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Aurora Lights

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Luna smiyled " I figutre as much normal ponies dont have multiy color#d iris, now off to bed ( ooc cassuming that tnow is about thirty eight minutes befo4enormal bedtime)+ as i understand dit sparkhshowe4 is p&eparing you for your night gaurd t4aining"

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Aurora smiled and nodded before he got up and flew with his cuddly,snuggly little friend up to the cloud complex,he looked at the Changeling and noticed slight differences in her apearance,she was now a lighter grey color,and her eyes were a blueish color, "so,I assume you can't speak?"he asked the little thing and she replied with a whine,he smiled and softly petted her "its ok."he smiled and son they reached the complex.

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Sparkshower rushed o gre3t aurora. She th&ew xher front arms a4ound him " Hey ho2 id it xgo?" aShte asked.fqrom tthe loo on his face she could tell i5 went 3ll. " You dneed to g#t ready for r bed gotta get you gready for training. " she hustled him towards the bathroom. She had already tgotten 4eady. " then you can tell me all about yit."

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Aurora blinked and smiled and laughed as he was hustled and pushed "ok,ok calm down."he smiles and walks into the bathroom to take a shower,his little changeling staying outside with Sparkshower,standing awkwardly beside her,she was just as tall as Spark.

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Thunder Dash noticed Aurora went some place. He then picked up his little changeling friend and put him on his back. "Come on Rainbow, let's go find Aurora." Thunder Dash said as he started to walk amongst some of the ruins left by the changeling attack. He came across another changeling struggling to get up. He helped it and put it on his back. Little did Thunder Dash know that this was a female changeling. He soon found Aurora talking with Luna. 



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Aurora was gone and now in the shower,coming out of the steamy,hot room,still dripping wet as he headed towards his bed and he yawned before he shook his coat dry,making extra sure his droplets his the other two,he laughed as he was chased by his changeling.

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Thunder Dash then headed back to the barracks. His two changeling friends were following him and so was Rainbow Dash, confused at the fact that Thunder Dash was able to befriend not one, but two changelings. Suddenly, one of the changelings pounced on Rainbow Dash and started to play with her. "Oh come on you two!" Thunder Dash said happily. It was the male changeling that tackled down Rainbow Dash. 

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Sparkshower walked toward Aurora. "Do you mind If I..uh.. stay here tonight?" she asked nervously looking down at her hooves and twiddling them. "I mean you know just in case, something happens." She didnt want to say 'so i can stop you if you try to commit suicide again.'

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Aurora Smiled and shrugged "I don't mind."he smiled and crawled into bed with his new friend,she yawned and snuggled up to him to go to sleep again,it almost baffled him at how easy it was to make Luna see the light in these creatures,they were really nice when you get to know them...

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Thunder Dash arrived inside with his two changeling friends still on top of Rainbow Dash.


He went into the bed next to him. "So, I heard you talked with Luna about the changelings. Let's just hope Celestia doesn't go crazy when she hears about this..." Thunder Dash said as all of a sudden his two changeling friends climbed on top of him almost burying him in the covers. "Ack!" He said with a laugh. "Oh you two!" Rainbow Dash said with a laugh. Soon, the two calmed down and they fell asleep.  

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Aurora yawned and stretched "yeah.."he says and snuggles into his changeling friend and falls asleep quickly,his mind not racing,but it as quite calm,really. His little friend snugled into his chest and snored away in her sleep,she would be a good friend and companion,just as Dashie is.

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"Aww, she likes you...a lot!" Thunder Dash complimented." Thunder Dash said as his two changelings crept on top of him and then fell back to sleep. Thunder Dash picked up one and snuggled with it. He then yawned. Rainbow Dash had come to sleep next to him. "Good night Rainbow, good night Aurora." He said as he fell asleep. 

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Sparkshower climbed into the bed beside Aurora. She turned towards the changling. " Donzt wo&ry " sh3 said. " im sure celestia will se# sense Cadence too . GanD thats whtov we really go5ta win over." She petted. The fhangling. Afterwards she turned oever placing a small barrier spell that would wake her if Au4ora got utp.

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Aurora smiled and yawned,grunting his good nights and such to his friends,he then snuggled closer to his friends,the bed was now almost irratiating from the heat of 6 bodies. Aurora dreamed in small bursts,screams,yells,laughs that were evil,curses,one time,the burst extended longer,his mother slapping him as she yells at him "YOU ARE WORTHLESS AURORA,YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED WITH YOUR FATHER-"she punches him in the jaw and continues "YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER LIVED YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!"she yells at him,then his dream ends and it continues on in bursts,he was tossing and turning,his breath was heavy and he was murmuring in his sleep,almost in tears,his dream began again with the echoing words of "USELESS-WORTHLESS-YOU SHOULD DIE~"Aurora wakes with a huge gasp for air,he was sitting bolt upright,shaking furiously.

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Thunder Dash woke up to find Aurora gasping for air. "Oh no. Aurora you don't look alright. Something must be troubling you." Thunder Dash said worriedly. One of Thunder Dash's changelings let out a small hiss, but it fell back asleep. Thunder Dash was worried, he knew something was up with Aurora.  

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Sparkshowe 2nappe4 awake and tlook d at aurora. Clearly he was having a terrible nightma4e. She pulledhim close tio herc and &ubbed his back, fas he4 mother us#d to do. Y she begaynn 5o sing ta lulllaby.u " rrowybboat 5ak# me farc away , rowbnioqat take me where theres no pai

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Aurora was still gasping for breath as he stared into the darkness,his pupils like tiny pinpoints,in his mind,his ears were ringing so loud he oculdnt hear a word his friends were saying,his Changeling looked up at him and blinked as he gulped hard and pressed his hoof to his chest,feeling his heart beat,he felt his heart like it was pounding at his chest,he flattened his ears and wrapped his wings around himself,slowly layed back down,staring at the ceiling,his ears had stopped ringing but he was still looking like he was scared to death.

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Sparkshower began to shake Aurora." Can you hear mee+? $ Arioura wake up, Aurora listn 5o m3 5ts jusat a dreagm. " shec cast a zcalming spell on him and held him to her tiyhtly.4" its okayim here shyhh calm down caaaalm down im here im &ightt hhere. At this shev b#gan tob hum sioftly

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Aurora swollowed and hugged Spark tightly,feeling her warm body made him feel safer,better,his changeling was now holding him as well,softly rubbing her cheek on his shoulder softly,looking worried fro him. Aurora whispered "...I...I'm..."he whispers quietly into Sparkshower "...c-can...I have a wing massage?"he asks quietly with his eyes closed,his heart still pounding.

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Sparksyhower nodded and bgan massagingx she started from the base and worked her way out. Gettijg tat al the kinjs and knots. She had never duone xthis befrere tyet it came naturally to her almost yliike instinct. " the nightmare you were having...y what as it about? " she asked.

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Aurora blushed ash she worked on his wings "ohmygoshyourhoovessresowarm..."he says quickly,he then relaxes and sighs softly,looking at his hooves "well...I had dreams about my mother..."he says quietly.His changeling was watching Spark work on his wings,learning how to massage them without even trying it.

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Sparkshower blusheed at zthe comment of her hooves. " what did she do in this niightmar3? She asked trying to get him tot talk.k it would do him no good ti keep it inside and not talk abojut it. She alsob planned tto see if there we4e any nightmare preventinvvt spells

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Aurora sighed and looked over his shoulder at Spark "...well...first it was ust flashes of memories,punches,laughs,screams...you know...and then,it stuck on one memory,when my mother was telling me I was worthless and that I should have died with my father,telling me I;m not worth a life..."he says quietly,his eyes had dropped onto Spark's chest,not able to make eye contact. 

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"You know, that mother of yours, was a coward. She thought she was all that doing what she was doing. But all she was doing was hurting you...for life...and it gets me angry." Thunder Dash said as sparks started to flare around his body. He hated when parents mistreated their children, especially when it was because they were a certain way. He felt as if he wanted to go and give Aurora's mother the shock of her life, but he kept it under control. One of his changelings crawled on to his lap and fell back to sleep.  

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Aurora sighed and nodded "yeah...she did some pretty messed up things to me...I'm not even guna go into detail when it came to bed time..."he says and looks out the black window...he had a rough past...but that dosent mean he would cower from a challenge... "...Thunder...I...have something to tell you...but...its private..."he says and looks down at his hooves.

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