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private Wibbly Wobbly Poney Wimey... RP (Doctor Whooves RP)


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(((OOC Ick so much to catch up on... nice twists there guys. Major catch up post ahead.))




"Pinkie Pie! First off, that's a wonderful plan! I just need to know more about how these elements of harmony work and then we can use its power to reverse Discords negative effect on the TARDIS engine!" The Doctor began to exclaim. "Magic or science, it doesn't matter! I will figure a way out of here and save us and stop Discord!


Pinkie blinked at the Doctor, her big eyes filled with wonder taking it all in.


"Weeeeeeelllll," Pinkie said, strutting forward in a little prance as if nothing was wrong at all and they weren't in the slightest bit of danger. "The first time we faced Discord, he had hidden the elements of harmony, as in, the necklaces. But we ponies... actually Twilight since she's the smart one, figured out the elements weren't necklaces at all! They were aspects of US in our hearts and we had them with us, even with out the necklaces. So if my theory is correct.... These ancient versions of us also have those same qualities.... " Pinkie Pie bounced around on the spot and threw her hooves skyward in a gesture of triumph 


She motioned to the ancient horses, who were... fighting over a tree branch! jawdrop_zps0a5779d6.jpg


"eh he heh..." Pinkie laughed nervously... oops_zps8e074d75.jpg




"And thank you Pinkie Pie. Your presence alone and your wonderful influence, has finally made its impact on me. I am amazed at how hopeful and happy you try to be...even in the hardest struggles. Your an element of happiness Pinkie Pie...and you have finally made me happy be to here with you."



The Doctor was smiling greatly, smiling like he hadn't done in years. He then gave the mare a big and heartfelt hug.



Pinkie hugged the Doctor back. "Oh it's ok Doctor, I know what it's like to be sad too! And also what it's like to wonder why your friends all seem to be turning against you. I understood. By the way, if my mane and tail ever goes flat... that's sad me"




"Okay, Two problems doctor, One major one minor. The minor: I AM A MARE, WITH POISON JOKE EFFECTS!! The major: The elements are at present time! Not in anchent equestria!" She said.



"Ricky you're right about that. The necklaces help of course... but they are really just precious stones and gold, which we MAY need to try to find around here... Surely those precious stones are ancient and must be around some place. Ooooh I wish the future Rarity was here! Still, even if these ponies don't know it, they still have the same qualities inside them somewhere. We just need to find a way to bring those out. Oh, and by the way and I think you make a really cute mare! " She gave Ricky... or was it now Vicky... a little reassuring kiss on the cheek.Akiss_zps4127457b.jpg


"Don't worry,, Dissy is right. We will get you back to normal! It just takes a bath and some herbs."



-------------------------------------Scene two --------------------------------




"Ditzy, don't be so sad! You'll be able to see your Doctor! But don't apologize to the wrong one...", he said. "Applejack, you seem to be poison joked. I though you would like to join the party."   "MFFFMFMFHGGGHHH"


DerpySad_zpsae2dbc05.jpg "Let us go Discord! You're ... You're... making everponies mail late!" Derpy fought back her tears, glancing over at poor mouthless Applejack. "How can you be so cruel?"


"Doctor, where are you... She thought helplessly. I know you're mad at me but please come save meeeeeeeeeeeeeee I didn't betray you." 


(((OOC Ok so kind of need to know... is Derpy tied up or ?)))

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Ricky let out an exasperated sigh.
"I seriously prefer being a stallion, But hey,
It aint all that bad. I mean, when i finally get that herb and take a bath, i shall be fine."

Ricky looks to pinkie and cheers up slightly, and says
"Lets go! I need the satisfaction of payback on Discord, And we need to get the doctor back to his dimension!
I will take Pinkie and Dissy to go looking for the Precious Stones.
Doctor, Can you please try and find gold?"
She said, while whispering to the doctor
"Y'know , The tardis is freaking AMAAZING!"

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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The Doctor smiled as he was finally relieved of all his frustration. His confidence was now striving better than ever before. "I don't know how we're going to find the elements of harmony in these ancient ponies. I don't even fully understand how the process all works. But I'm willing to give it a shot!" 


The Doctor looked around for a bit. He looked back at the TARDIS and his new companions. He saw Dissy, Ricky,and looked back Pinkie Pie, then counted himself. He pondered a bit. He had himself, Dissy, who possessed the same or similar amount of intelligence as him. He then looked back towards Pinkie once again. 


Let's see, well Pinkie Pie here is a true element of harmony, laughter and happiness. She says that it requires 6 elements though. Let's see...what were those again. Laughter/happiness is one. Then she mentioned honesty, loyalty, kindness, generosity, and what was that last one....ah magic!


He was disappointed in the fact that none of his companions was a unicorn. A Unicorn would make such a amazing companion! The Doctor thought. He was really beginning to feel his energetic and eccentric self coming back.


"Well let's see here. Pinkie Pie, your a harmonic element of Laughter. And you did say we need six. Well then I have an idea! If the plan to tap into the elements of these ancient horses doesn't work, maybe me and Dissy can work together and perhaps...amplify your elemental energy! It's simple biology!"


"I have just the right equipment for it inside the TARDIS. If done right, then your genetic elemental energy will be enhanced to where it will be equal or even greater than all the six elements combined. Then you can easily override Discord's magic It is of course temporary though, would only last a minute at most."

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"True. But wouldn't the stress be too great on the tardis? I mean, What if her Pinkie sense fires off and something important broke?" i Ask the doctor.
"Howabout we get a backup plan for the backup plan? Seems logical to me!" Richard says.
'Hmm. We may be in a pickle.' I thought.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"I'm not being cruel! Even though chaos may seem cruel, it's actually not. It's just... chaotic." Discord said to Ditzy. He then sighed and proceeded to sit in front of her.


"Did I ever tell you that chaos doesn't have a definition? Your eyes, for example. They might seem chaotic, but they're in harmony too", he said, raising Ditzy's head.


"Same as Applejack. Not having her mouth creates a harmonic environment of silence, even though it seems that not having a mouth is chaotic. You must understand one thing: If there's a thing, there's an opposite of it, and both happen simultaneously. You can't have light without dark. You can't have harmony without chaos", Discord said as he flew up.


"If chaos never existed, you would never know harmony ever existed. Therefore, even though my actions seem cruel, you should be glad for them, because the lack of them is the harmony that you like and desire so much", he said, with a sad look of his face. But just for a moment.



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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Well let's see here. Pinkie Pie, your a harmonic element of Laughter. And you did say we need six. Well then I have an idea! If the plan to tap into the elements of these ancient horses doesn't work, maybe me and Dissy can work together and perhaps...amplify your elemental energy! It's simple biology!"



Pinkie's eyes lit up in excitement.


"You're going to hook me to a time machine?"


OH MY GOSH!" Bounce_zps114f8772.jpg


Pinkie started bouncing around the Doctor and Ricky/Vicky excited. This is going to be sooooooooooooo great... even if it is just for a few minutes... I can make everypony in every dimension of time and space happy! It will be like... one giant  sonic PINKboom! Everything will be PINK and everypony will be laughing and all sorrow will fade away JUST for a moment... And even the saddest creature in the poniverse will smile and feel warm and fuzzy.


Pinkie rushed up to the Doctor. "So when can we start?"


------------------------------Scene change ----------------------------




"Did I ever tell you that chaos doesn't have a definition? Your eyes, for example. They might seem chaotic, but they're in harmony too", he said, raising Ditzy's head.



"Oooooooh get your claws off me Discord" Derpy said with an angry glare.derpygrumpy_zpsc88ecf9c.jpg "You took my Doctor away and turned him into... somepony else who doesn't care about all the things he use to... Do you honestly expect me to feel grateful?"


Derpy noticed a tear in her eye as she remembered the old Doctor that she knew and lo.... ur knew. Now the new Doctor thought she'd betrayed him and it was all Discords fault.


"I'd like to stuff a muffin in his mouth and shut HIM up." She thought to herself.


"Don't worry AppleJack, your friends will save you" she whispered to AJ. She wasn't convinced that anypony would save her. The Doctor had been her closest friend and he was, changed. Everypony else just thought she was a clutz a feather brain.




he said, with a sad look of his face. But just for a moment.



Derpy's eyes switched locations. Is he sad?"  She thought. "Is he hiding deep sorrow behind his own Chaos? Is he... lonely?" Ok so maybe she felt just a teeeeeny weeny bit sorry for him. Just for a moment.


"Uh... Discord... " She started to say with some concern in her voice. Then suddenly remembered how the angry Discorded Doctor had been at her.


"Never mind" She said grumpily, folding her hooves back across her chest.

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The Doctor's eyes lit up with excitement as well. He was beginning to feel ecstatic in fact.


"I'm beginning to really love the way you think Pinkie Pie!" The Doctor exclaimed happily. "Well then it seems like we can just go straight to that awesome plan! We can get started whenever your ready, which is now apparently."


The Doctor wasn't exactly sure how it would work, but he was going to give all he got. He didn't care if it was magic, it all just seemed like an advanced version of telekinesis and molecular manipulation to him, which as he knew, all came from the mind and it's biological energies. 


He rushed in the TARDIS, tried looking through for anything he can use to tap into Pinkie Pie's 'elemental matrix.' He tried asking the TARDIS for assistance, which to his luck was provided.


"What can I help you with Doctor?" The TARDIS responded telepathically. 


"Yes! My TARDIS still recognizes me! Oh um sorry, but hoping and assuming you have been watching and learning a lot since our arrival, I need to tap into one of my Companion's mind, the pink one's, and unlock and expand the core of her mental matrix.


"I think that is possible. I'll need to see the Pink one first and give her a mental scan. Then I'll have telepathically to augment her neurological activity. It should be an easy task."


"Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me!" 


The Doctor was thrilled to hear that finally he found a way to solve all this! He walked up to the front open door of the TARDIS and called out to Pinkie Pie.


"Alright Pinkie Pie! It's ready! My TARDIS just needs to see you now!"

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"Alright Pinkie Pie! It's ready! My TARDIS just needs to see you now!"


"A blue box needs to see me? Oh that's so funny"


Pinkie Pie fell to the ground laughing hysterically and rolling around on the ground. 


"Does it have eyes?" she ran around the Tardis several times til she felt dizzy and fell over.




Pinkie Pie scrambled to her hooves.


"Ok Doctor!" she said in her best serious tone... which wasn't very serious at all, but it was at least 20% more serious than her previous tone had been.


"Lets do this time warp thingie.......  Ooooh that reminds me  of a song!"


"A song.... a song!"



(Sung to the tune of "Lets do the time warp" )


Pinkie Pie sings:


It's astounding;

Time is fleeting;

Discord, takes his toll.

But listen closely...


Not for very much longer.

The Doctor will get control.


Well Pinkie Pie... is doing the time-warp

Creating those moments when

The Pinkness would hit all


And the Tardis is calling...


Let's do the time-warp again. *bounce bounce bounce*

Let's do the time-warp again.


(grabbing Ricky and teaching him the dance)


It's just a jump to the left.

And then a step to the ri iiiiiiight.


Put your Hooves on your Cutie marks.

You bring your hocks in tiiiight.


But it's the pelvic thrust

That really drives you insa yay yay yayne.

Let's do the time-warp again. *bounce bounce bounce*

Let's do the time-warp again..


(Derpy could hear music in her head, as if it was telepathically being sent to her through the void. She began to quietly sing)




It's so dreary, oh Doctor Whooves free me.

I didn't betray you, no, not at all.

In another dimension, with

chaotic intention,

Discord has got me, He see's all.


Discord: (((Godmodded for artistic purposes))

With a bit of a mind flip

You're into the time slip.

And nothing can ever be the same.

You're spaced out on my discord

So no pony will get bored!


All three:



Let's do the time-warp again.

Let's do the time-warp again.


(the music dies)


Pinkie Pie trotted into the Tardis with  satisfied grin on her face. She cheefully said: "Okay,.....  I'm ready now Doctor"


((OOC are my pictures showing up? They are disopearing on my screen))



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"Oh Pinkie Pie, you are so random. Randomness with a pinch of singing. Perhaps once this is all over, you can teach me how to sing..." The Doctor smiled and said to his new bouncing friend.


"Alright TARDIS, she's ready!" The Doctor announced telepathically to the TARDIS.


The Doctor then took several steps back from where Pinkie Pie was. He knew that this experimentation will result in most likely, the unimaginable. But he was also very sure at this point, that the TARDIS will not let him down.


The TARDIS then began scanning Pinkie Pie's physique and mental psychology, before finally speaking to her through its telepathy.


"Pinkamena Diane Pie, are you ready for this? I warn you, this may cause an unsettling reaction upon your body. But if the Doctor seems this confident and faithful in your abilities, then I will perform within the best my capacity."


((OOC and yeah apparently I can see the pics either. This has been happening to me too. Probably a technical issue...))

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"Pinkamena Diane Pie, are you ready for this? I warn you, this may cause an unsettling reaction upon your body. But if the Doctor seems this confident and faithful in your abilities, then I will perform within the best my capacity."


"Ooooh" thought Pinkie. "I'm hearing voices... this is so cool!  Is this the TARDIS talking? Helllooooooooooooooooooooo! It talks It talks! I wonder what other boxes can talk.. I wonder if my box of cupcakes can say anything ... it would probably say, Hi Pinkie, can you fill me back up with cupcakes? I feel so empty when there are no cupcakes in me... eeeeee  eeeeee"


Pinkie's random thoughts were interrupted as she began to shudder all over...


"Uh Doctor.... I think something is happening ing ing ing!!!! " Sheesh_zps81f399b3.jpg


The sound of a sudden explosion filled the air....





((OOC this scene calls for some quick and lazy photoshop work from Mikestar! Though I may seriously try to draw this scene. ))


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"Wow! I did it! I actually managed to tap into her elemental matrix! I can-" The Doctor was immediately blown a far distance away as the intense pink explosion threw his body back against the wall. If it weren't for the fact that he was a Gallifreyan pony, his back would've been shattered. The Tardis was beginning to shake vigorously. The Doctor was hoping that Ricky and Dissy were doing alright in the midst of this.


The Doctor struggled to get back up and tried to see what was happening. What immediately caught his attention was that the TARDIS was beginning to turn pink, and so was he! As he tried to get closer to the source of this tremendous ongoing pink explosion, he saw that Dissy and Ricky, though they were fine thankfully, they had turned pink as well!


"Gah! I'm pink! The TARDIS and everyone in it is pink! Oh dear...perhaps the TARDIS went a little too hard on her." The Doctor spoke nervously to himself as he began to walk closer to the center, fighting against the force that was pushing everything away.


He managed to get within ten feet of Pinkie Pie, who was now consumed in a blinding and ethereal pink light.




He called out to her. 


"Pinkie Pie!! Now's your chance! Use your elemental....um...magic on the TARDIS engine to get it working! Your not going to be in this state for that much longer!!"

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"So.. much.. PIIIINNNNKKK!" said Ricky with utter shock.

"Daaaaaaaaannnggg! Pinkie is Powerfulll!!!"
I say, still shocked.

"Wow. OH WOW!!" Ricky said, Still flabbergasted by the sight.
) ((Hes really surprised by all of this. Seriously, you broke his/her brain lol. FILLER))
  • Brohoof 1

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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((OOC I can see your pic, but mine still arn't showing up, I'm linking them via my photobucket... try this.. http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/BronyMikestar/media/Pinkieexplosion_zps48e580d0.jpg.html?sort=9&o=77 ))




"Pinkie Pie!! Now's your chance! Use your elemental....um...magic on the TARDIS engine to get it working! Your not going to be in this state for that much longer!!"



Pinkie gazed around with glee at the pinkness all around her. "Oh... the element of pi... I mean harmony! Yeah... of course." She pulled her element of harmony out of her pocket and put it on. 


"hee hee, silly me. I forgot I had that in there.... wonder what else I have in there..."


but before she had a chance to look the Tardis jolted as the engine fired up.


"Doctor!" Pinkie shouted out dramatically, "Get everypony in the Tardis we are about to MOVE!"


Pinkie held onto the control panel as her back hooves flew out behind her and a mighty pink wind whirled around the Tardis, 


'This is so going to mess up my mane! she thought.








((OOC Ok so I'm assuming that Dissy and Ricky were inside the Tardis... who knows where it's heading but that's the Doctors call! Pinkie doesn't know how to operate this thing. and MEH hope my pic's show up soon. i'm lost with out my custom emoticons!)))


(ooc Ok so supplying direct links in case the pics don't show up. they seem to show up at random times and not at others. Couldn't resist putting this together... ))





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((OOC I can see your pic, but mine still arn't showing up, I'm linking them via my photobucket... try this.. http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/BronyMikestar/media/Pinkieexplosion_zps48e580d0.jpg.html?sort=9&o=77 ))






Pinkie gazed around with glee at the pinkness all around her. "Oh... the element of pi... I mean harmony! Yeah... of course." She pulled her element of harmony out of her pocket and put it on. 


"hee hee, silly me. I forgot I had that in there.... wonder what else I have in there..."


but before she had a chance to look the Tardis jolted as the engine fired up.


"Doctor!" Pinkie shouted out dramatically, "Get everypony in the Tardis we are about to MOVE!"


Pinkie held onto the control panel as her back hooves flew out behind her and a mighty pink wind whirled around the Tardis, 


'This is so going to mess up my mane! she thought.








((OOC Ok so I'm assuming that Dissy and Ricky were inside the Tardis... who knows where it's heading but that's the Doctors call! Pinkie doesn't know how to operate this thing. and MEH hope my pic's show up soon. i'm lost with out my custom emoticons!)))


(ooc Ok so supplying direct links in case the pics don't show up. they seem to show up at random times and not at others. Couldn't resist putting this together... ))






"Wow,Im Pink! Woah,Hold on!!!!"Dissy says as he runs back into the TARDIS.He has become Temporarily undiscorded,but he is still pink.He walks into the Tardis,looks around and his eyes grow wide

"Everything.....Is....So....Pink.."Dissy then falls to the floor from shock

((He is fine,he just needs to get back to his time,also...Do you guys want the Doctor(Dissy) to potentially forgive Derpy?))

  • Brohoof 1

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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((He is fine,he just needs to get back to his time,also...Do you guys want the Doctor(Dissy) to potentially forgive Derpy?))


((OOC  think that is entirely up to you as it's our story and our RP so we can do what ever we want with it really. I'll go with the flow. I think it makes sense he'd get undiscorded by Pinkies Pinkboom as it's the element of harmony at work, plus it's changed his color from grey. ))) 


"Dissy!" Pinkie yelled but she was unable to get to the pink pony as she couldn't let go of the console for fear of crashing against the pink walls. "Doctor," She said, addressing the other pink doctor. "I don't know how to fly this thing! If I push a pink button on a pink background with pink instructions it will just light up pink to let me know I've done it! And I still won't know it's for! I could use some assistance pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!!!"



------------------------Scene change ------------------------


Derpy felt so despondent. She wondered if the Doctor would ever forgive her...


"I just don't know what went wrong!" she told the mute Applejack. "One minute he was so wonderful, the next, he didn't care anything about the poniverse. I miss the old Doctor"


In her sorrow she went to slump back against the wall, accidently leaning back on a lever causing it to shift. The room began to rumble.



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"I don't know how to fly this thing! If I push a pink button on a pink background with pink instructions it will just light up pink to let me know I've done it! And I still won't know it's for! I could use some assistance pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!!!"


"Don't worry, I'll help you out there." Said the Doctor as he walked his way to where she and the control console was. The energy coming off of Pinkie Pie was now lessening thankfully so the Doctor wasn't worried about being blown away a second time. 


"Just to be safe, keep your...hooves on the control console. The more energy you put in it, the better. Now let's see here." The Doctor was looking over the pink buttons and controls Pinkie Pie was still holding on too. Much to the Doctor's relief, his unique Gallifreyan vision allowed him to see the control console and the instructions in an infrared light. "Ah I see it now! Your just got to pull gently on this lever right over here! And then there's the autopilot! There done! Easy as pie!" The Doctor happily exclaimed, relieved that he finally got the TARDIS in good stable condition.


The TARDIS was now flying safe and soundly through the space time continuum as all the shaking and violent turbulence had finally come to a stop. The Doctor and the rest of his companions could finally stand upright now that the motion of the TARDIS was calm. The once total pinkness of the TARDIS had also begun to fade away, and the Doctor was relieved to know that his and the rest of his companion's pink fur color was only temporary.
He also noticed that Pinkie Pie's bright celestial pink glow was also beginning to fade. He wasn't worried about that though. She had already destroyed and got rid of the effects of Discord's powers over the TARDIS so everything seemed very swimmingly so far.
"Well....friends, it seems we're finally heading back to our own time. I can't believe it. Really, I couldn't believe this was possible at first....but thanks to the great spirit you've all shown, you've managed to bring the old daring adventurer back in me!"
He then turned to Pinkie Pie and gave her a warm smile. 
"I wouldn't have known what to do without you. Thanks for being perhaps the kindest and most cheerful companion I could of possible asked for."
He then gave Pinkie Pie another grateful hug. He was happy again, he was relieved, he was at peace....for now...
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"Don't worry, I'll help you out there." Said the Doctor as he walked his way to where she and the control console was. The energy coming off of Pinkie Pie was now lessening thankfully so the Doctor wasn't worried about being blown away a second time. 


"Just to be safe, keep your...hooves on the control console. The more energy you put in it, the better. Now let's see here." The Doctor was looking over the pink buttons and controls Pinkie Pie was still holding on too. Much to the Doctor's relief, his unique Gallifreyan vision allowed him to see the control console and the instructions in an infrared light. "Ah I see it now! Your just got to pull gently on this lever right over here! And then there's the autopilot! There done! Easy as pie!" The Doctor happily exclaimed, relieved that he finally got the TARDIS in good stable condition.


The TARDIS was now flying safe and soundly through the space time continuum as all the shaking and violent turbulence had finally come to a stop. The Doctor and the rest of his companions could finally stand upright now that the motion of the TARDIS was calm. The once total pinkness of the TARDIS had also begun to fade away, and the Doctor was relieved to know that his and the rest of his companion's pink fur color was only temporary.
He also noticed that Pinkie Pie's bright celestial pink glow was also beginning to fade. He wasn't worried about that though. She had already destroyed and got rid of the effects of Discord's powers over the TARDIS so everything seemed very swimmingly so far.
"Well....friends, it seems we're finally heading back to our own time. I can't believe it. Really, I couldn't believe this was possible at first....but thanks to the great spirit you've all shown, you've managed to bring the old daring adventurer back in me!"
He then turned to Pinkie Pie and gave her a warm smile. 
"I wouldn't have known what to do without you. Thanks for being perhaps the kindest and most cheerful companion I could of possible asked for."
He then gave Pinkie Pie another grateful hug. He was happy again, he was relieved, he was at peace....for now...


Dissy smiled a Warm Smile"Hooray! we can get back to our own time and kick some draconequus ass! i think this calls for a Group hug!"Dissy then hugged The Doctor and Pinkie,before looking at himself

"Uhh,hold on,ill be a second"Dissy went and washed the pink off of him to reveal that he is now Undiscorded.He then went back over and hugged everyone,happy that he washed the pink out and that they are going back

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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Dissy smiled a Warm Smile"Hooray! we can get back to our own time and kick some draconequus ass! i think this calls for a Group hug!"Dissy then hugged The Doctor and Pinkie,before looking at himself "Uhh,hold on,ill be a second"Dissy went and washed the pink off of him to reveal that he is now Undiscorded.He then went back over and hugged everyone,happy that he washed the pink out and that they are going back


He happily engaged the rest of his companions in the heartfelt group hug. One major thing really caught his attention though. He looked towards Dissy to notice that he didn't look the same anymore. Dissy actually looked much like the Doctor himself. He had the brown fur and mane, just like him.


"Wow Dissy, it appears you've changed. You look better! You look just like me now! Correct me if I'm wrong but this seems like a great change!"

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He happily engaged the rest of his companions in the heartfelt group hug. One major thing really caught his attention though. He looked towards Dissy to notice that he didn't look the same anymore. Dissy actually looked much like the Doctor himself. He had the brown fur and mane, just like him.


"Wow Dissy, it appears you've changed. You look better! You look just like me now! Correct me if I'm wrong but this seems like a great change!"


Dissy smiled at The Doctor"Ok doctor,i know you want me to say this but,Yeah...We look good"He laughed to himself,but we still need to get back to our time,how about we wash off all the Pink out of the TARDIS and keep going back to our time,Sound like a plan?

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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"WE DID IT!!!" Pinkie said excitedly jumping up and down. 


"So. Is everything under control now?" Pinkie asked




She felt a little weak at the knees. Time travel sure did take a lot out of a pony....


"I'm so glad we made it through and Dissy you look amaz....""




Pinkie collapsed.

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" YAAAAYYYY!!!" She cheered.
"PINKIE!!!" She said, lifting her up.
"Doctor, Is pinkie okay??" Ricky said with a tear in her eye.
"I know you have something that can help!" She said while crying slightly.
"Is there a place where she can lay down??"
((OOC: Seriously, What would happen if ricky was discorded?))

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"Oh dear, Pinkie Pie!" The Doctor called out to her as she collapsed. He picked her up and carried her on his back to the bed that Dissy was once on. He was worried, but not so much, he knew she would feel better once they arrived back at Ponyville.


"No worries Ricky, she's just extremely exhausted. She needs her rest. She should be feeling well by the next hour."




The Doctor then took a good look around the pink TARDIS. Thankfully the pink was fading gradually. "Well my friend, it seems like we have a bunch of cleaning to do then..."

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"I'm ok..." Pinkie muttered... "I think I just need.... a doctor" and she slumped back on the bed exhausted.


"When can we do that again?" She asked tiredly before falling back into an unconscious state.


((OOC Well when discorded they usually end up as their opposite so he'd hate Pinkie Pie and probably plot against her rather than defend her. I dunno... ))

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The Doctor laughed a bit at her comment. Well you've a doctor...scratch that, two doctors standing right here." 


The Doctor then pulled a blanket over her as she fell back into her exhausted slumber.




"When can we do that again?"


"Not anytime soon...that's for sure." 


The Doctor smiled at her one last time. And thought to himself for bit.


I would of never seen any of this happen.....not even from light years away...

Edited by Dsanders17
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"Oh dear, Pinkie Pie!" The Doctor called out to her as she collapsed. He picked her up and carried her on his back to the bed that Dissy was once on. He was worried, but not so much, he knew she would feel better once they arrived back at Ponyville.


"No worries Ricky, she's just extremely exhausted. She needs her rest. She should be feeling well by the next hour."




The Doctor then took a good look around the pink TARDIS. Thankfully the pink was fading gradually. "Well my friend, it seems like we have a bunch of cleaning to do then..."

Dissy sighed"....Yeah,i guess we do have a lot of cleaning to do.."Walking and grabbing a mop and bucket before going to clean up the TARDIS,he cleaned the walls first,then he started to clean the console.He was halfway through cleaning when he started to get tired.He turned to the Doctor and said"Im getting tired,can you take it from here?"Before falling Asleep

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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