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"we were all sitting in the middle of the forest around our campfire, silent medow was lying on a rug that moonlight scroll was kind enough to bring, she shifted closer to him....she liked him alot...but she didn't want to tell him though.The fire was toasty and warm and everything a fire was suposed to be.They had decided to go out camping together as the three friends  they were,silent brought the tents and sleeping bags,moonlight had brought the food and such whilst equinox had located the camping area. Equinox then decided.to join the two and stepped out of his yellow tent that laid in between my awsome red tent and moonlights comfortable blue tent,and he carried somthing."

 (let the madness begin)



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Equinox carried what looked like a sheath for a katana, He walked away from the camp site and into a area with a lot of trees. "Maybe I can get some practice in" Equinox said as he pulled out the katana and took a deep breath. "then i one movement he cut a tree down and held it up as it was gonna fall on him then he disappeared and the tree turned into a carving of the mythical creature Medusa. "Medusa...oh how you cut things so cleanly" Equinox said before throwing the carving in the air the slashing it into a million pieces.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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-What's that noise! It sounded liked somepony splitting medusa like tree carvings in millions of pieces! Let us check it out!


I stood up started trotting towards the area from which the sound came from. I slowly started to mumble that muffin transformation spell I had just learned just in case...


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medow had just gotten comfortable when moon stod up and left"NOOOOOOOOOOOO......i mean just go on....i will sit.by this fire all alone from now on*sniff sniff*" she turned to se if moon had fallen for her trick,but alas he kept walking towards the forest....and leaving a scent of....muffins?....She got up and began tailing him like a NINJA.....and hoped he didn't notice

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Equinox decided to carve out something from one of the trees but he didnt know what he kept on thinking then out of no where Derpy flew in and crashed into him. "Ow..my head...uh..Derpy what are you doing here" Equinox asked looking at Derpy who was on top of him. "I smeled muffin and was wondering if I could have some" Derpy said.

  • Brohoof 1

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-AHA!!! Moonlight launched his spell after seeing a flash of grey and yellow zoom past him. He comes into the forest surprised to see Equinox on the ground starring at a muffin dumb-folded. Around there seems to be a lot of wooden pieces.

-Hey, are you alright? He starts to slowly trot towards him...


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Medows ninja trained ears could hear a voice a odd voice.....somthing about muffins....she fastened her pace until she was right behind moon...and thats when she saw them,equinox laying on his back with derpy bouncing on top of him.... "EQUINOX WHAT THE BUCK ARE YOU DOING ?!!! "she turned t

around blushing fiercly.



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Equinox turned his head to see Moon and Medows. "This isn't what it looks like alright" Equinox said as he got Derpy off of him and stood up. "I was just practicing my skills with this blade" Equinox held up his katana which was get black with a nice luster to hit, its hilt was a crescent moon and at the end of the handle was a black gem. "Then Derpy came out of nowhere and crashed into me saying she smelled muffins and wanted to know if she could have any" Equinox explained as he put hi katana in the sheath and strapped it to his back. "Uh yeah...you guys have a perverted mind if you thought something else" Derpy said

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-Pffff what! Perverted? What on earth do you mean!?

Silly Equinox, thinking that we are that perverted. Why on earth would we think something like that. I cautiously started to deactivate my spell as I had almost turned Derpy into a muffin. Then I realized something...

-Hey Meadow, have you've been following me?!


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oh me.....nuuuuuuuhuuuhuhuuu i did no such thing ....and what do you mean by perverted ? >:D" she turned to face moonlight and tried to speak....but her blush still raging on her cheeks "well- um you know i ummm ehee wasnt following you at all nu nu nu...um lets just go back to the campfire shall we ? " at that she turned around and started to walk towards the camp ...or more like running,she just  couldn't stop thinking about....."things" 



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Equinox didnt say another word as he headed on back to the camp site and Derpy followed behind him. "Derpy why are you still following you know there isnt any muffins" Equinox asked. "Cause I barely get to see you around anymore" Derpy said as she walked up next to her

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silent medow returned to the campsite,and everything was still the same,she laid down on the wool carpet that moonlight brought,shw could still feel the blush raging on her face as she just laid there....and  thought about moonlight scroll.....she snorted loudly as she laid her head down on her front hooves and waited for the remaining two colts....she liked equinox aswe.......she stopped herself right there "if this is gonna turn out to be a twilight paradox...then im killing myself" she thought. she could hear the rusteling of leaves as two forms neared the campsite.

Edited by SalomMuffin



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Surprised, Moonlight stared at the quickly retreating flank of Meadow. "what's with her lately? Oh well, it's surely nothing" He starts walking but then suddenly stops as he see something sparkling in a nearby bush. When he examines it closer he sees that it's a talisman. It seems to resemble a skeleton unicorn with glowing red eyes. It is covered in runes and when he puts his ears to it it seem to him like it's whispering...


"Wow, Cool! I'll keep this!" He picks it up and puts in one of his many vest pockets and starts too happily trot back to the camp, unaware of the shadow stalking him...

  • Brohoof 1


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Surprised, Moonlight stared at the quickly retreating flank of Meadow. "what's with her lately? Oh well, it's surely nothing" He starts walking but then suddenly stops as he see something sparkling in a nearby bush. When he examines it closer he sees that it's a talisman. It seems to resemble a skeleton unicorn with glowing red eyes. It is covered in runes and when he puts his ears to it it seem to him like it's whispering...


"Wow, Cool! I'll keep this!" He picks it up and puts in one of his many vest pockets and starts too happily trot back to the camp, unaware of the shadow stalking him...

(not part of story) what who does that ? YOU FIND A BLOODY TALISMAN THAT WISPERS deeeeeaath and you  keep it ? WHAT WHO DOES THAT ?. it violates every rule of general sense...that was what i  thought wen i read that xD well sorry for interupting, carry on my friend *facepalms*

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Equinox arrived at the camp site and went into his tent and fell asleep. "Next day ill do more training...maybe cut more trees...hopefully no one gets in front of me unless they wanna see Medusa" Equinox thought as he fell into a deep sleep and Derpy...changed into a changeling. "Good night Equinox...have a sweet dream" The changeling said changing back to Derpy.


((now for a changeling))

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medow could feel her eyelids slide shut "Good night equinoxx...have a sweet dream" then there was a green flash,medow now suddenly awake,she stood up and gently walked over to equinox's yellow tent and unzipped the door and peeked in there was equinox and derpy sleeping.......wait what ?" naaah, knowing how morning grumpy he is in the morning...he will not hurt her.....to bad..."at that   thought she zipped the door close and went over tho her tent and got in,she had just stepped in wen she heard a loud crash,she looked outside and saw that moonlight's tent was crushed........"oh buck" she said...  

                             hey moon,you better find a place to sleep, cuz  we cant.move on before you have gone to sleep ,oh and btw i crushed your tent muehehehehehe (:< so good luck finding a tent now.

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Equinox unconscionably fixes Moons tent and made it so it can be crushed again then made a few trees move so the light of the moon hit Equinoxes tent.


((lol i fixed the tent while asleep and Equinox likes moonlight it calms him...and makes him sleep easier))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Equinox unconscionably fixes Moons tent and made it so it can be crushed again then made a few trees move so the light of the moon hit Equinoxes tent.


((lol i fixed the tent while asleep and Equinox likes moonlight it calms him...and makes him sleep easier))

a big branch fell on moon's tent and crushed it to splinters and a voice came from above " DO NOT.TEMPER WITH FAITH MY CHILD,FAITH.WANTED THIS TENT TO BE DESTROYED SO DON'T FIX IT UNLESS YOU WANT GOD'S WRATH UPON YOU"  somehow those words got stuck in equinox's head and he DIDN'T try to fix it again. ):<



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Luna then appeared and made a tent appeared for Moon to sleep in and disappeared before locking what ever destroyed the last tent magic away then left before leaving a note in Equinoxes tent telling him about his katana has a third name nopony know about and needs a talisman to release the next ability.



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Frustrated that everypony seems to be destroying his tent(and Luna for some reason...), Moonlight ignore the new tent, thinking that it will probably ignite or something. Moonlight angrily walks to the campfire and sits down.

"seems like I'll sleep under the stars tonight" He lays down and close his eyes but only a couple of seconds later he opens them again. He is awoken by the crescent moon shining down upon him.  

"Not this again!" He has always had strange relationship with the moon and as has never been able to sleep when there is a full or crescent moon. His powers also becomes stronger when in the moonlight and he decides that he should train them while he can. He goes into the forest and starts practicing different spells, unknowing of the shadow stalking him... 

He practices spells all night and when the moon finally sets he falls straight to sleep.


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Equinox woke up when it hit daytime. "Dear Celestia....put out the bucking sun" Equinox said as he tried to get up but he couldn't, he opened his eyes and saw Derpy on top of him sleeping. "Well aren't I lucky" Equinox sarcastically said as he gently pushed Derpy off of him.

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                                                                             kaka doodly doooo its morning my faithful female dogs wink.png 

                                                                   now get  your lazy ass over here moonshine it is morning now after all. (:<  

medow awoke to the morning mood symphony by edvard grieg from norway,she stepped out of.her tent with her head full of pankakes,she the heard a large BOOM from equinox's tent,she turned around to see it in full flames,and the flame was green? she could hear shouting from inside about "Why the BUCK did you push me off ? !! " .   


Equinox woke up when it hit daytime. "Dear Celestia....put out the bucking sun" Equinox said as he tried to get up but he couldn't, he opened his eyes and saw Derpy on top of him sleeping. "Well aren't I lucky" Equinox sarcastically said as he gently pushed Derpy off of him.

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"WHAT THE" Equinox pulled out his katana but it was slapped out of his hands by Der...."Your a changeling.....oh for buck sakes" Equinox dashed out of his tent for his katana which now for some reason was in a tree. "Equinox...come here I just wanna spend time with you" Equinox turned around to see it wasn't just a changeling...IT WAS QUEEN CHRYSALIS

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Only after closing his eyes for a few seconds, Moonlight is awoken by a massive boom coming from the camp. He forces his eyes open and starts running back. When he returns, Equinox tent is destroyed and Equinox seems to be running for his sword that's for some reasons seem to be stuck in a tree. Meadow just stood there with her eyes wide open. And there, in the middle of what once was Equinox's tent, stand's QUEEN BUCKING CHRYSALIS!!!

-By Princess Celestias non-existent beard!! Moonlight cries out. He starts to channel his magic to his horn, ready to launch a spell when suddenly...


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medow just stood there staring when she saw Moonlight,"oh my god he is so handsome"she thougt.Moonlight was charging a spell but got interupted by...."Omg its the wonderbolts" medow skreamed as the great and mighty Rainbow Dash crashed into Moonlight knocking him out cold for some seconds" Oh im sorry dude,...you were...just in the way...he he heee...." with that she flew of leaving moonshine on the ground fainted.



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