Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Objection! They already solved that case. The victim in this case was Fleetfoot. The supposed killer is Spitfire The murder weapon was a revolver. The location was in Spitfire's office at the Wonderbolt Academy. The time of murder was 8:00 last night. There's the case! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galen Selanno 351 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 OBJECTION!!! THE CASE IS THAT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE OBJECTING TO ONE ANOTHER'S OBJECTIONS FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER!!! MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian? __ ____ ____ /'\_/`\/\ \ /\ _`\ /\ _`\ /\ \ \ \ \ \ \L\ \ \ \ \L\_\___ _ __ __ __ ___ ___ ____ \ \ \__\ \ \ \ __\ \ ,__/ \ \ _\/ __`\/\`'__\/\ \/\ \ /' __` __`\ /',__\ \ \ \_/\ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \L\ \ \ \/ \ \ \_\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\__, `\ \ \_\\ \_\ \____/ \ \_\ \ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \ \____/\ \_\ \_\ \_\/\____/ \/_/ \/_/\/___/ \/_/ \/_/\/___/ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/___/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Objection! Stop going into irrelevant detail or I will put you in contempt of court. The evidence found at the scene of the crime is pretty simple. The murder weapon which has been wiped clean of prints. The bullet,that was found in the victims chest. And the defendant's medallion that we found in the hoof of the victim. I assume that Spitfire and Fleetfoot got into a fight in the office. During the fight,Spitfire pulled out her weapon and shot Fleetfloot dead. The victim didn't die immediately. So,I assume the victim grabbed the medallion off of Spitfire's neck to show us her killer. So,Spitfire's looking pretty guilty right now. But,since I'm a fair man. I'll allow objections. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galen Selanno 351 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 OBJECTION!! IT WAS FLEETFOOT!! MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian? __ ____ ____ /'\_/`\/\ \ /\ _`\ /\ _`\ /\ \ \ \ \ \ \L\ \ \ \ \L\_\___ _ __ __ __ ___ ___ ____ \ \ \__\ \ \ \ __\ \ ,__/ \ \ _\/ __`\/\`'__\/\ \/\ \ /' __` __`\ /',__\ \ \ \_/\ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \L\ \ \ \/ \ \ \_\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\__, `\ \ \_\\ \_\ \____/ \ \_\ \ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \ \____/\ \_\ \_\ \_\/\____/ \/_/ \/_/\/___/ \/_/ \/_/\/___/ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/___/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Objection! It couldn't have been. The perp wiped the gun clean. How would the victim wipe the gun clean if she was dead? Fleetfoot wasn't wearing gloves. So,I broke your theory. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FortyTwo42 1,287 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 OBJECTION! Well done. However, I've done my own investigating at the scene of the crime, and there's one piece of evidence you overlooked... TAKE THAT! *Presents another bullet* This bullet was found lodged into the tree outside Spitfire's office. The window was open, hence why there was no shattered glass and it was easy to overlook. But ballistics analysis shows this bullet did not come from Spitfire's gun! Therefore, *Slams desk* there must have been a third party at the scene of the crime! This third party took their gun away with them after the crime, and they're the real killer! Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature! My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ColtofPersonality 855 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Look in my eyes...what do you see? The ColtOf Personality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FortyTwo42 1,287 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Warning: Do not have your speakers on full volume when you click these links, like I did... Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature! My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Objection! Are we gonna have to put you in contempt of court? That second bullet does raise some questions. that the bullet that killed the victim? I'm not sure. There was no exit wound found on the victim. So,how would've the bullet been lodged in the tree,if there was no exit wound? If that bullet did in fact kill Fleetfoot,how would've the bullet get to the tree,without exiting the body? OBJECTION! Well done. However, I've done my own investigating at the scene of the crime, and there's one piece of evidence you overlooked... TAKE THAT! *Presents another bullet* This bullet was found lodged into the tree outside Spitfire's office. The window was open, hence why there was no shattered glass and it was easy to overlook. But ballistics analysis shows this bullet did not come from Spitfire's gun! Therefore, *Slams desk* there must have been a third party at the scene of the crime! This third party took their gun away with them after the crime, and they're the real killer! I'm surprised we didn't see that. Guess I'll have to dock that detective's paycheck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shenron00 366 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Hmm...the only conclusion I can make is that the first shot missed! However, the bullets aren't from the same type of gun. This can only mean that the criminal had two guns with them! Since its not possible to fire one gun with hooves, let alone two, the criminal is either a unicorn, or a non-pony! Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want! Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Objection! The criminal did not have 2 guns. The one found at the scene was Spitfire's gun. The defendant will confirm this. The bullet inside the victim was from Spitfire's gun. The bullet lodged in the tree was from another gun. Hmmm..........I wonder...... Was the bullet in the tree from an attempted murder? But,why would the killer use the other gun,when they had one in their possession? This case is a bit strange. But,we will get to the bottom of this mess. I will ask the detective to do another scan of the crime scene for anything we missed the first time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shenron00 366 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 OBJECTION! *pulls out gun* This gun was found outside of Spitfire's office, and it matches the bullet in the tree! The gun is empty, so this must mean that the criminal was cocky, and expected to only need the one bullet. When it missed, (s)he grabbed Spitfire's gun, and was successful in killing Fleetfoot! Unfortunately, there are no prints on the gun, but we did find traces of magic on it! A Unicorn shot Fleetfoot! Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want! Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Objection! How come I did not know about this?! I shall have that detective's badge revoked. Anyways. Why would the criminal drop the gun outside the office? That doesn't make any sense. If the killer was going to frame Spitfire,then why would they drop the gun outside? You would think that the killer would take it with them. I'm having trouble believing your theory. But,we'll wait for the detective to that check on the crime scene first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shenron00 366 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 (edited) Simple. They dropped it when (s)he was running away! The way the gun was lying on the floor means that it was dropped. The most logical explanation would be that someone caught the criminal after (s)he killed Fleetfoot, the criminal thought it was a cop, panicked, and dropped the gun while running away! Then the witness (who wasn't actually a cop) called the police, and the rest is history. Since we now know the "what", we just need the "who" and "why"! Edited September 7, 2014 by Shenron00 Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want! Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Objection! Interesting. However,I have something that will disprove that theory. I had that dimwitted detective do a search on the crime scene. And he found something that disproves this theory. Take that! *presents office key* You thought you had me,however,Spitfire's office requires a certain key. This key to be exact. This person who caught the killer couldn't have got in the office without the key. So,the killer wouldn't have anything to worry about. This key was found in the trash bin. The door was locked during the murder. In order for someone to get in or out,they would have to use the window. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FortyTwo42 1,287 September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 OBJECTION! You say the window is the only way in without the key? I'm sorry, but that's simply not true. TAKE THAT! *Presents a diagram of the building's ventilation system.* As you can see, there is a vent leading into the crime scene. If you took this path through the ventilation system, you wouldn't need the door key or the window to access Spitfire's office! The defense asserts that this is the method the real killer used to enter and flee the scene of the crime! Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature! My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 Objection! I had thought that,too. But,the vents are pretty small. Only someone of small nature would be able to fit through. A full grown pony wouldn't be able to fit. And the windows were also locked during the murder. Did I forget to mention that? So,unless someone small was able to squeeze through those vents,there is no other conclusion,but Spitfire being the killer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shenron00 366 September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 OBJECTION! We recently found this lockpick behind the door! Spitfire's lock seems to be one of the more advanced ones, so whoever did this must have been an expert lock-pick! After running some tests, we found that Spitfire is a horrible lockpicker! Not only that, but she shouldn't even have a need for a kit since she always has her key! Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want! Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 Objection! What?! I examined that door all over and didn't find a single thing. Are you kidding me?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shenron00 366 September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 (edited) Objection! What?! I examined that door all over and didn't find a single thing. Are you kidding me?! Obviously you missed a spot. Then again, the color of the pick does match the floor's color. Don't beat yourself up. Edited September 9, 2014 by Shenron00 Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want! Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 Objection! You didn't say objection. Also,I would be worried,if it weren't for this piece of info. That lock pick is actually Spitfire's. She locked her keys in her office. So,she had to use that to get in. How do I know this,you ask? Cause,I confirmed this with one of the defendant's friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shenron00 366 September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 OBJECTION! How could she have locked her keys in if she has no key to lock the door with! Also, we found prints on the pick. After many tests (just for confirmation), it turns out that the pick is none other than Lighting Dust's! After some questioning, LD confirmed that she was going to pick the lock. However, she claims that it was to discuss the next test. Before she picked the lock, she said she heard Spitfire and Fleetfoot discussing something, but she couldn't make out what. When all of a sudden, she saw a "strange, hooded unicorn". Next thing she knew, she woke up in her house. We even have tapes to confirm LD's story. Plus more! As it turns out, the unicorn knocked out LD with a spell, used her pick to get into the office, used the spell on Spitfire, and fired at Fleetfoot! After the first gunshot missed, the shooter grabbed Spitfire's gun, and shot Fleetfoot! The question is: how did a unicorn get to cloudsdale? Very few unicorns know the spell to walk on clouds. It can't be Princess Twilight, the magic aura on the guns and pick doesn't match her aura. The aura was light blue! What unicorns have light blue aura? Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want! Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 10, 2014 Share September 10, 2014 Eureka! The killer must've hitched a ride with one of the pegasus ponies. Which confirms that killer must've been small. A pegasus wouldn't be able to carry another that well enough to get to Cloudsdale unless they were the size of a filly. I think the killer posed as a child asking for one of the ponies to give him/her a ride. But,there's two questions still remaining. Why would the killer want to kill Fleetfoot and frame Spitfire? and How did the killer know so much about the building? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shenron00 366 September 10, 2014 Share September 10, 2014 OBJ-actually, I agree! Hmm...a small, light blue aura unicorn with a grudge against the WBs.... Wait, LD said that the unicorn was a big as her! I got it! The unicorn wasn't small, she used a shapeshifting spell! This should narrow our choices quite a bit. A highly skilled unicorn with light blue aura.... Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want! Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 September 10, 2014 Share September 10, 2014 Objection! Trixie? Rarity? Those are the only two I know. Hmmm............This is a strange case. My question is was the pegasus that helped the killer get up here,an accomplice? I doubt he/she would let the killer on if they had a gun in their pocket. I'll have the detective question all the pegasus ponies around. Hopefully we will find some answers. Hang on,a second! Could the accomplice be Lightning Dust?! She has a grudge against the Wonderbolts ever since being demoted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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