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open The Finale Expense(Romance/Action/Drama)

Paladin Butters

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@@Charcoal Embers


Thunder smiled. He kissed Charcoal on her nose and hugged her. Then he looked at Caprisha. "Well Prish, i think i know what we're going to do tonight. I'm gonna be busy everyday if i keep going on like this." He smiled at both of the mares that were in his company.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Thunder smiled. He kissed Charcoal on her nose and hugged her. Then he looked at Caprisha. "Well Prish, i think i know what we're going to do tonight. I'm gonna be busy everyday if i keep going on like this." He smiled at both of the mares that were in his company.

"Well then, I'll be looking forward to it." Caprisha said with a giggle as she tapped Thunder on his nose.


Charcoal sneezed, the kiss from Thunder must have ticked her nose. She gave it a rub and looked at Thunder and Caprisha. How would Lightning react to having a family like this?

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Well. I'll see you later Prish. We'll be going for a scan on Charoal, to see if it's a filly or a colt." He blew a kiss to her as they left the door, not much later they were standing in front of the hospital. There was a lot of snow now.


((Last post of today, very tired.))

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Well. I'll see you later Prish. We'll be going for a scan on Charoal, to see if it's a filly or a colt." He blew a kiss to her as they left the door, not much later they were standing in front of the hospital. There was a lot of snow now.


((Last post of today, very tired.))

Charcoal looked out at the snow that was everywhere. She took a deep breath, then sighed. "It is just so beautiful, isn't it?" Charcoal asked. She simply loved the snow. She took a few steps into the snow then flopped herself into it. She loved the feeling of cold all around her fur.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"It is honey." Thunder said as he followed Charcoal into the snow. "Shall we go to a doctor to see if it's a colt or a filly?" Thunder said smiling, poking his elbow in Charcoals side. He felt the snow under his hooves melt and they got all wet, but that's alright, Charcoal loves it.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"It is honey." Thunder said as he followed Charcoal into the snow. "Shall we go to a doctor to see if it's a colt or a filly?" Thunder said smiling, poking his elbow in Charcoals side. He felt the snow under his hooves melt and they got all wet, but that's alright, Charcoal loves it.

"Yeah, that would probably be the best coarse of action for us to take." Charcoal said. She picked herself up from the snow and shook herself off. One the snow was either melted of fell off she went back inside where it was warm. She might have liked the cold, but when she gets cold she liked to go warm up inside.


((OOC: YES!! First post on 100th page.))

Edited by Charcoal Embers
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@@Charcoal Embers


Once inside the doctors office he had already set up the machines and materials to perform a scan. "Come Mrs. Embers, please lay down on the table so we can perform the scan." He said, his glasses were on the tip of his nose. Thunder looked very closely to what the doctor was doing, he still didn't really trust a doctor on first sight.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Once inside the doctors office he had already set up the machines and materials to perform a scan. "Come Mrs. Embers, please lay down on the table so we can perform the scan." He said, his glasses were on the tip of his nose. Thunder looked very closely to what the doctor was doing, he still didn't really trust a doctor on first sight.

Charcoal was hesitant at first, but she layed down on the table like the doctor asked. She layed face up so the doctor could do the procedure correctly, and because she wanted to be able to keep an eye on him so as to not have a repeat of the hypnosis doctor.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Thunder watched closely as the doctor ran some sort of scanning device over Charcoals belly. After he was done he told the couple to wait as he was getting the results from another room. "It's pretty exiting, isn't it, Charcoal. Or Mrs. Embers." Thunder said jokingly.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Thunder watched closely as the doctor ran some sort of scanning device over Charcoals belly. After he was done he told the couple to wait as he was getting the results from another room. "It's pretty exiting, isn't it, Charcoal. Or Mrs. Embers." Thunder said jokingly.

Charcoal smiled. "It is pretty exciting Thunder, or Mr. Farts." Charcoal said jokingly in response. She layed back on the bed she was in. When she looked down it did really look like she was starting to get a little bigger. She smiled as she rubbed her belly.

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@@Charcoal Embers


The doctor came in. "Well, i got good news, and news that depends on what you want. Which do you want first." The doctor asked as he sat down in his big office chair, holding some papers with pictures on them. "Let's start with the good news." Thunder said. "Well, it's a girl." The doctor replied.

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@@Charcoal Embers


The doctor came in. "Well, i got good news, and news that depends on what you want. Which do you want first." The doctor asked as he sat down in his big office chair, holding some papers with pictures on them. "Let's start with the good news." Thunder said. "Well, it's a girl." The doctor replied.

Charcoal nearly squealed as she heard the news they it was a filly this time around. She reached over and gave Thunder a big hug, she was so happy. Then she thought about what the doctor said. "Wait, you said lets 'Stuart's with the good news. Does that mean there is bad news too?" Charcoal asked, beginning to get a bit nervous.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Well, many ponies consider this bad news as they are not prepared for it, but there is another foal there, a colt." The doctor said. Thunders heart started pounding in his throat as he heard Charcoal was having twins. "No... Fucking... Way... I didn't know i was that good."

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Charcoals heart raced as she heard she was having twins. She began to hyperventilate for a few seconds before calming down. She thought about it. So that is how I seemed to have gotten so big, I could only have grown this much from two ponies being inside me.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Well, if you two would like to go now i'd appreciate that, i got other ponies waiting for me." Thunder thanked the doctor and took Charcoal with him as they walked out of the door. "What do you think abou having twins?" Thunder asked, not being sure about what to feel.

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Charcoal had to think about her answer. "I... I'm not sure. I hadn't planned on having a third, and I'm not even sure if your payment is going to be enough for me, our three foals, Caprisha, and whatever foals you decide to have with her. I do work and I ger decent pay from it, but I don't know if it will be enough."

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@@Charcoal Embers


"We'll find a way, i'm sure Char. I promise you, we can take care of three foals at the same time. Well, you'll probably have to do most of the work since i'll be spending alf the time with Caprisha. I'll have to split my loan between you two." Thunder said, seeing Caprisha's hospital in the distance.

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Charcoal lowered her head. "And that is something I don't like. I don't want to only see you half of the time, I want to see you all the time. But, I guess I can't do that." Charcoal said. She felt a little tear begin to form, then if rolled down her face and dropped into the snow.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"I know Charcoal. It's hard for you to see me half of the time, but just think how happy you make Caprisha and me. If you wouldn't approve of our relationship i'd probably do it without you knowing. But let's first enjoy the time we have together before i go to Caprisha."

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Charcoal began crying and grabbed Thunder by his neck. "Please don't go, don't leave me please!" Charcoal screamed. She began crying into Thunders neck and wouldn't let go of him. She wanted him to stay with her until the end of time, she didn't want him to go.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"I'm sorry Char, but you're not the only mare that wants me." Thunder dragged himself towards the apartment. "Caprishaloves me too, and i love herr as much as i love you Char. I really do." Thunder kept dragging as they entered the complex. The desk pony didn't even look weird at Thunder and Charcoal as he was used to them.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"I'm sorry Char, but you're not the only mare that wants me." Thunder dragged himself towards the apartment. "Caprishaloves me too, and i love herr as much as i love you Char. I really do." Thunder kept dragging as they entered the complex. The desk pony didn't even look weird at Thunder and Charcoal as he was used to them.

All of the emotions she had been surpressing came flooding out. Everything she didn't like about this idea came out as well. "But I don't want that. I love you so much Thunder and there isn't a day that passes without me thinking about you. You are the one I want to spend my life with, that is why I chose to marry you and I don't want to share you with anyone."

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@@Charcoal Embers


"I'm sorry Char, but i love Caprisha aswell, and tonight and coming week is her time with me, but i promise i'll be back after that." They entered the apartment. "I've layed some microwave meals in the refridgerator, the packaging says what you have to do to cook it.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"I'm sorry Char, but i love Caprisha aswell, and tonight and coming week is her time with me, but i promise i'll be back after that." They entered the apartment. "I've layed some microwave meals in the refridgerator, the packaging says what you have to do to cook it.

Charcoal continued crying but she was also slightly offended at Thunder thinking she needed microwave meal to make food. "I can cook and make my own meals, thank you." Charcoal said in a sour tone. "And what about Lightning, are you going to take him too?" Charcoal asked starting to sound mad.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"If you want i can take him, but i thought you might've liked him around. Your call, if you want me to take him, i'll take him with me, otherwise he stays here and you have to take care of him." Thunder said, getting kind of scared as he saw the madness in Charcoals eyes.

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