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"Not a good idea" Equinox said as he pulled out a flash bang. "Hopefully it likes bright lights" Equinox said as he threw a flash bang at Slendermane stunning it a bit. "There now let not go to the house" Equinox said as he looked behind him and it was gone...for now. "Okay...at least it wasn't a sleeping angel or SCP-183

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"WERE DO YOU GET ALL THOSE THINGS ?" medow screamed since she was still in panic. "what was that thing....it cant have been...you know.....*whispers* Slendermane ?" she cringed at that name."ok lets just focus on getting out of here" she turned around and saw something white in the distance,she started to sway a bit as her vision got kinda static,she turned back the other way and said "OK that whay"as she began to run.



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"Magic its limited now so i can blast it to the moon but i can make these thing appear" Equinox said as he summoned his katana. "Probably can slow it down for them but it wont kill it...but it will kill me..." Equinox threw the last flash bang and threw a couple of smoke bombs at it. "We need to get out of here...im not dying cause of a myth that is true. Equinox stopped and turned around to look at Slendermane. "Hopefully this works" Equinox went straight to Slendermane and.....pause for dramatic effect....hugged it and it hugged him back.



  • Brohoof 1

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Suddenly, slendermane was enveloped in a white light. He was lifted into the air and when he came down, it was no longer slenderman, it was...

-Princess Luna!!!

She then began to speak in the royal Canterlot voice.


She then summoned a wrapped gift in front of us and then teleported away from here. I wonder what's inside...


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Equinox opened the box and was presented a necklace which looked familiar. "This isnt what I think it is...is it" Equinox said as he looked at the necklace then noticed. "Didnt I destroy this before" Equinox said as the necklace had the medallion that he destroyed from before.

Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~

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-I would no-

Moon tried to warn Equinox but was cut off as medallion suddenly started spewing out black smoke. They were all enveloped in it and they couldn't see a thing. "What is happening!?"

When they awakened it seemed like they were in some sort of shut down research facility...

Edited by The Swedish Brony


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"I dont know...just as long as im not splashed with water ill be fine" Equinox said as he got up and looked around. "This place looks familiar..." Equinox said as he went over to Medow and helped her off the ground. "I suggest we find a way out before we run into anything that could kill us" Equinox said as he looked for his katana but couldn't find it. "Also...I have no means to defend myself"

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"Well isn't this just great! We don't have anything to defend ourselves with, we don't know where we are and there's probably something here that wants to kill us! What else could go wrong!" 

Just when Moonlight had finished his sentence, something appeared in the door way in front of them. It was hard to see what it was though as the room was very dim lit...


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"AAAAND perfect" he said as Discord stepped in the room,the area got much lighter and you could see that he was wearing some shades,"why the long faces ? aaw common its just me Discord,the god of chaos ?" to prove his point he made a big hole appear in the floor and everypony fell upwards towards the ceiling, they fell on the roof with a splat and they could feel that...gravity had been swaped ? .Discord sat down on a piece of ....regular grey rock and started to speak " you know....I was the one that started this mess I was the one that created derpy/chrysalis and I ....well i did all that shit" he said with a wink."NOW COMMON ESCAPE ...I DARE YOU TO TRY , and you will find out one way or another that you cant harm me " NOT ALLOWED TO SUMON THE MAIN SIX OR QUEENS OR NOPONY AT ALL equinox,your sword is now missing and wont be found until.....well untill when you want,but it wont matter,its DISCORD after all :/ so no OP and no beating him no changing the story, the randomnes has stopped for a while,lets stick to this line for a while.....so please no teleporting away



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"I know what you will do Discord..you're gonna make it so we cant escape..." Equinox said as he learned a tiny bit of chaos magic but not gravity reversal spells. "Well how can we get out of this...room...idea" Equinox said as he took a running jump in to the door fram into another room that had normal gravity. "That worked.

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Moon saw Equinox jump through the door but as soon he jumped in, he somehow came out of the roof(floor?).  Discord then started to laugh hysterically.

"BWAHAHAHAAA!" You guys are HILARIOUS! He then took a second to wipe a tear from his face. But suddenly his face changed to a much more serious one.

"You didn't think I would let you go that easily, DID YOU!" He then made one last laugh and POOF! His body was now splitting into smaller pieces and started to bounce out the room.

"I'll be watching  youuuuu.... " And then everything went quiet...

"... well... that kinda explains why so much random shit happens to us.

  • Brohoof 1


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"I know a bit of chaos but not enough to reverse all of this" Equinox said as he thought a bit then an idea came to mind. "Why use logic....When you can use chaos" Equinox said as deranged took over his body. "Okay now in order to figure this out we need to think illogically" Deranged said as he say a skylight. "No too simple and logiacal" Deranged said as he paced back and forth. "Ideas would be nice also"

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Medow looked around the room and saw a chest,she went over to the chest and she wanted to open it ....but ... SOMETHING held her back,she finaly managed to strech out a hoof to the lid of it opened it,at that same time a skavenger opened a chest in the outskirts of ponyville,a loud BANG could be heard ....and there stood a confused pony with a gas mask and goggles...."whut the buck ?" he said.((i didn't like medow ok ?...now lets move on,im sorry for the lack of response ....but yeah ...not felt like it ....sorry))



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"Who...the buck...are you" Equinox said as he looked at the pony with the gas mask and goggles. "Okay...we got a new person...and medow is gone..." Equinox thought for a bit as his horn glowed. "Im gonna see if I can...there" Equinox picked up what looked like a steel bar. "Okay now to just break this window" Equinox said as he threw the bar at the window with magic.

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"what is this what how what....why am i upside down ...what how geez omg aaaaAAAAARGH"*discord's voice can be heard from everywhere* "Well i must say you ponies are more...stupid than i thought,comon i can make glass into water so WHAT makes YOU think that i cant fix a broken window hmmm ? " *as on cue the window fixes it self and begins to shine...just like all the other windows* "somthing tells me that we cant get out that way now" the gas mask pony cried D':



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"Damn it Discord" Equinox said as he was getting tired of this. "Screw it im done" Equinox said as a chair appeared and he sat on it and made a cup of tea appear. "Im not playing this stupid game anyways...tired of all this random stuff happening to us...I just wanted a peaceful day without anything strange...but no DISCORD had to be a jerk and cause random stuff to us...why not do it to someone else" Equinox said as his horn glowed red. "How about I blow this place into nothing...INTO A VOID" Equinox said as he was pissed.


((Im okay with discor and all but really...thats getting old))

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"Well... buck." Moonlight starts to pace back and fourth. Medow is gone, a weird pony with goggles and a gas masks appears in her place and now Discord isn't allowing us to leave.  He sighs and starts to think. "Ok, there must be someway of tricking Discord to let us go. He might be the personification of chaos but that doesn't mean we can't trick him..." Then, an idea started to form in Moonlights head.


He walks up to the floating entity. 

"Hey Discord, you say you can do almost anything, yes?"

"Oh, I can do things you ponies dream of doing, my little horned blue friend!"

"I don't believe you. Nobody can do everything."

HAHAHAAA foolish pony! I'm Discord, god of CHAOS! Nothing is impossible for me! Are you challenging me, because this sure sounds like a challenge!"

Moonlight looks at the others for some help in this...


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"You're right Moon Chaos is magic but I know a bit of it my self so really its nothing special" Equinox said. "Plus hes just a lawn ornament when he gets hit by harmony...also Deranged is Chaos it self so he can run circles around you Discord" Equinox taunted since what he said about Deranged is true.

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"Discord, you're all words and when it comes down to it, you're really just nothing!" Moon stood right in front of the floating creature, looking him directly in his eyes. They stared back with a touch of insanity behind them.

"Name. Your. Challenge."

They stood like that for a good minute or two, just glaring at each other. The tension was so thick that you could feel it in the air. Then Moon opened his mouth to speak.

"Ok then. How about you first take us back to our camp eh? I'm sure that "the god of chaos" can handle that."


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Just then, a pink coloured unicorn with a chainsaw fell out of the (floor?) Ceiling and landed on the ground with a thud. She got up and looked around to see the three ponies and Discord. "Wha.." She questioned. "How the buck did I get here? And why am I on the ceiling. And who the buck are you guys?" She noticed her chainsaw liyng on the gorund, and was about to pick it up, before it dissapered. 

"I said no weapons." Discord said.

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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"Discord just let us go we didnt do anything to you...or are you that weak where you just have to mess with random ponies" Equinox said as he saw the pink pony fall and get up. "Well...there's another pony" Equinox said as he waved at the pony that just appeared.



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"You know what, I'm not even surprised anymore."Moonlight said as he saw the pink pony fall out of the (floor?) ceiling. After all the random things that had happened to them(including Medow turning into a completely new pony, slendermane, Discord and Crackle the dragon), a new pony was just a small thing in this sea of randomness.

Moonlight trotted up to the new pony and offered a hoof to help her up.

"Welcome random pink pony, you are now stuck here just like us. I'm Moonlight Scroll, nice to meet you I guess..."


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"Hey, I'm Midnight Swirl. Don't worry, these sorts of things happen to me all the time, scince I inter-dimenional time tavel nowadays. Anyway, who's those ponies over there... and Discord?" Midnight asked " And it's nice to meet you too." She took Moonlight's hoof and shaked it.



((When is Discord going to respond to all the talkback he's been getting? X3))

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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"YOU SEE ? i am the god of chaos, i just pulled this pony from nowhere into this chaos,HA HA HAHA he....you know what ? this is boring SOMEPONY DO SOMETHING"Discord found a book and started to read through if upside down,i'm going to wait here until you four decides to do something okay ? "Discord then zaps a bed in and lays down on the floorboards with the bed as a...roofing i guess ?. silent just stood there taking it all in,he turned around slowly and then suddenly bolted towards another room while screaming giberish,he didn't get far though as he  crashed headfirst into another pony.



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As Moonlight was about to introduce the new arrival to the other in their group, he was suddenly tackled into the ground by another pony. It felt as if he was rammed by a train and soon he saw the floor(ceiling?) travel towards him at a alarming speed. He hit the ground hard and it took him a while to stop seeing stars. When he finally got up, he saw that the one crashing into him was the second newest member of their group.

"What the buck Silent, come on! Can't we at least have a minute before something random happen!?"


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