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planning Centran Rim (Picific Rim Parody RP)


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Centran Rim

Pacific Rim/MLP Roleplay

After Main Six, Celestia, Luna, Discord Defeted King Sombra and Queen Chrystials. The two fled to Brayzil and Alpacatina as they take it over. Then they knew monsters were in the ocean next to Brayzil as they Rase them and send them to Equesrtria to destroy it.

THen Celestia catch wind of the monster attacking Cosla Del Sol as the Main Six try to use the Element of Harmory on it but didn't work as Discord Try to stop it it Didn't work and then it took Celesita, Luina, Discord, Main Six, Shining Armor and Princess Candanices To take the Monster down.

So They had to created Jagers to defeated these Monsters and find out who controlling them.

20 Years later as they found out that King Sombra and Queen Chrystials controlling the monsters. As they keep sending the monsters. Now with the humans they can created a Jager but two a Human and Pony can drive it. Humans, Ponies defending the monsters every time and were winning.

But King Sombra and Queen Chrysitals made the monsters much smarter. As they learn the Jagars weakens and most of the ponies expect the Main Six were killed or Capture.

SO they make Jagars Mark V the strongest and also with Nucare Reactors, they also have Swords and Plasma Cannons. Also now they have a human for the left brain and a Pony part for the Right brain.

Now only station there were station at is Cerds, Rhinolia Station as the Sattledome house the Jagars and now they are the last line defense Since Princes Celesita and Luna cut there Funding. So Now it under command of Marshall Discord.

FIreblaze and Rainbow Dash Polit the FireDash Jager.

Charles is finding one Female Pony can match his brain with and his skills. Since his brother form earth was killed off by a monster. His Robot is Storm.

Link to the Charture:

2 have to Polit the Robot. Human, Human for the HUman Robot, Pony, Pony for the Pony Jager, HUman and Pony for the Hybird Jager robot.

King Sombra and Queen Chrysitals Contorling the Monsters too.

Cagatory 3-5.

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I have no idea what Pacific Rim is about, if this is supposed to be a comedic parody, and I still don't know why I'm here and stuff. And if you can use yourself as the human. And why there are so many typos. Derp.


Anyway, I'll use Rick, there's a link in my siggy, for my partner, can I use another of my OCs? If so, I'll use Marshall (link in siggy). I am going to use the 'Thisisheldtogetherbyducttapelolandhasalotofjäger(whateverthatstuffis)insideitfornoapparentreason.Anyway,Iliketrains.' pony jager.


I don't care if it sounds unrealistic. You said it was a parody. So I made a name for it that sounded like something from a parody.

Edited by stainesbrony



My main OC is Rick. Link to my main OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rick-r3145My Unicorn OC is Mind's Eye. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/minds-eye-r3273I also have an alicorn pegacorn OC, Fred. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/fred-r3298

Also, the arbitrary Earth Pony OC, Marshall. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marshall-r3314

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