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planning Alicorn Amulet Nightmare


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Alicorn Amulet Nightmare

This Role play take place after Magic Duel and Equestria Girls. Celestia put the Alicorn Amulet in a special vault in Manhattan, as it was lock up tight and make sure no one get it. She cast a magic spell on the special vault so this way the Amulet remain lock.

Now Two years later Princess Twilight took over as Royal Duties. But she knew her friends will pass away but Celestia made one rule before she give up the throne to Twilight. The age to become Immortal is 26 Years old for her friends and now she can be happy.

But in another world after Sunset Shimmers fin-shines rebuilding the entrance to Canterlot High School, but Celestia send her into the Pony world were she will reman there forever. But she stumble on the Alicorn Amulet in Manhattan and then she use same spell Celestia use. Get the Amulet, as she put it on then she smile with evil and plan get Twilight back.

Now she came to Ponyville first, then brainwash Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Futtershy, Applejack and Pinky Pie into her servants and then she brainwash the town but Most of them were at Canterlot at the time as Rainbow Dash pet Turtle Tank get to him and warn him too. As Celestia was shock and saying she should sent that Amulet to the moon.

Now you have go save the Main Six and find a way get Sunset Shimmers to take the amulet off. So this way you can help Celestia and Luna send that Amulet to the moon. Trixie Laumoon will help too and she know the Amulet power better.

You need chartues for this. I am using FIreblaze, Blade and Skull.

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