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The Trotting Dead RP


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Stephan carried Missy in his arms. "No problem, Fire." Stephan ran into the valley of volcanoes. The volcanoes already began to erupt. Boulders of fire began raining down on Stephan. He used his quick-thinking to dodge out of the way the flaming rocks . "Hope I haven't gave you multiple heart attacks yet." Stephan said to Missy.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Fire Horn was running through little overhangs to avoid magma rain.

"I suggest we get somewhere safe soon!" Fire Horn shouted, he noticed Grand was having some trouble running, so he picked her up with levitation and kept going.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?! ONE MINUTE I'M SLEEPING THEN THE NEXT I'M FLYING THROUGH FIERY DEATH!" Missy shouted, in complete surprise at the current situation.

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"Nope. I only gave you one." Stephan snickered. He continued to run through the volcanoes with Missy. He was beginning to sweat, but that didn't slow him down. Extreme temperatures were pretty much his element. "Hopefully Fire and Grand make if safely. I don't wanna have to go back for them..." 


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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Once the initial shock had worn off, she wriggled out of Stephan's grip and flew up into the air.

"OK, first i'll scout ahead and see if i can find shelter for us." Missy said while dodging a falling rock. "Once i'm done with that, i'll come back and get you guys." Missy flew off ahead.

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Grand wiggled in the air." I can run, let me doAAAHHHHHH" she screeched as a boulder flew towards the two of them. She pushed fire out of the way, just before it smashed into the ground. She stood up and continued to run, a little more comfortable at it. " this is getting ridiculous!"

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Stephan nodded at Missy. He ran up to the top of one of the volcanoes. He could feel it erupting at any minutes. He then saw a strangly long piece of stone, then he got an idea. He jumped strait into the volcano with the stone under his feet like a snowboard. As the volcano erupted, he began surfing on the lava like it was a river. "Woohoo!" Stephan then dismounted off of the stone he was sent flying.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Missy noticed Stephan got sent flying so she flew up and caught him. "You think you're fast, let me show you a little trick i learned from Rainbow Dash, hold on this could get a little bad." Missy said, flying up into the air, stopping high in the air.

(you know what's coming.)

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Grand ran, losing sight if everyone but fire. "Where are we?" She said, panicking. The smoke from the volcano blurred everything. She could barely see the volcano through the ash. They were hopelessly lost. "Damnit, we are in the middle if nowhere" she said, clinging to fires side

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(Allow me to do the honors.)

Stephan watched as he soared through the sky with his arms crossed. Just then, it hit him. He knew what was about to happen. "Oh, snap..." He was shocked. Did he just see a sonic rainboom from Missy? He must've, because now, he was going through the sky even faster. "NOOOO..." He soared into the clouds, out of sight. As this point, he was pretty much free falling. He remembered the first time that happened; Rainbow Dash did this to him once while they were playfully racing around. RD did her little sonic rainboom and it sent Stephan flying high into the sky. Now, he was experiencing it again.

Stephan looked on the ground below him. From how high he was, he couldn't see anything below. He waited for what Missy was about to do, as he watched her in the sky.

Edited by Stevenearthpony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Missy flapped her wings a few times, shouting "Hold on to me!", she closed her wings and dropped like rock, flying downwards very quickly, speeding up, speeding up, a mach cone appeared in front of her. The speed was getting unbearable, like it was going to tear her and Stephan to pieces. Then, as they were almost hitting the ground, Missy did the near-impossible, she performed the Sonic Rainboom, she sped along the ground, flying and grabbing Fire and Grand and flying to the cave she had found.

Edited by ILoveTheShy
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Stephan was beyond shocked. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. A sonic rainboom? From someone other than Rainbow Dash. Incredible. Stephan was capable of pulling off sonic booms, but never sonic rainbooms. He held on as he looked at the valley below him


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Grands jaw hung wide as she stared at the eqsuisite rainbow above them. "Wha-wha.bhow did you do thar?" She said, not even noticing they were back in another cave. Splendid. "I thought that rainbow dash character was the only one who could do that?" She said, shaking off the quivers going through her

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Missy sat down, she started using a spell, it was a passive spell to raise a shield in front of the cave entrance, so that allies can get through but the magma can't.

Fire Horn was astonished too, he had heard stoires about the Sonic Rainboom, but never did he expect one from Missy herself.

"Wow, honey, that was....awesome." Fire Horn exclaimed.


(The shield gives off a glow, it should be easily found in the dark.)

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Steel was flying trying to see every pony but couldn't then he saw a sonic rainboom" thy can't be right" steel said as he decidedto follow the rainbow trail, it lead him to a cave he expected to see rainbowdash but all he seen was his group"hey where is rainbowdash I saw a sonic rainboom and followed I here"steel asked obviously confused

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Stephan literally couldn't make out words. He was too stunned, like he had just taken a cannon blast to the chest. "H-how did you... where did you... How did Rainbow Dash teach you to..." Stephan finally managed to make out a sentence. "How in the HELL did you do a sonic rainboom?!?!"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"Well, it's actually rather simple, gravity played a very large role in building speed, also, Rainbow doesn't break her wing when performing it, i'm surprised i was able to carry all of you here." Missy explained. "Also, i was trained by Rainbow Dash, i showed some sort of promise, so she taught me that too." The shield was up, they were safe, for now.

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"You poor dear" grand said, trotting over to the Injured wing. "I swear if you get any more Injuries your body will just turn into one big bruise" she said, tying a splint around her wing carefully. "You won't be flying anytime soon. You shouldn't have risked that, your wing could have been much worse"

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"Rainbow Dash never told me anything about that, and we were pretty much besties... and competitors." Stephan said, a little jealous. "I wonder if there's some sort of sonic rainboom that can be done on land." Stephan had always thought that ever since he was blown away from the sonic rainboom when Dash did it. But, he never really asked her. He always believed he was faster than her in every which way.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Missy rolled her eyes, it was like Grand was her mother or something.

"I've broken my wing before, only time I've ever done it is when practicing with Rainbow Dash, she's a very competitive mare, but sometimes she can get a bit aggressive." Missy explained. "She knocked me into a tree and i broke my right hoof and both my wings. She felt really guilty about it afterwards and she got an ear-full from Twilight."

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Grand noticed the eye roll and smiled a little. "There, all tied up. Just be careful with it now" she said, stepping back. " that was a very impressive feat though, I must say." The lava was frowning closer to the cave walls. "We seem to have a closeness with caves though. It seems we can't escape them"

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"Well then, looks like we're camping again." Stephan said in an annoyed tone. This was really beginning to get on his nerves. He just surfed out of a giant volcano, only to be trapped in another cave. "We'll have to wait until the lava turns to ash. Then we can leave."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Missy felt tired after the events that had happened. She had to admit that a Sonic Rainboom was a bad idea, her wing was very sore.
"Anyway, Grand, i wanted to get to know you a little better, i can tell we're going to be BFF's." Missy said

(Missy and Grand are going to be best friends and Fire and Stephan will be too. This is so much fun, this RP)

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"I have a flashlight, but Idon't think it'll do much good." Stephan said.



Stephan sat beside Fire in the middle of the cave. "Ironic. It seems like something is always in our way. And, when that thing comes, we end up stuck in more damn caves." He said with a slight sigh


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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