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open The Finale Expense(Romance/Action/Drama)

Paladin Butters

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@@Charcoal Embers,


"If you're still on your heat i'm not sure if i am willing to help, nor am i sure you can force me. Either way, give it a shot and i'll see what i can do for you." Thunder said in a quiet voice, trying not to wake up Caprisha, who looked like she's in a very deep sleeps.

Charcoal understood the first part, but it was the second part that she didn't understand. "Um, what do you mean by, give it a shot? Is it code or something for what you are going to do for me?" Charcoal asks as she begins to nibble on his ear.


Caprisha was grateful it was still a little dark, otherwise the others might see that she isn't asleep and she would have to leave when things are getting juicy.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Just tell me what you want and i'll see wat i might do for you. I'm not really in  the mood after yesterday's happenings, and you don't look like you are either." Thunder said to Charcoal, who was now dangerously close to his ear. He felt nervous with her so close.

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@@Charcoal Embers,


"Just tell me what you want and i'll see wat i might do for you. I'm not really in the mood after yesterday's happenings, and you don't look like you are either." Thunder said to Charcoal, who was now dangerously close to his ear. He felt nervous with her so close.

"I just need some... sexual relief." Charcoal says in a seductive voice as she lays down with Thunder while nibbling on his other ear. "Come now, I now you want it. You wanted it the first day." At this point Charcoal didn't care if Thunder said no, she would tie him down or even drug him to get him to agree.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Yesterday i didn't know what as happening. I do now. When you're off your heat you may try it again, until then it stays a no, event though you're right, and i do want it." Thunder said as he felt Charcoals saliva running into his ear. "And would you mind not eating my ear?"

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@@Charcoal Embers,


Yesterday i didn't know what as happening. I do now. When you're off your heat you may try it again, until then it stays a no, event though you're right, and i do want it." Thunder said as he felt Charcoals saliva running into his ear. "And would you mind not eating my ear?"

"Then how about you relax and let me do the work." Charcoal says as she uses Thunder own trick, that he used against her, against him. Pinching the back of his neck to collapse his muscles. "Now just wait here a minute." Walking to the bathroom she grabs a special medicine she got in case of emergencies. She walked back into the livingroom. "This should keep you from resisting for a while." She says as she walks toward Thunder.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"No.. Wait... I don't... Caprisha!" Was the last thing he said before passing out. He felt nothing, he saw nothing, he didn't even have any idea what Charoal was doing as he was passed out what he felt was like a dream, it didn't seem real, realistic, but not actual real.

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@@Charcoal Embers,


"No.. Wait... I don't... Caprisha!" Was the last thing he said before passing out. He felt nothing, he saw nothing, he didn't even have any idea what Charoal was doing as he was passed out what he felt was like a dream, it didn't seem real, realistic, but not actual real.

Caprisha had founds it funny before but it was starting to get serious. Grabbing Charcoal in her magic, from a distance thankfully, she lifted Charcoal into the air. "Now Charcoal you need to calm down. I know you have needs but drugging Thunder is the way to GO." She jumped at her last word as she felt something jab her neck. Using her magic she saw that it was the same drug she used on Thunder. "You son of a bitch." Was all she said as she passed out as well.


Charcoal was giddy with excitement. Now nothing would get in her way as she had her way with Thunder, and that is exactly what she did for hours.

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@@Charcoal Embers


When Thunder woke up he saw Charcoal being busy down there. He shook Charcoal off him and stood next to her as she lied on the floor. "Why, Charcoal, why do you do this? This is not the pony i'm in love with, i don't think i want to marry you anymore. This is too much."

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@@Charcoal Embers,


When Thunder woke up he saw Charcoal being busy down there. He shook Charcoal off him and stood next to her as she lied on the floor. "Why, Charcoal, why do you do this? This is not the pony i'm in love with, i don't think i want to marry you anymore. This is too much."

The small part of Charcoals mind that wasn't affected by her heat had a mental breakdown at Thunders words. But it was just a small part, the rest didn't care all that much. "Come now, don't be like that. I'm sure if you just let me continue you will change your mind. Though maybe I'll just have to put you under again." Charcoal said as she went to use the drug a third time.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Thunder pinned Charcoal down. "No, maybe someday you'll be able to react normally, and i'll see if i'll come back then. But for now, goodbye Charcoal. Tell Caprisha to follow me if she wants." Thunder kisses Charcoal on her nose and leaves via the front door.

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@@Charcoal Embers,


Thunder pinned Charcoal down. "No, maybe someday you'll be able to react normally, and i'll see if i'll come back then. But for now, goodbye Charcoal. Tell Caprisha to follow me if she wants." Thunder kisses Charcoal on her nose and leaves via the front door.

Charcoal ran to the front door to try and get Thunder back. When she looked she didn't see him. She came back inside and went to the bathroom to "help" herself.


Caprisha woke up slowly. And she was surprised to not hear any moaning or anything. She could definitely smell it though. Getting up she looked around to see if she could find either of them. She heard something coming from the bathroom so she decided to check it out. Putting her ear up to the door she did hear something but it was only Charcoals voice. "Charcoal, is that you? Where's Thunder?" Caprisha asked.


It took Charcoal a few seconds to answer. "Not sure, he stormed out a minute ago. Forget why though, but he said that you could follow him if you want."


Shit, she must have gone too far last night. Caprisha thought to herself. Walking out she decides to go find him, but first she gets the foal carrier and gets Lightning and his bottle. Charcoal will probably be in there for a while. When she left she decides the first place she will look is Thunders "office".

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@@Charcoal Embers


Thunder walked to a near hotel and rented a room, not sure for how long he would need it. He told the stallion in the lobby to look out for an orange mare and send her to his room when he saw one. Then he went up to his room and lied down on the big double bed.

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@@Charcoal Embers,


Thunder walked to a near hotel and rented a room, not sure for how long he would need it. He told the stallion in the lobby to look out for an orange mare and send her to his room when he saw one. Then he went up to his room and lied down on the big double bed.

Caprisha just couldn't find Thunder. She had checked many different places bars, stores, his office. He just wasn't at any of them. She decided to head back and see if he had returned home. On the way there she passed by a hotel and was called in by the stallion in the lobby. The stallion told her that he was told to send her up to Thunders room. She practically ran to the room she was told. Once she found it she knocked on the door and waited.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Thunder heard the knock on the door and peered through the eye-hole in the door. He saw Caprisha standing outside and opened the door. "Come in, come in. This is the place we'll be staying until Charcoal got her shit back together." He made a sign for Caprisha to come in.

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@@Charcoal Embers,


Thunder heard the knock on the door and peered through the eye-hole in the door. He saw Caprisha standing outside and opened the door. "Come in, come in. This is the place we'll be staying until Charcoal got her shit back together." He made a sign for Caprisha to come in.

Caprisha enters the room and takes a quickly look around. Not a bad place. "I know Charcoal probably went a bit too far last night and this is a nice place but it might be a bit much for only nine days. And trust me when I say most mare would have done what Charcoal did much earlier."

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@@Charcoal Embers


"That may be so, but Charcoal is no other mare than Charcoal. What she did went too far. There's no excuse for it. If other mares would do such thing earlier, they'd be dumped earlier as well." Thunder looked at Lightning. "And you took Lightning because?" Thunder asked

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@@Charcoal Embers,


"That may be so, but Charcoal is no other mare than Charcoal. What she did went too far. There's no excuse for it. If other mares would do such thing earlier, they'd be dumped earlier as well." Thunder looked at Lightning. "And you took Lightning because?" Thunder asked

Caprisha raised an eyebrow at Thunders question. "So you expected me to leave Lightning with Charcoal the way she is right now?" She asked Thunder. "I doubt that she would do anything to him, but that's just it it is likely she will be so caught up in... pleasing herself, that she would forget about him. Or she would leave to find another stallion and leave Lightning by himself. So yeah, not leaving him."

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Right now you're a better mother for him than Charcoal, that's horrible." Thunder akes Lighning and lays him on the bed. "WOuld you like anything to drink? I already got all kinds of things in the fridge in the room. just take a bottle and drink if you want something."

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@@Charcoal Embers,


"Right now you're a better mother for him than Charcoal, that's horrible." Thunder akes Lighning and lays him on the bed. "WOuld you like anything to drink? I already got all kinds of things in the fridge in the room. just take a bottle and drink if you want something."

"Better mother than a mare in heat, hoora, somepony needs to give me an award." Caprisha said sarcastically. "And I think I'll just get some water." Caprisha walked to the kitchen and took a cup to fill with water. "So, what are we going to do know?" Caprisha asked, truly curious.


((OOC: It's nice that neither of us need to put number at the end to take up characters.))

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@@Charcoal Embers


"I have no idea. Not being around Charcoal for a while at least." Thunder sighed. "But she was right, i did kinda want it, just not this way." Thunder lied down on the bed, next to Lightning, picking him up and playing with him. "He got his mother's eyes." He said to Caprisha.

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@@Charcoal Embers,


"I have no idea. Not being around Charcoal for a while at least." Thunder sighed. "But she was right, i did kinda want it, just not this way." Thunder lied down on the bed, next to Lightning, picking him up and playing with him. "He got his mother's eyes." He said to Caprisha.

"He does, doesn't he." Caprisha said. "Well if we aren't really going to be doing anything for a little more than a week I should probably go and see if I can get a job. We kind of missed Charcoals birthday and I still need to get her something. It is probably going to be a problem celebrating it every year since her heat cycle starts around the same time."

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Fuck that birthday, i don't care about Charcoal anymore." Thunder said, without emotion in his voice. He put Lightning down again and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took a beer out. "Want a beer Prish? It'd be nice if someone'd drink with me now."

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@@Charcoal Embers,


"Fuck that birthday, i don't care about Charcoal anymore." Thunder said, without emotion in his voice. He put Lightning down again and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took a beer out. "Want a beer Prish? It'd be nice if someone'd drink with me now."

Caprisha nearly dropped her glass st Thunders harsh words. She slowly turned around to face Thunder, then gave him a hard slap across the face. "Don't say that, you do care about her. The Charcoal from this morning wasn't a Charcoal in the right state of mind. Saying you don't care about her now is like her saying she doesn't care about you because you are drunk."

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@@Charcoal Embers


Thunder hits Caprisha back. "Don't ever fucking hit me again." Thunder yelled. He then calmed down a bit. "And right now i don't care what she does. If she's fucking another stallion, so be it, i'll find a mare in that case. In fact, i got one right in front of me." Thunder opened his can and took a drink from it.

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@@Charcoal Embers,


Thunder hits Caprisha back. "Don't ever fucking hit me again." Thunder yelled. He then calmed down a bit. "And right now i don't care what she does. If she's fucking another stallion, so be it, i'll find a mare in that case. In fact, i got one right in front of me." Thunder opened his can and took a drink from it.

Caprisha rubs her cheek. The hit was surprising but not unexpected. She glares back at Thunder. "Well you'll have to go for another mare because this one isn't going to be with you. You should know that Charcoal wouldn't want you to cheat on her. And I would hope that you won't do it."

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