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Aurora Lights

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"Alright then..." Thunder Dash said taking in a load of electricity. "You're on!" He yelled. "Let's go!". He added as a target popped out. He nailed it right away with a super beam from his left hoof. He still had a bunch of electricity loaded inside, plenty for a super rapid beam shot. 

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At the same time,another cloud popped out and he shot it way before Thunder could even hold out his hoof,then he shot three more in a row just like the last one,he flipped the safety to Full-auto as 20 clouds popped out,he shot ten in less than a second,all ten bulls eyes and he waited for his friend to kill the rest.



Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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Spkarkshower had laid with Aurora while he slept.whn he had started to stir she had gotten up and went to the bathroom. Her hooves shook whiyle she replyed what had happened the night before. She summoned som# phsycology books and began to read. " the ponies likeliest to att3mpt suicide usually have not shared their troubles with others" A she 4ad this she deided that She would get him to talk that night. ( ooc working on lyrics for a song fi4 3hem)

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((OOC: Ok,cool,mind giving me a demo? please?))

Aurora blinks and finishes his shooting,he then descides to eat in his room alone,little did he know,Sparks was still in there,so he took his food and walked to his room and closed the door behind him,sitting on his bed as he ate his brocolie and greens and vegtables and fruits he heard a faint sound,he then looked to his left and saw Sparks,he gasped and nearly fell off his bed,his eyes now all the other colors,all of the colors slowly shifting and turning around his pupil.



Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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Sparks took a deep breath anyd slowly walk towarrds aurora. She had decided that now was better than later. As she reached the bed she sat down beside him and sighed. She looked him right in the eyes. And said." Talk to me tell hme everything. ( ooc well i was hoping you could help with that at somepoingt its a duet.

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((OOC: help? with what?)) 


Aurora blinked and looked away,too ashamed to look her in the eyes after earlier that morning,he sighs softly "...I..."he murmurs quietly,closing his eyes softly and shook his head,looking out the window at the bright blue sky. He didnt want to tell anypony about his past...he didnt want to stir up old memories...



Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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( well you rsid demo ight as in audio demo.. it would prob sound more like them if we sang it we can record our pat i can cut it to gether and try to set it o background music zgotta finish it first thougsh.) Sparks wasnt giving up that easily. " you yn#ed to talk about thtis, just 3ta4t from thte beggining."

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(( OOC: oh..ok...but...how do we plan to do that? how do I record audio files? I alos...suck at singing...))

Aurora bit his lips softly before she closed his eyes softly,sighing heavily before slowly turning back to his friend and saying in a soft low voice "...it all started when my father died..."he says in a quiet,whispery voice,he then goes on to tell the grusome,tragic,disgusting things his mother did to him as a colt,near the middle,he cracked and started crying hard,staring at his plate of still untouched food,tears streaming own his cheeks.


((OOC: Also,this is how Aurora sounds when he is normally talking or he is angry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsbMSw5iL10 ))



Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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( xD so do i we might zget someone to o it tfor us.) Spaks held him while he cried. " I understand what its like the whole rough foalhood thing. My parents died whenn i was young it was an accident" she began her own backtstory about self blame and having no one really care. Shejkept a calm voice, but inside she was hurting as much as aurora.

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(( OOC XD totally XD)) 

Aurora blinks away his heavy,hot tears as he holds Sparks back,crying into her shoulder,still listening to her backstory,thinking about what she had said and finally he stopped crying nd he wipped his face "...have you had your first kiss?"he asked her,his eyes were sagging and drooping in depression and sadness as his focus dropped to Sparks' hooves.



Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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Spark hesitateed. " no,I havent,nobody ever seemed to want to try." Sh wiped away his tears and tried to not tottaly 4reak out. " If anyone ever did want to5he other rponies would have convinced them not to." She nervously twiddld her hoovess waiting for auror to 4eply.

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Aurora blinked and took a deep breath "I havent either..."he murmurs quietly and he slowly looks up her body to her eyes and he softly held her hooves "...Sparks..."he says in a soft whisper,his cheeks showing a light blush,he the closed his eyes softly "...I've always wanted to know what it feels like..."he says softly.




Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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Sparkshowers breath caught. " Me too." She stared into his eyes hearth hammering. " if youre suggesting thaw we should.. you know.. then tha would be fine....h ummm what i mean to say is that ..." she couldnt contine her sentence she just sat th3re nervously with her hea4t pojunding in ghr ears.

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Aurora kept his heart rate normal and finally,his iris colors settled in place,he then blinked slowly,his eyes turning pink again and he made a slight smile at Sparks,he then slowly put his hooves around her shoulders and he smiles softly as he slowly pulls her towards himself "...shh...you talk too much..." he says and smiles before he sealed the deal and quickly and softy kissed her,keeping thier lips locked to hers as his pink,sparkling eyes stare into her deep purple ones.



Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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Sparkshower sank into the kiss and in that momnt th3 world didnt ezist. It was just her and him. Sparksoe4 and aurora. Two pairs of lips and a racing heartbeat. She never wanted to stop. She wanted that momenqt to last forever. Even after th3 very last stars 4aded awa5.

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Aurora kept kissing her ne he leaned into the kiss more,deeping it more as he softly pulled her into him and he blinks,wondering if he should use tounge...nah...it was his first kiss,hers too...but...aww screw it. He deepens the kiss even more and softly touches her tounge with his.




Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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Electricity uns th&ough her bodyn. Her tounge slowly began to interact with his. Sparkshower held aurora closer. She was reacting only on instinct. For the first time she let hers3lf go.and it felt oh soo good. To call it fireworks would be a major understatement

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Aurora smiled as he kissed her,soon Aurora fell over on the bed with her,he then shiftet so he could touch his rear hooves with hers as he pulled her into a hug and kept kissing. Oh...this moment...Aurora was...he was...exctatic..he felt so many things inside of him,so many emotions...he knew...he...he...loved...this mare...he loved her...and now....they were kissing....pretty deeply too...You could say Aurora Lights felt like he was high on love and his first kiss being this one...but that would be an insane understatement...



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Sparks was hit by the realization that, she loved Aurora. For the first time tin her lifee shec had fallen in love. Somehow in this crazy world shee had found him. And she neverr wanteed to let him gos . She made a promise to herself thar she woutld nevter slet him get as low as he had the night befor3.

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Aurora's ears swivele to the back of his head as he heard ponies approaching,he softly seperated their lips and he noticed that their tounges were still conected,he blushed and took his tounge back and looked at the ceiling with a huge smile,in his mind he was listening to the most amazing remix of one of his favorite songs, Goyte-Somepony that I used to know Kdrew Dubstep remix. he smiled and closed his eyes as he cherished this moment of blissful peace.

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Sparkshower heard the ponies too. Hand she was a litle grateful that he had thought. What an awkward position to get caught in. She breathed deeply until she regained logical thoought. She looked atf aurora abnd begaan to giggle uncxonttrollably.

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Aurora smiled and he looked to Spark with a huge smile,he felt like kissing her again and as soon as the hoofsteps faded,he quickly leaned in and kissed her one more time before pressing his hoof to hers "...Sparkshower...can...I tell you something?" he asked softly and kindly,his face still having that same excited smile.

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Sparkshowers eyes widened. Stay calm.... stay calm.. she thought to herself. She wa very aware of his ghoof on hers. " O....of cou4se, telkl me whateer you like. " she looke4 into his pink eyes. This was all happening so suddenly. But that was definatlly not a btad thing.

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Aurora blinked and looked down with his eyes a moment s he bit his bottom lip "...I-" At that moment,the alarm went off and the door slammed open,a strong,powerful looking pegasi yelled "CHANGLING ATTACK!!"he yelled and he was taken down suddenly by a black object that moved too fast to see, Aurora gasped in suprise and shock before his eyes turned normal and he got out of bed,he then saw a black,evil looking changling stand in his door way,it had an evil smile as it growled and laughed,slowly walking towards the two,Aurora blinked and looked at a knife he had on his desk,he picked it up and gulped "STAY BACK!"he growled,the changeling kept coming,but it dashed forward and opened its mouth,its large fangs sinking into Aurora's shoulder before his iris' turned red and he brought the blade of his knife slamming into the changeling's side,it letting out a wail of agony before Aurora pushed it off,Aurora Lights' white coat was now a crimson color,the blood oozing out of his shoulder as the changling's dark,nasty looking blood oozed out of its rib cage,the knife still dripping with the dark,warm liquid.



Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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Thunder Dash heard the alarm and saw the black figures heading towards the RGAF base. Thunder Dash charged a massive amount of electricity and fired it at some of the changelings. Some of them plummeted to the ground and tried hard to get back up but failed. 

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