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planning Tail of Two Worlds RP


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Here my Ideal for a RP Tail of Two Worlds MLP with Little bit of Injustices What if there a AU world were everyone lose and the Prime world were everyone wins? Well there is and one is not good but other is good. In this AU World that King Sombra possessed Princess Twilight Sparkle as she became corrupted, then everything began to fall in place as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinky Pie, Futtershy and Rarity all became corrupted by the Possessed Twilight. Then she took over Equestria by corrupting Celesita, Luna, Shining Armor, Candace and most of ponyville. But Fireblaze leading the Free Equestria agents Possessed Twilight Sparkle and King Sombra. In this world Princess Twilight and Main Six defeated there foes. Reform Discord as he a ally to them also Fireblaze is with them too. But this going to change and a new adventure will happen.

So In the AU World Possessed Twilight Sparkle took over Equestria and Name it her own Government One Equestria Conquest One Nation. So AU Fireblaze build a transporter since he smart in this world and then bring Fireblaze, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Dr. Whoovile, Derpy Hooves into the AU world as they agree to help the AU Fireblaze stop Possessed Twilight, her Corrupted citizens and her villains allies. So Let me lay down who corrupted and who not.

Prime Equestria

Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow Dash




Pinky Pie




Shining Armor

Vinly Strach


Derpy Hooves Or Dinky Doo

Dr. Whoovile

Discord (Ally)

Big Mac

Iron Will

CMC (Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweety Bell)

CMC Manhattan Post (Babs Seed and other CMC)

A lot of Canon Chatures

AU Equestria (One Equestria Conquest One Nation)

Possessed Twilight Sparkle

Corrupted Rainbow Dash

Corrupted Applejack

Corrupted Rarity

Corrupted Pinky Pie

Corrupted Futtershy

Corrupted Celestia

Corrupted Luna

Corrupted Candace

Corrupted Shining Armor

Corrupted Dr. Whoovile

Corrupted Derpy Hooves

FE Member Vinly Strach

FE Member Octavia

FE Member

Iron Will

Corrupted Big Mac

Corrupted CMC (Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweety Bell)

Corrupted CMC Manhattan Post (Babs Seed and other CMC)

Discord (Stone for ever)

A lot of MLP Canon Chartures who is Corrupted or FE Member.


ALso your OC is ok but who side.


OC Link:

Side: Good/Corrupted Side:


You can have humans too in this. So I am be using Charles, Fireblaze, Blade and Skull. ALso Skull Corrupted verson.

Edited by Fireblaze
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