civilised monkeys and one managed to contact his home to bring an army to destroy Equestria"

Celestia looked confused, however the panic that read along Hunter's face was enough to convince her "very well, I will spread my military across Equestria for when they arrive. however, both you and your friend are not to leave Canterlot until the threat is passed"

"b-but princess-"

"no buts, I will give you a room in the castle to stay until this is over"

Thunderlight keeps silent. When I hear the word "monkey" I a little turn my head to Hunter and then whisper her:

" They are not monkeys, they are humans"


Thunderlight only other than that: stands still and keeps quiet while only waiting what will happen next...


Meanwhile at the Planet Earth, Sol system Federation HQ:


The peoples in there work tiredlessly and keeps watch at the things what is going on, any rebellions, any new about enemies etc...


The leader nicknamed: "The Red Supremachy", is looking at hes security cameras and thinking hes own things until one trooper comes in.


"Who dares to disturb me?" He asks with a cold and evil voice.


Trooper gulps silently but strenghts up and speaks:


"Sir, we have got an code security camera from commander who was dissapeared after that unknown device sucked them inside the ball."


Red turns towards the trooper and stares at him behind hes red gas helmet.


"Hmm... What the ball says or what reads at it?"


"It says that they are at the universe or land called: Equestria. There is something magical creatures who rules the lands. There is not any great defence systems or such a thinga in therr. Everything is prehistoric."


Red chuckles and smiles behind hes helmet.


"Good... Very good... Then we will not be any trouble to brong down such a land... Let's shall conquer it and see if we can find there some richnesses. Send the ball cordinates to our ships captains and tell them we open the jumpgates as soon as they are open."


"Affirmative sir"


Trooper bows him and turns around and walks away. After he has walked away, the 2 laser doors shuts down, lefting Red alone to continue thought hes own things.

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at the room Celestia arranged for Hunter and Thunderlight, Hunter's ears dropped and she turned away from Thunderlight, her expression turned sad

"I-I-I'm sorry, I tried"

was all she could manage to whimper out. she knew they were stuck on the brink of chaos and cant do anything about it

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at the room Celestia arranged for Hunter and Thunderlight, Hunter's ears dropped and she turned away from Thunderlight, her expression turned sad

"I-I-I'm sorry, I tried"

was all she could manage to whimper out. she knew they were stuck on the brink of chaos and cant do anything about it

Thunderlight only remains silent and look out of the window.


"Its okay. Your ruler is really not as good as I thought. She under-restimate her new nemesis. I am sure they are not going to destroy this land but they are going to conquer this new world. Why didn't you give me chance to explain by the way?"


I trun bavk at her with a questionable face.


"I thought I should have to explain everything... Man: I told you that I was planning to tell everything... What made you speak instead of me?"

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Hunter was on the brink of tears

"I'm sorry, I've never been in an issue like this. I'm so sorry"

the dams finally broke and Hunter started to cry

'I failed everypony and its all my fault' she thought as tears streamed down her face and started to form a pool on the floor

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Hunter was on the brink of tears

"I'm sorry, I've never been in an issue like this. I'm so sorry"

the dams finally broke and Hunter started to cry

'I failed everypony and its all my fault' she thought as tears streamed down her face and started to form a pool on the floor

Thunderlight only stares silently at the crying Hunter until she streams down and stares at the pool. Thinderlight only then walks back to the window and looks out at it awaiting, that Federation Empire fleets arrives to conquer this planet and everyone who lives at it.


Thoughts: "hmmm... This surely is a really big thning I have messed up... And cannot help anyone to fight back against the,... If princess does not do anything eise coices, she will end up dead to the ground..."

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Celestia approaches the door and opens it

"I heard crying from my chamber, is everything alright?"

she sees Hunter in a pile of misery on the floor

"Hunter, my faithful subject, why are you crying?"

"just speak to Thunderlight, he knows proper about whats happening"

"is this so?"

the princess turns to Thunderlight

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Celestia approaches the door and opens it

"I heard crying from my chamber, is everything alright?"

she sees Hunter in a pile of misery on the floor

"Hunter, my faithful subject, why are you crying?"

"just speak to Thunderlight, he knows proper about whats happening"

"is this so?"

the princess turns to Thunderlight

Thunderlight only keeps watching outside of the window and didn't even heard a word of what were they talking.


Thoughts: "This world is doomed just like our Sol system has... I just wish there would be a way to get tell princess the everything... But because we are here locked nside, I am sure that is impossible..."


He sighs and keeps concentrate outside and sees that Celestia's army is prepairing their troopers.

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Celestia walks up to Thunderlight

"Thunderlight, Hunter tells me that you know exactly whats going on around here, would you care to tell me before I send off my militants?"

Celestia looked completely serious with a right mind to do so as her land was under threat

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