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private Wibbly Wobbly Poney Wimey... RP (Doctor Whooves RP)


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Pinkie Pie blinked at Dr Whooves a moment. "Person?" She quieried "Oh you mean PONY! You're really not from around here are you? Did you know that a stranger is just a friend you haven't met?" She gave him her best pinkie smile then with out further hesitation, she burst into song, dragging him into a pony dance at the same time.




Pinkie paused for effect, waiting to see if this Doctor cracked even the slightest hint of a smile, snickering slightly to herself as she noticed that he STILL had butter on his left cheek. Wonder if he'll ever figure it out. She though to herself with an innocent grin.



The Doctor was quite astonished. He had never seen such a comedic act like this before, performed just for him. 


Well this is certainly new, and that's saying something considering I'm over 900 years old. The Doctor thought to himself.


"Wow. You sing all that and...even bring some pony musicians along from who knows where, just...for...me?" The Doctor asked, quite shocked, but in a sort of unique way, feeling a bit..touched. 


And right then and there, he gave a big smile. His assumptions were right. There was something strange about this per...pony that made him feel really happy.


"Thank you Pinkie Pie." The Doctor said with deep sincerity. "That really made my day. You have a beautiful voice! And since you obviously put some good effort into this, I can say that you do have some good and potential qualities for being a friend." 


The Doctor bite his tongue on that comment of his and hesitated for a moment.


"But Pinkie Pie, in bluntness and truth, you really can't just make friends like that. Maybe an acquaintance but nothing more. I have learned from hard experiences and trials that a friendship is a very hard aspect to maintain. It is extremely difficult and requires a lot of time, patience, devotion, honesty, and selfless care and generosity. Pinkie, you have to understand, where I come from, a true friend is something rare...if not non-existent." The Doctor bluntly explained to her. He has endured centuries of going from companion to companion, and they may not technically represent friendships, they did encompass the same and identical social structure of one.


The Doctor, not wanting to leave Pinkie all hopeless and depressed as he is, gave her a optimistic smile. 



"But if your really interested in trying to achieve a good(yet unlikely) friendship with me, I'll be willing to oblige."



He then noticed something odd and peculiar..


...there's some butter on my cheek. Well that's embarrassing! He thought to himself, laughing to himself a little bit while brushing the butter off his left cheek.

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"Wow. You sing all that and...even bring some pony musicians along from who knows where, just...for...me?" The Doctor asked, quite shocked, but in a sort of unique way, feeling a bit..touched. 


"Oh yes, the background ponies are always on standby when I'm around Cuz anything can happen when I bring out my party canon, which by the way, I left inside this time, but I'll be sure to have it on hand just in case!" She noticed his first smile with delight! 


Pinkie score... Pinkie 1 Dr Whooves 0!




"But Pinkie Pie, in bluntness and truth, you really can't just make friends like that. Maybe an acquaintance but nothing more. I have learned from hard experiences and trials that a friendship is a very hard aspect to maintain. It is extremely difficult and requires a lot of time, patience, devotion, honesty, and selfless care and generosity. Pinkie, you have to understand, where I come from, a true friend is something rare...if not non-existent." The Doctor bluntly explained to her. He has endured centuries of going from companion to companion, and they may not technically represent friendships, they did encompass the same and identical social structure of one.  


Pinkie stopped for a moment and stared at the Doctor drop jawed for at least 15 seconds before replying.  img-1627785-1-jawdrop_zps0a5779d6.jpg


'Oh Doctor, you've got friendship ALL Wrong. Don't you know that friendship is magic? It has nothing to do with trials, you got honesty right though, thats Applejacks department. She works at Sweet Apple Acres and you did mention generosity, that's Rarity. You'll just LOVE Rarity. Maybe she can make you a better looking tie than that.. Along with laughter, that would be me... and kindness, that's my friend Fluttershy, then there is loyalty. Rainbow Dash! Just don't blink or you might miss her.. . and anyway, of course there is the element of  magic which I mentioned before, because all these elements together make the magic of friendship work! And that's where Twilight Sparkle comes into it. So you see it's not so complicated at all."




The Doctor, not wanting to leave Pinkie all hopeless and depressed as he is, gave her a optimistic smile. 


Smile number to! Pinkie score: Pinkie 2 Dr Whooves 0


Pinkie hid a smile behind her hoof as she watched The Doctor wipe the butter off his cheek. 'It's on his hoof now" she thought to herself. Sure hope he doesn't slip!


She noticed him give a laugh. Oooo a laugh She thought with a triumphant grin


Pinkie score: Pinkie 3 Dr Whooves 0


Three strikes DR and you're considered a friend!

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'Oh Doctor, you've got friendship ALL Wrong. Don't you know that friendship is magic? It has nothing to do with trials, you got honesty right though, thats Applejacks department. She works at Sweet Apple Acres and you did mention generosity, that's Rarity. You'll just LOVE Rarity. Maybe she can make you a better looking tie than that.. Along with laughter, that would be me... and kindness, that's my friend Fluttershy, then there is loyalty. Rainbow Dash! Just don't blink or you might miss her.. . and anyway, of course there is the element of  magic which I mentioned before, because all these elements together make the magic of friendship work! And that's where Twilight Sparkle comes into it. So you see it's not so complicated at all."



As soon as Pinkie Pie mentioned magic...the Doctor blew into a yet another fit of confusion and frustration. He was getting unbelievably sick of hearing all this 'nonsense.'


"Pinkie...Pinkie....Pinkie...you and this magic! As sweet, cute, adorable, beautiful, and whole-hearted as that sounds, I don't necessarily believe in magic. Magic is an illusion, a deception of the mind to make others think that something they have performed is possible when in reality, there's a certain physical technique to it. And plus, even if magic, or what I would prefer to call, 'Molecular Manipulation' is possible around here, that has nothing to do with friendship. And if you and your group of friends represent these elements that are considered the necessities to a friendship, why can't each of you have all these 'elements?' I mean one quality of friendship isn't enough Pinkie Pie....and your... element of laughter, isn't really that good or practical of a-" The Doctor once again, bite his tongue...hard. "Oh dear...I-I'm so s-sorry... 


How did he go from being impressed by the pink pony's singing, being happy and appreciative of her to now criticizing her to oblivion? He immediately felt horrible for showing such cynicism. He was just getting so extremely confused and frustrated by all the nonsense that has been going on...and now he was taking all of his frustration out on the poor innocent pony and belittling her greatly. The Doctor mentally cursed himself. He really hated being alone but at the same time, he was so paranoid of making any new friends. He was stuck in his own mental paradox...


"Pinkie Pie...if I had just offended you right now, I am sincerely sorry. I don't know what came over me. It's just...it's just I am obvious not worthy of being any....anypony's friend. I'm in a horrible state right now as you can see. Don't even listen to what I said last....your element of laughter is wonderful....it's just this 'magic of friendship' is too hard for me to understand at the moment."




The Doctor was now struggling to maintain his composure. He then slightly bowed his head in shame as he began making his way for the door.




The Doctor almost slipped but managed to save himself. He noticed the butter still on his hoof.


Damn butter...

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"Pinkie...Pinkie....Pinkie...you and this magic! As sweet, cute, adorable, beautiful, and whole-hearted as that sounds, I don't necessarily believe in magic. Magic is an illusion, a deception of the mind to make others think that something they have performed is possible when in reality, there's a certain physical technique to it. And plus, even if magic, or what I would prefer to call, 'Molecular Manipulation' is possible around here, that has nothing to do with friendship. And if you and your group of friends represent these elements that are considered the necessities to a friendship, why can't each of you have all these 'elements?' I mean one quality of friendship isn't enough Pinkie Pie....and your... element of laughter, isn't really that good or practical of a-" The Doctor once again, bite his tongue...hard. "Oh dear...I-I'm so s-sorry... 


Pinkie Pie listened carefully to all that the Doctor had to say, only understanding half of what he was saying.  she was distracted by her own thoughts echoing in her head.


'Wow... he talks faster than I do.... all this strange and boring talks reminds me so much of Twlight Sparkle.... (sparkle, sparkle) Hee hee hee, (hee hee hee) my thoughts sound so funny in my head... they echo (echo, echo, echo) This could be soooo fun... Heeeeeelllllo thoughts (thoughts, thoughts) Wonder if anypony else can hear their thoughts echo like this (this, this, this)'


Then Pinkie snapped back to what Dr Whooves was saying




"Pinkie Pie...if I had just offended you right now, I am sincerely sorry. I don't know what came over me. It's just...it's just I am obvious not worthy of being any....anypony's friend. I'm in a horrible state right now as you can see. Don't even listen to what I said last....your element of laughter is wonderful....it's just this 'magic of friendship' is too hard for me to understand at the moment."


"Oh you didn't offend me!" Pinkie reassured him, bouncing around with him a *boing, boing boing* sound.img-1631194-1-Bounce_zps114f8772.jpg

"I wasn't even listening... ur... I mean...  YOU sound like my friend Twilight Sparkle. She always talks about strange things like that.. and she's a unicorn so she uses lots of magic!... img-1631194-2-ahappybounce_zps65e5021d.j*Boing, boing Boing! , "I mean.. mole atcha manu-pula-shun.... Which is just a funny name for magic if you ask me."


Pinkie Pie paused her bouncing and gazed at the Doctors cutie mark. Whoovecutiemark_zpsddb67fd4.jpg


"Say.... I know what you're problem is...  You're unhappy because you're not following your destiny! Aren't you listening to what your cutie mark is telling you? I mean, being a psyche doctor is a noble cause and all, and even if you DO get to time all your sessions to one hour, I somehow don't think it's you true destiny. You should be exploring the pony-time continium! Twilight has a book in her library all about it! Written by none other than Albert Ponystien himself. We should go there. You'll just LOVE Twlight and maybe she can show you her mole atcha.... manap... what is that word again? 


Pinkie noticed the worried and lost expression on the Doctors face. She then realized she needed to get her priorities in perspective again.  She reached into her pocket and pulled out  small bag of sweets.


"Would you like a jelly baby?" She asked with a twinkle in her eyes.


Pinkie blinked at him expectantly. img-1631194-3-Lovestruck_zpse3b5c7bf.jpg

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The Doctor stopped and gave Pinkie Pie one long weird glance.


Did she even listen to the point I was trying to make to her? I don't believe it...this pony...is more oblivious than a stereotypical blonde. Maybe that's what she would be if she were human. Sigh, I just can't be rational with this...extremely irrational pony. All she does is talk nonsense.


The Doctor blinked a few times. Thinking of how on eart-...equestria he can reason with her. After some decent time spent in thought and deep pondering, he decided to just go along with the crazy pony's ludicrous idiosyncrasy.


"Well since you are being oddly nice and kind to me, I suppose we could maybe visit Twilight Sparkle...wow that is an extremely cheesy name.The Doctor answered. "And what do you mean by cutie mark? You mean this little marking right on my flank? I have no idea what this is, but I don't think it tells me my destiny. Um, and did you mention pony-time continuum." The Doctor gave a nervous laugh. "That's rubbish! Time travel is impossible....ha ha....I don't even know what your saying..." 


"Anyways, I guess we can head off and visit this Twilight Sparkle you speak of. Allons-y!!"


He then was offered a...a jelly baby! That crazy...nonsensical pink pony had jelly babies!!


"Oh wow! Well I'd love to have one. Thank you very much!"


"But I'm still not sure if I accept your 'friendship' just yet...I've already been through many, and I think I just need a break."

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"And what do you mean by cutie mark? You mean this little marking right on my flank? I have no idea what this is, but I don't think it tells me my destiny.  


Pinkie blinked at Dr Whooves. 


Wow he's strange She thought to herself. Nothing he says makes any ponysense at all! He acts like a blankflank! I bet if he was on my rock farm back home most of the rocks would be in his head! Well there is just no rationalizing with this one... but I still have to do my best because I'm Pinkie Pie and I never give up!


"You're cutie mark... " She said out loud, as if misunderstanding that was the strangest thing she'd ever heard. She pointed to his cutie mark then to her own. "Your cutie mark always tells you your destiny. Like me! Mines balloons because when I was a blank flank, I never smiled. then one day, I saw this amazing rainbow! I didn't know it at the time but it was my friend Rainbow Dash getting her cutie mark. I smiled for the first time ever and realized that my destiny was to help other people to smile too."




Um, and did you mention pony-time continuum." The Doctor gave a nervous laugh. "That's rubbish! Time travel is impossible....ha ha....I don't even know what your saying..."   


"Oh don't be so sure about that." said Pinkie with a  very sure look on her face. "Twilight has traveled through time. Only a little way, just to tell her past self not to worry about the future, but that made her worry even MORE about the future so her future self was a MESS all because her past self didn't get the whole message because the magic only lasted  few seconds.... and it didn't even cause a paradox which was so odd, but really if her future self hadn't gone to warn her past self she never would have worried so much in the first place."


Pinkie noticed the Doctor looking at her as if she was some silly blonde maned pony. At least he seemed to like her jelly babies. Which looked like little foals except made of candy.


Pinkie pondered a moment. How could she get him to understand? He seemed to like her singing so she decided that the only way was to bust into song!


(Sang to the tune of "It's what my cutie mark is telling me)


Doctor please just listen,

It's plain as plain can be

You're really so unhappy 'cause 

you've missed your destiny.


It's up to me to show you

Cause plainly you can see.

That TIME must be your destiny,

'cause it's what your cutie mark is telling me.




(( OOC We need to recruit more players really, some seem to have lost interest... )))

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(( I'm still reading this topic, but I'm busy and out of ideas. Yeah, we really need to recruit more people, since it's easier to RP when you actually have someone to RP with. :P  For now Discord Whooves is hiding in the Tardis because he got Poison Joked. Discord is somewhere near Sweet Apple Acres and has no idea where Discord Whooves is. I'm open to do stuff :3 Also, Discord Whooves has not returned yet. Do Pinkie Pie and the Doctor wonder if he's alright? ;) ))



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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@, "Hey Doctor" Pinkie Pie said thoughtfully as she paused on her way to the library. "Your cousin sure has been gone a long time. I wonder where he is? Do you think we should go find him? We can read about the pony-time continuom later. Besides, I'm worried about Ditzy Doo. I know I heard her scream and she could be in trouble."


Pinkie gazed at Dr Whooves waiting for an answer, her large eyes sparkling with expectation.

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Doctor looked back at her, thinking a bit to himself.


Her eyes, they are so unrealistically huge and detailed. Her head seems a bit big for her equine body as well. Come to think about it, everypony I've seen so far has had the same kind of eyes and head proportions. I probably have that too. Interesting considering the ponies back at the universe I came from have pea sized eyes. 


He also thought back to his...friend that he met when he first came here. What in the world could he be up to? He didn't exactly felt the best of vibes coming from him, but regardless, he was the one he trusted the most. He was...essentially this ponyverse's version of him. 


"Well I suppose we could check on...um the Doctor, wherever he may be." The Doctor replied, still kind of deep in thought.


As they began turning around to try and look for "the Doctor," the Doctor stopped by a nearby puddle to take the first glance at the reflection of his...new self. He was amazed.


"Wow! I am a pony! I'm a brown huge-eyed pony wearing a neck tie! I look....surprisingly adorable!"

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Richard sighs.
"Man! am i bored!" He said, frowning.
"I wonder where is pinkie? She always makes me laugh!" Richard flies around, seeing the pink pony.
"PIIINKIEEEE!!!! :D" I hug her after i land.
Richard notices the Doctor.
"Hey! My name is richard, but my friends call me ricky!" Richard smiles, then fold my wings.
"Anyways, you must be new here!" He says, then Richard
curiously looked at the tie.
"You have a good looking tie!" biggrin.png

Edited by Cherry Bob omb

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"Oh HEY Ricky!!" Pinkie said, hugging him back and bouncing him up and down at the same time. Finally a normal pony!


"Meet my new friend The Doctor. We're on our way to find his friend, The Doctor. You may know  him. I call him Dissy. It's a nic name." Pinkie Pie tittered to herself before saying "If I really wanted to give him a nic name I could of just called him Nick. But with his grey coat and all, he reminded me of a discorded pony! So I just call him Dissy. But you probably know him as Mr Whooves. Greyish color pony, grey eyes, grey mane? Sometimes rude and sometimes nice?" She said in her sweetest voice then pulled Ricky aside and whispered in his ear so that Doctor Whooves couldn't hear. "A real wierdo"


Then Pinkie said louder "You wouldn't happen to have seen him would you? Oh and we are also looking for Ditzy Doo. We heard her scream and I'm worried she's fallen down a hole or tripped over something and hurt herself. Not unusual for her, but somepony has to look out for the mail mare. Who else would deliver all my party invitiations?


Pinkie then turned to the Doctor. "You know Dissy better than anypony. Where would he have gone?"

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"Um hi Ricky. I'm...um John Smith. I'm sort of new around here. Lovely town so far I must say." The Doctor replied, with a slight hint of nervousness. He was not sure how much longer he can keep up with his already weakening act. He looked back at Pinkie Pie awkwardly. There was no way he could keep this secret alive much longer, so he had to excuse himself from the ponies.


"I have gotten to know Dissy pretty well, so why don't I go look for him myself. I have a good idea where he could of gone off too but I think the path to get there is way too dangerous for you Pinkie Pie. Once I fine him, I'll bring him back over here. Heck, while I'm gone I may find that....scared and worried pegasus your talking about."


Before Pinkie Pie could react, the Doctor ran off. He did not even want to give her time to respond. He hated himself for running away so quickly, but frankly he did not want to stay with that crazy pink pony any longer.


He still had a hard time seeing her as a friend that she had self proclaimed herself to be.

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"Pinkie, I saw somepony like that as i was flying. but i was busy, cuz i had to turn in a book." Ricky said as he took out a bag with 2 of his fresh, homemade cinnamon rolls.
He took one and offered it to pinkie.
"Want one? I made these with my special ingredient." He said.
"Y'know, i love your singing." Ricky says smiling.
He hums a song from a game.

)) Edited by Cherry Bob omb

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"I have gotten to know Dissy pretty well, so why don't I go look for him myself. I have a good idea where he could of gone off too but I think the path to get there is way too dangerous for you Pinkie Pie. Once I fine him, I'll bring him back over here. Heck, while I'm gone I may find that....scared and worried pegasus your talking about."  



"Too dangerous?" Pinkie said with a gawking drop jawed expression on her face. jawdrop_zps0a5779d6.jpg She turned to Ricky folding her hooves over her chest.


"Doesn't he know that I've faced the Everfree, confronted Nightmare Moon, helped defeat Discord, faced down dragons, saved the crystal empire and fought changlings?" Pinkie felt disgruntled and slightly aggravated. "I suppose he is new. But I'll show him that there is far more to Pinkamena Diane Pie than meets the eye! Oooooh that rhymes. I could write a song about that!"


She turned to Ricky pulling him into a dance with her


(Sung to some random tune in my head)


"My name is Pinkie pie

I'm more than meets the eye

So if you'll just give me a try

You'll learn the reason why.


I'm not able to fly

but I can still get by

and when danger is nigh

I'm not the one to shy


So do not give a sigh

Just find me and say hi

And then you all can buy

A cup cake made with ryyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeee"


Pinkie paused mid singing to listen to Ricky


"Pinkie, I saw somepony like that as i was flying. but i was busy, cuz i had to turn in a book." Ricky said as he took out a bag with 2 of his fresh, homemade cinnamon rolls.

He took one and offered it to pinkie.

"Want one? I made these with my special ingredient." He said.

"Y'know, i love your singing." Ricky says smiling.


"Oooo Cinnamon!" Said Pinkie grabbing roll happily she threw her hooves around Ricky in a huge hug ahug_zpsdf75a473.jpg. 'Is it real cinnamon or  is it dirt?" She asked suspiciously, thinking about how she'd dropped the cupcakes earlier.




((OOC LOL I love how quickly she gets distracted from important things, like finding the Doctor and Discorded Whooves.))

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He was surprised, but he went along with it.
"Real cinnamon. I also used a technique that my mom taught me." Ricky says.
"I make a REALLY special glaze. As the sugar is mixing, i add a teaspoon of cinnamon. It takes longer, but tastes better!" He said as he took his out of the bag, and bit into it.
"How about we follow him? I can fly you around, and see if you can spot him?" I ask.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"Sffffffffffffffure" (sure) said Pinkie with her mouth full, crumbs flying in all directions. "I think he lives in that blue house but he keeps moving it some how so no telling where it is now. I could tie some of my balloons around me and float along.. but if you think you can carry me... Dashie does all the time she's so strong! Just don't drop me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaase It takes ages to get  my mane curled like this so I can't afford to crash."


((OOC if Dawn isn't coming back and you need me to I can temporarily play the role of Derpy, unless anypony else wants to,))

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(OoC: ok, I got bored. I'm finally posting)



"Well, this is jolly!"

Smiling broadly, a white coated Pegasus, who had been standing in the doorway since shortly after left, trotted into the Sugarcube Corner, striking a slight pose with his hoof on his chest, "Courier, at your service."

As he spoke, he bowed, extending his hoof outward and around as he did.

Popping back up to his normal stance, the stallion continues to speak - his accent resembling to Doctor's, to a degree - without much pause in stride, "I hope I am not interrupting anything, but I am here to deliver a package to Mr. and Mrs. Cake, or, one Pinkamena's Diane Pie," - he turns to face Pinkie - "And considering you spoke about yourself in the third person, just before launching into song, I'm going to assume that is you!"

As he speaks, Courier reaches into his mailbag, producing a fairly large package, and a clipboard, "I'll merely need you to sign here, and I'll be out of you, quite voluminous, hair before you know it!"


Courier grins, hovering as he holds the package and clipboard out with both hooves.

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Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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he turns to face Pinkie - "And considering you spoke about yourself in the third person, just before launching into song, I'm going to assume that is you!" As he speaks, Courier reaches into his mailbag, producing a fairly large package, and a clipboard, "I'll merely need you to sign here, and I'll be out of you, quite voluminous, hair before you know it!" Courier grins, hovering as he holds the package and clipboard out with both hooves.


"The third person?" Pinkie blinked at him for a moment. Eye lashes fluttering in confusion. "Oh there were many more of me than THAT, but just one me now since none of them could watch paint dry the way I did!" She flipped her rather voluminous mane over one shoulder with a flourish, then signed the clipboard.


@@00Pony"Thanks!" She told the courier. "By the way, have you seen Ditzy Doo? She's missing and I think something may have happened to her."


((OOC so.. whats in the package?))

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The Doctor continued running. He had finally fully mastered control over all the muscle motions in his pony body and he took every possible advantage of it. He skipped and jumped over anything that was in his way; rocks, branches, etc. He wanted to find...himself and get the Tardis as far away from Ponyville as possible. 


He regretted coming over there in the first place. He regretted giving the Pink crazy pony the wrong idea about "befriending" her. He just wanted to go away. For the first time in his life, he had found a world that was just too much for him to handle. All the talk about magic, pegasi, unicorns, elements of harmony, and cutie mark destinies was getting overbearing for the Doctor.


He wasn't even sure he could get used to the world in a year....in fact, it could take him his whole life to even get close to being "normal" and accustomed to the world...if he couldn't find a way back.


He had trotted deep within the everfree forest, and TARDIS was now in perfect view. But the Doctor began to let his emotions finally take the best of him, and stumble to the ground. The TARDIS was only ten feet away, but instead of going inside he just let his body rest on the ground and began to sob. 


"I-I want to go home!"

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The Doctor continued running. He had finally fully mastered control over all the muscle motions in his pony body and he took every possible advantage of it. He skipped and jumped over anything that was in his way; rocks, branches, etc. He wanted to find...himself and get the Tardis as far away from Ponyville as possible. 


He regretted coming over there in the first place. He regretted giving the Pink crazy pony the wrong idea about "befriending" her. He just wanted to go away. For the first time in his life, he had found a world that was just too much for him to handle. All the talk about magic, pegasi, unicorns, elements of harmony, and cutie mark destinies was getting overbearing for the Doctor.


He wasn't even sure he could get used to the world in a year....in fact, it could take him his whole life to even get close to being "normal" and accustomed to the world...if he couldn't find a way back.


He had trotted deep within the everfree forest, and TARDIS was now in perfect view. But the Doctor began to let his emotions finally take the best of him, and stumble to the ground. The TARDIS was only ten feet away, but instead of going inside he just let his body rest on the ground and began to sob. 


"I-I want to go home!"

"D-Doctor? Are you there?"Dissy asked from the inside of the TARDIS.He thought to himself

"Damn,He is outside of the TARDIS...He Will see me as i am,This is gonna suck..."Dissy still lay in the TARDIS,afraid of what the Doctors reaction would be,so he just lay there

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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I nod, and say "Your mane wont get a spec of dirt in it.. I promise." Ricky says happily.
"If you want me to, i can pinkie promise you."
"Pinkie, hop on my back!" I say,
"NEXT STOP: Dissy's house!" The stallion said, with bravery!

"Pinkie, i think you as one of my best friends. I might even tell some stories from a VERY special place." Ricky says.

Edited by Cherry Bob omb

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Courier salutes, "Simply doing my duty, miss!"


He makes a bit of a contemplative face, "Ditzy..?"

Now, where'd he heard that name before? Ah yes!  Ditzy! That cute wall eyed mare that everyone always seemed to look down on. Courier always made it a point to be kind to her.

However, he shook his head, "I'm afraid I haven't seen her since this morning. You were my last delivery of the day, so I'm technically off the clock now. I can assist you in the search, if need be."


(OOC: Nothing of much importance. I was thinking maybe just a new recipe book or something. It was mainly just an excuse to introduce Courier. However, I will most likely start adding warnings from Harbinger and such into Courier's deliveries.

Harbinger tends to use Courier as just that, when his need calls for it.)

  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"Pinkie, hop on my back!" I say,


@,  "Oh woah woah woah" Pinkie said to her friend. Then playfully added "Hold your horses ponies. The courier is here!"


She tore open the package excited to see what fun and exciting might be inside.... 'Oooh it's just like a birthday pressie...." she thought with glee.


"Diapers? That's it?" Pinkie groaned setting it aside for the Cakes to find.




Now, where'd he heard that name before? Ah yes!  Ditzy! That cute wall eyed mare that everyone always seemed to look down on. Courier always made it a point to be kind to her. However, he shook his head, "I'm afraid I haven't seen her since this morning. You were my last delivery of the day, so I'm technically off the clock now. I can assist you in the search, if need be."



"Thanks!" She said with a huge grin. "If you see Ditzy, let her know we are looking for her. She's a nice mare really, apart from that little incident with the town hall... but that was really Dashie's fault for leading her into it. Anyway, we must be off!" She hugged the courier and them bounded onto Rickys back. It was a good thing she was light.... or not... too many cupcakes. Ah well compared to his strength she was light enough.


"On wards and upwards!" she said dramatically. Then added "I don't suppose we have room for my party canon too?"


((OOC so any thoughts on if I should take on Derpy temporarily til Dawn gets more time? Prefer not to but don't see how we can really progress with out Derpy in teh story.)))

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"Sorry pinkie, but a party cannon + you is TOO HEAVY!" Ricky said, as he extended out his wings, then flew.
"Your alot lighter than you give yourself credit for." I say as i flied looking for a teleporting blue box.
"Tell me, what do you know about dissy?" he says.
"D'you see it yet? We are flying over the Everfree forest."

Edited by Cherry Bob omb

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"I really don't know much about him at all" Pinkie admitted, her mouth full as she consumed a scroll. Several crumbs dropped into Ricky's mane. She decided not to tell him.



"We're flying over the Everfree? Wow... the tree's look so funny from up here. They look like little green clouds!... I see it I see it!" She said pointing down at the Tardis. she noticed Dr John Smith in front of it... he appeared to be... crying! 


"Land a little way from it. we don't want him to see us just yet." Pinkie suggested. "Oh I so wish I'd brought the party canon to help cheer him up!"

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