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private A Night in the Slammer


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((Characters are my OC Arctic Frost, and Rockshire as his OC Lite Shade.))


On a warm, summer evening in Manehatten...


Lights streamed out from a particular building in one of the busiest parts of the city, the large sign above the double-doored entrance proudly highlighting the building as "Club Blacklight" in illustrious purple neon lights. The cheering silhouettes of dancing ponies inside coupled with the flashing multi-colored lights and loud, pulsing techno beats made it clear that this was a party place like no other. A rather stoic black pony sat at the doors, keeping an eye out for passersby.


Outside, a gray pegasus stallion with a silver and blue mane trotted alone towards the entrance, a determined look on his face. He looked down at the peculiar black rubber bracelet that was wrapped around his front left hoof, smiling at the white musical notes, the angular blue lines, and most importantly: the purple shades. Vinyl Scratch of Ponyville had invited him to a rave in Manehatten at Blacklight. He couldn't wait to get inside.


The bouncer gave him a rather off-putting glare before his eyes fell to the stallion's bracelet, his face softening up a bit. "I take it Vinyl sent you? Crazy bitch, that mare."


Frost smirked. "Yeah, she did. Kept telling me about this place, decided to hook me up with a pass." He reached in his saddlebag, pulling out the paper that the mare had given him.


The black pony nodded, stepping aside. "Try not to go too crazy, eh, rookie?" Frost shook his head, entering the building and stepping into the party within. He glanced around, taking in the atmosphere and the heavy, bass intensive music that was currently playing. All around him, ponies were dancing and bobbing their heads in time with the music. Gee, where had he seen that before? He chuckled, recalling the white unicorn mare that had dragged him out here in the first place as he approached the bar, ordering a shot of whiskey.


"Hey, aren't you Arctic Frost?"


Frost turned at the mention of his name, giving the colt behind him a smirk. "I get that a lot, I swear."


The colt gave him a rather...odd look. As if he was sizing the pegasus up. "You can't fool me. Nice try, though."


The pegasus shrugged, downing the shot and pouring himself another. "Believe what you want, I'm not even CLOSE to being as cool as him. Besides, doesn't he always carry his guitar with him or something? Look at me, I don't have one." In truth, Frost had decided not to carry his guitar on him, mainly because he hadn't intended on playing it this evening.


"How about a drinking game, then? I hear he's got a cast-iron stomach."


Frost raised an eyebrow, glancing down at his drink. The boy was an ambitious one, wasn't he? In truth, he was expecting something like this to happen. And he wasn't one to back down from a challenge. His grin widened. "What are your terms?"


Oh, was this going to be a crazy night.

Edited by Vaporeon


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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The next thing that Arctic Frost would hear was a loud slam ringing in his ears. Let's explain what had happened in the previous hour.


Arctic Frost, along with this other colt had went through with their drinking game, with Frost becoming the victor. Eventually, they both had exited the nightclub with hammered expressions that matched their trotting styles. Due to their impaired minds, they both were yelling out into the night sky profanity and multiple crude remarks. Soon enough, three cops had shown up in respective cop carriages, spotting the duo. Two of them had went after the colt who was found to be relieving himself on the town statue. The colt had sprinted off, causing the cops to chase after him.


The last cop had already apprehended Arctic Frost, going to put him in a carriage and sending him down to the Manehattan police station. Already, he was going under the charges of disturbing the peace and for an unusual charge of TWI (trotting while intoxicated.)


A few minutes later, the two arrived at the station, with Arctic Frost in hoofcuffs on the fore and back hooves. They seemed to be heading to a cell all the way in the back of the building. The pony officer, who shall be named Trotson, spoke with a gruff voice to Arctic Frost, leading him into the cell...


"Listen, ya drunk. We're puttin' ya in here since we don't got no more room in the other cells. Play nice with Shadey."


And back to reality. Frost had heard the slamming of the iron door behind him, supposing to give him a ringing throughout his ears. The cell was decorated in nothing but gray. There were two beds, one on each side of the cell. However, one seemed to be occupied by a dark figure...


She wore some sort of jacket on her body, a small plastic case encasing her horn. Her mane had blocked most of her face, decorated in yellow and black. Her coat was a full cobalt with silver streaks marking her through her chest and legs. She shook her head, mane flying back to the back of her neck. Her eyes, which were closed had shot opened, irises piercing the darkness with a silver lining. When she spoke, it came out sinister, yet feminine at the same time.


"So... You must be my new cellmate, drunkard..."

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The stallion grunted as he hit the ground, the slam of metal on metal slowly bringing him once more to his dulled senses. As far as Frost was concerned, he had no idea what was going on, nor where he was. The sound still ringing in his ears, he staggered over to the unoccupied bed and fell hard on the stained mattress. Whenever he opened his eyes, everything appeared fuzzy, as if he was looking at the world from underwater. Not only did this make it very hard to see, it seemingly made his headache even worse. How much has he had to drink? He couldn't remember. He groaned, closing his eyes to try and numb the pain.


The voice from the other side of the cell seemed muffled under the ringing, which subsided after a few moments. Frost could barely make out the word 'drunkard,' however. "I ain't a...drunkerd...fuckin'...turtles..." What the pegasus didn't realize was that he knew this mare, even if it had been months since he had last seen her.


He rolled onto his back, chancing a squinted glance at his cellmate. His vision gave him a moment's reprieve, allowing him a rather clear image of the mare before it faded out again. "...what're you lookin' at."


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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"Well, for one thing, I'm looking at a grey pegasus that can't handle getting drunk off his own flank. Other than that, I could see gray walls, the shadows of the bars on my-- excuse me, OUR cell, a small dimly-lit light off in the hallway... Oh wait! You meant this in a aggressive fashion! Terribly sorry, darling!"


Lite loved to mess around with words like what Arctic Frost had spoke. It was one of her more mischievous antics that she loved to perform on the dim-witted ponies. And ponies like Arctic Frost were right at the top of the list for her. She gave off a little grin, just shaking her head right at the newly-reunited pony. 


"Arctic Frost. Well, I would have never thought of seeing you here at all, darling. From what I've heard from "Trotsdumb", disturbing the peace AND trotting while intoxicated?", she asked innocently, obviously mocking his decisions.

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The inebriated pegasus scoffed, rolling over on his bed. "Yeah, well somepony was lookin' at me strangely or...somethin'..." His mind jumped to the colt that had gotten him into this mess in the first place, making him freeze halfway. "That good for nothin'..." With a surge of energy, Frost vaulted off of his bunk and slammed against the cell door, snarling at the empty corridor. "NEXT TIME I SEE YA, YUR A DEAD PONY, YA HEAR ME?!" He had no idea if the colt had been sent to the same prison that he was in, but at this point, he probably didn't care who heard him now.


Frost sighed, wobbling uncertainly as he trotted to the opposite side of the cell, crumpling into a corner. "Never should have fuckin' accepted his...game," he mumbled to himself, covering his face with his hooves. Here he was, drunk as a clam, stuck in a jail cell with a preppy mare. This was going to be a fun evening, indeed. The pegasus peeked an eye from between his hooves, giving Lite Shade a tired look. "How tha hay...do ya even know...mah name?" Again, a foggy image surfaced into his mind. He had definitely met this mare before. He felt his consciousness begin to fade along with the image.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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"Well, this is usually the part where I would riddle any pony that ants to find out about who I am. However, you've already met me. And instead of riddles, it would just be ridicule, darling. But seeing you more immensely drunk just gives me that small feeling that you call "pity". Hmm..."


Lite Shade definitely wanted to play around with this pony. A lot, to be honest. However, she did feel kind of sorry. And well, she DID need one pony in particular for a plan later on, but we'll save that for later.


"Ok. One month ago. Canterlot. In the café. You met two ponies there. One of them with darkest hue of obsidian, the other a dark faded blue. One was a stallion. The other, a mare. The stallion being an earth pony, and the mare a unicorn..." She had jumped off her uncomfortable bed, slowly walking over to him.


"You abandoned the duo later for your friend... The stallion was a bit disappointed, but the mare... Emotionless. And that mare, who shall be deemed as moì, is..." At that moment, she slowly walked up to him, whispering two words right into his ear.


"Lite Shade."


((I'm gonna be gone for most of today, and I would have told you over Skype, but I'm on my phone right now.))

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Frost awoke in a cold sweat, his head bolting up out of his hooves, staring wide-eyed around him. That...had to have been the weirdest dream ever. There was also the feeling like a jackhammer was barreling into his skull. He groaned, laying his head back down to a more manageable level, closing his eyes and massaging his temples. What in Celestia's name had HAPPENED last night? Thinking about it only made his head hurt worse. Easing his eyes open, the pegasus blinked a few times, glancing around. A cold, gray cell with two beds...


Wait. Two? Two words surfaced from the pounding sensation in his mind: Lite Shade. Where had he heard that name before? The more Frost thought about it, the more his head pounded. Something about it seemed...familiar. Like...he had met a mare with that name before. His eyes drifted to the dark shape on the bunk in the opposite side of the room as he slowly eased up on shaky legs, steadying himself on the edge of the mattress to his left and climbing onto it. The soft surface, albeit uncomfortable, helped his mind stop feeling like it was about to explode. Wisps of memories floated through Frost's mind, slowly patching back together.


"...Lite Shade. Yeah. I remember you. It's...been a while, hasn't it?" He offered a small grin as he stared over at the other mattress with half-closed eyes.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Lite was half asleep as well, only her eyes showing that she was acting as if she were asleep. The other half of her was responsive, not in a happy tone, yet not in the saddest one also. She was, just like that day... emotionless.


"Well, you finally remembered... Drinking yourself crazy, getting thrown in the pokey, and one hangover later, your little gray butt finally remembers me. Cute." Lite had slowly began to awake, moving her body to where she was sitting up on the edge of her messed up mattress. "Now, to continue. Yes, this HAS been a good while since we've been acquainted again, hasn't it? And I predict you would have never thought that I would be placed in this smelly, aged prison, correct?"

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Frost chuckled, rolling onto his back and stretching his joints. Sleeping in the dark corner of a prison cell like a crumpled, discarded ragdoll wasn't something he'd wish on anypony, even his worst enemies. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable sleeping position. "Yeah, that sounds like me. I'm not too surprised that's what happened." His voice remained a dull monotone as he felt the joints pop in his limbs.


Now that she mentioned it...how would a mare like her end up in a prison in the first place? "No, I wouldn't. What does a pretty mare like you do to end up in here? I don't see you as the type to be a prostit-" Frost's mouth snapped shut, both from the loud pop that had just come from his back and the fact that hangovers made him ramble more than usual. He sighed in approval, rolling his head back to face her.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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She scoffed a bit whenever Arctic Frost had nearly said a certain ten letter word... "Yeah... No. I would never sell myself out to low, low ponies like... er... some." She would definitely love to call him out and just say that it was him, but... With the compliments that she had earned in the past from him, it would probably just crush his feelings... Plus, she just loved messing with him. It was cute to her.


"Well, where should I start? The crimes that I've committed? The bounty that I've acquired in such the short amount of time? That cafe? I destroyed it when you left. I've robbed banks, set homes on fire, destroyed thousands of bits in property... and yet, the horrible law here had placed me in here and not killing me on the spot! What fools... Just like someponies...", Lite emphasized, shooting a quick glance to Arctic Frost and then looking away.

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His eyes widened. "Wha-no. I meant that as a compliment. As in I don't see you doing that sort of thing for a living or...ever, for that matter." Lite Shade was...quite a curious mare. He'd always been interested in getting to know her a little bit, but not like this. In fact, he had almost given up on ever meeting her again, resuming his life like that day hadn't happened...


Frost raised an eyebrow. "Well...I didn't quite expect to hear those kinds from you, to be honest. Though...I am quite surprised that they've kept you alive if all those things are true. Not that I'd be glad if they...had. Or...something." His mind was still a confusing mishmash of thoughts and pulsing pain, but what he said still held true. He raised a hoof, applying a slight pressure to his temple in an effort to prevent himself from passing out any time soon. "And...what of that strange shadowy pony that you were with?"

Edited by Vaporeon


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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"I've got much to say, if you've got the time. Oh, but wait! You DO have all the time in the world!", Lite shouted out, already beginning to cackle out. Her laughing seemed to be obnoxious from her other types of laughing: chuckling, giggling, and the occasional snicker. Her cruel and not so very comical jokes were also getting to be back with her again.


"However, I'll just say this. I cannot communicate to him without using my horn. And as you can plainly see--", she pointed up to the top of her head, showing the plastic egg white shell that had encased her horn. "--I'm not capable of that. And with some other magic... I can't do that either because of--", she had now pointed out the orange jumpsuit that she was forced to wear in this place. "--this, which has special fabrics to prevent my body from performing said magic."

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Frost sighed, closing his eyes in defeat and rolling over to face the wall. "Geez, you don't have to be so blunt about it..." Her laughter was...beginning to worry him ever so slightly, and quite frankly, brought his headache back to hammering levels.  And she seemed like such a nice mare when they met...


"Well...that sucks. Sorry for not noticing it before, it's fucking hard to concentrate when your head feels like it's going to explode at any moment." In truth, he was already missing sleeping on random clouds above Ponyville, calling down at the random mares that passed by. He cracked an eye at the small, barred window at the top of the back wall, noting that it was still very much late night. It could have even been early morning, for all he knew.


He groaned, muttering to himself. "I've gotta get out of here..."

Edited by Vaporeon


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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That's when Lite's ears her perked up. Did he just say... he wants to get out of here?!


Well, Litey, this is your chance. You're in a jail cell with a no longer drunk stallion that also shares the same ambition: wanting to get out of this hellhole as well! It might not be such a bad idea to announce a partnership with this one after all! Oh... But his feelings are crushed now, apparently... He must not be able to take such a joke. Why does no one ever seem to get any of my jokes? *sigh* Oh well. Jailbreak first, humor later.


"Frostbutt-- I mean, Arctic Frost... You said that you were wanting to leave? Let me make a proposition for you. I'll forgive everything that I have said to you, and will actually consider you an acquaintance, IF... you help me break out of here."

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Frost would have waved a hoof over his shoulder if he could, but instead settled for a shrug. "I need a nice, soft cloud to sleep on so I can forget about last night and...forget this happened." A cloud would be nice, yes, but did he really mean what he said? Not entirely. But if she kept up with her sarcastic demeanor, he wasn't really in the mood for it. He sighed. It couldn't be worse than rotting in the cell. "Fine. What do you have in mind?"


At this point, he was being wary of her. If she could actually get them out of here, that was one thing. The thought of their meeting a month ago being nothing but one of her "jokes" was still floating in his mind somewhere. Had she been messing with him from the beginning?


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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"Well, first, we need to survey our area first." Lite got up and looked around the typical cell, noting some details around her and grinning a bit.


"We have a barred door to our left, surrounded by guards that would possibly kill me on the spot if I dare escape..." Next, she turned to a small window, showing that it was near dawn.


"A small barred window that neither of us could fit through... And that is it. Most likely, our breakfast should be arriving soon, and that is when we might get spoons. If we do, keep yours. This will be a well thought-out tool. We shall use this to dig out through a wall or the floor here. Yes, this shall be perfect. We shall also have to be swift for this as well."

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"I seriously doubt a spoon would do anything, but sure, I'll see what I can do." Frost rolled back over on his bunk, attempting to find a comfortable spot to rest his head. That's it, he thought to himself. Definitely not repeating last night again. He once more tried to stand up, landing on wobbly legs and leaning against the cot. "As you can see, I don't think swiftness is going to work with me." Would he ever get out of this cell, especially in his current condition?


"Probably not," the pegasus muttered to himself. The events of the night had left him feeling the opposite as he usually was. With hangovers, Frost would normally pass out on a nearby cloud and call it a day. In this cell...it was becoming less and less of an option. The more he thought about it, the more his headache flared. He snorted, turning back to Lite Shade. "I'll try not to get in your way."


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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"Well, what else do you have in mind?", Lite scornfully said, forgetting that she was trying to get him on his good side. That was the entire key of trying to escape for this plan to work: They had to cooperate at all times, even if it was simple small talk. "My apologies... It's just that we don't necessarily have the right tools. Besides, the spoons we receive are usually guaranteed to cut through something... Like the roofs of mouths. And sometimes, pure concrete..."


She looked back to the window before the familiar gruff voice of Officer Trotson came ringing into their cells. He seemed to be holding two bowls of something in his wings. ((Forgot to mention that he is a pegasus. And a buff one at that.))


"Breakfast's served, ya roaches.", he snarled, pushing the bowls through the bars and returning back to his station. What was inside the bowl looked to be small dried up pieces of cardboard, swimming around in a sea of slightly chunky white liquid. "Well, it's corn flakes again. Remember. Save your spoon, and try not to cry when eating.", Lite reminded, picking up a bowl and already taking a spoonful into her mouth.

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Frost offered a stale glare at in the cell door's direction, subtly sizing up the warden. Had he not had such a massive headache or been chained up, the pegasus would have definitely tried barreling him down and knocking him out, buying them some time to escape. Then again, that would have been the most idiotic idea he'd have ever come up with. Frost sighed, deciding that he'd rather be paying back his debt to ponykind in servitude to the Princess herself, rather than be given solitary confinement.


When the more buff pegasus disappeared from site, he quickly began shoveling down the murky bowl of...gunk as quickly as possible. When it came to food, the guitarist didn't really care what it was, he would eat it. Even if it was nigh-inedible prison food. He paused for a brief moment when the liquid began to show the slightest bit of pink. Soon after, he became aware of a moderate pain in his mouth. Coughing a bit, he observed the spoon with widened eyes. "Holy shit, you weren't kidding." The eating instrument was...definitely noticeably sharper than a normal spoon, and the pegasus was aware of a small bit of blood on the edge. That was it. He definitely didn't want to be here any longer.


Frost slowly shifted his gaze back towards Lite Shade as he stuffed the spoon in the small crevice between his bunk and the wall. "Are they TRYING to kill us?"


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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"How? With the cereal or the spoon?", Lite asked jokingly, carefully getting her cereal down without being stupid like Arctic Frost and cutting her mouth's roof. Three days in a row, she was able to eat without tasting her own vital liquid into other liquids. Of course, she was used to gaining scrap food from before. Even though she was a shadow pony, she still needed to feed off regular pony food. However, she usually just ate off of scraps that were from garbage cans...

Once they both were done, Lite had picked up their bowls and placed them outside the cell, hiding her spoon within her jacket. She laid back onto her cot, looking up at the ceiling.


A few moments later, Trotson went to receive the bowls, already seeing that the spoons were gone. He was beginning to become outraged.


"ALL RIGHT! Where da hell are ya spoons?!", he cried out, right at none other than Arctic Frost.

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"The latter, but that mush could have probably killed me too." Thinking back to the spoon, Frost perked up. An ingenious idea was beginning to form in his head. Already, blood was beginning to pool in his mouth from the cuts the spoon had inflicted. What if he made it seem like he had eaten the spoons? Sure, it wouldn't exactly make him look good, and could always fail, but it could be worth a shot if he did it right. He made a motion to Lite Shade, nudging to the spoon and pointing to his mouth with both hooves.


As Trotson entered the sell, the pegasus let the blood continue to fill up in his mouth for a few more seconds, cringing at the taste of metal. He hoped that the unicorn mare wouldn't think anything of him for this, but it WAS a rather ingenious plan. A few seconds later, the metal taste was beginning to get to be too much. Coughing violently, Frost released the red substance onto his bunk. For a charade, this was clearly going to look real. He just hoped that the mare was keen on his plan and could back him up.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Lite Shade had watched it all play out from her bunk, looking right onto her cellmate. He seemed to be making a motion to the spoon and then to his mouth. Was he really going to...?


Wow. I would have never thought of that. And usually, I'm the reckless one. Good work for you, Arctic Frost. A bit of respect for you. Now for my drama to ensue. At that moment, Lite grimaced, holding a hoof to her muzzle as if she were to throw up. "Oh goodness, that's disgusting!", she cried out, trying to act as if he was sick.


Trotson backed a little when Arctic Frost coughed out blood. "Aw, for Celestia's sake... Ya swallowed the damn spoon? Ya're an idiot, ya know... All right.", he said, walking over to Arctic Frost. He bent down and forced his mouth open to see where he was cut at. "Yep... The cut's bad. Ya goin' to th--"




At that moment, Trotson fell down to the concrete floor, his head hitting hard against it. Lite appeared behind him, grinning and swinging a set of keys around her hoof. "Well, that went better than expected. You ready to break out?"

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Frost cringed as the larger pegasus crashed to the ground, blinking at Lite Shade. Man, he loved action mares. His look of shock melted into one of approval, spitting another bloody wad at the wall to his right and chuckling. "Yeah, I suppose it did. Not one of my better ideas, but at least it bought me a nice fluffy cloud until tomorrow morning." That was, if they didn't chase after them once they were clear of the prison. The stallion was definitely writing a strongly worded letter to the Princess about prison food and accommodations, that was for sure.


He glanced down at his hooves, remembering the chains that bound them together. "So uh...mind unlocking me?"


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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"Well, I thought the cuffs actually looked good on you, what, considering your attitude. But, I suppose, since you HAVE done that amazing plan.", she joked yet again as Lite went every single key (25 in fact), and finally unlocked both of the cuffs from Arctic Frost's hooves. Slowly, she started to look out of the cell, observing who was there and seeing if the entire perimeter was surrounded. Luckily, since it was just breakfast, and very early in the morning, not all of the guards were inside, An easy chance for escape was perfect for this moment. 


"All right...", she told Arctic in a hushed voice. "Listen. It's about... 5 AM. Guards are going to be on duty at about 5:25. And I almost have no clue how to navigate this place... So, 25 minutes to guesstimate, got it?"

She then started to slink out, keeping her back to the wall inside the shadows of the building.

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Arctic Frost snorted, shaking off the shackles as they fell off. Well, that was helpful. He gave his hooves another stretch, unintentionally catching a glance of the exiting mare's flank. Well. It wasn't exactly unwanted, he thought to himself, but now wasn't the time for this. It also sucked that she was still wearing her prison outfit-


He stood back up, shaking his head. Focus, Frost. Focus. He slowly followed her out of the cell, ducking into the shadows beside her. "Yeah, this place might be a maze for all we know. Maybe we should try..." The pegasus faltered for a second, collapsing against the wall behind him as the headache took over again. Of all the rotten luck...


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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